Zeke Questions Critics Football IQ in Regards to Week 1 Performace


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No he is being paid to be a good running back and all that entails. Running, blocking, and receiving. He did his job and didn't cry about touches. Not sure how you found a way to complain about that.

It just seems we have some of the most sensitive group of "fans" in the NFL.



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The gameplan was good.. I would not call it perfect because they clearly did not have a good plan for what to do once they got into the red zone. Fix that and then you're talkin.

Well yeah, definitely needed TD's instead of the FG stuff which destroyed us but that's the #1 defense from last year too, so you have to give them credit as well. When I said perfect I meant about as perfect as you can get for the particular opponent. Nothing's perfect. I know that.


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Well yeah, definitely needed TD's instead of the FG stuff which destroyed us but that's the #1 defense from last year too, so you have to give them credit as well. When I said perfect I meant about as perfect as you can get for the particular opponent. Nothing's perfect. I know that.

What bothered me the most was that we literally only ran the ball I think once or twice once we got into the red zone. Out of like 20 snaps in the red zone and one of those was the wimpy option pitch. We played scared down there.. like the little brother who was scared to challenge the big brother at all. Especially in the goal to go sequence inside the 5. In that situation you run it 4 times and take your chances. If they stop you they get the ball inside the 2 yard line. If you punch it in you not only take the lead but you take a little of their manhood. It's not like the Bucs were stuffing Zeke over and over. Even though he only had one long run he several 3-4 yard runs and a very impressive 2 yard run on 3rd and short when he was hit by two guys in the backfield and dragged both of them not only back to the line of scrimmage but forward enough to get the first down. To me that was his most impressive run of the night... The Bucs had like 9 men in the box and two of them crashed in on Zeke as soon as he got the ball.. The line got whupped, but he got the first down anyway. I would have liked to have seen us trust him to do the same in the red zone a couple of times.


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What bothered me the most was that we literally only ran the ball I think once or twice once we got into the red zone. Out of like 20 snaps in the red zone and one of those was the wimpy option pitch. We played scared down there.. like the little brother who was scared to challenge the big brother at all. Especially in the goal to go sequence inside the 5. In that situation you run it 4 times and take your chances. If they stop you they get the ball inside the 2 yard line. If you punch it in you not only take the lead but you take a little of their manhood. It's not like the Bucs were stuffing Zeke over and over. Even though he only had one long run he several 3-4 yard runs and a very impressive 2 yard run on 3rd and short when he was hit by two guys in the backfield and dragged both of them not only back to the line of scrimmage but forward enough to get the first down. To me that was his most impressive run of the night... The Bucs had like 9 men in the box and two of them crashed in on Zeke as soon as he got the ball.. The line got whupped, but he got the first down anyway. I would have liked to have seen us trust him to do the same in the red zone a couple of times.
Since Moore took over our run plays in the RZ have been few and far between and much to be desired.


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I find the paycheck envy extremely distasteful. If people don't recognize that these guys are every bit entertainers as Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Garth Brooks, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Carrot Top (just seein if yall are payin attention) et al and that they are paid as entertainers.. Hell by most highly paid entertainer standards they are underpaid. If people truly want the paychecks to shrink.. quit watching.. quit buying tickets and merch.. Then and only then will the revenue come down and with it the size of the paychecks yall complain about so much. If you're not willing to do those things then please just shut the hell up.

True, I think they are all over paid but it is what it is so I don't concern myself with it. Funny thing is I expect as much from low paid players to do their job as I do highly paid players. No one ever said hey Jeff Heath only makes x dollars there fore he does not have to make any plays.


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Since Moore took over our run plays in the RZ have been few and far between and much to be desired.

It frightens me what this is still an issue in year three.. I honestly have no confidence that he's ever going to develop a feel for the running game at all and especially in the red zone. Unless we draft/acquire a big time red zone receiver I'm afraid the issues down there are here to stay.


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If you like dak...you need to thank zeke. End of story

There are many aspects to being a good RB and zeke's blocking is a bonus. You do make it sound as if no one else in the league can block like Zeke even though you didnt use those exact words. Is he better tha Pollard yes but Im not certain the margin is wide as you'd like us to think. Pollard doesn't block as well as Zeke for 2 reasons 1 he's not as strong and 2 he isn't asked to. That said the barometer for Zeke's ability in the run game should not be determined by the Tampa game. No one runs on tamp and the way to beat them is is through the air. That's how Brees took him apart both times last year.

I fear Zeke is going to have to play another significant role this weekend also as Lael being gone could mean more involvement in passing game protection so thanks zeke in advance. This isnt 2016 cowboys because our line is average and it doesn't have Leary and Free and fredbeard. It hasnt been the same since 2018 they had a 4 year run of excellence now its time to retool. I think people forget how good Leary was and fredbeard was only a shell of himself after his battle with Guillain-Barré syndrome and Free was a heck of run blocker even if he was just average in passing game protection.

This line is living off reputation more than results IMO.


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It frightens me what this is still an issue in year three.. I honestly have no confidence that he's ever going to develop a feel for the running game at all and especially in the red zone. Unless we draft/acquire a big time red zone receiver I'm afraid the issues down there are here to stay.
I really wish MM would take over play calling at least in the red zone.


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I get. Zeke is a great blocker and we're lucky to have a RB that can block as well as him, but he's being paid to a good runner of the football. If we wanted another blocker than we could have used his money for offensive line help.

It just seems like we have the most sensitive group of guys in the NFL. It seems they're babied so much within the organization that any bit of outside criticism just hurts them to the core.

True, but they also lay it on extra thick for ratings. Was clicking around this morning—the show on FS1 before Horseface and Skippy—and they did a segment on the “Top 5 QBs” under the most pressure to ‘step it up’. I KNEW as soon as I heard the title that Dak would be one of them. After all, he lost, and he IS a Cowboy, but the other 4 guys had crappy games, and were partly responsible for the team’s loss. Dak had the best stats—the team lost because of other reasons. Just sayin’.


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There are many aspects to being a good RB and zeke's blocking is a bonus. You do make it sound as if no one else in the league can block like Zeke even though you didnt use those exact words. Is he better tha Pollard yes but Im not certain the margin is wide as you'd like us to think. Pollard doesn't block as well as Zeke for 2 reasons 1 he's not as strong and 2 he isn't asked to. That said the barometer for Zeke's ability in the run game should not be determined by the Tampa game. No one runs on tamp and the way to beat them is is through the air. That's how Brees took him apart both times last year.

I fear Zeke is going to have to play another significant role this weekend also as Lael being gone could mean more involvement in passing game protection so thanks zeke in advance. This isnt 2016 cowboys because our line is average and it doesn't have Leary and Free and fredbeard. It hasnt been the same since 2018 they had a 4 year run of excellence now its time to retool. I think people forget how good Leary was and fredbeard was only a shell of himself after his battle with Guillain-Barré syndrome and Free was a heck of run blocker even if he was just average in passing game protection.

This line is living off reputation more than results IMO.
I don't know enough about other backs to make that claim. I do not see other starting rbs pickup that many big blocks as often and consistently but that doesn't mean they don't.

The comment you replied to....deals mostly with 2016 and daks emergence. Up until last year....dak could count on zekes running, catching and big blocks.
It is my opinion that this is critical to daks emergence and success.

So....if you like where dak is at....you must also give zeke credit for it.
I am not saying no other back ever could have done it.....only that zeke....did.


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What bothered me the most was that we literally only ran the ball I think once or twice once we got into the red zone. Out of like 20 snaps in the red zone and one of those was the wimpy option pitch. We played scared down there.. like the little brother who was scared to challenge the big brother at all. Especially in the goal to go sequence inside the 5. In that situation you run it 4 times and take your chances. If they stop you they get the ball inside the 2 yard line. If you punch it in you not only take the lead but you take a little of their manhood. It's not like the Bucs were stuffing Zeke over and over. Even though he only had one long run he several 3-4 yard runs and a very impressive 2 yard run on 3rd and short when he was hit by two guys in the backfield and dragged both of them not only back to the line of scrimmage but forward enough to get the first down. To me that was his most impressive run of the night... The Bucs had like 9 men in the box and two of them crashed in on Zeke as soon as he got the ball.. The line got whupped, but he got the first down anyway. I would have liked to have seen us trust him to do the same in the red zone a couple of times.

. Id like to see a bit more of a mix as well but tampa is a poor barometer. They dont allow success in run game you got to drill them through the air they have the best front 7 in football. I dont have any issues with how Moore called the game hopefully the line plays better against the chargers


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I don't know enough about other backs to make that claim. I do not see other starting rbs pickup that many big blocks as often and consistently but that doesn't mean they don't.

The comment you replied to....deals mostly with 2016 and daks emergence. Up until last year....dak could count on zekes running, catching and big blocks.
It is my opinion that this is critical to daks emergence and success.

So....if you like where dak is at....you must also give zeke credit for it.
I am not saying no other back ever could have done it.....only that zeke....did.
i won't argue that dak owes some of his success to Zeke and visa versa they are tied at the hip as most QB and RB tandems running our style offense are. the run game has deteriorated as the ability of the offensive line to create holes has, as well as Zeke not being as quick as he was. The injuries and football age has taken a toll on this line. Now the guy I wanted in the draft was Parsons but I'm going to watch how Slater progresses to see if that was a mistake or not


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Zeke got rag dolled by a tiny little DB one on one in the open field. His days appear to be done.


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i won't argue that dak owes some of his success to Zeke and visa versa they are tied at the hip as most QB and RB tandems running our style offense are. the run game has deteriorated as the ability of the offensive line to create holes has, as well as Zeke not being as quick as he was. The injuries and football age has taken a toll on this line. Now the guy I wanted in the draft was Parsons but I'm going to watch how Slater progresses to see if that was a mistake or not

I try to stay away from playing that game. If Parsons turns out to be a great player then it doesn't matter what Slater does.. Same if Parsons crashes and burns.. Parsons is the guy we got.. and if we drafted Slater he probably starts at LG over Williams.. and HE gets bowled over by Vea in the opener instead of Williams and our defense still needs help. Maybe having him eases the loss of Collins but it still does nothing to address the biggest weakness on this team.. the defense.. It looks like we got a playmaker on defense in Parsons.. We needed that waaay more than we needed another lineman.. no matter how good he turns out to be.


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I try to stay away from playing that game. If Parsons turns out to be a great player then it doesn't matter what Slater does.. Same if Parsons crashes and burns.. Parsons is the guy we got.. and if we drafted Slater he probably starts at LG over Williams.. and HE gets bowled over by Vea in the opener instead of Williams and our defense still needs help. Maybe having him eases the loss of Collins but it still does nothing to address the biggest weakness on this team.. the defense.. It looks like we got a playmaker on defense in Parsons.. We needed that waaay more than we needed another lineman.. no matter how good he turns out to be.

not alot to argue with on this post. I guess the point I was making was Our Oline is hurting again and Slater could minimize some of the pain. Maybe! Our defense with Parsons still look pedestrian but Its only game 1 and i think its going to improve


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I was told that Zeke can out run you or run you over. He ran right at a 180 lb defensive back and was thrown to the ground with ease. He looked to me like a washed up bum.