1 read Dak


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Dak is what he is, he’s better than one read but he’s not Peyton Manning either. Coaches need to stop treating him and calling plays like he is. We can run the ball…run it. Punt and play defense…philosophy of Bill Parcells who was able to take a team led by Quincy Carter and Troy Hambrick to the playoffs. He knew that if you turn the ball over….you lose games…period.


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Yes, there were many factors that went into our loss against Jacksonville. I've said this time and time again and I keep getting dismissed. Dak has his mind set where he's going to throw the ball at the break of the huddle and ignores any and all other options to the point of force feeding the ball.

With nobody around him (so nobody can say he was pressured), Dak threw that ball and the receiver wasn't there and it landed right in the hands of the defensive player as a pick 6 who ran it back for a touchdown.

I think just the opposite. If Dak knew where he was throwing it he would get rid of it quicker. But Dak holds the ball too long and often lets it go just a second too late. Dak is way better when he drop Dak and makes a decisive throw.


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I was talking about the first interception. Who deflected that? Nobody. It went straight into the defensive players hands.
No you werent. You literally bring up the pick 6 which was the OT interception. Now you are just back peddling because you look foolish for saying it.


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You can't be serious. So the receiver wasn't there, but the ball hits him directly in the hands. Sure, Dak's interceptions are becoming an issue, but let's not just make stuff up. Facts can be a stubborn thing.
If people really watch the game. Lot of the picks are coming off the recievers hands or not running the route right.

CT Dal Fan

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Anybody who still thinks Dak is a one read QB at this point either doesn't watch football or doesn't understand what it is they are looking at.

A lot of fans hate him and I get that. But just don't make stuff up because in the end it doesn't do the agenda any justice.


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Jaguars had momentum before that pick. You can see the life of the jags way before that pick.

Sure Dak had a bad throw but he doesn't take the majority of the blame or the only one blamed.

Blame goes from GM to coaches and players.

Giving up over 30 points and 500 yards can't be overlooked
That is exactly why he had no business forcing a throw like that, something he is doing every game. The Jags had the momentum, and he gave them a short field to build on it. His decision making is becoming an adruous task in terms of continuing support of his play. Apology after apology and recognizing his short comings is one thing, but acting on them is something he just doesn't get. No he was not the only problem, but as QB he is the general.....


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That is exactly why he had no business forcing a throw like that, something he is doing every game. The Jags had the momentum, and he gave them a short field to build on it. His decision making is becoming an adruous task in terms of continuing support of his play. Apology after apology and recognizing his short comings is one thing, but acting on them is something he just doesn't get. No he was not the only problem, but as QB he is the general.....
So as the QB, he is the general, why not more praise with wins. When is the last time Dallas has back to back 10+ wins?

Dak is on a terrible stretch with consecutive games with turnovers but throughout his career that hasn't been a problem. No argument here that he needs to clean them up but I think your HC or more important OC should be working on it with him in practice.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Yes, there were many factors that went into our loss against Jacksonville. I've said this time and time again and I keep getting dismissed. Dak has his mind set where he's going to throw the ball at the break of the huddle and ignores any and all other options to the point of force feeding the ball.

With nobody around him (so nobody can say he was pressured), Dak threw that ball and the receiver wasn't there and it landed right in the hands of the defensive player as a pick 6 who ran it back for a touchdown.



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So as the QB, he is the general, why not more praise with wins. When is the last time Dallas has back to back 10+ wins?

Dak is on a terrible stretch with consecutive games with turnovers but throughout his career that hasn't been a problem. No argument here that he needs to clean them up but I think your HC or more important OC should be working on it with him in practice.
You can work on everything in practice, but it is up to the QB to make the right decsions in crucial times during a game. Until Dak wins big games he will constantly be critiqued, with focus on negatives more than positives. He has had 7 years to lead this team, 7 years. No, not all is his fault but nobody can say they haven't given him tools to work with


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You can work on everything in practice, but it is up to the QB to make the right decsions in crucial times during a game. Until Dak wins big games he will constantly be critiqued, with focus on negatives more than positives. He has had 7 years to lead this team, 7 years. No, not all is his fault but nobody can say they haven't given him tools to work with
Do you believe Moore is working with Dak in practice?

I don't, cause I see the same dumb route concepts and playcalling.

Go rewatch the pick 6 and tell me those routes were just a great creative play with the correct receivers.


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Yes, there were many factors that went into our loss against Jacksonville. I've said this time and time again and I keep getting dismissed. Dak has his mind set where he's going to throw the ball at the break of the huddle and ignores any and all other options to the point of force feeding the ball.

With nobody around him (so nobody can say he was pressured), Dak threw that ball and the receiver wasn't there and it landed right in the hands of the defensive player as a pick 6 who ran it back for a touchdown.



After seeing El Jefe's anti-Dak thread last night with a :popcorn:in it, encouraging more Dak hate, and with several Mods laughing with all the Dak haters posts and threads, I can see why this site let a Dak hater wish death upon Dak, and all the hundreds of anti-Dak threads and thousands of anti-Dak comments too. I think it was pathetic they didn't delete that comment. Speaks volumes about their character, or lack thereof. They should be ashamed of themselves, and all the people who liked that comment too.
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This is exactly what Kurt Warner said,dak has no field vision, even when Warner showed the receivers open,dak locks in to one guy, even if he's covered which leads to the ints..I really think he has tunnel vision,and damn, why does he get so many balls batted down.

It’s why he was terrible until Amari got here. Amari ran great routes and got open and was usually the first read.


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While I can't 100% agree with the final play, i saw at least two plays where Dak went immediately to his first read and didn't even bother looking at CD who was wide open both times.
Link? Video?


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Actually he was. The Jags were done before Daks first pic. He let them right back in. No one can make a logical argument that that is not on him.
Then went on to hang 24 points and a lead......wait what?

Here's some logic. Defense. Lack of.


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Do you believe Moore is working with Dak in practice?

I don't, cause I see the same dumb route concepts and playcalling.

Go rewatch the pick 6 and tell me those routes were just a great creative play with the correct receivers.
I do, but not saying his play calling isn't to blame either...in the end, Dak is the QB and Moore does not buzz him in his helmet telling him when to, not to pass LOL