Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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No it’s actually true, but I can’t remember the organization or why they invited me. I think it had to do with a girlfriend maybe. I was a History/Pre law major so that may have had something to do it with it maybe. Maybe I was high and just saw it on TV and thought the TV was talking to me personally. Idk
like i said, I believe you... no sarcasm
Is there even a credible new source that is talking about this, or is this forum so depressed that this is response worthy?
guess im a hypocrite as well.
credible source talking about what? Releasing her from the NDA? Dont know and dont care. It doesnt take a genius to read the suit and see what a solution is.
I do not understand where you guys are getting this stuff from. IM assuming she is in fact Jerry's daughter. Lets assume that is proven to be true. That would entitle her to nothing..... absolutely NOTHING. There is no doubt this is driven by money, but just being his daughter gets her zip. Her little yearly payments are coming to an end and thats what this is about..... but again, she is entitled to ZERO.

Then we agree this is about money.
According to the woman, Jerry was promised non-disclosure of his paternity to her in exchange for monetary compensation. Her lawsuit, if proven automatically voids the monetary compensation which includes periodic payments until she became an adult. In which case Jerry is allowed to be reimbursed every dime he paid to keep this quiet... an amount that most likely exceeds the amount being sought by the young woman's lawsuit. Is she stupid? Why get her mom sued for her own personal gain? She must not care about her mom. Jerry is the victim here. If he paid for the silence of this story, he should get it or get his money back.

Why would she know anything about Charlotte? This is strange.
Very strange, especially after Jerry paid big money for an NDA. How, or why, would Charlotte(or Shy) have any contact or relationship with this woman with an NDA in place. I'm not bashing Jerry at this point, I'm just really intrigued by this.
Thats what the guys on The Ticket were confused about.

Its also why I said in my previous post that I would like to know what all these people involved true relationships were with each other. It sounds like they all know of each other. If close were all these people with each other. It doesnt matter and isnt my business...but I suspect that the mother and daughter and the Jones' are closer than what is being described thus far.

If its true that this stems from Shy and Charlotte divorce...why does Shy know about this Cynthia lady? If its supposed to be a big secret and all. Charlotte told Shy about Playboy Jerry's ways and what those ways produced? Shy knew somehow without Charlotte knowing? Is Shy getting Cynthia involved as a way to punch Charlotte and the Jones' below the belt in an ugly divorce dispute? Why does Jerry not want Cynthia testifying that he is the father of her child if Shy and I would assume Charlotte and the kids know? For business reasons? Gene doesnt know about Jerry's ways yet?

It doesnt add up yet.

Yes. Im out here speculating about someone else's business. Im interested...shun me for it.
I also want to throw out the timing of the cheerleaders scandal being released. Could this be a move on Shy's part to hurt the Jones family. He can't compete with Jerry's money so maybe he's the guy airing Jerry, and the Jones' family, dirty laundry as a means to help him in the divorce. Maybe Shy is going on a character assassination spree against all things Jerry to get revenge or ruin his image. I'm not condoning anything Jerry has done but I find it very strange that 25 years ago Jerry had an affair baby. 7 years ago Rich Dalrymple perved on the cheerleaders. Then all of it comes public knowledge when we find of Charlotte and Shy are going through a nasty divorce. Very interesting.

I will say as a self proclaimed Jerry hater. If that is the case and Shy is the phantom executive that leaked stuff to ESPN about Rich and Shy unearthed Jerry's love child then that is really low. I mean really scumbag crap going on there. I have little respect for Jerry but if my theory is correct, and it is a theory, then Shy is worse then Jerry in my opinion. That guy is the lowest of lows. Total trash human being. If he were to come out and expose the cheerleaders thing or the love child thing with the idea that he's doing what's right by the people Jerry hurt than that's one thing. To air Jerry's dirty laundry for his divorce case then he's a piece of trash. If that's the case. Just me purely speculating, but the timing of all this is very interesting. O well stay turned for as the Jerry world turns soap opera.
Thats because the fans that go to his youtube show dont just ask... they ask and then they become wise arses when they dont like his answer. Hes human like all of us, he gets tired of the wise arses and he pops off.... no different than what happens in here on a daily basis.
and thats a great point. But the smugness in which he displays might give us a sneak peak into whats wrong in the front office. I like him, I really d, but the level f arrogance shows a trend. He's just entrenched and seems indifferent 2 the fans. I think we get flustered with that because its been 26 years since we have been in the SB. He says time and time again, hey we should be happy with 12-5 and why arent we happy? There's a disconnect there and level of defiance. I would love to see him call a spade a spade and make Jerry etc accountable. Get out of his comfort zone.Thats his job afterall. Report the facts wherever they lead, no matter who it is. That would be refreshing. I like the guy because I think he badly wants 2 do that, but may be hamstrung by the parameters set by Jerry and the Jones family. Maybe thats some of his angst. I just hate the bitterness he projects towards fans. I think hes a decent guy and is trying to fix that.
It would be pretty easy to figure out if she's telling the truth or is a big fat liar. Paternity test.
That’s her version but it doesn’t mean it’s true. There’s a link in this thread stating that Jerry is denying being that girls father. A paternity test would settle it. A lot of people have claimed to be the love child of a famous/rich person and most of the time it’s BS but there has been some rare occasions where it’s been true. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It’s just another distraction this organization doesn’t need. I do believe everything that’s gone down so far this offseason may be setting us up for a rough 2022 season.

I stated in my post that you replied to that a paternity test would resolve it. Why he didn't get it done back then is the question. He just decided to pay a /lot/ of money to shut it up.

That's shady and indicative of his character in my opinion. See other people's replies and the documents. She's not even suing for money. She just doesn't want to be bound by something that she never agreed least for now.
It would be pretty easy to figure out if she's telling the truth or is a big fat liar. Paternity test.

Is she a liar if that's what she was told all of her life? Jerry did buy her mom off. Whether Jerry is the father or not, she might have been told he was. That means she's not a liar but misinformed. It would make her mom the liar or mistaken.

But if the mom was only with two men, her ex-husband and Jerry Jones and got pregnant and it was already established that the girl was definitively not the ex-husband's....

What is needed is a paternity test.

What some people aren't getting is that there are other reasons someone might want to establish that a person is their father. Politics. If she wants to go into politics and hold office herself, that will come up. I'm not saying that's her motivation. I'm saying it might not be about the money after all. It might be just about money. We just don't know.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It should be assumed the one making the extraordinary accusation is incorrect until they bring forth sufficient evidence to convince me of their claim.
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