Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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You have no clue what was in the deal between he and her mother ....... And she was one and not able to sign any deal ........ I hope she bleeds the pig dry.
No we don't know. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't a "Hey, when the money runs out, come shake me down publicly for some more."
I also want to throw out the timing of the cheerleaders scandal being released. Could this be a move on Shy's part to hurt the Jones family. He can't compete with Jerry's money so maybe he's the guy airing Jerry, and the Jones' family, dirty laundry as a means to help him in the divorce. Maybe Shy is going on a character assassination spree against all things Jerry to get revenge or ruin his image. I'm not condoning anything Jerry has done but I find it very strange that 25 years ago Jerry had an affair baby. 7 years ago Rich Dalrymple perved on the cheerleaders. Then all of it comes public knowledge when we find of Charlotte and Shy are going through a nasty divorce. Very interesting.

I will say as a self proclaimed Jerry hater. If that is the case and Shy is the phantom executive that leaked stuff to ESPN about Rich and Shy unearthed Jerry's love child then that is really low. I mean really scumbag crap going on there. I have little respect for Jerry but if my theory is correct, and it is a theory, then Shy is worse then Jerry in my opinion. That guy is the lowest of lows. Total trash human being. If he were to come out and expose the cheerleaders thing or the love child thing with the idea that he's doing what's right by the people Jerry hurt than that's one thing. To air Jerry's dirty laundry for his divorce case then he's a piece of trash. If that's the case. Just me purely speculating, but the timing of all this is very interesting. O well stay turned for as the Jerry world turns soap opera.

The Shy and Charlotte divorce angle makes a lot of sense...especially with the timing of the cheerleader story and now this. A lot reported isnt adding up which is why I am kind of drawn to the story I guess. We will find out in a few days or weeks I guess.

The pic of the girl and another lady on page like 31 of this does kind of look like the girl...but that isnt the mom. I first thought it was Charlotte. Is that Charlotte with the girl? lol

I have so many questions lol...but I dont want to sound like some nosey person into female gossip/drama about other peoples lives haha. Kinda late for that....BUT FUG IT!

My thoughts based on whats out there:

1) Jerry takes care of his financially. Cant see how you can knock him. Its weird if he has never met the girl(waiting to know if this is fact or not...Im skeptical)...but Cash is King.

2) If its not a money grab...what is it? The speculation here is that she was afraid of being cut off(or her Mom being cut off) if she established Jerry as the father. Why try and establish this unless you dont care about the money anymore. Maybe if she is providing well for herself at 25 she is being strong and forgoing the money and instead wanting Jerry to own up instead and acknowledge her? Money is a powerful motivator...but I can see an angle where this girl was somehow "enlightened" and decided to forgo money and instead free herself of the "secret" and want her Father to acknowledge her. Kind of weird that the Cheerleader stuff came out same time I circle back to the divorce angle. The post here that suggest the girl is suing in fear of her mom being cut off because of this "subpoena"...seems to be a legit reason to go to court though. Especially if her and her Mom were keeping their end of the deal but someone else is leaking the secret(Shy?) and not them.

3) Conclusion...4 options, IMO so far lol...a) Money Grab, b) Enlightened, c) Jerry is in bad health and suing him instead of the estate is the smart move financially?, d) Divorce

I like Jerry and the Jones' a lot. You guys might hate his GM'ing or how he forces his way onto TV/media...but he seems to be doing it to build an Empire for his family. Small price to pay to set your family up, imo. Sure...he does it for his own ego too...but Jerry doesnt come across as some piece of **** human being to me. Hopefully what looks like a lot to be aired soon doesnt change my mind of the guy or his family. I always thought it was cool that Charlotte(being a female) was a big part of the Front Office...if this come back to the divorce...Shy must be pissed at something to air all this. Jones' being cutthroat with him over money if he isnt being unreasonable would really soar me on the Jones'.

Anyway...I really really hope it comes out that Jerry has a small village set up inside Starwood of all his mistresses and fun babies. They all know each other and are all taken care of financially and all happy. It would make the haters jump.
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No we don't know. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't a "Hey, when the money runs out, come shake me down publicly for some more."
and thats very fair what u said. I agree. I guess my issue is why did every single Dallas area "journalists" with full knowledge of this sitch, back 25 years ago, not report a whisper of it til now? plus, The Fan 105.3 is barely even mentioning it, if at all. Jb security? Nepotism? They being threatened? They scared? This just smells bad. Yes, its 90% a private matter, but given the recent revelations about the sexcapades in Dallas with the cheerleaders/ and management, I think this merits attention in the football realm because the optics of all this gives an impression that its a circus and culture issue here, going way back. I think its football relevant. Is Jerry fully committed to FB? Winning? Being a bad human being and great business man are 2 different things. I bleed blue and silver starting back in 1973 and I just think the fans and the team itself deserves better behavior and results.
Is she a liar if that's what she was told all of her life? Jerry did buy her mom off. Whether Jerry is the father or not, she might have been told he was. That means she's not a liar but misinformed. It would make her mom the liar or mistaken.

But if the mom was only with two men, her ex-husband and Jerry Jones and got pregnant and it was already established that the girl was definitively not the ex-husband's....

What is needed is a paternity test.

What some people aren't getting is that there are other reasons someone might want to establish that a person is their father. Politics. If she wants to go into politics and hold office herself, that will come up. I'm not saying that's her motivation. I'm saying it might not be about the money after all. It might be just about money. We just don't know.

Those are fair points. There is such a thing as a person who is mistaken, but not a liar. It happens more often than people realize in situations like police lineups. Yup, a paternity test will sort it all out.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It should be assumed the one making the extraordinary accusation is incorrect until they bring forth sufficient evidence to convince me of their claim.
How hard is it to get a court-ordered paternity test?
According to the woman, Jerry was promised non-disclosure of his paternity to her in exchange for monetary compensation. Her lawsuit, if proven automatically voids the monetary compensation which includes periodic payments until she became an adult. In which case Jerry is allowed to be reimbursed every dime he paid to keep this quiet... an amount that most likely exceeds the amount being sought by the young woman's lawsuit. Is she stupid? Why get her mom sued for her own personal gain? She must not care about her mom. Jerry is the victim here. If he paid for the silence of this story, he should get it or get his money back.
I haven’t read anything that says this could void or require a reimbursement. That’s the most absurd comment I’ve seen yet.

What I have read is this agreement was made in Arkansas and the daughter is asking it not be valid in Texas. Afterall she was 1 year old and didn’t agree herself. She simply wants to be able to call Jethro her biological father.

The mother Cynthia Davis reportedly has Cancer. And if it’s just now coming out it could be the mother has held up her part of the agreement . And it’s just her daughter who after possibly just learning who her father is wants this.
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Is she a liar if that's what she was told all of her life? Jerry did buy her mom off. Whether Jerry is the father or not, she might have been told he was. That means she's not a liar but misinformed. It would make her mom the liar or mistaken.

But if the mom was only with two men, her ex-husband and Jerry Jones and got pregnant and it was already established that the girl was definitively not the ex-husband's....

What is needed is a paternity test.

What some people aren't getting is that there are other reasons someone might want to establish that a person is their father. Politics. If she wants to go into politics and hold office herself, that will come up. I'm not saying that's her motivation. I'm saying it might not be about the money after all. It might be just about money. We just don't know.
Yes and more to the point Jethro bought off her mother not the daughter who was only one years old at the time.

It’s reported that the mother has Cancer and possibly the daughter is just now being told who her father is.
How hard is it to get a court-ordered paternity test?

Unless Jerry willingly agrees to it, the accuser has to present sufficient evidence for a judge to order a paternity test. You don’t get to just demand anyone take a medical test because you accused them of something.
I haven’t read anything that says this could void or require a reimbursement. That’s the most absurd comment I’ve seen yet.

What I have read is this agreement was made in Arkansas and the daughter is asking it not be valid in Texas. Afterall she was 1 year old and didn’t agree herself. She simply wants to be able to call Jethro her biological father.

The mother Cynthia Davis reportedly has Cancer. And if it’s just now coming out it could be the mother has held up her part of the agreement . And it’s just her daughter who after possibly just learning who her father is wants this.
It's a breach of contract. Of course Jerry is entitled to reimbursement. If that's the most absurd comment you've ever heard then you need to get out more often and experience the real world. The mother has not held up her part of the agreement if she allowed the daughter to learn the truth.
I haven’t read anything that says this could void or require a reimbursement. That’s the most absurd comment I’ve seen yet.

What I have read is this agreement was made in Arkansas and the daughter is asking it not be valid in Texas. Afterall she was 1 year old and didn’t agree herself. She simply wants to be able to call Jethro her biological father.

The mother Cynthia Davis reportedly has Cancer. And if it’s just now coming out it could be the mother has held up her part of the agreement . And it’s just her daughter who after possibly just learning who her father is wants this.

Ok...I get the forgoing future money to be able to call Jerry her father. But when did she find out? I know she is still young...but how long ago did she require clearance from FBI to work near Trump? Supposedly she had to disclose tot he FBI who her father was? I get could have been fairly recently...or it could have been 4 years ago.

Maybe the NDA is making her life frustrating and shes over it? Also...some of comments being quoted here which seem to be from legal filings use wordage such as "client has had to live with secret" and "watch her father from afar"...that wording, if true, make it sound as if this girl has known for a while.

Anyway. I still suspect that this girl and mother are closer to the Jones' than whats being reported.
Unless Jerry willingly agrees to it, the accuser has to present sufficient evidence for a judge to order a paternity test. You don’t get to just demand anyone take a medical test because you accused them of something.
Jerry doesn't have to agree to it, thus the "ordered" in court-ordered. It's much more likely to happen when so much is at stake. We don't have to debate this. Just have some patience to see how the court reacts.
Seems like showering this mom and daughter with money is sufficient evidence. Thats my opinion, though...dont know how courts look at it. Dont really care.

To try and end you guys argument...doesnt the clearance from FBI suggest Jerry is the father? Or is that FBI clearance a fake story? If its not a fake story...does FBI just take her word for it without proof? FBI doesnt verify it or require documents proving it? Seems like they would incase she was "misinformed" by her mom. Ive never had to disclose who my parents were to a job...nor asked to provide documents proving they are my parents...but ive never tried working near a President either.
We get it ...... You are pro abandoning a child ...... Give it a rest.
abandoned??:lmao2: in a million dollar home with her education paid and her mother to raise her, sure that the proper use of the word, abandoned. What an absolutely moronic statement.

so finally at 25 shes asked to be an adult and take care of herself so shes throwing a tantrum. Right that's so horrible..i mean Shes the saddest story ive ever heard jez..please let he r web the face of abandoned children across the world..

I guess the ones left in dumpsters, fire stations, off to adoptions, foster children, or left to a single parent POOR home with not much hope for a real life have no true attachment to the word abandoned

shes spoiled brat who cant be an adult at 25..:popcorn:
Do you have a link where he says he took a paternity test back when the girl was born? As of right now she’s “alleging” he’s her father. Jerry had been married 23 years when the relationship occurred. I’m sure when this woman became pregnant he probably thought it was his and it could be but who’s to say another man didn’t get her pregnant? It’s pretty common for women to become pregnant and not know who the father is. Two men were claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter. Both men had a relationship with her. It took a paternity test to find out who the real father was. A lot of people claim to be the sibling of a rich and famous person.

Jerry either paid off this woman because he thought it was his child or he paid her off to keep her from saying it was which would have exposed their relationship and created a media circus. Both the mother and daughter appeared in a reality TV series called Big Rich Texas so they’re obviously gold diggers. As of right now there’s no proof she’s his daughter.
Dude... I know from reading your posts you hate to ever admit you were wrong, but I guess you haven't read much about this case. The woman was going through a divorce when Jerry knocked her up. The husband had a paternity test for the child and it showed he wasn't the father -- Jerry was. You seriously think Jerry would pay out 375k plus create two trust funds for a child he didn't actually father?

And you think Jerry's denial actually means anything? LOL The whole reason this case exists is because Jerry didn't want it known he'd fathered this child.

I guess we don't need a justice system. Just ask the suspect if they're guilty or not and take their word for it.
abandoned??:lmao2: in a million dollar home with her education paid and her mother to raise her, sure that the proper use of the word, abandoned. What an absolutely moronic statement.

so finally at 25 shes asked to be an adult and take care of herself so shes throwing a tantrum. Right that's so horrible..i mean Shes the saddest story ive ever heard jez..please let he r web the face of abandoned children across the world..

I guess the ones left in dumpsters, fire stations, off to adoptions, foster children, or left to a single parent POOR home with not much hope for a real life have no true attachment to the word abandoned

shes spoiled brat who cant be an adult at 25..:popcorn:

We get it ...... You are making crap up and are pro a man old enough to be her great grandpa pretending he does not have a daughter because he is a cheating POS .

I guess birds of a feather flock together ...... I am sure you would have done the same thing.
I don't sense any of that from him. Bottom line is he does a YouTube show. People either like it or not. If not, move along. But no, dumb arses want to go in and talk smack. Just like in here. How many times a day do you see people singing insults in here because someone that disagrees is an "Idiot?"
Talk about being smug. I actually think he's great. He shares his personal thoughts on everything cowboys. Why can't people just accept that he knows far more than we do. And THERE is the problem. Idiots think they know more than a guy that actually speaks to real people inside the building. Then they insult him when he tells them, no, you really don't know what your talking about.
I'm kind of baffled that this is 38 pages long.

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