Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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The Shy and Charlotte divorce angle makes a lot of sense...especially with the timing of the cheerleader story and now this. A lot reported isnt adding up which is why I am kind of drawn to the story I guess. We will find out in a few days or weeks I guess.

The pic of the girl and another lady on page like 31 of this does kind of look like the girl...but that isnt the mom. I first thought it was Charlotte. Is that Charlotte with the girl? lol

I have so many questions lol...but I dont want to sound like some nosey person into female gossip/drama about other peoples lives haha. Kinda late for that....BUT FUG IT!

My thoughts based on whats out there:

1) Jerry takes care of his financially. Cant see how you can knock him. Its weird if he has never met the girl(waiting to know if this is fact or not...Im skeptical)...but Cash is King.

2) If its not a money grab...what is it? The speculation here is that she was afraid of being cut off(or her Mom being cut off) if she established Jerry as the father. Why try and establish this unless you dont care about the money anymore. Maybe if she is providing well for herself at 25 she is being strong and forgoing the money and instead wanting Jerry to own up instead and acknowledge her? Money is a powerful motivator...but I can see an angle where this girl was somehow "enlightened" and decided to forgo money and instead free herself of the "secret" and want her Father to acknowledge her. Kind of weird that the Cheerleader stuff came out same time I circle back to the divorce angle. The post here that suggest the girl is suing in fear of her mom being cut off because of this "subpoena"...seems to be a legit reason to go to court though. Especially if her and her Mom were keeping their end of the deal but someone else is leaking the secret(Shy?) and not them.

3) Conclusion...4 options, IMO so far lol...a) Money Grab, b) Enlightened, c) Jerry is in bad health and suing him instead of the estate is the smart move financially?, d) Divorce

I like Jerry and the Jones' a lot. You guys might hate his GM'ing or how he forces his way onto TV/media...but he seems to be doing it to build an Empire for his family. Small price to pay to set your family up, imo. Sure...he does it for his own ego too...but Jerry doesnt come across as some piece of **** human being to me. Hopefully what looks like a lot to be aired soon doesnt change my mind of the guy or his family. I always thought it was cool that Charlotte(being a female) was a big part of the Front Office...if this come back to the divorce...Shy must be pissed at something to air all this. Jones' being cutthroat with him over money if he isnt being unreasonable would really soar me on the Jones'.

Anyway...I really really hope it comes out that Jerry has a small village set up inside Starwood of all his mistresses and fun babies. They all know each other and are all taken care of financially and all happy. It would make the haters jump.

Hello Stephen/Jerry's assistant, good to have you on the forum. Karma's a *****, huh?
We get it ...... You are making crap up and are pro a man old enough to be her great grandpa pretending he does not have a daughter because he is a cheating POS .

I guess birds of a feather flock together ...... I am sure you would have done the same thing.
what total db..go troll somewhere else sticking up for this silver soon 25yr old female looking to strike gold is nonsense, shows your true colors. She grew up above middle calls and shes somehow the face of poverty and abandoned children your not worth my time, time to say goodbye.

you and those supporting this stion are the issue with America right now..she not entitled to anything and shes had more then 50% of children growing up in this world and again shes 25 and was taken care of more then well for those 25 years and asked to go find her own way now..!
what total db..go troll somewhere else sticking up for this silver soon 25yr old female looking to strike gold is nonsense, shows your true colors. She grew up above middle calls and shes somehow the face of poverty and abandoned children your not worth my time, time to say goodbye.

you and those supporting this stion are the issue with America right now..she not entitled to anything and shes had more then 50% of children growing up in this world and again shes 25 and was taken care of more then well for those 25 years and asked to go find her own way now..!

What a total DB huh? I hope the mods realize you are just trying to get this thread shut down to save your POS heroes feelings.
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It's sad that Cain Velasquez is probably gonna go to jail for defending his young female family member and Jerry is not man enough to even admit he has a daughter.
What exactly is she looking to get in the suit? Just the ability to say Jerry is her father despite the settlement the mom made not to reveal it?

She wants her father to man up and acknowledge her existence.

She's not the first child to want that. Most of them just don't have moms who were paid off to keep quiet about it.
Yes and more to the point Jethro bought off her mother not the daughter who was only one years old at the time.

It’s reported that the mother has Cancer and possibly the daughter is just now being told who her father is.

She reported that Jones was her father as part of the background check when she began working in the White House a couple of years ago.
Eventually her real motives will come out, but the current lawsuit is not.
People are guessing then running their mouths.

I know this to be true because I was one of them.

One has absolutely zero to do with the other, but if we were doing better on the field the majority would be defending the guy.

I'll guess again and say that having her name in the public again (wasn't she already on tv?) benefits her in some way.

Seems illogical to be seeking support as an adult, and extortion in a public manner even more ridiculous.

On the light side, if she is of Jerry's loins, she must have a serious craving to be in the public eye!
It's sad that Cain Velasquez is probably gonna go to jail for defending his young female family member and Jerry is not man enough to even admit he has a daughter.
So you're down with attempted murder but just not acknowledging paternity.

Personally, I wouldn't follow a team whose owner I didn't respect. But here you are.
It's a breach of contract. Of course Jerry is entitled to reimbursement. If that's the most absurd comment you've ever heard then you need to get out more often and experience the real world. The mother has not held up her part of the agreement if she allowed the daughter to learn the truth.
But the daughter didn’t agree to anything. The mother has held up her part.

I haven’t read anything claiming her daughter signed or agreed to the settlement.

The news is out now and the daughter is suing for the right in Texas( since the agreement was in Arkansas) to claim he’s her father.
Hello Stephen/Jerry's assistant, good to have you on the forum. Karma's a *****, huh?

I wish I was a Jones assistant.

But...I Uber for a living.

Im happy living an honest life speculating about others lives online lol. Not to justify it...but Im only interested because some of the reporting doesnt make Im waiting for some things to be clarified. Make fun of me for all means.

But yeah...No affiliation with the Jones'. As long as Im not invading peoples countries or following a leaders(are they leaders?) orders to kill other people...Im good with my life. Im not into Gangs.
People are guessing then running their mouths.

I know this to be true because I was one of them.

One has absolutely zero to do with the other, but if we were doing better on the field the majority would be defending the guy.

I'll guess again and say that having her name in the public again (wasn't she already on tv?) benefits her in some way.

Seems illogical to be seeking support as an adult, and extortion in a public manner even more ridiculous.

On the light side, if she is of Jerry's loins, she must have a serious craving to be in the public eye!
Sounds to me like her mother has cancer and the daughter is simply seeking to establish who her father is.
So you're down with attempted murder but just not acknowledging paternity.

Personally, I wouldn't follow a team whose owner I didn't respect. But here you are.
What does respecting an owner have to do with following the team.

There’s plenty of entity’s we patronage where we don’t support the owner .
Sounds to me like her mother has cancer and the daughter is simply seeking to establish who her father is.

This is a good suggestion...makes a lot of sense if Mom is ill.

But why go public with it? This couldnt be handled outside of court?
This is a good suggestion...makes a lot of sense if Mom is ill.

But why go public with it? This couldnt be handled outside of court?
Good question. Possibly Jethro didn’t want to cooperate . And she felt this was her only recourse.

And for the record she didn’t go public with it. She’s refused any public comments. Our local paper simply broke with the story.
She wants her father to man up and acknowledge her existence.

She's not the first child to want that. Most of them just don't have moms who were paid off to keep quiet about it.
That's really what I meant - she's basically just suing to determine paternity. It's just a little different than people may be used to because whenever we hear about lawsuits for the purpose of determining paternity the point is usually to establish some legal and financial responsibility.

But the daughter didn’t agree to anything. The mother has held up her part.

I haven’t read anything claiming her daughter signed or agreed to the settlement.
She would have to have been a pretty exceptional baby to sign an agreement at 1 year old
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