49ers Player Has Brutally Honest Admission On Dak Prescott

Provide the receipts then. I'd love to see the screen shots of his open wrs, along with pressure and know how many he missed.

Alot of people quote the all 22 without actually seeing it. Last year vs AZ you could go online and see 2 completely different narratives depending on who created the content.

What amazes me is how polar the Dak issue is. He's a top 10 qb, and you have to either hate him or want him ran out of town. It's a lot of wasted energy because his contract dictates he's here for at least another couple of years.
He’s a borderline Top 10, but he wasn’t Top 10 over the last month and half of football. He was great against Philly, mediocre at best against Tennessee, totally sucked against Washington. Great against Tampa. Downright awful against San Fran.

Just because he’s here for a few years due to his contract doesn’t mean we can’t iscuss the very real issue that we may have a QB who simply can’t get it done.
You only appear when things go your way( Dak plays poorly and the team loses.) When things don't go your way you have nothing to say and you disappear. This speaks to your lack of character and your lack of maturity as an adult.
The times that "Dak plays well" are mostly when we are the vastly superior team on that day. Thus, it's not so much that he did anything above & beyond as he beat up on a lesser opponent.

Now matter how painful the truths @PAPPYDOG, @MountaineerCowboy, myself & others tried to warn of years ago, it's time to acknowledge they have all been proven true. The excuses have all been proven invalid. It's time for everyone to accept that we have a problem at the QB position, not a solution.

If you want the team to be successful, it's time to stop defending and start trying to find a way forward.
What does Dak's crappy performance against SF and his crappy contract have to do with Romo? Deflect much?
I was waiting USArmyVet. BTW thank you for your service.

Absolutely nothing beyond.....we have had a QB that continually made mistakes before.....the same mistakes.......and it didn't get addressed in meetings, discussions, or practice to reach an improvement point or change in bad habit. And those same mistakes also arrived in Big games. And both QBs got paid. Just a point of similarity. That's all.

The times that "Dak plays well" are mostly when we are the vastly superior team on that day. Thus, it's not so much that he did anything above & beyond as he beat up on a lesser opponent.

Now matter how painful the truths @PAPPYDOG, @MountaineerCowboy, myself & others tried to warn of years ago, it's time to acknowledge they have all been proven true. The excuses have all been proven invalid. It's time for everyone to accept that we have a problem at the QB position, not a solution.

If you want the team to be successful, it's time to stop defending and start trying to find a way forward.
I honestly don't see any of us not post when the Cowboys win.

I don't know where that comes from because, personally, I'm always here posting.
You mean like this pathetic play where all the receivers run right to the defenders then just turn around. The defenders are looking right at Dak to jump the route as the receivers run toward them. This has to be the worst play to run when defense is playing zone with their eyes toward the QB.

The risk taken to get 4 yards is not worth it. We've been running this play multiple times a game since JG days as OC/HC.

Except for the part in bold is provably false.

Lamb ran a quick route, his defender continued to backpedal, and Cee Dee was wide open.

Dak chose the wrong target. there was an easy, pitch and catch 7 yard gain with an easy path to the sideline that would have used only 3 seconds or so and gotten us ahead of the chains on that potential game tying drive.

Instead, Dak pre determined where he was going with that ball on his pre snap read and he guessed wrong.
Which leads me to believe, maybe the NIners player is right about Dak struggling against zone.

All I can tell you is, if you watch that play instead of using this still shot, you'll see what I'm talking about. Quick out by Lamb was there for teh taking. Dak never looked his way, not even for a second.
That's exactly what I am takling about. I saw that happen multiple times during the game.

I remember watching the replay on one of the 3rd-and-10 plays when the Cowboys sent 4 receivers (2 on each side) 10 yards to the first down marker, had them stop and turn around right in front of the defenders making it easy for the defenders to cover all 4 of them.

Even if one of them caught the ball they were not getting a first down because they would be 1-3 yards short at that point as the defender was right there to make the tackle.

It's not really that hard to attack zone coverage. You beat zone by running through it which forces the defenders to turn away from the ball.

You can then have one or more receivers stop and turn back while the others keep going or you could swing a tightend or running back around into the middle of the field for an easy catch and run.

The Cowboys receivers are at their best when they are running slants and crossing patterns, not comebacks.
And this is why Amari is in Cleveland. He hated it as well and talked too much……
Look it up yourself unless you're afraid of what you'll see. Our receivers are the ONLY guys in the league who are never open outside?
Got it.

Okay, so more empty promises..
The key is whether the 4 guys on the DL can get enough pressure. If you look at all of his worst games this year Tampa week 1, Washington week 18, and SF on Sunday , the common denominator was the linebackers dropping into zone and the front 4 getting enough pressure to disrupt him.

How do you explain his wildly inconsistent performances? He was literally the best player on the field against Tampa and the worst player on the field against SF.
Yep exactly, he needs a dominant run game, he just hasn't got the skill set to break down a crowded secondary.
That is a Kellen special, run curl routes right at the sticks. If they do catch it, it often results in being short after the tackle. There aren’t many routes that allow for YAC in this offense.
he learned it from the best.
I was waiting USArmyVet. BTW thank you for your service.

Absolutely nothing beyond.....we have had a QB that continually made mistakes before.....the same mistakes.......and it didn't get addressed in meetings, discussions, or practice to reach an improvement point or change in bad habit. And those same mistakes also arrived in Big games. And both QBs got paid. Just a point of similarity. That's all.

2007, in his first year fully starting. Take away the two anomalies during that season, and Tony threw 9 interceptions compared to 36 TDs.

Tony’s playoff game totals are 8 TDs to 2 picks. Take away the desperation throw in the 2007 game it’s 8 TDs to 1. Tony was not careless with the ball in the playoffs.

Payton Manning has had five and six interception games. Tom Brady has had four interception games five times.

The problem with Dak is he cannot process the field fast enough and as a result throw it accurately on time to be aggressive unlike these other QBs. That’s why he has played so inconsistently and poorly against stronger defenses.
The leadership tale went out the window when he threw Maher under the bus, throwing his helmet and screaming go for 2, and CeeDee built him up.
Let's not forget his Dez in the face mask bus ride........ oops Dez are you all right man as the bus ran right over you? :muttley:
2007, in his first year fully starting. Take away the two anomalies during that season, and Tony threw 9 interceptions compared to 36 TDs.

Tony’s playoff game totals are 8 TDs to 2 picks. Take away the desperation throw in the 2007 game it’s 8 TDs to 1. Tony was not careless with the ball in the playoffs.

Payton Manning has had five and six interception games. Tom Brady has had four interception games five times.

The problem with Dak is he cannot process the field fast enough and as a result throw it accurately on time to be aggressive unlike these other QBs. That’s why he has played so inconsistently and poorly against stronger defenses.
Every QB mentioned not named Tony or Dak has won. Tony and Dak the same.....sniffed or sniffing the chance to be in a Conference Championship. So stop. We been through the fix our QB process......and until an OC can correct.....we in a familiar boat.
Even if that's the only way he knows how to beat zone you would think at some point he would mix in some "run to the defender, stop, turn back, then immediately turn around and take off down field" just to keep the defenders honest or hesitating.
Kept saying that in the game thread - a simple stop and go route, Dak gives a little shoulder shrug and its an easy 6.

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