" It's time for everyone to accept that we have a problem at the QB position, not a solution.
If you want the team to be successful, it's time to stop defending and start trying to find a way forward."
What I'm saying is "we" aren't finding a solution moving forward. This is our guy and we can build around him and hope for the best or pout the entire time.
In no world will you ever get enough fans together to make management change course. If Dak didn't have a history of being a pro-bowl player and piloting a top 2 offense for consecutive years, maybe Jerry would feel differently. That fact is he's been paid, and he's an arguably top ten player at the most difficult position to find in all of pro sports.
You live in a fantasy world if you believe opinions on here will change that, ANYTIME SOON. So I don't understand the urgency of the anti Dak crowd to change the hearts and minds of those who support him.
Maybe the conversation will be relevant in two or three years. Our best, most realistic course of action now is to change coordinators and add pieces. Otherwise, we can repeat the process and have the same arguments, over and over.