A Bad Pattern

shaketiller said:
As someone who really likes Randy Galloway, personally, and who has been in the media -- business, not sports -- my entire adult life, I'm not quite so cynical about journalism, though I so have problems with the road it has taken, maybe most particularly on the sports side.

But I do think that many journalists -- certainly not all -- have gotten complacent and maybe somewhat lazy in their dealings with the subjects they cover. Now I am no great shakes journalist, but where the industry I cover is concerned, I absolutely hate getting press releases or being invited to participate in press conferences. I have little or no opportunity, through those venues, to "scoop" my competitors. I would much rather use whatever skills I might have to convince sources to talk with me privately. No, I don't deal with celebrities such as Parcells, but I do deal with CEOs who are paid many millions of dollars annually, and some of them do talk with me privately, both for attribution and not for attribution. It requires a great deal of work to get those interviews, and it's one reason I don't post here more often.

I would like to see the folks that cover the Cowboys spend much less time complaining about Parcells' inaccessibility and much more time attempting to convince him to talk with them. I'm sure it would be a difficult task, but in my mind, it's their job.

As for whether Parcells somehow "cheats" the fans or the franchise by choosing to forego opportunities for press conferences, I think it's for his employer to decide. If Jerry Jones thinks Parcells should talk, say, following the draft or following the Owens acquisition, it should be part of the coach's job description. Frankly, I don't think Jones feels that it hurts the Cowboys, financially or otherwise, for Parcells to keep silent, and I think Jones likes the fact that it makes the general manager -- in this case, the owner -- more the off-season face of the franchise.

I don't pretend to understand Parcells' reasoning behind this recent silent period -- though I think I and many others here could make very good guesses -- but it doesn't particularly concern me. I know others disagree, and I respect that.

Great stuff, and makes a lot of sense.
It is the way they are whining and complaining about it that is the problem.

I also believe that they are not just interested in information but are just waiting for the opportunity to create a problem.

EX#1 - PC with Jerry and T.O. and the "High Risk" quote or not that they tried to put on Jerry. This is an example of trying to start a problem.

Another example - Babe Laugenberg with the "trust me" comment this morning w/out any shred of a whisper from a player or any kind of a source. If you have a story or a source give it. You don't have to name names but say "a player" or "Soemone within the Org". Why should we "trust him"?

Let TO create his own problems - we know that he can do that himself. Don't try to create problems for him and the team - that just makes the signing worse!

Last year BP got harrased a bit for making the comment about Ware reminding him of LT and I bet he really regrets it.

The more they complain about BP, the more he will shut up. That is his personality. They are just making their lives even more difficult but they are just too stupid to realize it!
rcaldw said:
My point is that I believe that public relations IS A PART OF THE JOB DESCRIPTION of a head coach. It is the norm. It is expected, not just in football, but in all sports.

a) Its not part of the job description. I'm sure at no point in time during any potential head coaches interview will an owner say to the candidate "Tell me about your media and communications credentials." Because it is expected does not make it so. I'm absolutely positive there is nothing in Bill's contract specifying how many press conferences he will do and when.

b) Parcells gives as many if not more media conferences than any other coach during the season.

c) Very few other franchises have a situation where the owner or GM enjoys spending so much time talking to the media. Any and all information you would have gotten through Bill you are getting through Jerry. Actually, you are probably getting a whole lot more. Its not the 'norm', but you can't say that anything is really being held back from you as a fan. Its just being delivered via a different messenger

d) You are not entitled to 24/7 access to Valley Ranch. Just because you are a fan you do not have the right or entitlement to know every or any thing about the team that the management doesn't want you to know. Feel free to pick another team of this upsets you. I recommend any team with Campo or Joe Azzeveno on it.
Yeagermeister said:
I have no problems with Parcells not having a press conference every time the Cowboys make a move. He deserves his time off also. It's alot better than when Campo and Avezzano would tell everyone that would listen what the Cowboys were doing.

I agree.

I want information.

But who here really and honestly needs to hear it from Coach Parcells himself that he was on board with the Owens signing?

Are we all that bitter and insecure that we need his reassurance? Stephen Jones has said it. Jerry Jones has said it. The players have said it. That is more than enough to set the question to rest.

As for the draft picks, who here doesn't have a good feeling that he was excited about our first three picks and likes them all and has plans for them? The phone calls should tell you just as much as you need to know.

Personally, this is just another excuse for the anti-Parcells crowd, media and fans alike, to complain.

Just think, after tomorrow, it will all be over and you can rip the man for what he says instead of his silence.
rcaldw said:
I want to address something that I've noticed on our board here that bothers me. It is a personal opinion and so I welcome comments both from those who disagree with me as well as those who agree. The only thing I would ask is that you give thoughtful responses to this, not just knee jerk smart alek answers.

I see articles posted, one featuring Dale Hansen for example, others featuring other writers or media types, that criticize Bill Parcells.

*They criticize him for not talking
*They criticize him for what they view to be some questionable draft picks

Immediately I see posters who jump to Parcell's defense, say that Hansen and others are stupid, jealous, just mad at Parcells and that these people don't speak for us. WE DON'T CARE, the thought goes, WHETHER PARCELLS EVER TALKS OR NOT. Or, HE WILL TALK WHEN HE IS GOOD AND READY, HE IS THE COACH.

I've got to say that I completely disagree with that mindset. Whether I like Dale Hansen or Randy Galloway or anyone who has been critical of Parcells is beside the point.


I believe they do.

*I think fans DO want to hear from our head coach and further more, I think the team owes it to its fans to let us hear from the head coach.

*I think the head coach DOES have to be accountable for the decisions that he is making both in the draft and on the field. I personally don't have any problem with this year's draft, except, once again, it is heavy, heavy on defense. And, when we go offense, we still look like Bill Parcells in that we go TE, and I think it should be clear to everyone that Parcells is living in his past with almost all of his decisions, once again trying to create what he did with the Giants. If he can get it done, I have no problem with that, but I DO THINK that it is worth questioning and worth him addressing.

So, in a nutshell, I just don't understand this immediate wrath upon anyone who questions Parcells, and I don't understand fans who think that the head coach of a professional football team, a team that supposedly cares about its fans and paying customers, doesn't have any obligation to ever speak to the media.

I don't care for the media either, but they are our only conduit for information.

Your opinion?

well actually if you are holding people accountable it should be jerry jones. he is heading the company and parcells is his employee. jerry can demand him to hold certain number of conferences, interviews, etc. so just like any other organization if BP doesn't want to talk then jerry can force him to or force him out.

as an owner, I have to decide the value of an employee to success of the organization which includes PR and the fans and their interest. so if this really hurts the dallas fan base and its PR then I am sure jerry would address it.

like I said, its no different than any other organization, you get your finnicky employees and the man in charge decides how to handle each situation.

so you would be wrong in saying BP owes us....Jerry owes us and you need to pressure jerry.

frankly, I could give a darn if BP talks or not as long as he pushes the team in the right direction. bottom line I care about team getting better and winning not getting a million fans questions answered. because frankly at the end of the day as you described the camp is 50-50 on everything and you are damned if you do, damned if you don't.
the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
Journalists aren't dirty people. Sometimes all they can report is what is being told to them by their sources. Trust me on this one.

Most of the time – not necessarily all of them – jounalists will hear a rumor and get someone else to confirm it before they report on it. It called cooberation. Some don't do it because, right or wrong, they want the scoop.

Of course "they want to cash in on possible drama." That's what they are paid to do... get the story. For Cowboy's beat writers, the story is going to be TO and Bill all season long unless something else comes up. You have perhaps the most explosive player talent-wise and emotionally on the same team as a coach who doesn't like to mix it up. Where do you think the story is.

I do not disagree and do not think they are dirty by nature, however, I do not trust them. I have seen first hand the slanted, subjective writings of journalist who put a spin on topics soley to sell more of their product. The worst part of this is how easily they influence public opinion this way.

I had a friend who did an interview for our local paper and the editor cut and pasted selections from the interview together in order to change the context and cause a huge stir in our community because of it. Newspapers every single day around our nation print large sections deeply hidden with corrections to the false information they reported, yet most who read the orginals never see the corrections.

I do not think it is their birth right to get information out of B.P. for their professional gains. B.P. does reward some journalist out there who he thinks has integrity or has not burned him or grossly misquoted him.
So the fact that he will start talking tomorrow, answer every question you want to ask him and continue to talk until the last game of the year is not good enough?

Is there something that Jerry, Stephen, Ireland, etc.. have not answered in terms of why any decision has been made for the Dallas Cowboys organization during that time? All have them have said that Bill has been in full support of all decisions made. What question are you still waiting on the answer for?

This is so much about the media and creating a story that the story is now that BP is not talking... do you know how rediculous that sounds?

We'll hear everything tomorrow from BP... I'm not upset that I had to wait 2 months to hear his answers to questions that have already been answered by the Owner and GM of the team.

Oh BTW.. BP will also be on Sirius NFL Radio tomorrow morning... he's really trying to keep talking to the media at a minimum now that the off-season is coming to an end :rolleyes:
rcaldw said:

This is the one I don't understand, and I would love for you to elaborate on it.

There are jobs all of the time that have PR responsibilities as well as the basic duties of the position.

If it was established principle that a head coach of a sports franchise didn't have PR responsibilities, then I could understand Parcells opting out.

Having said that, RCowboyfan had a point I had not considered. If it is indeed true that Parcells meets with the media more than other head coaches have during training camp, etc. That is, if he is truly accessible to the media, and this is just a time when he and other head coaches don't meet with the media, then it is all a fuss about nothing.

But while he might meet regularly during training camp, is he alone in that? Do other head coaches not do that? And do other head coaches not meet with the media during draft time? Is that a pretty normal practice?

My point is that I believe that public relations IS A PART OF THE JOB DESCRIPTION of a head coach. It is the norm. It is expected, not just in football, but in all sports.

Granted, Jerry is his boss and can allow him to opt out if he wants, but it is the fans who don't get to hear from him as a result.

Another point - just maybe Parcells is really busy this time of year and/or doesn't think that now is the time to talk. I truly believe (and maybe he thinks the same) that when he is ready to have some things to say, he'll say it. Until then, he'll let the people that have more to do with what is going on (Stephen, Jerry, Jeff, and maybe some assistants) do the talking for now. I'm sure he fulfills his duties/responsibilities to the public as fara as the PR thing goes. In the meantime, sit back, relax, and enjoy "Your" Dallas Cowboys. Can you imagine what you would have gone through before the internet? I think these guys have alot more to do than we (fans) give them credit for.
jimmy40 said:
As the average age of the posters on this forum goes down the % of homers will go up.

Jimmy you are fast becoming my hero :D
shaketiller said:
As someone who really likes Randy Galloway, personally, and who has been in the media -- business, not sports -- my entire adult life, I'm not quite so cynical about journalism, though I so have problems with the road it has taken, maybe most particularly on the sports side.

But I do think that many journalists -- certainly not all -- have gotten complacent and maybe somewhat lazy in their dealings with the subjects they cover. Now I am no great shakes journalist, but where the industry I cover is concerned, I absolutely hate getting press releases or being invited to participate in press conferences. I have little or no opportunity, through those venues, to "scoop" my competitors. I would much rather use whatever skills I might have to convince sources to talk with me privately. No, I don't deal with celebrities such as Parcells, but I do deal with CEOs who are paid many millions of dollars annually, and some of them do talk with me privately, both for attribution and not for attribution. It requires a great deal of work to get those interviews, and it's one reason I don't post here more often.

I would like to see the folks that cover the Cowboys spend much less time complaining about Parcells' inaccessibility and much more time attempting to convince him to talk with them. I'm sure it would be a difficult task, but in my mind, it's their job.

As for whether Parcells somehow "cheats" the fans or the franchise by choosing to forego opportunities for press conferences, I think it's for his employer to decide. If Jerry Jones thinks Parcells should talk, say, following the draft or following the Owens acquisition, it should be part of the coach's job description. Frankly, I don't think Jones feels that it hurts the Cowboys, financially or otherwise, for Parcells to keep silent, and I think Jones likes the fact that it makes the general manager -- in this case, the owner -- more the off-season face of the franchise.

I don't pretend to understand Parcells' reasoning behind this recent silent period -- though I think I and many others here could make very good guesses -- but it doesn't particularly concern me. I know others disagree, and I respect that.

You make a lot of good points.

One-on-one, informal interviews with him seem to be very rare.

I think he actually enjoys the news conferences as an alternative because:

a) He's busy and he can get all of the questions and interviews out of the way in 30 minutes and not be bothered by them the rest of the time.

b) And I think there's probably a side to him that likes the show. He likes the give-and-take in front of other reporters; embarrassing some, intimidating others, and making the rest of them chuckle. He's comfortable "holding court" and being the center of everything.

He's very faithful about all this during training camp and during the season.

But what he is ignoring is that the NFL is a practically a year-round season now. When he was getting started, there wasn't near as much fan attention on off-season stuff like free agency and the draft.

IMO, Jerry needs to make his head coach accessible for these big off-season stories, too. Jerry probably figures it's not worth it to push him because he'll be gone in 9 months anyway.
rcaldw said:
I want to address something that I've noticed on our board here that bothers me. It is a personal opinion and so I welcome comments both from those who disagree with me as well as those who agree. The only thing I would ask is that you give thoughtful responses to this, not just knee jerk smart alek answers.

I see articles posted, one featuring Dale Hansen for example, others featuring other writers or media types, that criticize Bill Parcells.

*They criticize him for not talking
*They criticize him for what they view to be some questionable draft picks

Immediately I see posters who jump to Parcell's defense, say that Hansen and others are stupid, jealous, just mad at Parcells and that these people don't speak for us. WE DON'T CARE, the thought goes, WHETHER PARCELLS EVER TALKS OR NOT. Or, HE WILL TALK WHEN HE IS GOOD AND READY, HE IS THE COACH.

I've got to say that I completely disagree with that mindset. Whether I like Dale Hansen or Randy Galloway or anyone who has been critical of Parcells is beside the point.


I believe they do.

*I think fans DO want to hear from our head coach and further more, I think the team owes it to its fans to let us hear from the head coach.

*I think the head coach DOES have to be accountable for the decisions that he is making both in the draft and on the field. I personally don't have any problem with this year's draft, except, once again, it is heavy, heavy on defense. And, when we go offense, we still look like Bill Parcells in that we go TE, and I think it should be clear to everyone that Parcells is living in his past with almost all of his decisions, once again trying to create what he did with the Giants. If he can get it done, I have no problem with that, but I DO THINK that it is worth questioning and worth him addressing.

So, in a nutshell, I just don't understand this immediate wrath upon anyone who questions Parcells, and I don't understand fans who think that the head coach of a professional football team, a team that supposedly cares about its fans and paying customers, doesn't have any obligation to ever speak to the media.

I don't care for the media either, but they are our only conduit for information.

Your opinion?

You totally nailed it. Even before clicking on a Galloway or JFE thread, I can predict that 90% of the respondents will be hostile. To prove their undying loyalty, fans here immediately and mindlessly leap to Bill or Jerry's defense, as if they were flawless demigods. They've cynically turned Tuna's lame Greta Garbo act into a "Bill vs the press" feud, when it's nothing of the sort. They issue stupid, biased polls like "Do you care if Bill speaks to the media?" Needless to say, Bill always wins these rigged contests. When Bill clammed up during free agency, he got a pass. When he clammed up after the draft--totally unprecedented and out of character, by the way--he got another one. Imagine a grown man afraid of questions about one of his star players. I thought he was a tough guy. I was wrong.
31smackdown said:
So the fact that he will start talking tomorrow, answer every question you want to ask him and continue to talk until the last game of the year is not good enough?

No, because someone will object to his answer?

"I was on board with signing Terrell, end of story. I like the player."

Response: Why is Bill Parcells LYING?? Does he think we are stupid?

Is there something that Jerry, Stephen, Ireland, etc.. have not answered in terms of why any decision has been made for the Dallas Cowboys organization during that time? All have them have said that Bill has been in full support of all decisions made. What question are you still waiting on the answer for?

You can say that again.

This is so much about the media and creating a story that the story is now that BP is not talking... do you know how rediculous that sounds?

Obviously not, because every basher repeats the same thing like some sort of asinine mantra. It is still people trying to cope with their angst and grief over the Owens signing and quite honestly, having a hard time being wrong about Coach Parcells once again.

You watch, after tomorrow, there will be some sort of crazy idea that he was brainwashed or threatened into agreeing to the signing.
bbgun said:
You totally nailed it. Even before clicking on a Galloway or JFE thread, I can predict that 90% of the respondents will be hostile. To prove their undying loyalty, fans here immediately and mindlessly leap to Bill or Jerry's defense, as if they were flawless demigods. They've cynically turned Tuna's lame Greta Garbo act into a "Bill vs the press" feud, when it's nothing of the sort. They issue stupid, biased polls like "Do you care if Bill speaks to the media?" Needless to say, Bill always wins these rigged contests. When Bill clammed up during free agency, he got a pass. When he clammed up after the draft--totally unprecedented and out of character, by the way--he got another one. Imagine a grown man afraid of questions about one of his star players. I thought he was a tough guy. I was wrong.

So waiting 6 whole days to talk about the drafts picks is really such a big deal???
It's simple....Just as you have your opinion about things, other people have the right to post what they think. Just because you want other people to agree with you, doesn't make your ideas and points have any more merit than anyone elses.

Next question.
bbgun said:
You totally nailed it. Even before clicking on a Galloway or JFE thread, I can predict that 90% of the respondents will be hostile. To prove their undying loyalty, fans here immediately and mindlessly leap to Bill or Jerry's defense, as if they were flawless demigods. They've cynically turned Tuna's lame Greta Garbo act into a "Bill vs the press" feud, when it's nothing of the sort. They issue stupid, biased polls like "Do you care if Bill speaks to the media?" Needless to say, Bill always wins these rigged contests. When Bill clammed up during free agency, he got a pass. When he clammed up after the draft--totally unprecedented and out of character, by the way--he got another one. Imagine a grown man afraid of questions about one of his star players. I thought he was a tough guy. I was wrong.

Just because you are negative and cynical 95 percent of the time, doesn't make you cutting edge or a truth seeker. It makes you just as predictable as the sunshine spewers. One sided opinions on either side of the fence are for anarchists and idiots.
I appreciate all the thoughtful responses. I would only make one other point. To the few who would suggest I "find another team", etc., etc, if I'm not happy with it, that is exactly the mindset I have a problem with.

I would simply say:

1. I might have been a Cowboys fan longer than you, I'm somewhat old now and have been a Cowboys fan since childhood, i.e., as long as I can remember.

2. This is more of a philosophical discussion than something that is burning me up. I don't agree with him, but I'm living. :)

3. Why can't we ever discuss something, even if we disagree, instead of immediately asking those who don't agree with us to jump ship?

I especially enjoyed shaketillers perspective, that was great.
Alexander said:
You watch, after tomorrow, there will be some sort of crazy idea that he was brainwashed or threatened into agreeing to the signing.

ain't that the truth.. he can answer questions about T.O. for 8 straight hours tomorrow and they will still create some fictional story about how he isn't really on board.
rcaldw said:

This is the one I don't understand, and I would love for you to elaborate on it.

There are jobs all of the time that have PR responsibilities as well as the basic duties of the position.

If it was established principle that a head coach of a sports franchise didn't have PR responsibilities, then I could understand Parcells opting out.

Having said that, RCowboyfan had a point I had not considered. If it is indeed true that Parcells meets with the media more than other head coaches have during training camp, etc. That is, if he is truly accessible to the media, and this is just a time when he and other head coaches don't meet with the media, then it is all a fuss about nothing.

But while he might meet regularly during training camp, is he alone in that? Do other head coaches not do that? And do other head coaches not meet with the media during draft time? Is that a pretty normal practice?

My point is that I believe that public relations IS A PART OF THE JOB DESCRIPTION of a head coach. It is the norm. It is expected, not just in football, but in all sports.

Granted, Jerry is his boss and can allow him to opt out if he wants, but it is the fans who don't get to hear from him as a result.

It was Jean Jacques Taylor that said as far as the season concerned, Parcells is the single most accessible coach in the league and Cowboys history. He said this in response to someone asking about Parcells' refusal to allow his assistants to speak to the media. He said while that is frustrating, parcells makes himself available to the media for 30 min or more for 3-4 days a week starting in TC.

As far as the offseason, Parcells has been this way since he got here. Only since TO has signed has anyone noticed. Last year when we spent more money in free agency than in our history, no one seemed to care that Parcells was off doing his own thing, and they damn sure didn't think Parcells was trumped by Jones.

My point there is Parcells is doing what he has always done, the media is only angry now because he won't give them a sound bite on the Cowboys most newsworthy FA signing since Deion Sanders.

I ask you, how is that fair - that he has taken his time away from the media each offseason, but now all of a sudden the media feels they are entitled to a press conference for one player?

Finally - regarding the idea that it is part of the job description. Perhaps it is understood, but is it written into his contract that he must address the media whenever something happens? Unless it is, anything he gives the media is bonus to them. We hired Rich Dalrymple to be our PR director. I for one have no problem with that.

With a combination of keeping track with personnell moves, Jerry's willingness to address the media more than almost any owner or GM, and the scrutiny the Cowboys come under for being he Cowboys, I don't see why Parcells is under any obligation to add an extra arm to this PR circus any more than he ever has.

In short and to sum it all up - Parcells has never addressed the media in the offseason, and just because we signed the biggest mouth in football and the media wants a soundbite doesn't obligate him to change the way he has operated for the past 3.5 years.
For those defending the media's stance, I'll ask this:

During Fridy's press conference, take note of what questions the "information-starved" media ask.

Are they asking about the Cowboys' teriffic offseason, or just about Terrell Owens?

Are they asking about the draft picks, or just about Terrell Owens?

Are they asking about other free agents the team has signed, or just about Terrell Owens?

I think you'll clearly see the media's angle, their motives, and where they're coming from.

The fact is that the Dallas media knows that Owens has been "gold" as far as giving reporters scandal to write about. And the Dallas media want a few "nuggets" of their own, regardless of the muckraking they have to do to get it.

Parcells is an older coach who's looking to maximize his down-time as much as possible before he goes back into the foxhole for the next 8 months of his life. And I have no problem with that. In fact, it's possible it was agreed upon as a condition of his return. The fact is the man stared mortality in the face and realizes he's not gonna be around forever.

We all know how demanding the head coaching position is. I would certainly try to maximize all the free time I had before the season started, rather than re-answer questions Jones has already answered.

Jones loves talking to the media, Parcells doesn't. Why not let Jones be the face of the organization during the offseason. It's a win-win arrangement to me.

Parcells will certainly be there during training camp and the season - when it actually counts.

As a fan, I have no problem with Parcells' stance. And I resent the media's weak attempt to make it appear that they're "the voice of the fans".

Nothing could be further from the truth....
DallasKen said:
It's simple....Just as you have your opinion about things, other people have the right to post what they think. Just because you want other people to agree with you, doesn't make your ideas and points have any more merit than anyone elses.

Next question.

Great example of the kinds of responses we see.

*Did I ever say no one but those who agree with me can post? In fact, in the original post didn't I begin by INVITING those who disagree with me to tell me why?

*Did I ever say that my ideas have more merit? I'm trying to understand what motivates the contrary opinion?

Your kind of response is hard to understand.

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