A Bad Pattern


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Chief, I agree with you that Parcells likes the big show, which is why I feel that he has a reason for taking this approach, and it might be a good reason. I still feel that journalists are better served to pursue private interviews than to complain about a lack of access. I think the job requires far more work than some are willing to give. But I also think there are some great journalists. By the bye, did anyone notice that Parcells spoke to Paul Zimmerman before the draft, when Z was putting together his mock? I believe Parcells told him: "You know the kind of players I like." Z acknowledged that he should have recognized that as code for "a big, fast linebacker whose background I can trust." (My quote, not Zimmerman's). Apparently Parcells will pick up the phone for some folks.

bbgun, I believe you are sadly and badly mistaken if you think Parcells isn't tough. Listen to his players, maybe.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Crown Royal said:
It was Jean Jacques Taylor that said as far as the season concerned, Parcells is the single most accessible coach in the league and Cowboys history. He said this in response to someone asking about Parcells' refusal to allow his assistants to speak to the media. He said while that is frustrating, parcells makes himself available to the media for 30 min or more for 3-4 days a week starting in TC.

As far as the offseason, Parcells has been this way since he got here. Only since TO has signed has anyone noticed. Last year when we spent more money in free agency than in our history, no one seemed to care that Parcells was off doing his own thing, and they damn sure didn't think Parcells was trumped by Jones.

My point there is Parcells is doing what he has always done, the media is only angry now because he won't give them a sound bite on the Cowboys most newsworthy FA signing since Deion Sanders.

I ask you, how is that fair - that he has taken his time away from the media each offseason, but now all of a sudden the media feels they are entitled to a press conference for one player?

Finally - regarding the idea that it is part of the job description. Perhaps it is understood, but is it written into his contract that he must address the media whenever something happens? Unless it is, anything he gives the media is bonus to them. We hired Rich Dalrymple to be our PR director. I for one have no problem with that.

With a combination of keeping track with personnell moves, Jerry's willingness to address the media more than almost any owner or GM, and the scrutiny the Cowboys come under for being he Cowboys, I don't see why Parcells is under any obligation to add an extra arm to this PR circus any more than he ever has.

In short and to sum it all up - Parcells has never addressed the media in the offseason, and just because we signed the biggest mouth in football and the media wants a soundbite doesn't obligate him to change the way he has operated for the past 3.5 years.

Good post.

What the press corps expects from him is inconsistency.

You can bring up the fact he didn't speak at the Bledsoe or Johnson signings, nor was he particularly vocal after his first draft, but because he did an ESPN interview last draft day, he is "hiding".


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Crown Royal said:
It was Jean Jacques Taylor that said as far as the season concerned, Parcells is the single most accessible coach in the league and Cowboys history. He said this in response to someone asking about Parcells' refusal to allow his assistants to speak to the media. He said while that is frustrating, parcells makes himself available to the media for 30 min or more for 3-4 days a week starting in TC.

As far as the offseason, Parcells has been this way since he got here. Only since TO has signed has anyone noticed. Last year when we spent more money in free agency than in our history, no one seemed to care that Parcells was off doing his own thing, and they damn sure didn't think Parcells was trumped by Jones.

My point there is Parcells is doing what he has always done, the media is only angry now because he won't give them a sound bite on the Cowboys most newsworthy FA signing since Deion Sanders.

I ask you, how is that fair - that he has taken his time away from the media each offseason, but now all of a sudden the media feels they are entitled to a press conference for one player?

Finally - regarding the idea that it is part of the job description. Perhaps it is understood, but is it written into his contract that he must address the media whenever something happens? Unless it is, anything he gives the media is bonus to them. We hired Rich Dalrymple to be our PR director. I for one have no problem with that.

With a combination of keeping track with personnell moves, Jerry's willingness to address the media more than almost any owner or GM, and the scrutiny the Cowboys come under for being he Cowboys, I don't see why Parcells is under any obligation to add an extra arm to this PR circus any more than he ever has.

In short and to sum it all up - Parcells has never addressed the media in the offseason, and just because we signed the biggest mouth in football and the media wants a soundbite doesn't obligate him to change the way he has operated for the past 3.5 years.

Nice response Crown, good points.

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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Here's a thought -

Since Parcells signed with the organization, there has been a thought in the back of the mind of the media that this was a marriage doomed. The two micromanagers could never get along.

And after three years, everything remained great. The media was deprived of the story they just KNEW would happen.

All of a sudden, TO get's signed, and Parcells doesn't address the media (as he never does) regarding the acquisition. Well, all of a sudden, it MUST be that story that they were waiting for. The rift has occurred. It is now Parcells v. Jones.

Which brings us to now.


Regular Joe....
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I was watching an interview with Vermeil on Quite Frankley with Stephan Smith and he asked him if this was his final goodbye and why. Vermeil said that he left because he didn't know if he could give it all the effort it required. They needed somebody younger basically. Now, I don't know if Parcells is there yet but I know this much. I don't really care if he ever gives an interview or not, during the off season. I like to listen to him speak because he's an interesting guy but to be honest, what really needs to be said during the off season? Why does he have to say it?

Win games, run a quality organization and win championships if your able. No body has the right to ask more. Nobody.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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shaketiller said:
bbgun, I believe you are sadly and badly mistaken if you think Parcells isn't tough. Listen to his players, maybe.

Being tough and not wanting to answer foolish questions are two separate things entirely. Believe me, the cupcake Dallas media is nothing like what he dealt with in New York.


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rcaldw said:
Great example of the kinds of responses we see.

*Did I ever say no one but those who agree with me can post? In fact, in the original post didn't I begin by INVITING those who disagree with me to tell me why?

*Did I ever say that my ideas have more merit? I'm trying to understand what motivates the contrary opinion?

Your kind of response is hard to understand.

You titled your thread a "bad" pattern which would suggest that your opinion on the matter is good and the others are "bad"


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Alexander said:
Are we all that bitter and insecure that we need his reassurance? Stephen Jones has said it. Jerry Jones has said it. The players have said it. That is more than enough to set the question to rest.
Thank you. Well said.


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aikemirv said:
You titled your thread a "bad" pattern which would suggest that your opinion on the matter is good and the others are "bad"

hehe, aikmirv, not a bad take. However, I never said my OPINION was neutral. I think it IS a bad pattern. But just because I think it doesn't mean I'm right. So, in that sense, let me just be clear, I don't think my ideas have more merit than others. I have an opinion and enjoy reading the opinions of others.


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rcaldw said:
I appreciate all the thoughtful responses. I would only make one other point. To the few who would suggest I "find another team", etc., etc, if I'm not happy with it, that is exactly the mindset I have a problem with.

I would simply say:

1. I might have been a Cowboys fan longer than you, I'm somewhat old now and have been a Cowboys fan since childhood, i.e., as long as I can remember.

2. This is more of a philosophical discussion than something that is burning me up. I don't agree with him, but I'm living. :)

3. Why can't we ever discuss something, even if we disagree, instead of immediately asking those who don't agree with us to jump ship?

I especially enjoyed shakekillers perspective, that was great.

Sorry, got carried away. I was mostly trying to get a dig in at Campo and Joe "Where the Microphone?" Avezzano.

I'm a fan since the 70's, but that is of course completely irrelevant.


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I don't think Bill owes the media anything, he will talk with the media soon enough and they can ask what ever they choose. Right now I'm glad Bill is taking care of business and relaxing before the start of a new season. I don't see any pressing issues that need to be addressed at this time.


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rcaldw said:
hehe, aikmirv, not a bad take. However, I never said my OPINION was neutral. I think it IS a bad pattern. But just because I think it doesn't mean I'm right. So, in that sense, let me just be clear, I don't think my ideas have more merit than others. I have an opinion and enjoy reading the opinions of others.

No reason to ride the fence - should have an opinion one way or the other right:cool:


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wileedog said:
Sorry, got carried away. I was mostly trying to get a dig in at Campo and Joe "Where the Microphone?" Avezzano.

I'm a fan since the 70's, but that is of course completely irrelevant.

No problem Wile, I go over the top too sometimes, especially on Henson versus Romo debates! :)

I'm with you on Campo and Avezzano 100%. Man, the Campo days may have been the darkest days ever.


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aikemirv said:
No reason to ride the fence - should have an opinion one way or the other right:cool:

Absolutely, and I do, and I've stated it. :) There have been some outstanding responses in this thread, and some stuff I never really factored into the equation, but I still think Parcells shouldn't bunker up. Having said that, I can really go with Shaketiller, and Crown made some really good points too.


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Parcells was brought in to be "Parcells". His coaching style, his style of players etc. For people to start complaining about it now is funny. I can see the questions he's going to get already. "Why is TO's attendance not 100% at workouts? What happens when he does this? Why aren't you that? All hypothetical what if type questions. I'd duck that stuff to.


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The only problem I have with the original posters comments is two words, Galloway and Hansen.

Those 2 there, especially Hansen, are the biggest ego driven ME ME ME media guys in the DFW area. Hansen hates the Cowboys and Jerry Jones for firing him back in the day and would love nothing more than to see Jerry and the boys Fail.

Hansen and Galloway (more Hansen than Galloway) hates any player that doesn't talk to him in interviews or kisses up to their butt.

Hansen and Galloway (more Hansen than Galloway) hates any coach that does't come in to their little town and bow down to them for interviews.

So anything those 2 have to say, they can feed it to the chickens because I'm not listening to guys who want to be the story CONSISTANTLY.


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rcaldw said:
Having said that, RCowboyfan had a point I had not considered. If it is indeed true that Parcells meets with the media more than other head coaches have during training camp, etc. That is, if he is truly accessible to the media, and this is just a time when he and other head coaches don't meet with the media, then it is all a fuss about nothing.


I didn't say any other coach in NFL, but it might be true he does meet with media more than any other NFL HC, from what I understand during the Regular season at least. Its just that he doesn't do one on one like other coaches do.

And also like other coaches do, he doesn't do interviews in offseason. Thats the only difference, but I guess he makes it up with during the season, by meeting more times than other coaches or having more PCs than normal HC in NFL do.


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Maybe this kind of fits here... If not, I apologize. I find much of the current speculation about Parcells' attitude toward Owens -- and the Cowboys organization, in general -- to be counterintuitive. Regardless of whether Parcells has spoken, the draft has his fingerprints all over it. If Jones had any reason to think Parcells is unhappy, that he might jump ship (which isn't beyond Parcells), why would he have allowed the draft to be run in that fashion? Jones is no pushover. He's wrong some times, but he's no pushover.

In this sense, I do think the media -- or some members -- are off base. It's fine for opinion columnists to speculate, but informed speculation is best. Write an opinion column based on the best available evidence. Parcells hasn't spoken, but the draft spoke loudly. The best available evidence is that Parcells is still sanguine about the Cowboys' future and about his relationship with Jones. Further, Jones appears to be -- if the draft is an indication -- optimistic enough about Parcells, or a Parcells disciple, to stake the near term future of the Cowboys on that philosophy.


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shaketiller said:
Maybe this kind of fits here... If not, I apologize. I find much of the current speculation about Parcells' attitude toward Owens -- and the Cowboys organization, in general -- to be counterintuitive. Regardless of whether Parcells has spoken, the draft has his fingerprints all over it. If Jones had any reason to think Parcells is unhappy, that he might jump ship (which isn't beyond Parcells), why would he have allowed the draft to be run in that fashion? Jones is no pushover. He's wrong some times, but he's no pushover.

In this sense, I do think the media -- or some members -- are off base. It's fine for opinion columnists to speculate, but informed speculation is best. Write an opinion column based on the best available evidence. Parcells hasn't spoken, but the draft spoke loudly. The best available evidence is that Parcells is still sanguine about the Cowboys' future and about his relationship with Jones. Further, Jones appears to be -- if the draft is an indication -- optimistic enough about Parcells, or a Parcells disciple, to stake the near term future of the Cowboys on that philosophy.

Excellent Point!!


Hawaiian Cowboy
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I think that the cowboys head coach gets held to a standard that probably isn't fair. I didn't see too many other press conferences from other teams where the head coach was standing by the new signee, big signing or little. If Parcells had made a big deal out of the TO signing, it may have sent a wrong message to the team that he was more important that the other signings that he never showed up for. His first obligation is to the team, second to the fans.