A Female Passenger on Benson's Boat Called for Help

DaBoys4Life;2075371 said:
Yea your right it was before DNA testing. However there are still innnocent people being sent to jail. Like we talked about earlier when you get a description of a suspect. Thats in blue jeans white T boots dreeds. It's llike picking a needle out of a haystack. Then we have celeberties that get treated differently or get a lighter sentence because they are celeberity or because they can afford the best legal defense. So if your poor and you can't obtain that top notch lawyer. Like what OJ had or the rapper cassidy who killed someone shot two other people and got a year in jail. Then rapped about later in his songs. Or RKelley and his relations with underage children however his trail is at what stage now? same can be said for Micheal Jackson. The difference is that is always the difference is the money and if you don't have the money and get arrested because you fit the description at the close or near the scence and get ID because eyewitness are very dependable. You get a public defender the case doesn't go to trail and you end up plea to a lesser charge.

The justice system can be good for some people and through your view it is good for you. However from my point of view is terrible and it needs to be changed. I would say that out of everyone in prison probally 95% are guilty. Then lets not even get into the people that are in prisoner for violent crimes and drug offense and such.

Oh I agree 100% that celebrities seem to have a different set of rules.

But I think your confusing going to jail with being held for questioning. As to our conversation about the description of a subject. If we were to find someone matching a description they are not snatched up and thrown into jail. He may be taken to the station where the victim will be asked to identify him. Or he could be taken to the scene and the same be done. So unless the person matching the description is identified by the victim he will not be in jail.
heavyg;2075383 said:
Oh I agree 100% that celebrities seem to have a different set of rules.

But I think your confusing going to jail with being held for questioning. As to our conversation about the description of a subject. If we were to find someone matching a description they are not snatched up and thrown into jail. He may be taken to the station where the victim will be asked to identify him. Or he could be taken to the scene and the same be done. So unless the person matching the description is identified by the victim he will not be in jail.

Like i said 5'10 black guy white T Dreads desception ID eyewitness verify someone going to jail.
DaBoys4Life;2075371 said:
Then we have celeberties that get treated differently or get a lighter sentence because they are celeberity or because they can afford the best legal defense.

They can also afford better pudding skins than the rest of us! :bang2:
DaBoys4Life;2075392 said:
Like i said 5'10 black guy white T Dreads desception ID eyewitness verify someone going to jail.

Then that is on the eyewitness. What more do you want the police to do? What is YOUR solution?
trueblue1687;2075299 said:
Liberal court system....you know? Like China he would disappear, ANY where in the mid-east he would have limbs or head cut off, or be shoved off a 5 story building, Africa he would be killed or imprisoned....need I go on? The US has the most liberal court system in the world. It has already worked for Benson, hasn't it?? Remember the weed charges he had against him when he was at TEXAS? Someone stepped up and claimed the weed and his charges were dropped....someone else went down for it, so the court system worked for him, huh?


Just what we need, more generalities and sterotypes.
heavyg;2075395 said:
Then that is on the eyewitness. What more do you want the police to do? What is YOUR solution?

There is no solution. Just a big problem.
heavyg;2075395 said:
Then that is on the eyewitness. What more do you want the police to do? What is YOUR solution?

Trust system with a hint of anarchy. If the accused denies charges, let them go. Brilliant!
DaBoys4Life;2075398 said:
There is no solution. Just a big problem.

so should we just let everyone go? I am not seeing your logic.
heavyg;2075401 said:
so should we just let everyone go? I am not seeing your logic.

If i had the solutions of our Criminal Justice system i would be a very rich. Since that is not the case i can only state out the flaws that are in our CJ system and the as time progess hopefully we will see a change.
DaBoys4Life;2075418 said:
lol i'm a criminal justice major =/

Well then once you graduate you can work on freeing all these "innocent" people wrongfully jailed
What an interesting thread.

At this point we really just do not know what happened, but obviously either scenario could be true or a portion of each.

I think most people drawn conclusions from their own life experiences, but like I have told my wife several times, assumptions are dangerous.

I have had several life experiences that hold completely with what Benson and his friends are saying.

YES, there are definetly police who profile whether it is status, race, or whatever.

Growing up I always had friends of different races, I am white. I can not tell you how many times we where involved with Police Officers who where pulling us over, questioning us or whatever, the majority of those times, they did not even ask me a question, usually just had me stand to the side while they searched my friends, had them on the ground in cuffs or even arrested them for reasons they had no cause. What an eye openeing experience this was.
It is just wrong and sadly does happen way to often.

On the other hand their are good Police officers and those who have enough sense to handle things the right way and do their job with integrity.
While the offenders will say what is needed to get off the hook.

I think the lesson in a situation here is dont assume, none of us where there, we do not know what really happened, either case could be true.

Hopefully the truth comes out.
adamknite;2075406 said:
Does anybody else's brain hurt?

I need some pudding.
Mine hurt about 5 pages ago, and my settings are 40 posts per page.
To keep with tradition here at the Zone, a thread this long deserves a Roy Williams reference.


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