A Female Passenger on Benson's Boat Called for Help

heavyg;2074995 said:
You know I don't think I have or he has said "this stuff" NEVER happens. We are arguing that it's not as common as you are making it out. The way you talk every single police officer in America is a racist POS. And every black person in America has been profiled.

wait it's not like that? lok j/k
Bach;2074691 said:
No you didn't. Some of it was deleted.
You may or may not believe me, but not that many posts were deleted.

It's truly a sign of the offseason when we let a thread like this go so long on the Fan Zone without shipping it off to the PZ.
WoodysGirl;2075004 said:
You may or may not believe me, but not that many posts were deleted.

It's truly a sign of the offseason when we let a thread like this go so long on the Fan Zone without shipping it off to the PZ.

You mean pudding skins are political? Who knew?
Joe Rod;2075015 said:
You mean pudding skins are political? Who knew?

well you have the leftest pudding skins that sit and wait for the poor neutral skins and well, it gets ugly after that.
WoodysGirl;2075004 said:
You may or may not believe me, but not that many posts were deleted.

It's truly a sign of the offseason when we let a thread like this go so long on the Fan Zone without shipping it off to the PZ.

Yeah, it is a huge thread. That's why I was surprised to see a couple of innocent posts disappear.
Bach;2075045 said:
Yeah, it is a huge thread. That's why I was surprised to see a couple of innocent posts disappear.

Yeah I had one of mine removed. Not sure why but its no biggie. In a thread like this the line we have to walk is very thin
Bach;2075045 said:
Yeah, it is a huge thread. That's why I was surprised to see a couple of innocent posts disappear.
I'd hate to go back and re-read to see which were deleted, so I'll just leave it be. Because I know how things work on the back end, I'm sure there's a half-decent reason why a specific post was deleted and I'd bet that it's not that big of a deal. Sometimes things are done, proactively versus reactively.
WoodysGirl;2075053 said:
I'd hate to go back and re-read to see which were deleted, so I'll just leave it be. Because I know how things work on the back end, I'm sure there's a half-decent reason why a specific post was deleted and I'd bet that it's not that big of a deal. Sometimes things are done, proactively versus reactively.

I feel for you moderators on the zone. I am a moderator on another board that has no where near the traffic there is here. I think you guys do an awesome job.
WoodysGirl;2075053 said:
I'd hate to go back and re-read to see which were deleted, so I'll just leave it be. Because I know how things work on the back end, I'm sure there's a half-decent reason why a specific post was deleted and I'd bet that it's not that big of a deal. Sometimes things are done, proactively versus reactively.

It's not a big deal. Just seems like something would have to be a big deal though in order to get deleted. But I guess some are more sensitive and PC than others around here. But like I said, no biggie.
Bach;2075068 said:
It's not a big deal. Just seems like something would have to be a big deal though in order to get deleted. But I guess some are more sensitive and PC than others around here. But like I said, no biggie.

WL is very right about one thing... many posts we delete are proactive...

All of us here know certain things will trigger certain responses from certain members (and many are done on purpose to bait someone), so we head it off at the pass...

btw, I didn't delete them, either...
DaBoys4Life;2074979 said:
...... come again.

Liberal court system....you know? Like China he would disappear, ANY where in the mid-east he would have limbs or head cut off, or be shoved off a 5 story building, Africa he would be killed or imprisoned....need I go on? The US has the most liberal court system in the world. It has already worked for Benson, hasn't it?? Remember the weed charges he had against him when he was at TEXAS? Someone stepped up and claimed the weed and his charges were dropped....someone else went down for it, so the court system worked for him, huh?
DaBoys4Life;2074974 said:
like honestly whats your obsession with me.
Obsession? Please. I just wanted to know if I was right.

I am right, ain't I? :rolleyes: :)
trueblue1687;2075299 said:
Liberal court system....you know? Like China he would disappear, ANY where in the mid-east he would have limbs or head cut off, or be shoved off a 5 story building, Africa he would be killed or imprisoned....need I go on? The US has the most liberal court system in the world. It has already worked for Benson, hasn't it?? Remember the weed charges he had against him when he was at TEXAS? Someone stepped up and claimed the weed and his charges were dropped....someone else went down for it, so the court system worked for him, huh?

Ok i get what you are saying however in the same token you can't honestly believe that our court system is the way. A system where we would rather allow 5 innocent people go to jail than let one guilty person free. Where we push forth plea bargins because it not cost effective to go to trail. Once again you cite one instance where the court system worked in the favor of a person their by passing it off as being the norm. What about the boxer hurrice carter how did the court system work for him? What about the hundreds of people that was on death row that got released because of DNA evidence? Granted we don't rush and decide peoples faith right on the spot however they are still major flaws in our justice system.
DallasEast;2075302 said:
Obsession? Please. I just wanted to know if I was right.

I am right, ain't I? :rolleyes: :)

IDK i think one of my post may have been deleted however since you read every post in the thread you should know this already right ?
DaBoys4Life;2075320 said:
Ok i get what you are saying however in the same token you can't honestly believe that our court system is the way. A system where we would rather allow 5 innocent people go to jail than let one guilty person free. Where we push forth plea bargins because it not cost effective to go to trail. Once again you cite one instance where the court system worked in the favor of a person their by passing it off as being the norm. What about the boxer hurrice carter how did the court system work for him? What about the hundreds of people that was on death row that got released because of DNA evidence? Granted we don't rush and decide peoples faith right on the spot however they are still major flaws in our justice system.

You talk about the 100's of people who were released because of DNA evidence. Well those people were more than likely in prison before we were able to use DNA. That shows our system is progressive. Today's system it would be very hard to convict an innocent person in a death penalty case because of our advancements. Our syste works. Its the best system in the world. IMO its probably too liberal. When a person who harms a child can get out of prison before someone who robs a store there might be a problem.
I have seen MANY MANY MANY people get off on charges because our current system "worked" for them.
I often wonder if certain posters strain their noses blowing them as they whine. I swear I need to invest in Kleenex.

When an athlete says "it isn't about the money" we all know it's about the money. When a poster says, "it's no big deal" we all know it's a big deal.
heavyg;2075342 said:
You talk about the 100's of people who were released because of DNA evidence. Well those people were more than likely in prison before we were able to use DNA. That shows our system is progressive. Today's system it would be very hard to convict an innocent person in a death penalty case because of our advancements. Our syste works. Its the best system in the world. IMO its probably too liberal. When a person who harms a child can get out of prison before someone who robs a store there might be a problem.
I have seen MANY MANY MANY people get off on charges because our current system "worked" for them.

Yea your right it was before DNA testing. However there are still innnocent people being sent to jail. Like we talked about earlier when you get a description of a suspect. Thats in blue jeans white T boots dreeds. It's llike picking a needle out of a haystack. Then we have celeberties that get treated differently or get a lighter sentence because they are celeberity or because they can afford the best legal defense. So if your poor and you can't obtain that top notch lawyer. Like what OJ had or the rapper cassidy who killed someone shot two other people and got a year in jail. Then rapped about later in his songs. Or RKelley and his relations with underage children however his trail is at what stage now? same can be said for Micheal Jackson. The difference is that is always the difference is the money and if you don't have the money and get arrested because you fit the description at the close or near the scence and get ID because eyewitness are very dependable. You get a public defender the case doesn't go to trail and you end up plea to a lesser charge.

The justice system can be good for some people and through your view it is good for you. However from my point of view is terrible and it needs to be changed. I would say that out of everyone in prison probally 95% are guilty. Then lets not even get into the people that are in prisoner for violent crimes and drug offense and such.

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