Not sure what you mean by "this stuff" but if you are talking about being stopped by police, MOST people NEVER have an encounter with them. If you are talking about blacks, which I suspect you are, you need to read what you highlighted closer. I have never supposed that racil injustices don't happen. I merely said in my 15 year career, I have never witnessed a racial motivated injustice. To that end, I would challenge anyone to go to your respective police agency and request data on stops by race and look at that in relation to the stop location. Every P.D. tracks EVERYTHING they do, so the data is available, trust me. I would bet any amount of money that you will see the majority of black stops in black neighborhoods, whites stopped in white neighborhoods, etc. Of course, nobody ever thinks about that, they percieve an inordinate number of "racial" stops when in fact, if anyone at all is stopped in a racially segregate neighborhood or section of town, they are going to most likely be of the predominate race. I'm just saying that (read this carefully....AGAIN) in my experience, the "race card" is thrown when a person is against the wall and nothing else will work. It's never that they were speeding, or drunk, or urinating in public, or caught with stolen goods, etc, etc. A last "for instance" and I'm through with this thread: my neighbors of 10 years are black, have lived here all there lives, middle class and guess what....They've NEVER had another cop to their house except for me to drink a beer with them. They've never been stopped by a cop while driving.