Recommended A good man in charge


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No, because I've run organizations, and I understand what structure and culture is.

It doesn't matter who serves the meal; it's who put the recipe together and who's running the kitchen.

Let us assume my total ignroance of how corporate culture works. And countless CEOs, let alone coaches, have run organizations into the ground. But let me afford you that argument... Have you ever run a football organization to know how it works and if you have, do you have access to Valley Ranch to know their inner workings?


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Whose complaining it was taken away from him? I'm quite happy it was.
I did not say people are complaining it was taken away. I am saying that people got exactly what they wanted and, after getting what they wanted, now they are complaining about something else. My opinion is that if people wanted him gone, they should not have made that (play-calling removal) a viable fan-pleasing option to Jerry Jones. As it is, Garrett's the coach and griping about it all season is not going to change that this year.

I'm not a Garrett fanboy or hater. I'm just realistic and quite honestly, am tired of the same complaints being repeated over and over and over and over. It seems the only motivation to repeat the same complaint over and over again is to tick off those you disagree with or to hope by saying it enough it will magically happen.

If the Cowboys go 8-8 or worse this year, you and other Garrett haters will get your wish and by then, you'll have a lot more fans jumping off the Garrett bandwagon. Until then, the never-ending repetitive complaints are pointless and annoying to the fans who actually like the team and want to look forward to the season.



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Let us assume my total ignroance of how corporate culture works. And countless CEOs, let alone coaches, have run organizations into the ground. But let me afford you that argument... Have you ever run a football organization to know how it works and if you have, do you have access to Valley Ranch to know their inner workings?

It's simple. Jason Garrett works for a football imbecile who never ran anything before he got to Dallas. Jerry is a wildcatter, nothing more.

Garrett manages Jerry's Hillbilly approach to everything brilliantly. That, more than anything, makes him the perfect guy for this job.

Fire Garrett, and you don't want to know who you get next. It won't be the names you think. It'll be Wade Phillips II.


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It's simple. Jason Garrett works for a football imbecile who never ran anything before he got to Dallas. Jerry is a wildcatter, nothing more.

Garrett manages Jerry's Hillbilly approach to everything brilliantly. That, more than anything, makes him the perfect guy for this job.

Fire Garrett, and you don't want to know who you get next. It won't be the names you think. It'll be Wade Phillips II.

And yet, Wade got him a playoff win, while JJ forced on him people like Dave Campo, Hudson Houck whom Wade didn't want, but Garrett did, players that JG wanted like Felix Jones and others... Oh, don't get me started on Roy Williams, who JJ got to help JG and cost the team 3 draft picks in the first, second and thrid round.. But yeah, JG hasn't been getting any help from JJ... And JG is cleaning up Wade's mess.. Sure...


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And yet, Wade got him a playoff win, while JJ forced on him people like Dave Campo, Hudson Houck whom Wade didn't want, but Garrett did, players that JG wanted like Felix Jones and others... Oh, don't get me started on Roy Williams, who JJ got to help JG and cost the team 3 draft picks in the first, second and thrid round.. But yeah, JG hasn't been getting any help from JJ... And JG is cleaning up Wade's mess.. Sure...

Wade got a playoff win just like Switzer got a Super Bowl. With somebody else's team and leftover culture. Once it wore off, the team spiraled into chaos.


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Funny, it was in his third year that he got the playoff win, the same amount of years that JG homers use as evidence that JG is changing the culture...


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I'm considered a negative nancy around here, but thought it was a good read. Thanks for posting.

Thank you. I was a Negative Nancy for a long, long time, until just these past few months. I think it's finally turning the corner, thanks to the steadfast approach of Garrett, Romo, Ware, and a more sound draft approach.


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Funny, it was in his third year that he got the playoff win, the same amount of years that JG homers use as evidence that JG is changing the culture...

Against a pathetic team with a quarterback that was done in a lame division. It was followed with 34-3 embarassment, after the previous year's 44-6 embarassment. THAT is a direct result of poor coaching.


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It's simple. Jason Garrett works for a football imbecile who never ran anything before he got to Dallas. Jerry is a wildcatter, nothing more.

Garrett manages Jerry's Hillbilly approach to everything brilliantly. That, more than anything, makes him the perfect guy for this job.

Fire Garrett, and you don't want to know who you get next. It won't be the names you think. It'll be Wade Phillips II.

It cracks me up that you can be so anti-Jerry yet be so supportive of the guy he originally hired due to nepotism. A bit of a disconnect, don't you think?


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Against a pathetic team with a quarterback that was done in a lame division. It was followed with 34-3 embarassment, after the previous year's 44-6 embarassment. THAT is a direct result of poor coaching.

9 offensive points. Solid offensive coaching?


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Against a pathetic team with a quarterback that was done in a lame division. It was followed with 34-3 embarassment, after the previous year's 44-6 embarassment. THAT is a direct result of poor coaching.

Even Bill Parcells had some serious duds here, especially his last year. And yet, Garrett hasn't even made the playoffs and Wade's been twice, winning the division and losing in the 13-3 season to the to the then Super Bowl Champions, the same one's who beat the then undefeated Patriots. It was the same team that the Giants players said were the toughest team they haced that play-offs.

How many embarassments has JG suffered from? And JG was here wasn't he during Wade's Wade's tenure, where JJ was actually giving him more and more influence, with guys like Campo, Houck and so on? It's clear why they deteriorated. As the above poster points out, how many points did they score and who was coaching the offense? When they were dominant, it was with Sparano and TO and TO was supposedly the guy that was exact opposite of JG's RKG...


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Again, Jerry leveraged the entire 2009 draft with Roy Williams, to help Jason Garrett out. Roy Williams didn't play defense in Detroit.


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Never thought I´d say this, but I am happy we kept JG as the coach, I am the first one that wanted him gone, I don´t know why but I have a feeling that he is going to excel at being a walk on coach. I hope I am right.


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Again, Jerry leveraged the entire 2009 draft with Roy Williams, to help Jason Garrett out. Roy Williams didn't play defense in Detroit.

No, Jerry mortgaged the whole draft because he's a football blithering idiot. Then he turned around and paid Roy Williams boatloads of money despite the fact no other team was offering him a thing. Did the same thing with Joey Galloway, Terrell Owens, Ken Hamlin, Marion Barber, Miles Austin, Jay Ratliff......bidding against air.


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wow this thread went from good vibes, to a complete rant thread in just a few days...its quite amazing sometimes just how foolish certain posters can be


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Even Bill Parcells had some serious duds here, especially his last year. And yet, Garrett hasn't even made the playoffs and Wade's been twice, winning the division and losing in the 13-3 season to the to the then Super Bowl Champions, the same one's who beat the then undefeated Patriots. It was the same team that the Giants players said were the toughest team they haced that play-offs.

How many embarassments has JG suffered from? And JG was here wasn't he during Wade's Wade's tenure, where JJ was actually giving him more and more influence, with guys like Campo, Houck and so on? It's clear why they deteriorated. As the above poster points out, how many points did they score and who was coaching the offense? When they were dominant, it was with Sparano and TO and TO was supposedly the guy that was exact opposite of JG's RKG...

Garrett had to turn over the roster. Only 17 players are left.

Now, it's a young team predominantly made up of the right kind of players. Not the human trash of TO, Pacman, and Tank, or the knuckleheads like Marty B and the Roy Williams twins. Gone are geezers Gurode, Columbo, Davis, Kosier, Brooking, James, Newman...

If you're paying attention, which you aren't, Garrett recognized a rebuilding project when he saw one. And except for the offensive and defensive line interiors, he's done just that.

Gotta learn football, bud.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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LOL. Let me guess, you also believe Garrett truly wanted to surrender his playcalling duties and fire his own brother.

It's okay, though, mancrushes are cute. Apparently you aren't the only one who swoons at the thought of Garrett's impressive grammar, deep voice, and ready smile. Gawd knows those things trump trivial matters like clock management and team performance on the field.

I did get a good chuckle out of your claim that the Eagles team we beat in 2009 was pathetic when it was 10-5 and had one of the best offenses in the league going into the last week of the year. If anything is pathetic, it's the NFCE the last two years when 9-7 won it. In 2009 the race would have already been over.

It's also funny that when good draft picks are made, it's all Garrett building the roster. When a terrible move is made, it's that idiot Jerry. But by all means, go ahead and have it both ways.


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Jason Garrett looks incredibly relaxed. Genuinely happy. Comfortable and in charge of his world.

Here's a guy we thought suffered through an awkwardly and brutally uncomfortable offseason. Brother got canned, hand-picked coaches appointed to him, ducking Jerry during a drunken postseason episode of Gailey and Campo flashbacks. Off to his room without any supper, sentenced to clean out the garage. Jason messed up really good this time.

Or so we all thought.

Just look at him. Bouncing around practice from station to station. No doubt who's in charge of practice, bantering with and confronting players and coaches, one and all. Head up, eyes piercing, ready to pounce on anything askew.

You can tell when someone is hitting their stride.

The offseason PR was handled poorly. But the moves were all right on cue, exactly what the team needed, no doubt in my mind. Jerry took front and center stage, as he does, as we all know by now, but these moves suddenly don't smell of Jerry alone. Not this time.

What's camping in Oxnard right now looks too logical and orchestrated to be the reactionary tomfoolishness of a January Jerry binge. Perhaps it started so, who knows, but the final product strongly hints of a coordinated meeting of minds. Jerry, Jason, Stephen, Lacewell, maybe even Jimmy or another mystery voice.... This was thoughful and strategic in a way that doesn't resemble circuses past.

Garrett is uniquely gifted in an important way. He's able to ignore the barbs and resist the cheese. He's OK if we're wrong and we don't know it. Think about that as posters on this site alone. How much does it bother you when someone is wrong and goes uncorrected? Garrett doesn't care, and in this market with this franchise, that's both admirable and fortunate for his well-being.

Garrett is compared to Landry in his general demeanor. Sure, I can see that. But you can also tell he studied Jimmy and Parcells, and other coaches and leaders he admires and has access to. He's not too Princeton to learn, which is cool. He's very much a willing and open book.

Future results undetermined, my favorite trait of Garrett is that you can tell he's simply a good man. A hard-working, principled, confident head football coach, and an equally committed husband, dad, and friend. You can't say that about many coaches. People in general, for that matter. Some may not care about that, but I certainly do. How you win matters.

Wherever this thing is headed this season, I feel confident that there's a real path in place. Forks in the road appear - see Rob Ryan's departure - but a compass is guiding this thing through the fog.

Only 17 players remain from 2010, playcalling has been reassigned, the 3-4 has been scrap-heaped, Jerry continues to calm his ways, while Garrett steps forward more front and center every day.

Structure and culture. While it still ain't perfect, it's got direction, regardless of what the media parrots regurgitate. Pay them no mind. This feels like a brand new football on Christmas morning to me.

Jerry didn't do that. Nor did Stephen. Credit them both, however, for identifying the man who did. This is Garrett's team now, regardless of what you may hear from people who simply don't measure up to, or even understand, the qualities of Jason Garrett.