A helluva rare, good dude


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Good starts to QB careers that fizzled quickly:

David Carr
Nick Foles
Colin Kaepernick
Josh Freeman
Byron Leftwich
Jake Plummer
Vince Young
Rex Grossman
Marc Bulger

Be careful.


Kellen Moore baby
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Great post, erod.

I said it yesterday, and I'll say it today -- I love you, Tony Romo.


Kellen Moore baby
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You are in denial. Romo will NEVER be the starter again here. This is Dak's team now.. and thank goodness. I wish Romo well in his future.. best team he could land on would be Denver because he will need a defense like that to carry him.

You need to show some damn respect and also some football acumen. Teams like the NYJ and AZ could also use him and do a lot of damage with him. Teams with top defenses (DEN included) could do some serious damage with an elite QB like Romo. He's always been short changed a true, well-rounded team. He doesn't need a defense to "carry him," he just needs a damn serviceable defense.

Be respectful of our outgoing, great, under-supported QB, UFC. You've been largely complimentary towards him lately, don't start down that path again of disrespect.

Not with him pouring out his soul for our fanbase the way he has for a decade.
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I think he stays next year as backup.

What are the cap ramifications/scenarios of he stays vs traded or June 1st-ed?

I wouldn't trade him to any decent NFC team and wouldn't trade him period for less than a high second Maybe even only for a first. We know all to well how bad a season can go if we lose our starter.
If he ends up a June 1 cut, then it'll help the team cap-wise, but also allow him more flexibility on where to play.
I see that as the most likely scenario if they part ways in 2017
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Excellent post. I noticed that myself and I grew annoyed with the coverage that seemed to be hoping to catch Romo in a negative moment. The dude's just not going to be hating on Dak and that's that. I wish the media would just quit showing Romo every time Dak makes a great play or a bad one. I watch the game for the game, not for a soap opera they're trying to conjure up.
Not surprisingly, it did succeed in luring a few posters (that wanted to be lured anyway) from this forum in.
On the rare occasion the camera would catch Romo staring at a clipboard or looking kind of blankly off elsewhere--even for 1 second--there were actually threads created saying what selfish lousy teammate he was.

It was mind-boggling, but not surprising.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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I hear you. I think we can all agree, or most of us, that Dak is the real deal. You don't do what he's been doing over the past 10 weeks and not be for real. He is our future at the position and considering the circumstances that took place (Romo going down), I think the future should continue. I'm not concerned about Romo winning somewhere else, would be happy for him like I was for Ware. I didn't think it was meant to be for Ware to win the ultimate football prize in Dallas and something tells me the same might be true for Romo.

I do believe Prescott to be the real deal, mainly because of his approach to playing the position. A lot of players have the skills but do not have the head for the game. That being said, I don't consider nine games or even a year a true measure of a career. Injuries can derail a career. Some players throw their careers off by the choices they make off the field or letting their egos get in the way. Others get something about their game off technically and cannot figure out how to correct it. Short-term success doesn't guarantee long-term success.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and fret over stuff that might never happen, but I'm realistic enough to understand that they do happen. I'd love to keep Romo another year just in case, but I know that won't happen.

Frankly, I feel the same way about most positions. I want to hold on to both Leary and Collins for depth and competition purposes, but know we can't likely make that work.

I was happy too for Ware getting a Super Bowl victory and I'll be happy if that happens for Romo as long as it isn't at our expense.


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The greatest QB of all time Tom Brady wouldn't get a 1st round pick. What makes you think Romo would get one? Bradford got one because he is significantly younger than Romo and was a 1st overall pick.

Brady would not get a 1st round pick.
He will get at least 2.


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My biggest concern is that people come into the NFL all the time and have a great year then the next it's like they never played the game before. If I'm jerry I'm definitely trying to get romos salary lower and staying with the cowboys just in case. Alot of moving parts there but...idk the future looks so great but it's not promised.


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If he ends up a June 1 cut, then it'll help the team cap-wise, but also allow him more flexibility on where to play.
I see that as the most likely scenario if they part ways in 2017

I don't see them cutting him. Paying him that much is offset by the fact that Dak makes close to nothing right now. Just like Romo early on. Besides, cutting him doesn't save that much cap space, and he's already got most of the money.

The only way I see him leaving is a trade, and somebody had better offer the farm.

How valuable is a backup quarterback that is THAT damn good? It's unheard of, and it would give Dallas a tremendous situation for a year or two like no other team has. Regardless of who starts, and who's the backup.


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i hope he chases a ring, tbh. he deserves it on his work ethic alone.
He said in the past that it just wouldn't be the same, walking into a situation like Peyton did, and having a ring situation tailor-made. He said it'd be odd going somewhere, winning one, then living the next 20 years and raising his kids in the Dallas area like he plans to do.

But he didn't say he wouldn't do it, just that is far less desirable.
If they don't give him a choice, well, nobody could ever blame him.


Well-Known Member
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I think he stays next year as backup.

What are the cap ramifications/scenarios of he stays vs traded or June 1st-ed?

I wouldn't trade him to any decent NFC team and wouldn't trade him period for less than a high second Maybe even only for a first. We know all to well how bad a season can go if we lose our starter.

There is 0% chance Romo stays as a backup next year. None.


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He said in the past that it just wouldn't be the same, walking into a situation like Peyton did, and having a ring situation tailor-made. He said it'd be odd going somewhere, winning one, then living the next 20 years and raising his kids in the Dallas area like he plans to do.

But he didn't say he wouldn't do it, just that is far less desirable.
If they don't give him a choice, well, nobody could ever blame him.

And Favre retired for the same reason....then unretired 80 times.

Competitive drive is a powerful thing


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You need to show some damn respect and also some football acumen. Teams like the NYJ and AZ could also use him and do a lot of damage with him. Teams with top defenses (DEN included) could do some serious damage with an elite QB like Romo. He's always been short changed a true, well-rounded team. He doesn't need a defense to "carry him," he just needs a damn serviceable defense.

Be respectful of our outgoing, great, under-supported QB, UFC. You've been largely complimentary towards him lately, don't start down that path again of disrespect.

Not with him pouring out his soul for our fanbase the way he has for a decade.

First off, he is not elite and has never been elite. Second, he has had multiple surgeries and is getting old which leads to a weaker arm, immobility, slower thinking, and more. He isn't even reliable anymore. He hasn't always been short changed either, he has played for some solid teams over the years. He has had his chance. A decade with 2 playoff wins? He takes some blame for that as well.

I'm sorry, I'm just not a huge fan of Romo and have really enjoyed Dak. I can't wait until we trade Romo next year and get something for him that will actually help our defense.

Silver Surfer

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They need to make sure they get something for him rather than cut him. If he ends up a free agent, he'd be a prime candidate for the 'Skins. They could let Cousins walk while they develop a new draftee. That would not be pretty.


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There's about a 40 percent chance Dak is Romo's backup next year. This is FAR from settled right now.

lol.. denial is such an ugly thing. The only way Dak would be the backup, is if he had some kind of horrific injury and we had no choice but to keep Romo. Outside of that, there is 0% chance Dak will be a backup to Romo. You guys seriously need to move on.


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They need to make sure they get something for him rather than cut him. If he ends up a free agent, he'd be a prime candidate for the 'Skins. They could let Cousins walk while they develop a new draftee. That would not be pretty.

They will get something for him for sure. There are a lot of desperate teams out there.