I am a big Dak fan, but I have noticed that is he really lucky, thru the 9 games he has had luck on his side, so I wonder how it goes
when he doesnt have the good luck?
I know when giants went on their runs, manning was very lucky, and the team was too.
Sometimes luck plays a big part in wins. whether it is bad or good.
I have also seen some really lame passes, mixed in with the really good ones.
There have been a few times where he had nothing on the ball and it has fell way short.
So while I like dak and the winning and want to see it play out, I have seen some flaws that make me think, he could be a 1 season
I really dont know, so I would keep tony around till I was sure.
I think the jones boys are sure hence the tony speech, but we still have to see how this plays out.
I know Dak seems to be really good late in the 4th, like he is just waiting for that, then he plays for real, or just gets lucky
I dont know.