A Little Formation To Get You Excited

Yakuza Rich;2844645 said:
I still suspect that teams would use some sort of nickel package against this.

According to ProFootballFocus.com, our opponents used a nickel defense half of the time when we used that formation last season. We used it six times on first downs, and on five of those, our opponent stayed in their base defense. We used it four times on second or third down, and our opponent used a nickel defense all four times.
Hostile;2844543 said:
I didn't ignore it. I read it, felt it was pretty ignorant, and decided it wasn't worth my time when other people were actually excited to talk about football for a change.

But since you have opened yourself up by thinking it was so important for me to address I will.

I have no doubt that you wouldn't respect Garrett if he was your coach. That wouldn't make you worth a pint of spit as a player just like it reduced Owens' value to the team. You obviously do not grasp the need for players to respect their coaches. I can't really explain it to you beyond this. The greatest Coaches in NFL History all demanded respect from their players. None of them would have put up with a prima donna, aging blowhard who put himself above the team in importance on a regular basis.

Owens has had multiple chances in the NFL and has played for some very good football teams. He is a remarkable player who each of those very good football teams has eventually determined was not worth the effort.

If you want to continue to believe you know more than all of those football people then by all means continue in your warped and frivolous fantasies. The rest of us would like to move on to the real world.

Owens is gone and it won't hurt us one bit. He is not the be all, end all WR. Other teams can and do win without Terrell Owens. It happens every single year. The world does not revolve around him.

Forgive you for not sucking off some formation that I am drooling over? First of all I didn't ask anyone to do that. Your piss ant act is wearing razor thin with me and this kind of language is exactly why no one takes you seriously. How can they? You're nothing but a kiss up to a player who is no longer here. Wring out your crying towel and move on. Either to the Bills forum or get over it and stick around.

This place is about the Dallas Cowboys, not Terrell Owens. These formations, the players and the coaches left behind are the reason why most of us are looking forward to 2009. You're not. Boo hoo hoo. Grab a pacifier and your blankie or suck your thumb. Personally I don't care one way or the other what method you use to bend yourself into a fetal position and find your happy place.

To that end I will damn well post stuff about formations and possiblities and I will discuss the 2009 Dallas Cowboys to the beatings of my tiny little heart and I refuse to give a flying damn that you are butt hurt that Terrell Owens is gone and any formation we draw up in 2009 would be better if he was still here. I don't agree. I think he was an albatross and is someone else's problem this year.

In 2008 we could not have used a formation like this for one very simple reason. A certain spotlight grabbing, whining, protesting WR we had on our squad last year wouldn't have stood for it. Forget the fact that his skills are clearly declining. Oh sure, he can have one marvelous game against a piss poor Defensive game plan and look like some kind of hero to mouth breathing masses of iLoveMeSomeMe butt kissers, but to knowledgeable football fans, he was no longer earning his paycheck and it was time to move on. He wouldn't have accepted this because.......DUH......it is a featured 2 Back formation which means this is designed to make us a RUNNING team to set up the pass. He would no longer be the focus of the offense.

Garrett may or may not use this type of formation in 2009. I have no doubt whatsoever that the man is smarter than I am. Maybe he can improve on this. Maybe he envisions something else altogether. All I was attempting to do was inject some football discussion into the daily paparazzi and piss and moan threads. I didn't take the time to even consider how this would hurt your tender feelings. I can't imagine why I would give a damn.

DaBoys4Life;2844659 said:
Our current coaching staff is a joke and it's a circus in VR right now. It's sad that you can see that I don't remember them demanding respect or was that why Campo got pants last training camp.
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Do you ever say anything without droning on and on?

Owens was a lot of production and I'm not as butt sore about it as you think. I'm just trying to realize what we have that can make up for the production that we're missing from TO. I mean if we even made an attempt to draft a suitable replacement I wouldn't mind. Now you're most likely going to bring up RW and how we traded for him last year. I forget what was the reason why we did that oh yeah because the young guys couldn't step up. Now you expect me to believe that these say guys can do it now when they couldn't do it with TO their. Unless you think RW is better than an aging TO as you put it.
Actually we acquired RW so that we could move forward.

I'm not kissing TO *** I'm just saying that he was a big part of our success. A big part of our offense and it's not right for him to take the fall where we failed in other areas and aspect that are still within the organization things that make you happy but do not please me. Maybe I did go about what I said the wrong way last night however, i was pretty tired and didn't feel like thinking so I just said what ever popped into my head and let the filters do their job LoL.
Gee, ya think?

I have a couple of issues with what you're saying. You concede that Garrett may be smarter than you. Whether that is the case or not it doesn't take a genius to know that he misused the talent that we had last year. It also doesn't take a genius to realize some of the players on the roster last year shouldn't have been there same goes for this year,
Become a football coach and save us. I have yet to be wowed.

Your asnine hatred for TO is mind boggling TBH. Yeah he caused problems in the locker but to think that the game plan was changed just too please him is silly to say the least. I really find it hard to believe that you really think that was the only problem and now that we a rid of the cancer we can do work. Oh yeah the excuse last year was that Garrett had so many pieces to work with that he couldn't properly use them and that there's only one football and such. Now he's supposed to suddenly be able to get more out of less talent I have a hard to beliving that.
I can't even remember how many times I have said I don't hate TO. I would repeat my claims but why bother since it won't sink in anyway.

The incessant whining about TO? Yeah, that I hate and am sick to death of.
Hostile;2844780 said:
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Do you ever say anything without droning on and on?

Actually we acquired RW so that we could move forward.

Gee, ya think?

Become a football coach and save us. I have yet to be wowed.

I can't even remember how many times I have said I don't hate TO. I would repeat my claims but why bother since it won't sink in anyway.

The incessant whining about TO? Yeah, that I hate and am sick to death of.

I'm just going to ask you this one question. What would you do to a player that pants one of your coaches?
DaBoys4Life;2844806 said:
I'm just going to ask you this one question. What would you do to a player that pants one of your coaches?
I can't answer that. It would depend on what was going on when it happened. Am I pissed at the execution during practices? If so I would probably explode. If the players and coaches were engaged in light joking, I would probably laugh it off.

Thanks for dragging this thread into the gutter.
Hostile;2844811 said:
I can't answer that. It would depend on what was going on when it happened. Am I pissed at the execution during practices? If so I would probably explode. If the players and coaches were engaged in light joking, I would probably laugh it off.

Thanks for dragging this thread into the gutter.

This thread was already garbage. So how can you command respect of your team if you do not seek disciplinary action upon a player for doing this no matter the circumstance seems pretty wishy washy to me.
DaBoys4Life;2844814 said:
This thread was already garbage. So how can you command respect of your team if you do not seek disciplinary action upon a player for doing this no matter the circumstance seems pretty wishy washy to me.
No, just your crap.
Joe Realist;2844829 said:
you are too much. some wont get it and some cant get it. :laugh2:
could you point me in the direction of what there is to get? is it out of a movie? I know it's not a common expression
Bob Sacamano;2844831 said:
could you point me in the direction of what there is to get? is it out of a movie? I know it's not a common expression
Think 6 and 12 on a clock and your little German soldier.
Bob Sacamano;2844831 said:
could you point me in the direction of what there is to get? is it out of a movie? I know it's not a common expression
ask slate ;)
Bob Sacamano;2844839 said:
I got it now


but wouldn't it be 6 to 3? or 6 to 9?
maybe you go 6 to 6:30..i think i can i think i can..nope, back to 6. lord help me...

Bob Sacamano;2844839 said:
I got it now


but wouldn't it be 6 to 3? or 6 to 9?

Yeah, I'm with you there. Maybe Slate has a lot of pent up energy.

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