After Jerry's rant how can you do anything but root against this team

I just don't understand as a cowboy fan how you can root AGAINST the team. Makes 0 sense. I get the Jerry hate I cant stand him either but rooting against the team you love , well to me that's I'm gonna take my ball and go home baby crap
Exactly.. I mean are you sitting there on Sunday hoping for YOUR team to play like crap? I can't imagine any such thing.. I was mad at Jerry when he fired Landry the way he did and I basically boycotted the '89 season because of it. But at no time did I wish for them to lose. I just punted on that season. But then they drafted Emmitt, one of my all time favorite college players who also happened to be from my home state and whom I had been following since he was in junior high I was back on board.
We all know Jerry is a narcissist. He is also a dispicable human based off the lawsuits he’s involved with regarding his affairs. And he’s the man who signed Greg Hardy.

Now he wants to bully radio hosts who question the moves he DOESNT make (because he’s not the day to day GM anymore which is never brought up).

the only way out of this hole is for the organization to bottom out ala 2000-02 and force them to make real changes in order to be relevant again.
Nothing will change with the Jones family in charge. Look at the Radiers. After Al Davis is gone his son takes over. The Cowboys are in the same boat.
Fine if you want to root against your team. I am simply not wired that way. This team could be 0-16 and have a shot at the #1 overall pick and I would still root for them to win that last game even if it meant picking #2. That's just my make up and it's not really subject to change at age 64.
I really don’t care. Enjoy the Cowboys how you want to and I will do the same.

I love this team, but absolutely hate what it has been over nearly my entire lifetime. I have watched nearly every game over the last 20 seasons, dedicated countless hours to learning team history, following the draft, following preseason prep, and will not be told I am “not a fan”.

Here is my logic if you don’t get it.

#1) It is clear the Cowboys will never have a chance to win anything real until a real, functional front office structure is installed.

#2) The only way to do this is by removing Jerry (and hopefully Stephen, but this probably will never happen).

#3) The only way to achieve this is by getting the Jones family to relieve themselves from day-to-day football operations. This will only ever occur if the results on the field are so unacceptably bad that even they can’t deny the facts anymore.

For this reason, I am hoping for the collapse. Enough of our time has been disrespected and thrown away by this ownership group.

Please tell me how I am wrong. I am genuinely curious.
Exactly.. I mean are you sitting there on Sunday hoping for YOUR team to play like crap? I can't imagine any such thing.. I was mad at Jerry when he fired Landry the way he did and I basically boycotted the '89 season because of it. But at no time did I wish for them to lose. I just punted on that season. But then they drafted Emmitt, one of my all time favorite college players who also happened to be from my home state and whom I had been following since he was in junior high I was back on board.
You can be a fan and not be a blind cheerleader. A true REAL fan wants to see the team going in the right direction and their ownership doing things that are actively improving the team to build a champion. To sit there and root/cheerlead mediocrity and in this season's case "gross ineptitude" is a dereliction of fan duty in my opinion. Pom-Pom waving is for the dumb sheep that are still living off old glory years.. Basically low standard pom-pom wavers. The exact people that enable Jerry to be an idiot.
I really don’t care. Enjoy the Cowboys how you want to and I will do the same.

I love this team, but absolutely hate what it has become. I have watched nearly every game over the last 15 seasons, dedicated countless hours to learning team history, following the draft, following preseason prep, and will not be told I am “not a fan”.

Here is my logic if you don’t get it.

#1) It is clear the Cowboys will never have a chance to win anything real until a real, functional front office structure is installed.

#2) The only way to do this is by removing Jerry (and hopefully Stephen, but this probably will never happen).

#3) The only way to achieve this is by getting the Jones family to relieve themselves from day-to-day football operations. This will only ever occur if the results on the field are so unacceptably bad that even they can’t deny the facts anymore.

For this reason, I am hoping for the collapse. Enough of our time has been disrespected and thrown away by this ownership group.

Please tell me how I am wrong.
I dont think anyone can fault you for this, i get what Ronnie is saying, hell im not ever gonna dislike it when the Cowboys win, probably will never root for them to lose either....but if losing is going to turn the heat up on Jerry and make a not gonna mind that either.
We all know Jerry is a narcissist. He is also a dispicable human based off the lawsuits he’s involved with regarding his affairs. And he’s the man who signed Greg Hardy.

Now he wants to bully radio hosts who question the moves he DOESNT make (because he’s not the day to day GM anymore which is never brought up).

the only way out of this hole is for the organization to bottom out ala 2000-02 and force them to make real changes in order to be relevant again.
Sell the team should be the message. He has done so much damage to the brand. The league should take them over.
We all know Jerry is a narcissist. He is also a dispicable human based off the lawsuits he’s involved with regarding his affairs. And he’s the man who signed Greg Hardy.

Now he wants to bully radio hosts who question the moves he DOESNT make (because he’s not the day to day GM anymore which is never brought up).

the only way out of this hole is for the organization to bottom out ala 2000-02 and force them to make real changes in order to be relevant again.
I totally agree with the sentiment, but I root for this team, for Dak, etc., because I don't believe any amount of losing, or losing in the embarrassing way we are, will ever force him to change. He's dug in for the rest of his life because he knows that most people attribute the success of the 90's Cowboys primarily to Jimmy, and that he's been nothing but incompetent to downright criminally bad as a GM in the salary cap era for the past 30 years, and in his mind he HAS TO prove that narrative wrong. He's had the biggest brand, all the resources one could ask for, full cart blanche power and authority to spend and sign whoever he wanted, and still hasn't even been able to make an NFC Championship game. The fans and media have both been able to point out every single hole in this roster going into the season that he denied, and all have been proven true. He knows we know it. So, we'll basically have to sit here and wait for him to expire and hope beyond hope that Stephen will hire a GM and be a good owner. No amount of embarrassing losses or even monetary losses will be enough for that narcissist to change anything, let alone cede control.

I don't wish death on anyone, even someone as morally bankrupt as Jerral. But the fact is we won't see any changes until he's gone or is so senile his kids have to forcefully remove him legally. That's why, in my opinion, all we can ever really do is pray and hope that the rosters/players/coaches that he chooses can win in spite of him.
I always want the team to do well. But since the owner doesn't care, coaches don't care, players don't care, i'm not gonna let them get me down. Imagine being sad for 30+ years because some dudes on a field get paid millions to embarrass themselves on live TV.
We all know Jerry is a narcissist. He is also a dispicable human based off the lawsuits he’s involved with regarding his affairs. And he’s the man who signed Greg Hardy.

Now he wants to bully radio hosts who question the moves he DOESNT make (because he’s not the day to day GM anymore which is never brought up).

the only way out of this hole is for the organization to bottom out ala 2000-02 and force them to make real changes in order to be relevant again.
I can feel with him.

I am not fand of him. He is a bad human being, not someone you want to be involved with or hanging around. A even worse GM and so on... you name it. And he is surrounded by talent free family members.

But what else should he say.He rebuilds this team. This and maybe next years are tanking ones. Still he wants revenues to be high. So he cant admit that we will be the trash of the league. His goal is to make money and so he cant speak the truth.

Rebuilding in our situation is a good idea. The only problem is he doesnt know how to rebuild. After two years of trying to fix our cap situation he will make the same crap he has done since he bought the team.

Its a bright future we have. But not this franchise.

Get a innerhalb distance to this. Enjoy all the funny crap he is talking and how our so called star players dont care at all. Its a entertainment show. Not more not less. If you cant get a inner distance this will eat you from inside.

Just dont do the mistake to hop on the train he is constantly trying to create. When it comes to football the Joneses are talent free. This is a loser family from the head to the grandchildren. On so has become our once proud franchise.

Accept reality. It really hurts one time but its better than to fade away in constant hope by his lies.
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I really don’t care. Enjoy the Cowboys how you want to and I will do the same.

I love this team, but absolutely hate what it has been over nearly my entire lifetime. I have watched nearly every game over the last 20 seasons, dedicated countless hours to learning team history, following the draft, following preseason prep, and will not be told I am “not a fan”.

Here is my logic if you don’t get it.

#1) It is clear the Cowboys will never have a chance to win anything real until a real, functional front office structure is installed.

#2) The only way to do this is by removing Jerry (and hopefully Stephen, but this probably will never happen).

#3) The only way to achieve this is by getting the Jones family to relieve themselves from day-to-day football operations. This will only ever occur if the results on the field are so unacceptably bad that even they can’t deny the facts anymore.

For this reason, I am hoping for the collapse. Enough of our time has been disrespected and thrown away by this ownership group.

Please tell me how I am wrong. I am genuinely curious.
You already answered your own question. There is no right or wrong when it comes to fandom. Every person has to choose his/her own path. I just can't root for my team to fail no matter the circumstances. It's why I can't play fantasy football. I don't have the ability to root for an opposing player to go off against my team so I can win some imaginary nerd football game. I also don't gamble so I aint bettin on players on other teams to be going off either.
I don't root against the team, but its not like the Romo era. I just dont care all that much anymore.
Fine if you want to root against your team. I am simply not wired that way. This team could be 0-16 and have a shot at the #1 overall pick and I would still root for them to win that last game even if it meant picking #2. That's just my make up and it's not really subject to change at age 64.
This!!! Well, except for the 64 part :cool:
He does have one that's what was told to me on here, so once again he'd have to ok the trade, hopefully he hears the fans and says you know what i'll go where they appreciate me at!! lol
They just did something the other day, he has a four-year five-year contract, but he can be traded
He does have one that's what was told to me on here, so once again he'd have to ok the trade, hopefully he hears the fans and says you know what i'll go where they appreciate me at!! lol
Yes, that’s correct, he hast to agree to the trade
If Jerry isn’t the day to day GM then it would be Stephen, in which case I’m not sure there’s another Super Bowl in the 40-year forecast.
We all know Jerry is a narcissist. He is also a dispicable human based off the lawsuits he’s involved with regarding his affairs. And he’s the man who signed Greg Hardy.

Now he wants to bully radio hosts who question the moves he DOESNT make (because he’s not the day to day GM anymore which is never brought up).

the only way out of this hole is for the organization to bottom out ala 2000-02 and force them to make real changes in order to be relevant again.
Dude u could live on for eternity and never come close to what Jerry has done for other humans in his lifetime. Seriously…
if losing every game and getting embarrassed means getting these current clowns out of the front office.. i'll root for that everyday and it beats being mediocre for the past 30 yrs!
He reminded me of another rich manbaby today. Toughen up dude.
You already answered your own question. There is no right or wrong when it comes to fandom. Every person has to choose his/her own path. I just can't root for my team to fail no matter the circumstances. It's why I can't play fantasy football. I don't have the ability to root for an opposing player to go off against my team so I can win some imaginary nerd football game. I also don't gamble so I aint bettin on players on other teams to be going off either.
There is definite WRONG. Clueless fans that sit there cheerleading no matter what thus enabling the ownership (Jerry) to do what they want, how they want, put out a poo poo product with no repercussions whenever they want and basically laugh their way to the bank is not GOOD fandom. It's a waste of time and frankly the hard working "folks" money. You are basically championing ownership stealing from the folks who genuinely support the team if you think that's "fine" and OK. It's really not.
I pretty much believe we're screwed. The only hope is when one of the grandchildren take over they'll have seen how not to do it for 45 years and run it how it should be with Football people. Otherwise 27 years going on forever.

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