After the season is over I dont think anyone will argue on Merriman

Stins, do you have any real knowledge of football?
So what if over 16 games Merriman gets 5 or 6 sacks more?
Last year Ware beat him in EVERY AREA except sacks.
I confidently believe that barring injury Ware will once again end with more tackles, assists, FF, and probably TD's since he already has one and merriman HAS NONE. As far as I am concerned that makes Ware the better player and that is what is important.
Is there some sort of Troll basic training program? It is unreal how they are all exactly alike, say the same things, have the same "I'm right, you can't rebutt my points because I don't read the rebuttals" attitude....It's really uncanny. Some psychiatrist needs to write something about this, because it is obviosuly at a psychological level.

Fun fire story - in 5th grade, we had these science books that had a full sheet convex mirror inside. Our classrooms were the portable outside ones since the school had grown too fast, so there were a bunch of windows. I discovered that I could burn the carpet with the mirror. So, a week and a half later, with burn holes all around my desk, I get called into the principals office. It was funny, because they were more concerned that I had some psychological problem because I liked burning things, than with the carpet. What analysis does that need? I'm 11 - fire is awesome - fire in a classroom is WAY awesome. End of story.
Merriman is a better passrusher and this team needs one.

Do you honestly think Merriman would still be a good pass rusher for us?

We aren't going to let him blitz and freelance like San Diego does.

He would have a responsibilty to play his lane when asked to and cover when asked to. Not just go get the quarterback.

Demarcus Ware is going to line up at ROLB and 95% of the time when he blitzes its from the right side.

Merriman is coming from every angle and a lot of times gets mismatches or just not even picked up at all.
STSINAZ;1100774 said:
Thats pretty funny hos...

Hos? Let me check your credibility meter after saying some of the things you said.


Sorry buddy. You're out.
Well stsinaz you are on record with your prediction. I'm happy to wait and see how it turns out.

Based upon last years statistics Ware and Merriman should be considered even and anyone who says otherwise probably hasn't looked closely. Indeed, Merriman has more sacks that Ware at this point in the season, but the sampel size IMO is not large enough to rely upon. In the end, I think their numbers will be similar with Ware having a little better all around numbers like tackles, tackles for loss, etc. I certainly would not be surprised if Ware's numbers are better across the board.
STSINAZ;1100774 said:
... All you Ware lovers please answer that one question...

how come you never answer me, stsboy?

why do you continue to whine and complain knowing it will change NOTHING? and why do you have to try and seperate people out into one side or another when the vast majority of the people have said "both are good players" of which i've said SEVERAL FRIGGIN TIMES.

you keep leaving out BP saying he'd never deal with the postons. factor in the PITA factor and it just doens't matter. i hope they both have long and great careers and those living in the past will get their arses back there soon and leave hte rest of us alone and outside their (your) hate.

hate elsewhere boy - we've had enough.
i think if we had merriman we would move him around...ware moves around too...dont forget that...he just can get there...we would use merriman like roy meaning he is superior at what he does so we would take advantage of it and even change things around for him...ware just cant get there right now...2 moves wont do maybe the best he can do is learn how to stop the pass and the run...who is with me on this?
Stats are for losers when trying to compare Ware to Merriman.

Stats are for winners when trying to justify Newman as one of the top CBs in the league.

Learn this and you'll be ok here.
but based on this year merriman is doing better in sacks and alot on sacks too...almost one a game...i am not sure if they had a bye yet...WARE IS FALLING BEHIND...DEMARCUS WHERE? IS HIS NEW NICKNAME
ICEBURG LETTUCE i dont answer you because you have an anger problem. You are the only one who is hating.
STSINAZ;1100830 said:
i think if we had merriman we would move him around...ware moves around too...dont forget that...he just can get there...we would use merriman like roy meaning he is superior at what he does so we would take advantage of it and even change things around for him...ware just cant get there right now...2 moves wont do maybe the best he can do is learn how to stop the pass and the run...who is with me on this?

no one cause it makes no difference at all. he's not here, you can only speculate, and NOT prove a thing either way.

again - why keep beating on this when you KNOW it makes no difference?
STSINAZ;1100838 said:
ICEBURG LETTUCE i dont answer you because you have an anger problem. You are the only one who is hating.

it's icebErg lettuce homles.

you're the one diving people up into "lovers" and "haters" and you can't answer me cause you know i'm right so you just put your hands over your ears and scream KISS ME MERRIMAN YOU FOOL!!!!

he's not a cowboy, he never will be, and you can only speculate who would do better where. if ware were in SD maybe he'd have better number than your boyfriend. if you can say one thing w/o proof or evidence, so can i.

again - nothing is going to change, let the hate go.
CATCH17;1100798 said:
Do you honestly think Merriman would still be a good pass rusher for us?

We aren't going to let him blitz and freelance like San Diego does.

He would have a responsibilty to play his lane when asked to and cover when asked to. Not just go get the quarterback.

Demarcus Ware is going to line up at ROLB and 95% of the time when he blitzes its from the right side.

Merriman is coming from every angle and a lot of times gets mismatches or just not even picked up at all.
He doesn't know what lanes are Catch.

You can't lob hard stuff out there. Softballs.

its true, all kids are fascinated with fire. I'll give you another fun fire story.

I was exploring this construction site with a friend that always seemed to get me in trouble, oh i guess we were in jr high at the time. So he found a plastic gas can and he's throwing gas down on stuff inside this large wooded ring where the workers burned some of the construction trash and lighting little fires. so genius decides to pour mour gas on an already burning fire, the fire travels up the stream of gas, into the can and down his sleeve. so he screams and throws the gas can, which is already on fire itself straight up in the air and jumps out of the ring. the can lands on the ground and POOF there is fire all over the ground inside this ring.

So we start panicking, and we see a 50 gallon barrel of fluid, and dumped it over in the ring where the fire is burning. ooops, The fluid was NOT Water, it was kerosine. kerosine was everyehere and soaked through the ground, we tried throwing dirt on the fire but the dirt was burning because it was soaked with kerosine, the more dirt we threw on the fire the more it flared up.

Mind you a brand new house about 60% of the way finished is only 20 feet away, and this is surrounded by a couple acres of woods. And there is no running water yet on this lot. We were so lucky that everything happened inside this area closed off as a fire ring. eventually the gas and kerosine burned off and the fire diet out on its own.

But All i kept thinking about was how bad a beating i was gonna get and how i was gonna explain to the new neighbors that i helped burn their new house down.
STSINAZ;1100774 said:
Thats pretty funny hos...sheppard smith...dont worry i know him so its no big deal...he is gosuns...we all know least his friends do. I have spoken to him about numerous topics and verified it was him. You guys can go to the "14" year old card but i thought that you would have better comebacks than that. That is proof enough you can rebutt my arguments. All you can say is look at these players. What does that have to do with what I said? Merriman is a better passrusher and this team needs one. That's my whole point. He is even beating Ware in tackles! you never address anything other than the genius minds of this forum agree with you. Like who, statboy? he didnt even know there was a stat for knockdowns. Anyway the proof will be in the pudding, you will see it. At the end of the year we will not have had anything for a passrush, Ware will be at 8 sacks, and Merriman will finish at 13 or so. Let me ask you this. Were you happy with our pressure that past two games? I know I wasnt. All you Ware lovers please answer that one question. If you answer yes I would have to say therin lies the problem. You are shooting for mediocrity and thats why you make excuses for your boy. If you answer NO then you are contradicting yourself by stating you want Ware instead of Merriman. He would destroy teams in our defense. You guys state they want Ware to be another Al S and cover and stop the run then why have they pretty much changed up what a normal SS would do with Roy due to his strengths? Why wouldnt they do the same for Ware? I guarantee you they would with Merriman!
Sure he is.


Have him prove it to me, because I don't believe it for a minute.

The past 2 games has nothing to do with the rest of the season and performance. Not one thing.
Hostile;1100879 said:
Sure he is.


Have him prove it to me, because I don't believe it for a minute.

The past 2 games has nothing to do with the rest of the season and performance. Not one thing.

BUT if it happens all year will you be satisfied because it sounds like you will.
why would he prove it to you or anyone else...he is who he is trust me...he's a celebrity...why would a celebrity want you to know who he is?
STSINAZ;1100873 said:
Please...dont Insult My Intelligence Hos

i don't think he could do any worse than your own typing skills do you for, mr run away cause you're wrong.
skills do you for, mr run away cause you're wrong.


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