After this Mess of contract negotiation, will a team be willing to pay Dak?


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you cant expect them to be all in on any numbers france wanted, or the 4 year deal.
Dak should have jumped on this offer back in march, considering the situation.
Cap may not go up, and alot of uncertainty with many things in the nfl Right now .

I also remember jones boys saying they were not going to go by the market value.
they offered dak a fair deal , especially with what is going on now, and he should have taken it.
I think he wanted to at last minute, but they were not really interested anymore.
If that’s the case then the Cowboys aren’t really interested in Dak long term any more. And as I said above, that’s fine.

We can only follow the direction our front office sets forth which up until now was they were All In. Now we will wait to see what direction they are going moving forward.

But if they end up resigning Dak next year for much more then this Great Stand will all be for naught costing them millions by most accounts. All for what. Public perception ..


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Let’s be real how many elite quarterbacks are really out there? Tennessee almost dink and dunked all the way to the Super Bowl and if Dak played like Jimmy G in the playoffs, the usual Dak haters would have ran him out of here even if we went to the Super Bowl. I get the impression that the Joneses think they can get a Stafford or Rodgers next year. At a price that is in the range they want Dak to sign. We will see. I will be cheering hard for the Cowboys either way.
I was being sarcastic. Sorrry, I thought it was obvious.


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I'm relaxed about it because in my view Prescott will not be difficult to replace. You disagree - fair enough.
Some idiotic team manager is out there , but whoever it is , it will doom their team paying Dak 38-40 mil . They will fi)d out what dallas has found out , he is not worth half that . Dak is a lucky bus driver with limited skills .


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why does this hurt some of you guy/gals feelings that jerry was wise enough not to ruin the future of the team by paying dak crazy money?


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I think Dak got sold some BS by Todd France. He's a good Qb, but he's not Mahmes, Brees, or Russel Wilson.
But that’s not really the argument in which the Cowboys are being bashed for.

Which is our ownership up until now had thought he was good. And by all accounts they’d been presenting were intent on making him our franchise QB.

Now , simply because of a few million they have at least for now decided he’s not our future. If they come back next year and change their position it will cost them much more which seems ridiculous since that is the whole reason they didn’t sign him yesterday.

Now if you’re applauding because our FO has decided not to resign Dak making him our future moving in another direction in 2021 then that’s fine but our dysfunctional daddy and son idiots haven’t made that clear yet. They still could over pay him next year which would really make this stand yesterday look foolish .


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Are you serious??????

Teams can separate players offseason business from cannot.

BTW......IF we can't get him signed, keep an eye on the Colts, Saints, and maybe Bucs. All three could be looking for a 2021 vet QB and they're all built to win NOW with vet players.

I can see the Colts they will have around 113 mil Skins if they want to bail on Haskins will have around 75mil Bucs have Brady till 2022 as with brees even though they are long in the tooth. Depending on where they will end up in the draft. If any of those teams have a bad season Im sure that they would want Trevor or Fields. Plus there is always another QB that climbs the ranks.
If Dak just has an average year which he verily well could with all thats going on and the uncertainty of the season Dak could be like Cam looking for a job.
IMO its not going to be good for both sides. We will need a QB and Dak will need a team.


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why does this hurt some of you guy/gals feelings that jerry was wise enough not to ruin the future of the team by paying dak crazy money?
I would agree if that’s clearly what was done yesterday. But how can we be sure Jerry wont end up over paying him next year? Much more than it would have cost yesterday ? That’s why the local media and press are bashing .

Now if the Cowboys are making it official that Dak wont be our franchise QB moving in another direction then we can begin discussing those options, the effects, etc.

But at this point we really can’t be certain. All we can critique is they couldn’t get a deal done on the guy they wanted.


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if he performs well and the team makes a serious run, teams will be lining up to sign him.

my question is if he has a VERY good year but get's hurt late does Jerry bite the bullet
and sign him like the fleagals did with Wince?


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I don't think so. Remember they didn't pay Cousins. Besides, I think they are good for a few years with Haskins.

Not a Haskins fan. But if for some reason he really developed this season then I would agree they wouldn't do it.


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The media is roasting the Cowboys for not getting a deal done not Dak.

This isn’t about whether you or I believe Dak is worth the money it’s about the Cowboys not getting a deal done with their guy who they were All In on.

Its up to the teams ownership and Mgmt to get a deal done bringing the player to the table hashing out a deal negotiating as long as necessary.

It’s not about just offering a deal your comfortable with and that’s it. That’s not being flexible countering with other offers until a deal can be reached.


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I’m not advocating we should have paid Dak. I’m just saying if he’s your guy it’s your job to get a deal done.

We have a team that’s basically ready to contend now. Which direction do we go now in 2021. We most likely aren’t going to have a very high pick. Do we want to risk a draft pick will immediately impact a roster ready to contend now or look to FA for a veteran to come in.