Aikman on Philly WIP 610

Wasn't it the Eagles who tried to lure Troy out of retirement when McNabb was lost for the season in 2002-2003? If so, between that and his broadcasting days, he's going to know the Eagles front office better.

Also, it seemed like Jerry was really behind Troy's retirement, i.e. he didn't beg him to keep playing.

This was the right decision, but it might have seemed like an insult at the time.
ThreeSportStar80;2256361 said:
That's why Emmitt and Michael were always my favorites.

me too. i know some will be mad but i'd rather have steve young anyway
Troy's my second favorite booth analyst, after Madden. I think he does a great job, and I'm glad he remains objective--unlike guys like Theezman.
This sounds made up. Maybe Aikman gave an interview where he was complimentary to the Eagles organization, but he "respects" the Eagles more?

I highly doubt he said that.
The common perception amongst the athletes and writers is that the NorthEast Sports fan in general is a more passionate - rude - turn on their own player quicker than anyone sports fanatic than the fans around the country. I.E. NY.PHI,BOS,Tor in hockey
ChrisCanty99;2256526 said:
Wasn't it the Eagles who tried to lure Troy out of retirement when McNabb was lost for the season in 2002-2003?
gbrittain;2256376 said:
Sounds to me like a Troy hater listened to what Troy had to say and took some liberties when summing up the interview.

That's what I'm sort of thinking. Then again, anytime the Cowboys are on TV and Troy is announcing, he seemingly goes out of his way to bag on the Cowboys and he really wanted Norv to be the HC instead of Wade. So I wouldn't be too surprised if what's being reported is true.

royw3141;2256546 said:
me too. i know some will be mad but i'd rather have steve young anyway



10 Years!!!!

NO POSTS for you!!!!!!

May the fairies of wealth sprinkle nothing on you...................
The Zone ****.

AdamJT13;2256485 said:
You can listen to it online.

Not surprisingly, Troy didn't exactly say the things that the poster on The Ranch (someone named "PhilaCowboy") claimed that he said.

PhilaCowboy claimed Troy said, "He has better relationship with the Eagles organization than he does with the Cowboys organization."

But Troy actually said he just has MORE relationships with the Eagles organization. He specifically said, "We've covered the Eagles more than any team in the league, because they've been so good over the years. I have -- I don't want to say better relationships -- I have more relationships within the Eagles organization than what I do even now with the Cowboys because a lot of faces have changed since I played."

PhilaCowboy claimed, "He said Eagles fans are more passionate than Cowboys fans."

Not exactly. He did say the Eagles' fans are passionate, but he never said anything about how passionate the Cowboys' fans are. He did say the Eagles fans in their stadium are louder than the fans at Texas Stadium, no matter whether the Eagles are winning by 20 or losing by 20. I'm not sure anyone would disagree with that statement. Texas Stadium certainly isn't known for being loud even when the Cowboys are losing.

PhilaCowboy claimed, "He we asked if he rooted for the Cowboys; he said he would like to see them do well - but then praised the Eagles players / team."

The first part of that statement is true. The host asked if he roots for the Cowboys, and he said that having played in Dallas for 12 years, he would like them to do well, just as he would like UCLA to do well.

However, after that question, Troy never once praised any Eagles players or the team itself, and he certainly didn't praise the current Eagles team in any way or say anything about who he thought would win. (Earlier in the interview, he said he expects the Cowboys to win the game because they're playing at home on national TV, and he said that he thought the Cowboys were the most talented team in the NFC -- and after Tom Brady's injury, he thinks the Cowboys are the most talented team in the NFL.) After the question about whether he roots for Dallas and him saying he would like the Cowboys to do well, that's when he made the comment about having more relationships within the Eagles' organization, and later he mentioned the Eagles' passionate fans. But he never praised any of the Eagles' players or the team at any time after he was asked if he roots for the Cowboys.

PhilaCowboy claimed, "Overall he respects the Eagles players/fans/organization more than the Cowboys."

Troy never said that. It seems to be PhilaCowboy's interpretation of the interview, which is a questionable interpretation.

PhilaCowboy made it sound like Troy had turned into an Eagles fan and was ripping the Cowboys -- even though Troy actually said he wants the Cowboys to do well, he expects them to win Monday night, and he thinks they're the most talented team in the NFL right now.

Listen for yourselves --

Get a rope...............
Yakuza Rich;2256630 said:
That's what I'm sort of thinking. Then again, anytime the Cowboys are on TV and Troy is announcing, he seemingly goes out of his way to bag on the Cowboys and he really wanted Norv to be the HC instead of Wade. So I wouldn't be too surprised if what's being reported is true.


When he didn't brag about us during the broadcast it was when we sucked. What was one bad thing he said last week? Troy has no room to be a homer, or else he would be like every other crappy announcer out there.

And the person who said they would rather have Steve Young, seriously?
Well its cool if you like one ring compared to 3 :rolleyes:
theebs;2256336 said:
Why is he bagging on cowboys fans.

I really dont understand troy. He basically insulted cowboys fans in the preseason gameday program. They only had one program this year for the preseason. It was a double size farewell to Texas stadium with interviews of of former players.

IN it Troy said cowboys fans are not loud except in the playoffs where the place can be rocking.

I dont understand why he has to be such a jerk towards the fans. If he doesnt like jerry that is fine. Why constantly bash the fans.

I am really dissapointed in him. It seems he goes out of his way to do this stuff alot. I take it personal when he says eagles fans are more passionate. All of those assumptions are built on steretypes.

and of all people troy should know not to believe in stereotypes.

It is really dissapointing to hear him say this stuff.

Texas Stadium isn't loud. I don't why people get so upset about it, but it just isn't. I've been to several games there and was surprised at how passive the fans were compared to other stadiums.
he probably said all that crap just to appease the listeners.

i find it very hard to believe he has a better relationship w/ the ea-girls than the cowboys.

he's at cowboys events all the time. i don't see him in philly if he's not calling a game.
AdamJT13;2256485 said:
You can listen to it online.

Not surprisingly, Troy didn't exactly say the things that the poster on The Ranch (someone named "PhilaCowboy") claimed that he said.

PhilaCowboy claimed Troy said, "He has better relationship with the Eagles organization than he does with the Cowboys organization."

But Troy actually said he just has MORE relationships with the Eagles organization. He specifically said, "We've covered the Eagles more than any team in the league, because they've been so good over the years. I have -- I don't want to say better relationships -- I have more relationships within the Eagles organization than what I do even now with the Cowboys because a lot of faces have changed since I played."

PhilaCowboy claimed, "He said Eagles fans are more passionate than Cowboys fans."

Not exactly. He did say the Eagles' fans are passionate, but he never said anything about how passionate the Cowboys' fans are. He did say the Eagles fans in their stadium are louder than the fans at Texas Stadium, no matter whether the Eagles are winning by 20 or losing by 20. I'm not sure anyone would disagree with that statement. Texas Stadium certainly isn't known for being loud even when the Cowboys are losing.

PhilaCowboy claimed, "He we asked if he rooted for the Cowboys; he said he would like to see them do well - but then praised the Eagles players / team."

The first part of that statement is true. The host asked if he roots for the Cowboys, and he said that having played in Dallas for 12 years, he would like them to do well, just as he would like UCLA to do well.

However, after that question, Troy never once praised any Eagles players or the team itself, and he certainly didn't praise the current Eagles team in any way or say anything about who he thought would win. (Earlier in the interview, he said he expects the Cowboys to win the game because they're playing at home on national TV, and he said that he thought the Cowboys were the most talented team in the NFC -- and after Tom Brady's injury, he thinks the Cowboys are the most talented team in the NFL.) After the question about whether he roots for Dallas and him saying he would like the Cowboys to do well, that's when he made the comment about having more relationships within the Eagles' organization, and later he mentioned the Eagles' passionate fans. But he never praised any of the Eagles' players or the team at any time after he was asked if he roots for the Cowboys.

PhilaCowboy claimed, "Overall he respects the Eagles players/fans/organization more than the Cowboys."

Troy never said that. It seems to be PhilaCowboy's interpretation of the interview, which is a questionable interpretation.

PhilaCowboy made it sound like Troy had turned into an Eagles fan and was ripping the Cowboys -- even though Troy actually said he wants the Cowboys to do well, he expects them to win Monday night, and he thinks they're the most talented team in the NFL right now.

Listen for yourselves --

excellent scooby doo work, sir.
I think Troy is a Cowboys fan, how could he not be?, and I believe there is mutual respect between him and Jerry, I just think he goes to great distances not to be a homer, like Jaws or Joey T.
I LOVE ME SOME ME!;2256388 said:
Eagles fans are way better than Cowboy fans. Just look at the recent TO thread. When he was an Eagle they loved him because he played football like a beast. Cowboy fans still hate him because of something he did back in 2000. It's quite simple and im glad Troy is telling the truth. Hurts dont it? And if you ever wonder why TO always talks about how he loves Philly fans it doesn't shock me either. They stuck by his side when he was performing. Cowboy fans are divided on a player that is a huge part of a championship run. You do the math.[/

Eat Sour Grapes Troy.
Romo will make you a distant but fond memory and shatter any records you hold.

What a JackA**
Aliencowboy;2256765 said:
Eat Sour Grapes Troy.
Romo will make you a distant but fond memory and shatter any records you hold.

What a JackA**


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