Aikman on Philly WIP 610

theebs;2256407 said:
That is simply not true. I dont want to have this discussion though, especially when 99% of the time it is with people who have been to the stadium once or never at all.

How many times have you and I argued with other posters over this point?:D
I have very little issue with Troy deeming Eagle fans "more passionate." However, I do take issue with the respect comment.

Did Troy really say that he "respected" Eagles fans more than Cowboys fans?

If so, he gone down a notch or two in my book (not that he would care;)).
Overall he respects the Eagles players/fans/organization more than the Cowboys.
Bull. No way Troy said this.
Did Troy really say that he "respected" Eagles fans more than Cowboys fans?
I highly doubt it. I'm not believing any of this crap until I hear it myself. And usually these radio interviews are posted on this board.
I'm a cowboys fan and I respect the Eagles organization more than the Cowboys. And if you were to include all the cowboys' bandwagoners, I'd say I respect their fans more too.

Point being that they have had one of the best run organizations in the league for quite some time, give respect where its due.
Temo;2256426 said:
I'm a cowboys fan and I respect the Eagles organization more than the Cowboys. And if you were to include all the cowboys' bandwagoners, I'd say I respect their fans more too.

Point being that they have had one of the best run organizations in the league for quite some time, give respect where its due.

Since when have you heard Jaws, Hugh Douglas, Mike Golic, Ike Reese, et al say they respect [such and such team] more than the Philadelphia Eagles?
I LOVE ME SOME ME!;2256388 said:
Eagles fans are way better than Cowboy fans. Just look at the recent TO thread. When he was an Eagle they loved him because he played football like a beast. Cowboy fans still hate him because of something he did back in 2000. It's quite simple and im glad Troy is telling the truth. Hurts dont it? And if you ever wonder why TO always talks about how he loves Philly fans it doesn't shock me either. They stuck by his side when he was performing. Cowboy fans are divided on a player that is a huge part of a championship run. You do the math.

Oh, we forgot you speak for every one of us. Amazing how we can't run our own lifes or think without your help. I feel so worthless.
Boysboy;2256429 said:
Since when have you heard Jaws, Hugh Douglas, Mike Golic, Ike Reese, et al say they respect [such and such team] more than the Philadelphia Eagles?

That's really not the point, I'm just saying that he's allowed to respect that organization for what it has accomplished without getting backlash.

He even said he hopes the Cowboys win. It's not like he's turning his back on the Cowboys.
Boysboy;2256320 said:
Got this off of the Ranch Report.

I don't have any problems with him of being a non-homer(actually, I prefer it). However-going as far as having TIES with the Eagles organization?:bang2:

What do you want him to say on a Philly station? He doesn't need to feed the Eagles by sayin' they suck and Dallas is gonna put a whuppin' on fatty and his team....................
Temo;2256426 said:
I'm a cowboys fan and I respect the Eagles organization more than the Cowboys. And if you were to include all the cowboys' bandwagoners, I'd say I respect their fans more too.

Point being that they have had one of the best run organizations in the league for quite some time, give respect where its due.

Ah...nah. Respect is reserved for the courageous.
For the record, I was also one of the only people on this board rooting for the Pats to beat the Eagles last season, so it's not like I like the eagles or anything.
Temo;2256452 said:
For the record, I was also one of the only people on this board rooting for the Pats to beat the Eagles last season, so it's not like I like the eagles or anything.

Like I said-the reason why I DO like Troy is b/c he takes a non-homeristic view when he calls our games et al. Unlike Jaws and Brian Baldinger who constantly cheerleads their Eagles.
personally i have never liked Troy as a commentator, he does seem to have some sort of love affair with McNabb and the Eagles, so it wouldnt suprise me if he actually said whats been said in this thread, more importantly i hate the way he breaks down a game... all he does is state the obvious, and talks like we the fans dont a thing about football.
I won't comment on incredible, unsupported hearsay except to say that this example is particularly stupid.
*Yawn* we go through this every year (about 10 times a year). Listen to him when he is doing interviews in Dallas.
Danny White;2256344 said:
I'd like to hear the actual interview before jumping to conclusions on Troy.

You can listen to it online.

Not surprisingly, Troy didn't exactly say the things that the poster on The Ranch (someone named "PhilaCowboy") claimed that he said.

PhilaCowboy claimed Troy said, "He has better relationship with the Eagles organization than he does with the Cowboys organization."

But Troy actually said he just has MORE relationships with the Eagles organization. He specifically said, "We've covered the Eagles more than any team in the league, because they've been so good over the years. I have -- I don't want to say better relationships -- I have more relationships within the Eagles organization than what I do even now with the Cowboys because a lot of faces have changed since I played."

PhilaCowboy claimed, "He said Eagles fans are more passionate than Cowboys fans."

Not exactly. He did say the Eagles' fans are passionate, but he never said anything about how passionate the Cowboys' fans are. He did say the Eagles fans in their stadium are louder than the fans at Texas Stadium, no matter whether the Eagles are winning by 20 or losing by 20. I'm not sure anyone would disagree with that statement. Texas Stadium certainly isn't known for being loud even when the Cowboys are losing.

PhilaCowboy claimed, "He we asked if he rooted for the Cowboys; he said he would like to see them do well - but then praised the Eagles players / team."

The first part of that statement is true. The host asked if he roots for the Cowboys, and he said that having played in Dallas for 12 years, he would like them to do well, just as he would like UCLA to do well.

However, after that question, Troy never once praised any Eagles players or the team itself, and he certainly didn't praise the current Eagles team in any way or say anything about who he thought would win. (Earlier in the interview, he said he expects the Cowboys to win the game because they're playing at home on national TV, and he said that he thought the Cowboys were the most talented team in the NFC -- and after Tom Brady's injury, he thinks the Cowboys are the most talented team in the NFL.) After the question about whether he roots for Dallas and him saying he would like the Cowboys to do well, that's when he made the comment about having more relationships within the Eagles' organization, and later he mentioned the Eagles' passionate fans. But he never praised any of the Eagles' players or the team at any time after he was asked if he roots for the Cowboys.

PhilaCowboy claimed, "Overall he respects the Eagles players/fans/organization more than the Cowboys."

Troy never said that. It seems to be PhilaCowboy's interpretation of the interview, which is a questionable interpretation.

PhilaCowboy made it sound like Troy had turned into an Eagles fan and was ripping the Cowboys -- even though Troy actually said he wants the Cowboys to do well, he expects them to win Monday night, and he thinks they're the most talented team in the NFL right now.

Listen for yourselves --
Adam - thanks so much for taking the time to go through the interview and dispel the BS. I knew there was no way Troy said that crap.

Those who jumped on Troy wiuthout any sort of confirmation to the story's accuracy - shame on you.
I LOVE ME SOME ME!;2256388 said:
Eagles fans are way better than Cowboy fans. Just look at the recent TO thread. When he was an Eagle they loved him because he played football like a beast. Cowboy fans still hate him because of something he did back in 2000. It's quite simple and im glad Troy is telling the truth. Hurts dont it? And if you ever wonder why TO always talks about how he loves Philly fans it doesn't shock me either. They stuck by his side when he was performing. Cowboy fans are divided on a player that is a huge part of a championship run. You do the math.

Well said
Philadelphia fans are passionate about their teams but at the same time can and do let them know when they are not playing like they are capable of.TO will always have fond memories of Philly because it was REAL!Problem with the Dallas Cowboys is either they are good or they are bad,no real inbetween.The Dallas fans(not all) just get confused and that is where there lack of passion comes from.If you don't let your players know(and the only way fans can is verbally)you expect the best where will their passion to play come from,they have been paid to play for a reason NOW PLAY!

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