All-Pro and Pro Bowl LT Tyron Smith is unlikely to return!


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so in other words, they low-balled him on a one year deal and Tyron's agent walked away. This is jerry going all in.

Why do I have the feeling that the starting OL next year will be Tyler Smith, Bass, Biadasz, Martin and Steele, and people in Dallas will be talking about how improve the OL will be?

This is another situation I wish the salary CAP rules could be adjusted to fix. A veteran like Smith who has played his entire career in Dallas should be able to stay with his original team if he choose and that team would et some kind of CAP abatement to allow it to happen. If Dallas could somehow get a break on Tyron CAP impact I think they would keep him and he could retire a Dallas Cowboy.
You know you could say that and I have to go run around to everybody blaming the Joneses the fan base have been trying to get rid of tyron Smith for four years now saying he's too injury prone he's taking up a spot that could be a young guy of the future and now because they're allowing him to walk you're gonna yell and scream at the Joneses for being too cheap no he's the guy that player you need on a four to $6 million contract but then have the ability to earn it back with production and playing time it can't be all guaranteed it has to has escalators in it you can't have guys at that age be on a normal higher end contract...

How majority of our fan base has been saying that for years but now all the Cowboys are willing to do it and now you wanna just make another shot at the front office you all just love to treat the Jones as like a punching bag....

The doctors can't do anything everyone's saying get rid of zeke they got rid of zeke everyone's upset they got rid of zeke and said we should have resigned him for years they said that about a handful of players and tyron Smith is one of them and now that they're willing to do it or possibly do it y'all have a big problem with it that's all in signing a injury prone player with maybe one or two years left in the league??

Now all it would be the willingness to replace him with a little bit younger veteran free agent or you move Tyler Smith back out and you put Hoffman at left guard and put Bassett center and let's roll you know how many teams don't have 5 pro bowlers up front let alone maybe 2 and our fan base expects us to have all five guys be top dudes in the league without keeping the cap in mind...


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Maybe the best long term for us but in the short term not sure if this makes us closer to a Super Bowl in the immediate


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LT - Tyler Smith
LG - TJ Bass
C- Tyler Biadasz
RG - Zack Martin
RT - Terence Steele

24 can go to DL, WR
why not or similar but no 24 can be big time middle LB or DT/NT ie Sweat :) no WRS@!!!

LT - Tyler Smith
LG - Hoffman
C- Bass
RG - Zack Martin
RT - Terence Steele

look other teams are not afraid to replace their offensive lines with guys who are not future pro bowlers you can't have that kind of money and resources tied up just on the offensive line or any other group in your roster... I like what I saw from bass and Hoffman why not with a long offseason getting them groomed for those positions why can't we roll with some younger guys... And by the way our offensive line even with our starting five wasn't that great especially in the run game but they weren't that solid in my opinion they were around middle of the pack why not just roll with some young guys and see how it works out and has a veteran free agent like we did with the doga this year but find one that's more capable to be your swing tackle and a swing guard get somebody with experience not with a big paycheck but someone that could fill in in an emergency you know like a Chaz green situation but what from what I saw from Hoffman and bass last year when they were in I think they can be developed...


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I have a tough time to believing that. I won't believe it until he's officially gone.
Same. I can't picture him elsewhere. His career has to be almost over. I expected another season or two and retirement.


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Doesn’t this make Tyler exponentially more expensive to extend in a year or two?
You don't build your rosters worried about a few more dollars from one position to the other that's ridiculous if that's what you need to do to make your line better you push him on out there because the dudes gonna make BANK whether he's a guard or a tackle


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He needs to retire and save his back from needing a spinal fusion. He is not going to enjoy his retirement if he ends up like Hulk Hogan, Lex Luther , or Phil Collins.

The Natural

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You don't build your rosters worried about a few more dollars from one position to the other that's ridiculous if that's what you need to do to make your line better you push him on out there because the dudes gonna make BANK whether he's a guard or a tackle
1. That doesnt answer the question and 2. We’ve got an all pro guard and this is allegedly a good draft for a LT, why not draft one.


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Good for him, he deserves his shot at a championship with an actual contender and a non-fraudulent QB. Makes not caring for the Cowboys next season even easier, they just lost one of the last likeable guys they had.


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Between 2011-2018, IMO Tyron Smith was this team’s best player. Injuries have made him a part time player but in his hey-day he was as good as there was at LT. Has a HOF shot for sure.
He even has a realistic shot of first ballot. His accolades are high. 1st team all decade, 8x pro bowl, 7x NFL top 100 (possible 8x this summer), 4x 1st team all pro, 1x 2nd team.


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1. That doesnt answer the question and 2. We’ve got an all pro guard and this is allegedly a good draft for a LT, why not draft one.
Already answered that in other replies on this thread because we have some young players that could be developed into a guard easier than a tackle that would be Hoffman or bass matter of fact I would use both of them probably get rid of TylerB I know everyone's scared but other teams use young players that are not necessarily gonna be Pro Bowl players along the offensive line you can't constantly have all five guys be pro bowlers sometimes you gotta live with some of them being good instead of great then you develop a better scheme blocking scheme a better run game and you send it that's what you do...


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If this is the case, I'd like them to slide Tyler Smith over, use Bass as LG and draft a big, mean and smart Center. Mr. B is probably going elsewhere also.


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so in other words, they low-balled him on a one year deal and Tyron's agent walked away. This is jerry going all in.

Why do I have the feeling that the starting OL next year will be Tyler Smith, Bass, Biadasz, Martin and Steele, and people in Dallas will be talking about how improve the OL will be?

This is another situation I wish the salary CAP rules could be adjusted to fix. A veteran like Smith who has played his entire career in Dallas should be able to stay with his original team if he choose and that team would et some kind of CAP abatement to allow it to happen. If Dallas could somehow get a break on Tyron CAP impact I think they would keep him and he could retire a Dallas Cowboy.
I'm not sure I would say they low-balled him.......of course, we don't know what was offered but it wasn't enough. Honestly, I think it was just a mutual agreement by both parties that his time here has run it course. Moving on is best for both sides.......we get a chance to reset the 2nd most important position with a rookie from a strong draft and Ty gets a chance to choose his next team AND one last decent contract.

I said in another thread, the writing was on the wall. If you go back and look at how Emmitt, DWare and Witten's careers with the Cowboys ended, the similarities were expiring contracts or G'teed money. In other words, the fact Tyron's contract made it to this point w/o an extension says everything.