All things Star Trek: Geeks Unite!

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One of many great Avery Brooks (Captain Benjamin Sisko) moments from DS9. The episode? In The Pale Moonlight. [youtube]IPocxGUWMxM[/youtube]
The episode which introduced Jeri Ryan to the Star Trek Voyager universe:

Scorpion [youtube]LPDs0dq0LOo[/youtube]
DallasEast;4564690 said:
One of many great Avery Brooks (Captain Benjamin Sisko) moments from DS9. The episode? In The Pale Moonlight. [youtube]IPocxGUWMxM[/youtube]

Best character in ST, Garak!
CashMan;4564726 said:
Best character in ST, Garak!
I don't necessary agree with that, but I will say he has been the best [strike]Kardashian[/strike] Cardassian on television during the past twenty years. :laugh2:

...but certainly not the most pretty. ;) :p:
Well into my teen years, my preferred reading was Star Trek technical manuals. I was especially fond of a Canadian fan group called Strategic Design. They had some engaging ship designs and new technology ideas. They also focused on the OS era, which I enjoyed the most. Unfortunately, because they were not licensed by Paramount, none of their material was canon.

I have no idea if they're still creating material. Is anyone else familiar with them?

Also, do we have any Cyrano Jones fans in here?
ScipioCowboy;4564820 said:
Well into my teen years, my preferred reading was Star Trek technical manuals. I was especially fond of a Canadian fan group called Strategic Design. They had some engaging ship designs and new technology ideas. They also focused on the OS era, which I enjoyed the most. Unfortunately, because they were not licensed by Paramount, none of their material was canon.

I have no idea if they're still creating material. Is anyone else familiar with them?

Also, do we have any Cyrano Jones fans in here?
Ha! I had forgotten his name.

Who knew trafficking in Tribbles would be so dangerous? :laugh1:
DallasEast;4564983 said:
Ha! I had forgotten his name.

Who knew trafficking in Tribbles would be so dangerous? :laugh1:

Tell me Worf. Do they still sing songs of the great Tribble hunt?

Yesterday's Enterprise was arguably the best TNG episode -- it's certainly one of my favorites -- but I must concede to being annoyed by certain aspects of the premise:

In Star Trek VI, we're led to believe that the Klingon Empire is on the verge of collapse, hence its need to ally with the Federation. How, then, a mere 50 years later, does the Klingon Empire recover so quickly that it could launch a full scale invasion of the Federation and win?
ScipioCowboy;4565026 said:
Yesterday's Enterprise was arguably the best TNG episode -- it's certainly one of my favorites -- but I must concede to being annoyed by certain aspects of the premise:

In Star Trek VI, we're led to believe that the Klingon Empire is on the verge of collapse, hence its need to ally with the Federation. How, then, a mere 50 years later, does the Klingon Empire recover so quickly that it could launch a full scale invasion of the Federation and win?
The timeframe between the two is only 38 years using stardate calculators. Kirk's final stardate entry in The Undiscovered Country was 9521.6 (November 16, 2328). Picard's stardate/combat date entry in Yesterday's Enterprise was 43625.2 (January 7, 2366).

My answer for your question is that the events, which occurred prior to Yesterday's Enterprise, happened in that alternate timeline and do not match up for that reason. Case in point: Tasha Yar is alive in Yesterday's Enterprise on the aforementioned stardate. Yet, she died 'three years prior' in the actual timeline of Skin Of Evil on stardate 41603.3 (October 25, 2363).

If Tasha's life and death deviate from a linear timeframe, what's preventing the explosion of the moon Praxis from ever occurring in the alternate timeline shown in Yesterday's Enterprise? That episode does not mention Praxis or any of the events connected with the The Undiscovered Country. Gotta love time paradoxes. :)
DallasEast;4565075 said:
The timeframe between the two is only 38 years using stardate calculators. Kirk's final stardate entry in The Undiscovered Country was 9521.6 (November 16, 2328). Picard's stardate/combat date entry in Yesterday's Enterprise was 43625.2 (January 7, 2366).

My answer for your question is that the events, which occurred prior to Yesterday's Enterprise, happened in that alternate timeline and do not match up for that reason. Case in point: Tasha Yar is alive in Yesterday's Enterprise on the aforementioned stardate. Yet, she died 'three years prior' in the actual timeline of Skin Of Evil on stardate 41603.3 (October 25, 2363).

If Tasha's life and death deviate from a linear timeframe, what's preventing the explosion of the moon Praxis from ever occurring in the alternate timeline shown in Yesterday's Enterprise? That episode does not mention Praxis or any of the events connected with the The Undiscovered Country. Gotta love time paradoxes. :)
I forget. How long did Picard say the war had been going on?
ScipioCowboy;4565026 said:
Yesterday's Enterprise was arguably the best TNG episode -- it's certainly one of my favorites -- but I must concede to being annoyed by certain aspects of the premise:

In Star Trek VI, we're led to believe that the Klingon Empire is on the verge of collapse, hence its need to ally with the Federation. How, then, a mere 50 years later, does the Klingon Empire recover so quickly that it could launch a full scale invasion of the Federation and win?

Keep in mind, it seemed in the TOS universe the Klingons were more Japanese like, and after that they were not as well. They did evolve, in the ST universe.
Going to meet Sir Patrick Stewart at Dallas Comic-con tomorrow, met Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner over the last 2 years at the same event.

Anyone in the DFW area who's interested it's Sat/Sun at the new Las Colinas Convention Center, Patrick Stewart is only there Sat but they have lots of cool stuff both days.
joseephuss;4564587 said:
Rachel Nichols looked good in her cameo appearance in the latest Star Trek reboot even in green.

Yep. Green is a good color for her.
Nomad;4565143 said:
Going to meet Sir Patrick Stewart at Dallas Comic-con tomorrow, met Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner over the last 2 years at the same event.

Anyone in the DFW area who's interested it's Sat/Sun at the new Las Colinas Convention Center, Patrick Stewart is only there Sat but they have lots of cool stuff both days.

That is cool, if I saw him in person I would ask him(Stewart) about being in Dune and working with Lynch, that has always fascinated me.
DallasEast;4565075 said:
The timeframe between the two is only 38 years using stardate calculators. Kirk's final stardate entry in The Undiscovered Country was 9521.6 (November 16, 2328). Picard's stardate/combat date entry in Yesterday's Enterprise was 43625.2 (January 7, 2366).

My answer for your question is that the events, which occurred prior to Yesterday's Enterprise, happened in that alternate timeline and do not match up for that reason. Case in point: Tasha Yar is alive in Yesterday's Enterprise on the aforementioned stardate. Yet, she died 'three years prior' in the actual timeline of Skin Of Evil on stardate 41603.3 (October 25, 2363).

If Tasha's life and death deviate from a linear timeframe, what's preventing the explosion of the moon Praxis from ever occurring in the alternate timeline shown in Yesterday's Enterprise? That episode does not mention Praxis or any of the events connected with the The Undiscovered Country. Gotta love time paradoxes. :)

But the timeline didn't change until after the Battle of Narendra III. It made sense that Tasha was alive because her death wouldn't have taken place until after the Battle. The ensuing war prevented her from her ever facing Armis in Skin of Evil. However, Praxis exploded before the Battle of Narendra III. Why would it have changed?

Yesterday's Enterprise doesn't follow the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (a la the new Star Trek movie); consequently, the timeline doesn't merely split when a deviation occurs, it actually changes. That's why they had to restore it.
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