All this handwringing and Jerry bashing is nonsense

summerisfunner;1339889 said:
I don't know how getting help for the O would make this job less attractive, afterall, Rivera has no experience working w/ an O, I think getting a credible O staff in place would make the already appealing job, according to Rivera, even more appealing, and if Rivera is made of the right stuff, then he should feel that he could do a great job and make Jerry think twice about replacing him

I hope you're right and this is the plan.

If it isn't, then Jerry screwed up IMO, plain and simple.
He's not hiring Rivera if he believes Garrett is the guy of the future.

It's either going to be Garrett or one of Phillips/Turner.
summerisfunner;1339897 said:
BP is helping Jerry w/ this process

That fat old retread?


p.s. I think Bill will recommend they go with the experienced hire like Wade/Norv. Speculation, but I wouldn't see Bill comfortable with that much youth and inexperience atop the coaching staff.
wileedog;1339877 said:
Norval and Wade are not good hires. Gibbs is not a good hire.

Garrett for HC is not a good hire. I'd be willing to take the gamble at OC, and that might turn out well, but hiring him first hinders the HC we do hire. It undermines their authority and tells the players then can go over his head to Jerry.

I want Rivera, but this job just became a whole less attractive to him with Jerry's handpicked guy waiting in the wings should he stumble. Lovie would be nice, but I don't see how the Bears can let him walk away.

I don't see any other name linked to us that is particularly appealing at this point.

Again, troll or not, bb has a point IMO.

I disagree. He may have a point, but we do not know that yet. The fact that Parcells is sticking around VR to aid in transition and network for some of the assistants speaks to a deliberate plan. In this scenario, Jerry had to move quickly on a guy they wanted and needed to "blur" the job description to convince Miami to let Garrett talk to the Cowboys.

I know Jerry's past is not unblemished so it is understandable to fear the great unknown here. I was one of the folks who thought change was needed so I guess I am less upset with the turbulence right now than others, but I'm giving Jerry the benefit of a doubt right now. This thing has to play out completely before we can draw any conclusions because we have no way to see inside the process right now.
lspain1;1339903 said:
I disagree. He may have a point, but we do not know that yet. The fact that Parcells is sticking around VR to aid in transition and network for some of the assistants speaks to a deliberate plan. In this scenario, Jerry had to move quickly on a guy they wanted and needed to "blur" the job description to convince Miami to let Garrett talk to the Cowboys.

I know Jerry's past is not unblemished so it is understandable to fear the great unknown here. I was one of the folks who thought change was needed so I guess I am less upset with the turbulence right now than others, but I'm giving Jerry the benefit of a doubt right now. This thing has to play out completely before we can draw any conclusions because we have no way to see inside the process right now.

See, now this is a rationale argument and makes for a better board than "bb is just trolling ignore him" :)

Again, if the plan is Rivera and building a coaching staff that can grow up with the players on a pretty young team, I'll be happy and give Jerry his props. If Wade is brought in I won't like it, but at least I'll be happy the defense might get fixed. If Norv is brought on I will spend the offseason learning what bb feels like as everyone bashes me for being a Jerry-Hater.
lspain1;1339903 said:
I disagree. He may have a point, but we do not know that yet. The fact that Parcells is sticking around VR to aid in transition and network for some of the assistants speaks to a deliberate plan. In this scenario, Jerry had to move quickly on a guy they wanted and needed to "blur" the job description to convince Miami to let Garrett talk to the Cowboys.

I know Jerry's past is not unblemished so it is understandable to fear the great unknown here. I was one of the folks who thought change was needed so I guess I am less upset with the turbulence right now than others, but I'm giving Jerry the benefit of a doubt right now. This thing has to play out completely before we can draw any conclusions because we have no way to see inside the process right now.

btw, if Jerry can recognize where he screwed up, hires a football guy to coach the Cowboys, and defers to him on most matters, instead of being his usual micro-managing self, and it works a hell of alot better than before, why can't it be believable that he's doing the same thing now? I don't think Jerry is that dumb, to say he sees how something works, but then turn right around and totally disregard that process, and go back to doing something that failed miserably
I believe our next head Coach is on One of the Superbowl teams staffs....

I believe Jerry was hinting at the head coach job for Garrett to get his name in the paper ....

If the guy was available ...... I believe Jerry would have already hired him .... He is not known for his patience.
wileedog;1339911 said:
If the plan is to hire Garrett at OC before naming a HC, then bring in a retread like Wade or Norv when everyone on the planet (and especially the players) know they are just keeping the seat warm for Garrett, that's not a particularly good idea either.

<drop needle on broken record>

I agree.

But if that is the plan.. to just have someone keep the seat warm I think it's at least possible we could get something done in the next couple years. Just not with those particular guys at the helm.

Enter Dan Reeves. I think he'd get them to respond and be ready to play regardless of the circumstances.

<raise needle>
I think you're right zrin, I think all the HC interviews right now are just to pacify the fans, which I think it's clear as day to anyone that Dallas fans are some of the, if not THE, most impatient sports fans around, just Jerry turning over every rock before he's allowed to talk to either Colt assistants, or Ron Rivera
wileedog;1339894 said:

I don't care what BB's posting habits are, I care that he is making a valid argument that if the plan is to put Garrett at HC that is a bad idea. If the plan is to hire Garrett at OC before naming a HC, then bring in a retread like Wade or Norv when everyone on the planet (and especially the players) know they are just keeping the seat warm for Garrett, that's not a particularly good idea either.

I hope its Rivera, because that would make it all more palatable, and at least send a signal to the players that these two young guys are at least in competition for the Top Spot down the road.

But the fact is Jerry's DOES have a spotty track record here (call me a hater all you want) and doesn't inspire much confidence that he will do the right thing.

We'll see.

how come you'll look at jones's track record as a way to say "see, he's earned it!" yet you won't look at bb's incessant whining as him earning the crap he gets heaped upon hm? he's most definately earned the negativity he gets in return cause that's all he is.

at least jones has some wins on the wall.
DipChit;1339927 said:
<drop needle on broken record>

I agree.

But if that is the plan.. to just have someone keep the seat warm I think it's at least possible we could get something done in the next couple years. Just not with those particular guys at the helm.

Enter Dan Reeves. I think he'd get them to respond and be ready to play regardless of the circumstances.

<raise needle>

at 1st I was totally against the very, old school coach, Dan Reeves, for the HC position, I actually wouldn't mind to see it happen, we need a coach who can continue us on the path that BIll started, which is to advance further into the postseason, and someone who's had that success, like Dan Reeves, could very well do that, and his coaching clock is probably very short anyways, so by the time he's gone, Garrett is ready to become HC
iceberg;1339938 said:
how come you'll look at jones's track record as a way to say "see, he's earned it!" yet you won't look at bb's incessant whining as him earning the crap he gets heaped upon hm? he's most definately earned the negativity he gets in return cause that's all he is.

at least jones has some wins on the wall.

wow, that was actually a great analogy, major props for that one
iceberg;1339938 said:
how come you'll look at jones's track record as a way to say "see, he's earned it!" yet you won't look at bb's incessant whining as him earning the crap he gets heaped upon hm? he's most definately earned the negativity he gets in return cause that's all he is.

at least jones has some wins on the wall.

Well you've been on an anti-Bill rampage for a couple of years (minus a couple of months during the Romo honeymoon).

Should I start giving you more crap? ;)
wileedog;1339963 said:
Well you've been on an anti-Bill rampage for a couple of years (minus a couple of months during the Romo honeymoon).

Should I start giving you more crap? ;)

was i anti-cowboys?
anti-dallas in general?

i was focused on my reasons for my hatred and they were known.

i also said we'd never win with parcells, we'd never win a playoff game with parcells, and he was just passing the time - was i right? end result would show i was on the right track but who knows how it falls in the real world. but even in my bill tirades, i did give him credit for the good things he has done here. i'm not 100&#37; for or against any one thing.

but if you feel the need to heap crap upon me, have at it. now, you can though, in the end find positive posts from me (even moreso now)

find a few from bbgun and we'll go from there. :)
iceberg;1339986 said:
was i anti-cowboys?
anti-dallas in general?

I don't think he's anti-cowboys, I really don't. Some folks just look at things the way they want to see 'em.

My dad's a Dodger fan (back from the Brooklyn days). I swear he's only happy sometimes when they are losing and he has something to gripe about. When they win, he just kind of shakes his head and says "well, they'll screw it up tomorrow." Its odd, but that's just what he is.

i also said we'd never win with parcells, we'd never win a playoff game with parcells, and he was just passing the time - was i right?
Was BB?

find a few from bbgun and we'll go from there. :)
Meh, he can defend himself. I was merely pointing out the fallacy in someone's argument at him and it spiraled from there. I certainly didn't set out to champion his cause.

If folks wanna keep heaping crap on him feel free, it obviously isn't going to stop him. I just don't see the point, and it wastes my time having to sift through it to get to actual points.
oh in the end i agree. he complains if you make fun of his name, but he sure does it to a lot of people left and right.

was bb right? who knows and no one will care if he ever is. broken records may skip on a right statement, but they're still broken.
iceberg;1339986 said:
was i anti-cowboys?
anti-dallas in general?

I'm positive when they give me a reason to be. You think I was dogging them after the two-game lead in December? Hell, I had a Romo sig from October on. I see you're not into tough love. Instead, you're an overindulgent parent who lets his kids get away with murder, and Jerry is the biggest truant. Yes, Bill had to go, but his clueless overseer remains. That ain't good. And wouldn't you agree that the "relentlessly positive" crowd greatly outnumbers people like me here at CZ? That's just as bad.

i was focused on my reasons for my hatred and they were known.

Ditto, but that's hardly an exhaustive list.

i also said we'd never win with parcells, we'd never win a playoff game with parcells, and he was just passing the time - was i right? end result would show i was on the right track but who knows how it falls in the real world. but even in my bill tirades, i did give him credit for the good things he has done here. i'm not 100% for or against any one thing.

And I am? Hell, I enjoyed his Kissing Bandit routine as much as anyone, or his joyous reaction after the Giants win. Sadly, those moments were all too fleeting.

but if you feel the need to heap crap upon me, have at it. now, you can though, in the end find positive posts from me (even moreso now)

Moi aussi.

find a few from bbgun and we'll go from there. :)

Yes, the smiley face at the end makes you less of a jerk. Nice touch. Wake up; I'm not the enemy.
no one said you're the enemy. but that doesn't make you one of the good guys either.

in the end you're just a loud, bullheaded whiner who equates louder and more "stern" as being more correct when in reality, being correct is the 1st step in being correct.
iceberg;1340541 said:
no one said you're the enemy. but that doesn't make you one of the good guys either.

I'm not campaigning for that role. It's easy being a mindless cheerleader; it's hard being me.

in the end you're just a loud, bullheaded whiner who equates louder and more "stern" as being more correct when in reality, being correct is the 1st step in being correct.

I'll send this to the CIA to see if they can decode it.

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