Ambar Garcia needs to go

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Or Hooters and Twin Peaks or any other of a number of examples. Some people are just not going to see it even if you rub their faces in it. sells is the oldest adage in advertising history yet we're supposed to believe some jack wagon's assertion that it has ZERO impact in being a draw or means of engaging a male-dominated sports audience??? Next time I go to Hooters, which is never, I will say that I am just there for the wings and the great flat screen...and I will finally believe that my uncle back in the 70's only read Playboy for the articles. Some dudes...smh.
No dufus...don't try to twist this into an argument it isn't about to justify a dumb POV.
You're the dufus who said we should do like the Latin networks and bedazzle the broadcast with eye candy.

I twisted nothing.
You're the dufus who said we should do like the Latin networks and bedazzle the broadcast with eye candy.

I twisted nothing.
YOU SAID...having eye candy has nothing to do with it "NADA" quote. I just showed you multiple concrete examples that that is B.S. All you've done in response is bloviate...of course until you find some other thread and you can complain about emasculation again. Which way you want it, chief?

And I didn't say SHOULD...I just call it what IT IS...
This is the big lie that I have seen bandied about at particular political sites for several years now. I have been fascinated in a morbid way the double speak has turned notions of social justice into a pejorative. It's downright Orwellian.

That is precisely why people do it. While you may be at work, home, or someplace you feel is private, this forum is a public forum. The powers that be here work hard to gate the community but that is to ward off bots, trolls, and the like not to keep the public out.

As such this is a powerful place to share ideas and knowledge. And this notion that it is inconsequential is flat wrong as the behavior of the powers that be in the wider world speak a different tune. It's why companies and governments dictate policy and rhetoric by social media as much as they do by any other individual other than shareholder, the last 3 major elections were heavily influenced by online behavior, and various organizations plan rallies and meeting around bulletin forums just like this.

While I think this place's owner would have kittens should anyone try that last bit around here the fact remains that you are not going to be able to talk to dozens or hundreds of unique people and have them all listen to you at your job, watering hole, gym, home or anywhere else available to most Americans. It's why companies and nation states spend so much time and effort on bots and trolls to dictate narrative.

As for what goes on in public meetings of shareholders and city councils or stadiums full of sports fans this type of exchange is pretty tame.

And as for your false equivalence of the treatment men, I have seen people call for the job of Kelsey Charles, her predecessor whose name eludes me, Taylor Stern, and now Ambar Garcia. What I have not seen are similar action towards Broaddus, Spanola, Phillips, Eatman, Helman, Newton, Ellis, Sullivan, Kavner, or any other man over at Sunni the cheerleader used to get a pass but she never spoke her mind unless pressed. It is what it is as are the demographics of this place.
Nah with bold you just getting your sjw on because people have talked trash about all of the men and nobody comes to their defense like if you say something about the females. No false nothing over here you just see what you want to see..

You sure like to dissemble. You won't be boxed in!

How droll.
I said I can't because you're just throwing crap against the wall hoping it will stick.
YOU SAID...having eye candy has nothing to do with it "NADA" quote. I just showed you multiple concrete examples that that is B.S. All you've done in response in bloviate...of course until you find some other thread and you can complain about emasculation again. Which way you want it, chief?

And I didn't say SHOULD...I just call it what IT IS...
We're discussing football, not variety news channels or Univision game shows. Do you always talk in circles?
We're discussing football, not variety news channels or Univision game shows. Do you always talk in circles?
No...we're talking about the topic of this thread to be specific...did you forget why you're here and what topic prompted this entire discussion? And yes, sometimes I need to circle back on someone's chain of comments when they start trying to change the terms of the discussion to suit an untenable position in their argument. But you keep living in denial my good man...sooner or later we'll return to the 1950s and you'll feel good about the world once more.
No...we're talking about the topic of this thread to be specific...did you forget why you're here and what topic prompted this entire discussion? And yes, sometimes I need to circle back on someone's chain of comments when they start trying to change the terms of the discussion to suit an untenable position in their argument. But you keep living in denial my good man...sooner or later we'll return to the 1950s and you'll feel good about the world once more.
Good gawd, what the hell was that about? LOL, I feel like I'm debating with the head cheerleader.
I said I can't because you're just throwing crap against the wall hoping it will stick.

You commiserated with an unprovoked declaration of innocence. Now you are trying desperately trying to draw attention away from it. I can rejoin it if you insist with the dissembling. You cannot edit anymore.

You won't be boxed in!
Nah with bold you just getting your sjw on because people have talked trash about all of the men and nobody comes to their defense like if you say something about the females. No false nothing over here you just see what you want to see.

I said no one has called for their termination. I understand that there are different strokes for different folks. Empathy, try it.

This is a nuance that you completely missed and instead insist on your strawman. How droll.
Enjoy your hot sideline reporters. Maybe they'll get you some with bigger boobs and a Shakira wiggle. Then you can REALLY get into the game.
Says the man who uses the term "ROD" in his handle...:facepalm:
I had to stop watching as well. Her voice is annoying and yes I know English isn't her first language.

It doesn't matter she adds nothing to the show and kills the rhythm of the conversation.

Hanging with the Boys and Talking Cowboys are much better.
You commiserated with an unprovoked declaration of innocence. Now you are trying desperately trying to draw attention away from it. I can rejoin it if you insist with the dissembling. You cannot edit anymore.

You won't be boxed in!

I said no one has called for their termination. I understand that there are different strokes for different folks. Empathy, try it.

This is a nuance that you completely missed and instead insist on your strawman. How droll.
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