Talkin' Cowboys>>Hangin' with the Boys>>>>>>>>>>Cowboy's Break>>>>>>>>>>Cover-4
My ideal set-up would be
- Helman as host (he's more of a witty host and not an X's O's, guy).
- Broaddus (X's and O's guy)
- Nick (stats/history guy).
- Mickey (curmudgeon, that Broaddus and Helman pester the hell out of.)
With the few interactions that Helman has had with Mickey, you can see that Helman called him out and held his own. Broaddus just plain owns Mickey! Overall, I want to hear a little bit of inside stuff, injury updates and Mickey with his foot in his mouth while saying "BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" (in his mind, he never loses).
Derrick: he tries to pull fast ones when his arguments get countered. He'll say "That's not what I said...I didn't say it like that". Overall, I just don't dig the dude.
Tate: I didn't like her on The Break, but she's okay as a host with Talkin' Cowboys. You can tell from the very first episode that Mickey doesn't like her. All the more entertaining for me.
Rob: I like Rob. He says a lot without having to waste a hundred words like some of the other people. He's more of a host and I think he's better at than Derrick.
Ambar: She has a colorful personality but yeah...her voice is annoying and she doesn't have a lick of knowledge on Football.
Shannon Gross: I used to think he was 'meh', but he and Nate have a crazy good chemistry on HWTB.
Nate: Same as Gross. He's on the right show, now. Very fun to listen to now that he's in an unstructured environment.
Ellis: Meh