Ambar Garcia needs to go

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Then I'm "weird" too.

And proud of it.

Being good at your job should be the first, best requirement.

I guess we should just never give 20 year olds jobs with hopes that they could get experience and become good at it.

Everyone has to be some kind of 20 year old prodigy or a 60 year old who has done it for 40 years.
Its only your fault because it's too simple for you to claim I don't know. If the convo was over why respond? Did you want the last word?

I didn't, but I do now.

You got shut down the same way dez Bryant was shut down by jack rabbit. The proof for anyone that cares is in this thread.

you can quote me again but you'll be talking to yourself.

Smell you later.
I guess we should just never give 20 year olds jobs with hopes that they could get experience and become good at it.

Everyone has to be some kind of 20 year old prodigy or a 60 year old who has done it for 40 years.

How about not "giving" people anything? How about making someone earn it? Because they're actually good at it and not because of other reasons?
I didn't, but I do now.

You got shut down the same way dez Bryant was shut down by jack rabbit. The proof for anyone that cares is in this thread.

you can quote me again but you'll be talking to yourself.

Smell you later.
Guess you gotta get back to busting them tables? Have fun
Careful there, Micro-aggression alert. The social justice warriors will descend on you and tear you to pieces to make you understand tolerance. The very nerve of you to suggest that the best people should be hired. You have inspired me to walk on with the Knicks as I dont see anybody there that looks like me and not hiring me will be intolerant and not meeting the spirit of a diverse workplace. Wow, nothing exhilarates me like calling out micro-aggressions

Andy Dalton.

Andy Dalton
I never expect her to tell me what Marinelli is doing wrong or which OL should get moved or cut, she is eye candy and some yin to the yang.
I only listen to audio replays, so I'd much rather have ear-candy than eye-candy. She is a major annoyance, and I have pretty much stopped listening to The Break because of her.
Yes yes yes.......i really wanted to post this a few weeks ago but I thought it was just me. Ambar brings the show down because when she speaks she contributes nothing. Taylor Stern is 100 times better. Plus she picks on Mickey now and I like that.
How about not "giving" people anything? How about making someone earn it? Because they're actually good at it and not because of other reasons?

Agreed but people should have the freedom to hire whoever they want too.

Hiring and developing a pretty girl who speaks multi languages and can communicate with a part of your fan base doesn't seem like a bad move to me.

She's not Bill Parcells today but being in that environment she is sure to get better.
Agreed but people should have the freedom to hire whoever they want too.

Hiring and developing a pretty girl who speaks multi languages and can communicate with a part of your fan base doesn't seem like a bad move to me.

She's not Bill Parcells today but being in that environment she is sure to get better.

And what about all of the people that have worked hard for years and are qualified?

Selectively hiring anyone based on anything other than qualifications for the job is wrong. That's the point.
I think this is a generational thing. If I had to guess I bet the old #%#'s like me want pure football talk, and the 35 and under crowd like as much entertainment mixed in as possible.. just different times. Bryan needs to to a grumpy old man football talk for us. He CERTAINLY fits the bill for that show! LOL as do I.
There are two good sideline reporters on the planet.

Michele Tafoya and Christie Scales. They provide useful information. The rest are brainless clowns.
And what about all of the people that have worked hard for years and are qualified?

Selectively hiring anyone based on anything other than qualifications for the job is wrong. That's the point.

Being qualified means squat for most jobs.

I've worked with plenty of individuals who were extremely qualified on paper and used that to their advantage.

Work is going to come down to a persons effort most of the time and not their qualifications.

BTW, I don't see how she is not qualified.

She speaks multiple languages and reports on the Cowboys. Most of the time when she reports she has people with her who have been watching football for years offering their opinions while she interviews.
There are two good sideline reporters on the planet.

Michele Tafoya and Christie Scales. They provide useful information. The rest are brainless clowns.

Even the Goose?

I never understood why he was on the sideline. That was awful.
Talkin' Cowboys>>Hangin' with the Boys>>>>>>>>>>Cowboy's Break>>>>>>>>>>Cover-4

My ideal set-up would be
- Helman as host (he's more of a witty host and not an X's O's, guy).
- Broaddus (X's and O's guy)
- Nick (stats/history guy).
- Mickey (curmudgeon, that Broaddus and Helman pester the hell out of.)

With the few interactions that Helman has had with Mickey, you can see that Helman called him out and held his own. Broaddus just plain owns Mickey! Overall, I want to hear a little bit of inside stuff, injury updates and Mickey with his foot in his mouth while saying "BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" (in his mind, he never loses).

Derrick: he tries to pull fast ones when his arguments get countered. He'll say "That's not what I said...I didn't say it like that". Overall, I just don't dig the dude.
Tate: I didn't like her on The Break, but she's okay as a host with Talkin' Cowboys. You can tell from the very first episode that Mickey doesn't like her. All the more entertaining for me.
Rob: I like Rob. He says a lot without having to waste a hundred words like some of the other people. He's more of a host and I think he's better at than Derrick.
Ambar: She has a colorful personality but yeah...her voice is annoying and she doesn't have a lick of knowledge on Football.
Shannon Gross: I used to think he was 'meh', but he and Nate have a crazy good chemistry on HWTB.
Nate: Same as Gross. He's on the right show, now. Very fun to listen to now that he's in an unstructured environment.
Ellis: Meh
Well we can't really talk about this here, or at least one side can't, so let me say this and be done with it. If someone can't enjoy a sports show or a sport in general unless they see people like them involved in it, that person may be the true bigot.

If I was watching a show like that I would be watching for good content. Not what the panel of hosts look like. I'm weird like that.
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