Ambar Garcia needs to go

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Being qualified means squat for most jobs.

I've worked with plenty of individuals who were extremely qualified on paper and used that to their advantage.

Work is going to come down to a persons effort most of the time and not their qualifications.

You're talking about two different things here.

BTW, I don't see how she is not qualified.

Here's are two:
  • Works on an English program and doesn't speak English well
  • Works on a football program and doesn't know football well

She speaks multiple languages and reports on the Cowboys. Most of the time when she reports she has people with her who have been watching football for years offering their opinions while she interviews.

If she speaks well in Spanish, that's what she should do, because she's not doing good enough with English. And if she needs someone who does know football to carry her, I again ask, why is she there?

Again, she's not there for her actual job qualifications. And that's wrong.
I never expect her to tell me what Marinelli is doing wrong or which OL should get moved or cut, she is eye candy and some yin to the yang.
Not that it matters but isn't it joey buttafuoco?

Agreed, TS is really annoying
Yes. I didn't mean he's the same guy, just that it seems like an appropriate name for him.

I had to check the spelling before posting so I know the original guy is Joey.
Michele Tafoya is an... odd.. choice. But I'll give ya that one. Reminds me of an old horn dog neighbor of mine who used to have a huge crush on her. He was a hoot! His kids moved out and they moved. We used to watch games together occasionally and he'd get drunk on 4 beers and start gushing over here and I would die in laughter. Ahh, my late 20's :(

I think Erin Andrews does a great job, myself.

There is a pop culture term "Michele Tafoya Hot". It means anybody hotter is definitely hot and anybody less hot is definitely not Hot.
I wish they would replace her with Cami Griffen, Cami really knows the game and is very pretty too (if that is a requirement).
It seems they're going for/hoping for lots of vid-watchers vs. podcast listeners, else there's no reason to have her on the show. The Fox News paradigm of hiring hot chicks to get viewers. It works on TV, but not sure it works on web content, as if you want to watch hot chicks on the web....well, it's very easy. So I've heard.
You don't?
The consensus seems to be that she lacks any football acumen and since her only job is to comment about football.....
She's obviously qualified to be a model

Most of the time I see her she is interviewing people to comment about football and she also does it in a foreign language.

These podcasts they do are really a side thing I would think.

Andy Dalton.

Andy Dalton

On reconsideration I agree that we have already reached our Ginger Quota and adding him would be a micro- aggression. My most heartfelt and sincere apologies to all offended and potentially offended.
Tate: I didn't like her on The Break, but she's okay as a host with Talkin' Cowboys. You can tell from the very first episode that Mickey doesn't like her. All the more entertaining for me.
Ellis: Meh
That's what makes it entertaining. Shes always throwing jabs at mickey, mostly age related type And you can tell Mickey just wants to snap back but he won't do that to a beautiful woman like tay!
Most of the time I see her she is interviewing people to comment about football and she also does it in a foreign language.

These podcasts they do are really a side thing I would think.

Then get someone better for the podcasts.

If she's good at the Spanish interviews and bad at podcasts, what should she be doing?
On reconsideration I agree that we have already reached our Ginger Quota and adding him would be a micro- aggression. My most heartfelt and sincere apologies to all offended and potentially offended.
I wasn't offended.

Perplexed is the word you're looking for.
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