And just like that we've been surpassed by the Lions


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If we beat the pack and bucs, lost to the 9'ers and FAILED to make the playoffs for 10 years, would this make you happy? I get that the end of the season sucked. Just perspective. We move on and see what's next.
I’m frustrated we have gone almost thirty years w/o nfc championship game, period. Three decades is an eter
If we beat the pack and bucs, lost to the 9'ers and FAILED to make the playoffs for 10 years, would this make you happy? I get that the end of the season sucked. Just perspective. We move on and see what's next.
Im unhappy because it never had to be this way. Jerry could have stepped down and handed all football decisions to football experts. But he defiantly refuses even in the face of three decades of playoff futility. What Cowboy fan can be happy about this broken franchise? You are very mistaken I am happy about my franchise being permanently broken. But seeing our idiot owner squirm in the owners box while the Pack kicked our butt did make me happy that Jerry was uncomfortable.


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Are the Lions worth 9B? Did you like those 3 Super Bowls? I hope you did, I hope you did verah much!


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The Cowboys are done...I don't see it getting any better. This was their last shot for this group to show that they could make any kind of run and they failed. Once they pay Dak, that will be the official nail in the coffin of this franchise
Most accurate post of the month.


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I’m frustrated we have gone almost thirty years w/o nfc championship game, period. Three decades is an eter

Im unhappy because it never had to be this way. Jerry could have stepped down and handed all football decisions to football experts. But he defiantly refuses even in the face of three decades of playoff futility. What Cowboy fan can be happy about this broken franchise? You are very mistaken I am happy about my franchise being permanently broken. But seeing our idiot owner squirm in the owners box while the Pack kicked our butt did make me happy that Jerry was uncomfortable.
My point is if we're being honest the majority of us were beyond excited to get the #2 seed a couple weeks ago. We saw a team that had won 16 straight at home. We had some flaws but we thought our strengths would outweigh them. SAME TEAM, SAME OWNER, SAME QB yet no one was losing their minds with disgust two weeks ago. Again the result SUCKED it's just disappointing witnessing this board (predictably) slitting proverbial wrists when you know you'll be rooting again come next fall. I HATE where we are right now-- just seen this movie too many times. The movie of fan emotions.


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We’ve been surpassed by the Lions. The team during my 30 year life on earth that’s been a walking punchline. The team that went 0-16. The JV Thanksgiving team. This team has now passed the Dallas Cowboys, as if we needed to add more insult to this miserable postseason for us. Feels horrible honestly knowing we’re in a race with the Commanders to be the most embarrassing team in the NFC this century

Wish ownership felt the shame and disappointment I do right now
Do you need a tissue?


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Sadly I believe it will get worse before it gets better for the Cowboys. I really believe 9-8 or 8-9 next year is pretty realistic and maybe even wishful thinking. Other teams are evolving as the Cowboys live off old glory with no sustainable plan in place to improve and get to that next level. Failure is one thing; acceptance of failure is something else altogether.


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Define "surpassed?" The Lions have now won their first playoff games period since 1991. They haven't appeared in a SB EVER in the SB modern era. Do we really want to trade franchises? This year ended in a massive disappointment but we gotta take a step back and relax. This is beyond your control.
i’m extremely disappointed but the knee jerk reactions are crazy

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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We’ve been surpassed by the Lions. The team during my 30 year life on earth that’s been a walking punchline. The team that went 0-16. The JV Thanksgiving team. This team has now passed the Dallas Cowboys, as if we needed to add more insult to this miserable postseason for us. Feels horrible honestly knowing we’re in a race with the Commanders to be the most embarrassing team in the NFC this century

Wish ownership felt the shame and disappointment I do right now
Yep it's us and the deadskins in the race for futility.


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My point is if we're being honest the majority of us were beyond excited to get the #2 seed a couple weeks ago. We saw a team that had won 16 straight at home. We had some flaws but we thought our strengths would outweigh them. SAME TEAM, SAME OWNER, SAME QB yet no one was losing their minds with disgust two weeks ago. Again the result SUCKED it's just disappointing witnessing this board (predictably) slitting proverbial wrists when you know you'll be rooting again come next fall. I HATE where we are right now-- just seen this movie too many times. The movie of fan emotions.
I share your frustration as it’s very painful to get your hopes up and then get demolished by the number 7 seed.