And so it begins...

superpunk said:
You pick an isolated instance, that has nothing to do with Lloyd, and attempt to answer my question with a question.

You failed, Sparky. I'm not playing your stupid little game.

to quote 5 Stars..... that's RedStink logic!:D
1fisher said:
to quote 5 Stars..... that's RedStink logic!:D
Yeah, and it doesn't fly with people like me who can put 2 and 2 together to get 4. I gave him a chance to respond with a logical answer. I even told him EXACTLY what not to do - exactly what fallacy to avoid.

And he went ahead and did it again.

I have no desire to attempt to debate with someone whose understanding of logic is so infantile, that he can't put a response together even when told exactly what to avoid. Like I said, I'm done with his game. If he's really that dense - there's no point in responding to him any more. So I won't.
superpunk said:
Yeah, and it doesn't fly with people like me who can put 2 and 2 together to get 4. I gave him a chance to respond with a logical answer. I even told him EXACTLY what not to do - exactly what fallacy to avoid.

And he went ahead and did it again.

I have no desire to attempt to debate with someone whose understanding of logic is so infantile, that he can't put a response together even when told exactly what to avoid. Like I said, I'm done with his game. If he's really that dense - there's no point in responding to him any more. So I won't.

oh, he'll be back dancing around the issue.... bank on it!
illone said:
Not until you can explain why Jonny Morton who caught 47% of the passes thrown his way with SF(2005), yet when playing with Trent Green was able to grab 69%(2004).......

I can't wait to see you try to spin this one.

Because Trent Green is good?

Just my thought.

Too bad it has NOTHING to do with Brandon Lloyd. Is he going to be playing with Trent Green? No. And even if he was, Brandon Lloyd is not Johnny Morton, therefore, its irrelevant.

What's the point of your posts? Seriously. Ever. You twist stuff to fit your agenda. And when your agenda is wrong, you simply resort to logical fallacies and/or redefine the parameters of your arguement.
illone said:
Not until you can explain why Jonny Morton who caught 47% of the passes thrown his way with SF(2005), yet when playing with Trent Green was able to grab 69%(2004).......

I can't wait to see you try to spin this one.

i can only assume i'm lost in the middle of a brandon lloyd will do better in washington than he did in SF debate but i really don't feel like dropping back 3-4 pages of skins diatribe to find out.

if this is the case, then what i don't understand is how you compare your WR in question by a WR not on your team being thrown to by a qb who's only real direct link would be that he's thrown to both WR's in his time to compare to another wr to hope they'd achieve the same results.

the trouble here is, KC doesn't have a mid-2nd tier refugee camp of WR's forcing the leagues only 6 or 7 wide-out formation in the league to simply get them all playing time.

i think lloyd has the potential to be "all that" but i thought the same thing of alexander wright, harper could be a legit #1, (not in dallas no) and a pletheroa of all of our 5th and 6th string wr's that have come and gone through the years. so what does that mean?

just as much as your analogy, dude.

if lloyd were on our team, he'd be #4 fighting w/crayton for #3 at times. both can make circus catches and both can also get lost on the field and forget where they are. in the end i'll take crayton over lloyd in part yes, because he's a cowboy anyway but also in part because he's already shown he's NOT the headcase lloyd is proving to be in his career.

but in any event, i see superpunk superpunked you, so you should be in another room scraping off the burn marks. when you get back, please bring a useful analogy with you and wear it around your neck at all times to cover up the HOMER sign that's there now.
iceberg said:
but in any event, i see superpunk superpunked you, so you should be in another room scraping off the burn marks. when you get back, please bring a useful analogy with you and wear it around your neck at all times to cover up the HOMER sign that's there now.

zrinkill said:

if you're gonna walk around with a target on your back, sooner or later someone is gonna take the shot.
"Lame duck's done quacking?"- House
"If you quack, people shoot at you"- Foreman

Your House, MD quote of the day.
superpunk said:
Last year all the QBs throwing the ball to him posted a better completion percentage than he posted for a catch percentage.

Arnez Battle somehow managed to catch 59% of his opportunities from these dreadful QBs. For those keeping score, that's 15% higher than Lloyd.

And it wasn't just a problem with the QBs last year. In 2004 Tim Rattay and Ken Dorsey posted completion pct's of 61 and 54 respectively. Lloyd's catch percentage? A career high 48%! It's champagne time!

Maybe those numbers are too low. After all, they don't take into account that he was going against the other team's #1 corner, right? Well, in 2003, with QB Jeff Garcia, and teammate Terrell Owens drawing all the attention, and Cedrick Wilson filling in at #2, Lloyd caught a mind-numbing 47% of the passes thrown his way.

Consistently - dreadful.

You said the other SF receivers caught a higher % of passes than Lloyd. That was wrong information. You were the one who spoke about Battle yet failed to mention the other receiver, Morton, who caught less than 50% of his passes, yet somehow it doesn't pertain?

Please explain how Battle's numbers pertain, yet Morton's don't. You keep spinning this around in circles and posting pictures that have nothing to do with the discussion. At least address the facts here. The QB's on SF were dreadful. Period. Battle catching over 50% is an anomoly considering the other top 2 receivers on the team caught much less. Exception, not the rule. Also, considering Morton caught a much higher % of passes the year before with a better QB further proves my point.

You can't just pick and choose which stats benefit you and ignore others which are equally important.

Now stop. Read the numbers. Now re-read them. Now think. Stop again. Re-think (I know it hurts, but I'm trying to help you understand a simple point, you'll thank me later if your brain doesn't explode). Keep thinking, now read again.

Ok, now you can reply.
illone said:
Now stop. Read the numbers. Now re-read them. Now think. Stop again. Re-think (I know it hurts, but I'm trying to help you understand a simple point, you'll thank me later if your brain doesn't explode). Keep thinking, now read again.

Ok, now you can reply.

oh my - your HOMER sign is still showing.

WHO CARES dude? as usual washington makes the "splashy" moves that the press and fans love but can they make it translate on the field?

till lloyd or ANYONE does well in a skins uniform you've got nothing more than hope in a fartbag ANY number will mean ANYTHING to what he can do for the skins while there.

"I made the most of what I had," he said. "Reporters will say, 'Brandon didn't step up, Brandon makes the big play but he drops the ball.' That's nonsense. I've got the DVD that got me here. The Commanders coaches were studying it, and nobody has it. Every ball that came my way is on that DVD -- 129 balls, 49 receptions and six drops ..."
Lloyd leaned forward in his chair for emphasis.
"Six! Six! And I gave them two -- when I went up high for the ball and it went off my hands. I counted those as drops. Six! ... The reputation sticks because people who don't know the game feel that way. But the people who make the decisions know. That's why I'm here. They know their stuff."
how does this one figure into his stats?

not sure what others were seeing, but pic removed.
DLCassidy said:
That is disgusting.

but is it a drop?
incomplete pass?

this one is a toughie cause according to our resident "yes i'll quote skins sources to tout skins players" skins fan wants to say lloyd catches everything that comes his way. in all fairness he COULD have caught this one but he was too busy getting out of the way and making sure no one else was around him.

but just like this doesn't prove what lloyd can and will do in washington, neither does anything else he points to, much less morton stats.
iceberg said:
but is it a drop?
incomplete pass?

this one is a toughie cause according to our resident "yes i'll quote skins sources to tout skins players" skins fan wants to say lloyd catches everything that comes his way. in all fairness he COULD have caught this one but he was too busy getting out of the way and making sure no one else was around him.

but just like this doesn't prove what lloyd can and will do in washington, neither does anything else he points to, much less morton stats.

That's not what that is.....
I know it is a mistake, and I know what you meant to post, but for gods sake, act quickly.
superpunk said:
Your picture. You need to take it off. It is horrible.

at least it's not of me. then there would be some problems. : )

pic taken off, but what was it? i saw the animated gif of lloyd ducking from the pass. from the reactions, that's not what others were seeing.

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