Anniversary of Texas Stadium demolition

Look where highways 183 and 114 and loop 12 from a triangle. In the middle of there.
I live about 11 miles from there. Almost went out that way today. But would not have driven that far.

as of now google maps satellite image shows dirt and construction type stuff still, depending on how old it is.
Last August was the last time I was out that way. It was as that map shows.
Yes the "diamond interchange" is what you're referring too.

For the last 3 or 4 years the former site of Texas Stadium has been where they've been storing most of the equipment and supplies for the re-do they've been doing of that interchange
I was there one time. The 07 Thursday game against Green Bay. Normally I had to see them at RFK or FedEX. Always out numbered but for the first time, I walked around the parking lots with all Cowboys fans. Then saw a great Game. One of the first glimpses of Aaron Rogers. He almost brought them back after knocking out Favre

April 11 is the anniversary of Texas Stadium demolition. It was home to my favorite team for 38 years only 15 minutes from home.
Tom and Jimmys world was way better and more profitable in wins.
I drive by that site a couple times a month but it is so different now I couldn't tell you where the stadium actually used to be. The old stadium was grand old dame though. I miss her ...
So, what's in that spot now? Condos? Parking? Nothing?
I think still nothing. Last time I drove by looked like a storage area for construction items.

I believe a church group was wanting to buy it at one time. Before the demolition.
I wanna say it's office buildings and the like.. But again.. the whole area has been transformed. I would need to find the old site on a map then point my GPS at it to truly know where it is/was.
I did the tour of AT&T Stadium several years ago. I asked was there any kind of marker, plaque, etc. that showed where Texas Stadium was. One greeter repsonded no -- but said there was "something in the works" for that to happen.
It seems to me that the city branch - be it Dallas or Irving - that has the function of researching and recognizing historic buildings, dwellings, and structures would have already had something in place to identify the site.

April 11 is the anniversary of Texas Stadium demolition. It was home to my favorite team for 38 years only 15 minutes from home.
Wasn't an elementary school-age kid that, through a drawing or essay, was chosen to actually push the button to demolish the structure?
Place was a dump. Jerry could’ve done better with the new place but nostalgia is getting the best of ya.
Gotta say this is a lot of truth. The only game I ever went to there was the '90 opening game coming off the 1-15 season. Sitting in the sun baking my A off because I couldn't afford better seats. Walking 2 miles to get to my car. People smoking in a confined space. It was miserable other than the Cowboys winning that day and Emmitt's debut. That's all that mattered to me, but the stadium was a dump.
I saw my first two ever live Cowboys games there. Against the Panthers in 2002 and against the Eagles in 2003. We won both games. I enjoyed that stadium.
I drive by that site a couple times a month but it is so different now I couldn't tell you where the stadium actually used to be. The old stadium was grand old dame though. I miss her ...
The last two times I was at the convention in Dallas, I noticed that the triangle signs are still there. That's how I worked out where the stadium was.
A lot of memories in that stadium. I only got to watch one game there in person, the Clint Longley Thanksgiving game 1974.
Wish they would have just renovated Texas Stadium while using the Cotton Bowl for a couple of seasons while the work was done.

The Death Star simply hasn't been the home that Texas Stadium was.
Place was a dump. Jerry could’ve done better with the new place but nostalgia is getting the best of ya.
Yeah maybe, but nostalgia is a big deal in visual entertainment.

The only thing I found flawed about it was when they kept patching the roof and it became 50 shades of white at one point.
I realize the answer is money, but I’m surprised they couldn’t work out a deal to build the new stayjum next to the old one.

There was no lack of space. Even if they had to play in the Cotton Bowl for a season I’d have rather seen that than what we ended up with.
i dont get the hate on here for the new stadium....ive been there 2 times and its still the most incredible sports venue i have ever seen. The ammenities, the site lines, the ability to look up for the replays on the tv are all incredible for the viewing experience. The old stadium was just that - old and run down....i saw many games there and yes i have good childhood memories but i think people are bluring the memories of watching a championship team in a crappy venue vs a midling team in a championship venue.

If the cowboys were great the place would be rocking...and it has, look at the seattle playoff game a few years back - anyone that was at that game on here will tell you it was electric, loud and an incredible expereince. Maybe the issue isnt as much the venue as much as it is giving the fans a reason to cheer....

The other piece as well is the cost which texas stadium didn't have the same issue with becuase of the time it was being used - ticket prices in recent years have gone up incredibly to the point that fewer and fewer average fans can attend the games regularly which means more people / businesses selling their seats to cover the costs and make profits.

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