Another school shooting, Texas this time

Just like pot would never be legal, Gay marriage would never happen, gambling on sports would never happen.

A whole generation of kids who are about to be voting age have one big issue that is important to them. They will make it happen and I look forward to it.
None of those were center stage US constitutional issues.
I know this a hot topic for you and I won't argue. It's just my opinion that there will always be some sort of gun rights in the US.
Politics completely aside and irrelevant.
If you disagree...which it appears you do...I get it.
I'm not going to spontaneously combust discussing this today.

For the last time.
I will make my exit now.
Good luck
It's too early to be discussing how to fix this. A lot of people are hurting and puzzled as to why this happened to them and I am thinking only about the victims and their families now. Plenty of time to discuss the perp and possible preventions later on.
I don't think there is a correct answer, unfortunately. People are going to be like this. Since the beginning of time we are a species that for some reason or another turns on each other. Guns, knives, vehicles, bombs, whatever.....if somebody wants to inflict harm they will find a way. Personally I wish they would stop sensationalizing these clowns. I get it's hard not to talk about, and people love drama, but stop putting their names in the media. That's ultimately what they want, to be heard/martyred through their act of violence. Stop giving them the platform. It's really too bad that this is the world we live in now but it is our reality.

My condolences to all of those that were effected.
It's too early to be discussing how to fix this. A lot of people are hurting and puzzled as to why this happened to them and I am thinking only about the victims and their families now. Plenty of time to discuss the perp and possible preventions later on.

How can it be too early when it never stops?
a common theme is there are almost always signs/indications with these individuals and when the details surface here, I suspect it will be no different. Whether it be at home, with friends, at school or online, almost always there are traits to someone who's troubled and needs help.

Part of the solution, IMHO, will involve people having to give up some privacy as well as society not being ultra PC. Until then, those who could proactively intervene are hand cuffed and then we all seem surprised afterwards.
This is certainly not an easy problem to solve. I will say this, I believe that a very necessary first step is to decrease the size of schools. It's simply to hard to mange these kinds of things with such large Student Bodies. I think that is one of the key things that needs to change back to how it was.

Metal detectors means fully time security to man them and every entrance. Is that really feasible? (like court houses)

Instead, we could have MASSIVE electromagnets. This way, if someone tried to enter the building with a piece of metal. They would be slammed against the magnet killing them instantly. This would prevent them from shooting anyone inside. o_O
Polymer......... ;)
First I want to extend my deepest condolence to the victims and their families. Resolving this sort issue is never easy but count me on the side of keeping the guns out the hands of minors seem the best solution but officials can't do alone. I would like to laws holding parent more accountable My proposal, and I sure many will disagree, but if we are talking about minors, some point we have to consider parents bear some accountability. After all, we are talking about minors living under their roof and in some cases, used THEIR WEAPON. As a parent, you have the ultimate responsibility to not only keep your kids safe but also keeping them safe from hurting others. There's no way minor kids should access any weapons own by parents. These weapon should be locked and sealed with ONLY parents/adults having access. No way any kid should be allowed to play, toy or experiment with any explosives. As a parent, if suspect your child is involved in any such activities IT'S YOUR responsibility to either defuse the situation or contact authorities but to do nothing and'or brush it off should have consequences such as YOU also facing some criminal charges/punishment. I know this may seem harsh and of course, I'm not talking about a situation where's parents did everything humanly possible but to those parents who KNEW or SHOULD HAVE KNOWN, but chose to do nothing.
How can it be too early when it never stops?
Because it is too soon since innocent people have died. I have found I can piece things together better if I react with empathy during the beginning, anger will come later. And we are not going to stop it today.
Because it is too soon since innocent people have died. I have found I can piece things together better if I react with empathy during the beginning, anger will come later.

There have been 22 school shootings this year. I think we've all had enough time to piece things together.
Polymer is usually expensive so I think that at a minimum, metal detectors would help.

I'll tell you what would really help, if folks would just lock up their guns and keep them secure.

I'm not sure metal detector would do much in stopping a very determine individual. If he's determine it's not to pull it off with bypassing or going through a detector. It's not high school campuses are surrounded by 10-12ft fence. They're all pretty open or at min pretty accessible. My point, a determined individual can simply access the campus the night before, plant his weapons, and go through a metal detector during regular school hours. Pick a time( likely between classes or lunch breaks ), retrieve his weapons, bingo.
There have been 22 school shootings this year. I think we've all had enough time to piece things together.
But they all have victims and to react with anger doesn't show respect to them.

I agree, it's gone way beyond enough is enough and it is well beyond frustrating that we do not seem to know how to stop these tragedies.
Eliminate all gun violence from video games now, easy one that I'm willing to forfeit.
But they all have victims and to react with anger doesn't show respect to them.

I agree, it's gone way beyond enough is enough and it is well beyond frustrating that we do not seem to know how to stop these tragedies.

Here's my challenge with the whole thing... And this is not a political post.

My problem is that we're not doing anything at all to stop it. Nothing. We have speeches, we have folks saying what should be done, and nothing ever happens.

I'm not foolish enough to believe there is only one answer to this problem. There ain't. It's going to take several initiatives.

But make no mistake changes will be painful for all of us. Certain rights will have to be curtailed to some extent.

I'm at the point where I'd like to see something done... Anything.
Polymer is usually expensive so I think that at a minimum, metal detectors would help.

I'll tell you what would really help, if folks would just lock up their guns and keep them secure.

It's usually the shooters own gun that is used in these cases. Well, except for Sandy Hook.
I would also like something done now, just not at the expense of my freedoms. The kid was on the inside of the school in the halls...How did he get there? Metal detectors now at a limited amount of entrances, it works at the airports and it will certainly help at the schools. Hell, some schools have this in action already.

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