Human beings are the only animals that kill for pleasure. as a rule, although there is some evidence that cats are killers by nature. The difference in back in the day and now is the availability of weapons and information on how to build a pipe bomb on the internet.
I've said this many times and it becomes more entrenched in me every passing week. We are not far enough out of the caves to have this technology, it brings out the worst in too many. The internet is Pandora's Box for those just waiting for it.
We have more Americans, and many of them very young, on drugs that these prescribers don't even know the full effects, some pharm peddler gave them the quick read. Anti-psychotics are as dangerous as the behavior and how did the opioid crisis happen? And almost all of these past suicides by actors and musicians have some type of prescription drug involved.
Just look back at one drug, the anti-depressant mood leveler Prozac. How long did it take them to find out and how did they find out that it could cause suicidal thoughts, especially in young people? By them carrying out their thoughts. That's one hell of a research project. And as you read this, every drug company on the planet is trying to come up with more of these "solutions" because they really don't know the problem.
I have a close friend that has devoted her life to the mental health field as a psychiatrist and she will not prescribe the newly released meds until they've been out and more is known about them. She said that the more she spends on the mind and human behavior, the more she feels what am daunting task that is and her profession has fallen back on symptomatic relief as opposed to causal. Consider the maximum estimate on how much of the brain is actually used at 15% and look at the list of drugs to address mental problems.
Who knows what was in this kid's mind to do something like this or the one in Parkland but that's what we need to spend more time and energy on because there are more like them out there. And that's one huge undertaking.