Another school shooting, Texas this time

I don't think so Sam. If what is reported is accurate, they have found explosive devices at the school and in the surrounding area. This doesn't sound like a typical shooting spree.

Nah. Without question that was the correct post. It is what is was.
Kids would easily have friends hand them a gun via a window or gate; that's what they do in the inner city HS where metal detectors are already a standard. Or they hide their weapons just outside of the HS in various stash places that are easily accessible if needed; kids hid guns/drugs above the ceiling boards in my day.
And today u see none of that for the most part, these kids today u see acting totally alone walking into schools solo loaded for bear...Metal detectors and limited access is the easy answer for now or at least the first step to making it more difficult for mass slaughter inside the schools.
And today u see none of that for the most part, these kids today u see acting totally alone walking into schools solo loaded for bear...Metal detectors and limited access is the easy answer for now or at least the first step to making it more difficult for mass slaughter inside the schools.
I hear your point in implementing them in areas that didn't have them bf; like suburban HS where this is most prevalent. But even if you know the layout, that would take one gunshot out of nowhere to make the guard an afterthought in bogarting the metal detectors and still result in the mass murder of students/faculty or even lining them up for slaughter as they're all waiting to go through security checks as someone else pointed out.

Metal detectors are aimed more for students not to use the weapons in altercations that can escalate while within school grounds; why they sneak them in just in case (protection) or it's a personal thing, etc. These kids are coming in with a purpose and a checkpoint would be an easy thing to plan around. Your bolded point is the elephant in the room but can't go down that route due to the political nature.
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I hear your point in implementing them in areas that didn't have them bf; like suburban HS where this is most prevalent. But even if you know the layout, that would take one gunshot out of nowhere to make the guard an afterthought in bogarting the metal detectors and still result in the mass murder of students/faculty or even lining them up for slaughter as they're all waiting to go through security checks as someone else pointed out.

Metal detectors are aimed more for students not to use the weapons in altercations that can escalate while within school grounds; why they sneak them in just in case (protection) or it's a personal thing, etc. These kids are coming in with a purpose and a checkpoint would be an easy thing to plan around. Your bolded point is the elephant in the room but can't go down that route due to political nature, etc.
These kids are coming in for a purpose...Not for anything but these kids in Ct, Fla and now Texas are pretty dam wimpy looking and just needed to be challenged by someone with a pair of balls IMO. Not sure what u mean by elephant in the room, but I live in a pretty dam affluent area and the local HS where my daughter graduated from not that long ago had 1 main entry area. No metal detectors but all entrances to the school which were many were reduced to 1. Not sure where I'm going with this but again all of these recent shooters needed to be metal screened and they would have crapped their pants. None of them are very scary or domineering forces, they all look like the weak wesely punks that they are and they could all be put down relatively easily by the right persons at the entrance. We are not talking MS13 here, just a bunch of basement dwelling nerds that feel that they have been crapped upon once too often....Well F them and their bs feelings. In my day you had issues it led to a fight after school or during lunch and then it was settled for the most part. What has changed? Rant off and sorry for the long bs post but it's frustrating and pissing me off the more I think about it.
It's a complex issue, but have seen evidence that people taking medications for depression/anxiety/mood disorders SSRIs specifically (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are heavily linked to people who commit mass murder for non terrorist/political reasoning. This would fit the loner narrative we are seeing occuring more and more. People on these meds should be restricted from firearms but gets very tricky wo violating someone's civil rights. What could curb some of this, is charging the parents of the children committing these crimes if their weapons were used in the murders; but again back to civil rights.
Ok so not sure how old you are but why didn't these issues present themselves when we were kids? Something has obviously changed from the time I was in HS to today, would be interesting to identify what that something is. The only major thing that his changed since my HS days is Internet and online 24/7 access...everything else is pretty much the same surprisingly.
Ok so not sure how old you are but why didn't these issues present themselves when we were kids? Something has obviously changed from the time I was in HS to today, would be interesting to identify what that something is. The only major thing that his changed since my HS days is Internet and online 24/7 access...everything else is pretty much the same surprisingly.

Bullying, when we were kids, we settled our differences after school with a simple fist fight......then it was over. These kids today were brought up differently, harboring their feelings inside until something drastic happens.

Add in social media, video games desensitizing death/destruction and improper(lack of) parenting. None of those in itself is the problem but add them together, bad things happen.

Labels, everyone is looking to add a label to a person or group. If you don't fit in, someone is right there to don you something, maybe even doctors prescribing unnecessary medicine for a misplaced mental diagnosis. If a child is rowdy, give him something. If he is a loner, give him something because something must be wrong.

Our core values as a country has been pushed aside. I can't imagine what it would be like being bullied at school and online but those that are weak-minded are not equipped to handle it in a normal way. It is a sad society we live in today, just hope we can overcome it :(
Ok so not sure how old you are but why didn't these issues present themselves when we were kids? Something has obviously changed from the time I was in HS to today, would be interesting to identify what that something is. The only major thing that his changed since my HS days is Internet and online 24/7 access...everything else is pretty much the same surprisingly.
I was born in '84, so 80s through 90s/early 2000s is my frame of reference. The ssri drugs being prescribed is one difference and that is more in the early stages of understanding their relationship with these shootings but early findings show a high correlation; adults too. The motive aspect is the main aspect people are trying to pin down and bullying is an easy excuse to point to. Kids being bullied didn't light up their schools but generally took their revenge out knowing they would succeed in life, etc.(Revenge of the Nerds theme) These kids aren't looking that far down the road anymore, they want their revenge now and that is cultural/kids on presc. drugs. Don't know how you stop that tbh.
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I don’t know why people keep saying back in my day this didn’t happen. Yes it did. The death totals started to rise around the 70s because the guns people have access got better, but school shooting have been going on since there were schools and guns. Violence has actually been going down over time.

Up until recently the ut shooting in 1966 was the most violent.

And then mass shootings in general-
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Metal detectors means fully time security to man them and every entrance. Is that really feasible? (like court houses)

Instead, we could have MASSIVE electromagnets. This way, if someone tried to enter the building with a piece of metal. They would be slammed against the magnet killing them instantly. This would prevent them from shooting anyone inside. o_O
Hope nobody is wearing metal braces on their teeth.
I would like the first step to be for media outlets to stop publishing the names and photos of the shooters. Don't make them famous. For some lonely sickos that's all the motivation they need.
I’ll better you one than that. Quit reporting it altogether. It feeds the monster itself. People see too much,with these 24/7 news cycles and it effects and influences our culture in so many negative ways. They don’t take ANY responsibility for anything. I’ve asked about it,but you’ll get bull crap excuses. “Yeah,well,I need a job too you know blah,blah,blah.” What a morally wrong cop out of an excuse is that? I don’t get my community in an uproar,or help create an evironment that leads to people getting killed!!!’s the boiling frog theory. Now it’s just a weekly thing,and tomorrow everyone will be onto the next this and that,if they haven’t already. It’s really sad,that we actually live in a age where children being slaughtered at schools,or some loon in a hotel mowing down everyone below is a normal occurrence. It seems surreal...but it’s reality now.
And the natural tendency of numbness begins to set in for too many people. It wasn't that long ago that Parkland happened yet that was already beginning to lose steam even though the citizens in that area are still feeling the pain.

This is not a problem that if ignored will go away and it is not a problem with an easy solution. How in the hell do they identify the disconnected and disenfranchised before they decide to act? Not all send the signals until it's too late.
I’ll better you one than that. Quit reporting it altogether. It feeds the monster itself. People see too much,with these 24/7 news cycles and it effects and influences our culture in so many negative ways. They don’t take ANY responsibility for anything. I’ve asked about it,but you’ll get bull crap excuses. “Yeah,well,I need a job too you know blah,blah,blah.” What a morally wrong cop out of an excuse is that? I don’t get my community in an uproar,or help create an evironment that leads to people getting killed!!!
How many times have we seen that people who commit these types of crimes and serial killers often worship those that went before them and the notoriety, aka media coverage, is a motivation to commit these crimes.
Human beings are the only animals that kill for pleasure. as a rule, although there is some evidence that cats are killers by nature. The difference in back in the day and now is the availability of weapons and information on how to build a pipe bomb on the internet.

I've said this many times and it becomes more entrenched in me every passing week. We are not far enough out of the caves to have this technology, it brings out the worst in too many. The internet is Pandora's Box for those just waiting for it.

We have more Americans, and many of them very young, on drugs that these prescribers don't even know the full effects, some pharm peddler gave them the quick read. Anti-psychotics are as dangerous as the behavior and how did the opioid crisis happen? And almost all of these past suicides by actors and musicians have some type of prescription drug involved.

Just look back at one drug, the anti-depressant mood leveler Prozac. How long did it take them to find out and how did they find out that it could cause suicidal thoughts, especially in young people? By them carrying out their thoughts. That's one hell of a research project. And as you read this, every drug company on the planet is trying to come up with more of these "solutions" because they really don't know the problem.

I have a close friend that has devoted her life to the mental health field as a psychiatrist and she will not prescribe the newly released meds until they've been out and more is known about them. She said that the more she spends on the mind and human behavior, the more she feels what am daunting task that is and her profession has fallen back on symptomatic relief as opposed to causal. Consider the maximum estimate on how much of the brain is actually used at 15% and look at the list of drugs to address mental problems.

Who knows what was in this kid's mind to do something like this or the one in Parkland but that's what we need to spend more time and energy on because there are more like them out there. And that's one huge undertaking.
Metal detectors means fully time security to man them and every entrance. Is that really feasible? (like court houses)

Instead, we could have MASSIVE electromagnets. This way, if someone tried to enter the building with a piece of metal. They would be slammed against the magnet killing them instantly. This would prevent them from shooting anyone inside. o_O
That would also limit the facial piercings.
How many times have we seen that people who commit these types of crimes and serial killers often worship those that went before them and the notoriety, aka media coverage, is a motivation to commit these crimes.

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