Another school shooting, Texas this time

I'm not talking about you specifically, just something I see as lopsided in general

Let's move on. Thx
ABQ deleted a post of mine and sent me a message on that and I didn't see the political side of it but once he explained it, I did see where that was there. It only becomes political when someone disagrees with me:cool:, up until that point it was apolitical.

And you hit the nail on the head, when someone takes the opposite stance, that's when it takes off on it's own and most of the time gets shut down.

When I started this thread, I did try to stay out of the whole gun issue and the political area but in starting that post with "I am not being political", I would not have stated that if I had not thought that it might be construed as such. Didn't see that then but I do now. Disclaimers don't really change much.

Man, this is such a super emotionally charged issue that it's hard not to get political with all of the anger and emotions. At first when I saw the news, I was devastated because this was so close to home and that shouldn't matter but I admit it does, it seems more personal. I have been through the ringer, I have cried, I have yelled, I have pounded a pillow with a tennis racket (I highly recommend this one for relieving frustration and tenseness) and I have done all of that over again. It is just such a helpless and hopeless feeling and my heart is breaking and my temper flaring and I know this is going to happen again and again.
The following is a post I came across from an acquaintance on FB. It is pretty spot on about the underlying issue and my opinion as well:

Why My Kids Won't Be Shooting Up Schools, and How to Spot Those Who Might....

I'm sick. I'm sick of shootings. I'm sick of children dying. I'm sick of guns being blamed. I'm sick of parents mourning over unnecessary deaths.

For 11 years, I walked alongside teenagers. Tens of thousands of kids from all across this country. So before you say "you don't know what you're talking about," please understand I'm the guy that had anywhere from 50 to over 200 students in his home on any given weekend. I'm the guy that is more involved in the local school system than almost anyone you'll meet. I write this less than 24 hours home from the Special Olympics. So please, pardon the profanity and passion and read.

There is an epidemic in our laps and everyone is refusing to see the blatant, obvious truth.

My son is in sports.

I am focusing on my son because shootings are carried out by boys.

My son is in sports.

He is in sports to understand the value of others.
He is in sports to understand the value of a team.
He is in sports to LOSE.
Yes, he needs to lose. He does NOT get participation trophies. When he loses, he loses.

Kids are not being allowed to lose. Entire generations of young boys are being coddled and made to believe that the world is a bubble of preference and that their comfort is our responsibility. We are so hell-bent on being politically correct and respecting everyone that, as a result, we are no longer raising men.

A vast majority of school shootings are carried out by teenage boys who are not involved in sports or any extra-curricular activities, but rather isolated fetishes that promote the dopamine hit of violence and control.

This isn't me trying to say video games are bad... but, people... our boys need to lose. Our boys need to understand the rules of the game and respect boundaries.

I want you to look closely in the picture... What is it that catches your eye?

What is the CATALYST for knowing that my son will not be one you catch on the news for violence?

Are you seeing it?

It's me.


Dads, it is beyond time to STEP UP.

The common denominator of all these kids that are shooting up schools?

It's all over their facebooks. Weird stuff: clothing, guns, warnings....

Their classmates know they had issues. Heck, some even told their parents. Some call the school. Nothing is done.

And the common denominator?

The parents had "no idea."

The fathers are typically absent.

Here is my promise to you, Stetson.

I will not be up your arse.

You are going to live your life, make your mistakes, take your lumps, and become an AMAZING MAN OF INTEGRITY.

But listen... While I won't be up your arse,

You better believe I'm gonna be knee deep in your (business).

I'm committed to being your FATHER.

That's not your friend.

That's not your punching bag.

That's not a provider that you never see.....

I am going to be PRESENT, ALWAYS.

I am going to PRESIDE over you and teach you how to become the MAN you're called to be.

I am not going to leave you to yourself to "find your own version of yourself and what being a 'man' means to you..."

You deserve BETTER... every boy does.

I will TEACH you how to lose and learn.

I will TEACH you how to dream and work.

I will TEACH you how to add value and make money.

I will TEACH you how to treat a woman.

I will TEACH you what a gun is and what it's for.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a PRESENT FATHER.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a MAN.

And you, son, will be the PROTECTOR of yourself, your family, and your community....

Because you will know that is who we, as MEN, are called to be.

Basically, we are letting culture raise our children.
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The following is a post I came across from an acquaintance on FB. It is pretty spot on about the underlying issue and my opinion as well:

Why My Kids Won't Be Shooting Up Schools, and How to Spot Those Who Might....

I'm sick. I'm sick of shootings. I'm sick of children dying. I'm sick of guns being blamed. I'm sick of parents mourning over unnecessary deaths.

For 11 years, I walked alongside teenagers. Tens of thousands of kids from all across this country. So before you say "you don't know what you're talking about," please understand I'm the guy that had anywhere from 50 to over 200 students in his home on any given weekend. I'm the guy that is more involved in the local school system than almost anyone you'll meet. I write this less than 24 hours home from the Special Olympics. So please, pardon the profanity and passion and read.

There is an epidemic in our laps and everyone is refusing to see the blatant, obvious truth.

My son is in sports.

I am focusing on my son because shootings are carried out by boys.

My son is in sports.

He is in sports to understand the value of others.
He is in sports to understand the value of a team.
He is in sports to LOSE.
Yes, he needs to lose. He does NOT get participation trophies. When he loses, he loses.

Kids are not being allowed to lose. Entire generations of young boys are being coddled and made to believe that the world is a bubble of preference and that their comfort is our responsibility. We are so hell-bent on being politically correct and respecting everyone that, as a result, we are no longer raising men.

A vast majority of school shootings are carried out by teenage boys who are not involved in sports or any extra-curricular activities, but rather isolated fetishes that promote the dopamine hit of violence and control.

This isn't me trying to say video games are bad... but, people... our boys need to lose. Our boys need to understand the rules of the game and respect boundaries.

I want you to look closely in the picture... What is it that catches your eye?

What is the CATALYST for knowing that my son will not be one you catch on the news for violence?

Are you seeing it?

It's me.


Dads, it is beyond time to STEP UP.

The common denominator of all these kids that are shooting up schools?

It's all over their facebooks. Weird stuff: clothing, guns, warnings....

Their classmates know they had issues. Heck, some even told their parents. Some call the school. Nothing is done.

And the common denominator?

The parents had "no idea."

The fathers are typically absent.

Here is my promise to you, Stetson.

I will not be up your arse.

You are going to live your life, make your mistakes, take your lumps, and become an AMAZING MAN OF INTEGRITY.

But listen... While I won't be up your arse,

You better believe I'm gonna be knee deep in your (business).

I'm committed to being your FATHER.

That's not your friend.

That's not your punching bag.

That's not a provider that you never see.....

I am going to be PRESENT, ALWAYS.

I am going to PRESIDE over you and teach you how to become the MAN you're called to be.

I am not going to leave you to yourself to "find your own version of yourself and what being a 'man' means to you..."

You deserve BETTER... every boy does.

I will TEACH you how to lose and learn.

I will TEACH you how to dream and work.

I will TEACH you how to add value and make money.

I will TEACH you how to treat a woman.

I will TEACH you what a gun is and what it's for.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a PRESENT FATHER.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a MAN.

And you, son, will be the PROTECTOR of yourself, your family, and your community....

Because you will know that is who we, as MEN, are called to be.

Basically, we are letting culture raise our children.

About as good a place as any to start.
The following is a post I came across from an acquaintance on FB. It is pretty spot on about the underlying issue and my opinion as well:

Why My Kids Won't Be Shooting Up Schools, and How to Spot Those Who Might....

I'm sick. I'm sick of shootings. I'm sick of children dying. I'm sick of guns being blamed. I'm sick of parents mourning over unnecessary deaths.

For 11 years, I walked alongside teenagers. Tens of thousands of kids from all across this country. So before you say "you don't know what you're talking about," please understand I'm the guy that had anywhere from 50 to over 200 students in his home on any given weekend. I'm the guy that is more involved in the local school system than almost anyone you'll meet. I write this less than 24 hours home from the Special Olympics. So please, pardon the profanity and passion and read.

There is an epidemic in our laps and everyone is refusing to see the blatant, obvious truth.

My son is in sports.

I am focusing on my son because shootings are carried out by boys.

My son is in sports.

He is in sports to understand the value of others.
He is in sports to understand the value of a team.
He is in sports to LOSE.
Yes, he needs to lose. He does NOT get participation trophies. When he loses, he loses.

Kids are not being allowed to lose. Entire generations of young boys are being coddled and made to believe that the world is a bubble of preference and that their comfort is our responsibility. We are so hell-bent on being politically correct and respecting everyone that, as a result, we are no longer raising men.

A vast majority of school shootings are carried out by teenage boys who are not involved in sports or any extra-curricular activities, but rather isolated fetishes that promote the dopamine hit of violence and control.

This isn't me trying to say video games are bad... but, people... our boys need to lose. Our boys need to understand the rules of the game and respect boundaries.

I want you to look closely in the picture... What is it that catches your eye?

What is the CATALYST for knowing that my son will not be one you catch on the news for violence?

Are you seeing it?

It's me.


Dads, it is beyond time to STEP UP.

The common denominator of all these kids that are shooting up schools?

It's all over their facebooks. Weird stuff: clothing, guns, warnings....

Their classmates know they had issues. Heck, some even told their parents. Some call the school. Nothing is done.

And the common denominator?

The parents had "no idea."

The fathers are typically absent.

Here is my promise to you, Stetson.

I will not be up your arse.

You are going to live your life, make your mistakes, take your lumps, and become an AMAZING MAN OF INTEGRITY.

But listen... While I won't be up your arse,

You better believe I'm gonna be knee deep in your (business).

I'm committed to being your FATHER.

That's not your friend.

That's not your punching bag.

That's not a provider that you never see.....

I am going to be PRESENT, ALWAYS.

I am going to PRESIDE over you and teach you how to become the MAN you're called to be.

I am not going to leave you to yourself to "find your own version of yourself and what being a 'man' means to you..."

You deserve BETTER... every boy does.

I will TEACH you how to lose and learn.

I will TEACH you how to dream and work.

I will TEACH you how to add value and make money.

I will TEACH you how to treat a woman.

I will TEACH you what a gun is and what it's for.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a PRESENT FATHER.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a MAN.

And you, son, will be the PROTECTOR of yourself, your family, and your community....

Because you will know that is who we, as MEN, are called to be.

Basically, we are letting culture raise our children.

Good place to start
I guess my question would be, are "dads not dads" only in America? Is mental illness purely an American issue? If not, why aren't kids in other developed countries doing school shootings?

Perhaps we should look at the glaring difference between them and us? THE glaring difference
The following is a post I came across from an acquaintance on FB. It is pretty spot on about the underlying issue and my opinion as well:

Why My Kids Won't Be Shooting Up Schools, and How to Spot Those Who Might....

I'm sick. I'm sick of shootings. I'm sick of children dying. I'm sick of guns being blamed. I'm sick of parents mourning over unnecessary deaths.

For 11 years, I walked alongside teenagers. Tens of thousands of kids from all across this country. So before you say "you don't know what you're talking about," please understand I'm the guy that had anywhere from 50 to over 200 students in his home on any given weekend. I'm the guy that is more involved in the local school system than almost anyone you'll meet. I write this less than 24 hours home from the Special Olympics. So please, pardon the profanity and passion and read.

There is an epidemic in our laps and everyone is refusing to see the blatant, obvious truth.

My son is in sports.

I am focusing on my son because shootings are carried out by boys.

My son is in sports.

He is in sports to understand the value of others.
He is in sports to understand the value of a team.
He is in sports to LOSE.
Yes, he needs to lose. He does NOT get participation trophies. When he loses, he loses.

Kids are not being allowed to lose. Entire generations of young boys are being coddled and made to believe that the world is a bubble of preference and that their comfort is our responsibility. We are so hell-bent on being politically correct and respecting everyone that, as a result, we are no longer raising men.

A vast majority of school shootings are carried out by teenage boys who are not involved in sports or any extra-curricular activities, but rather isolated fetishes that promote the dopamine hit of violence and control.

This isn't me trying to say video games are bad... but, people... our boys need to lose. Our boys need to understand the rules of the game and respect boundaries.

I want you to look closely in the picture... What is it that catches your eye?

What is the CATALYST for knowing that my son will not be one you catch on the news for violence?

Are you seeing it?

It's me.


Dads, it is beyond time to STEP UP.

The common denominator of all these kids that are shooting up schools?

It's all over their facebooks. Weird stuff: clothing, guns, warnings....

Their classmates know they had issues. Heck, some even told their parents. Some call the school. Nothing is done.

And the common denominator?

The parents had "no idea."

The fathers are typically absent.

Here is my promise to you, Stetson.

I will not be up your arse.

You are going to live your life, make your mistakes, take your lumps, and become an AMAZING MAN OF INTEGRITY.

But listen... While I won't be up your arse,

You better believe I'm gonna be knee deep in your (business).

I'm committed to being your FATHER.

That's not your friend.

That's not your punching bag.

That's not a provider that you never see.....

I am going to be PRESENT, ALWAYS.

I am going to PRESIDE over you and teach you how to become the MAN you're called to be.

I am not going to leave you to yourself to "find your own version of yourself and what being a 'man' means to you..."

You deserve BETTER... every boy does.

I will TEACH you how to lose and learn.

I will TEACH you how to dream and work.

I will TEACH you how to add value and make money.

I will TEACH you how to treat a woman.

I will TEACH you what a gun is and what it's for.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a PRESENT FATHER.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a MAN.

And you, son, will be the PROTECTOR of yourself, your family, and your community....

Because you will know that is who we, as MEN, are called to be.

Basically, we are letting culture raise our children.

Good place to start
I guess my question would be, are "dads not dads" only in America? Is mental illness purely an American issue? If not, why aren't kids in other developed countries doing school shootings?

Perhaps we should look at the glaring difference between them and us? THE glaring difference
Good place to start
I guess my question would be, are "dads not dads" only in America? Is mental illness purely an American issue? If not, why aren't kids in other developed countries doing school shootings?

Perhaps we should look at the glaring difference between them and us? THE glaring difference

I don't know their family structures and how hands on they are. I do know that the United States is not Europe having different ideals and values.

What might work in one country doesn't necessarily mean it will work in another.
Around the world, excluding places that would never report it--like most African nations, parts of S America and the Middle east....

In the last 10 years, there have been 41 "mass school shooting" that have occurred in 15 different countries
The USA and China have the most by far (though I doubt China report all of theirs)

Having pointed out that fact, there are many countries that have had at least one school shooting in the last decade:
  • USA
  • China
  • France
  • Finland
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • Spain
  • Brazil
  • Belgium
  • Israel
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Mexico
  • Azerbaijan
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Hey, I promise that I will try to keep it level set. I'm not infallible so it's OK to me if a poster points something out and says, "hey, don't you think that xyz might be abc?" That's honest discussion and to me, that's a positive in any important issue. The problem comes when it's oriented around agenda or combative because then, it has no chance to evolve and the thread just deteriorates. Way too important an issue to allow this to happen IMO.

If I am not doing justice to this thread, you have my apologies. I will try to do better but I agree, lets move on and discuss the issue. That discussion is much more important then I am.
Hey...what does the “ABQ” in your name stand for? A Barbecued Cowboy? Not trying to insult just curious if that’s it? Pretty cool if so.
I don't know their family structures and how hands on they are. I do know that the United States is not Europe having different ideals and values.

What might work in one country doesn't necessarily mean it will work in another.
So glad you brought that up. I often point that out on the net. Our country,and society is like no other on the planet,as is our system of gov. It’s unique to all others. You could not replicate from another nation and bring that into our own and have the same result. Just the amount of sub-cultures,
slang,nationalities,ideas,and pop culture influences alone prevents it from being so.
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I totally agree, it depends on how determined the individual/s are. Barriers such as a fence do work but they are not infallible. Laws do not stop the lawless. In a free society such as ours, a determined culprit with the right resourses is unstopable. But let's be honest with ourselves, these crimes aren't being commited by criminal masterminds. Lazy parenting, lax law enforcement, and incompetence are usually the contributing factors that allow these kids to access weapons and get them in school to kill. We know how to lock up weapons and monitor our children's social media and be involved in our children's lives. These things alone will prevent most of these shootings. A proactive police force plus proactive parents can nip these tragedies in the bud.

:hammer:Joe King, we haven't always agreed but you nailed this one. There's only so much law enforcement do and in a lot cases, it's too late through no fault of theirs. This is why IMO we have to start holding people more accountable for not doing enough, especially one with direct access if they knew or should have known. But I also agree a lot of this is collateral damage our country pay for a free and open society.
The following is a post I came across from an acquaintance on FB. It is pretty spot on about the underlying issue and my opinion as well:

Why My Kids Won't Be Shooting Up Schools, and How to Spot Those Who Might....

I'm sick. I'm sick of shootings. I'm sick of children dying. I'm sick of guns being blamed. I'm sick of parents mourning over unnecessary deaths.

For 11 years, I walked alongside teenagers. Tens of thousands of kids from all across this country. So before you say "you don't know what you're talking about," please understand I'm the guy that had anywhere from 50 to over 200 students in his home on any given weekend. I'm the guy that is more involved in the local school system than almost anyone you'll meet. I write this less than 24 hours home from the Special Olympics. So please, pardon the profanity and passion and read.

There is an epidemic in our laps and everyone is refusing to see the blatant, obvious truth.

My son is in sports.

I am focusing on my son because shootings are carried out by boys.

My son is in sports.

He is in sports to understand the value of others.
He is in sports to understand the value of a team.
He is in sports to LOSE.
Yes, he needs to lose. He does NOT get participation trophies. When he loses, he loses.

Kids are not being allowed to lose. Entire generations of young boys are being coddled and made to believe that the world is a bubble of preference and that their comfort is our responsibility. We are so hell-bent on being politically correct and respecting everyone that, as a result, we are no longer raising men.

A vast majority of school shootings are carried out by teenage boys who are not involved in sports or any extra-curricular activities, but rather isolated fetishes that promote the dopamine hit of violence and control.

This isn't me trying to say video games are bad... but, people... our boys need to lose. Our boys need to understand the rules of the game and respect boundaries.

I want you to look closely in the picture... What is it that catches your eye?

What is the CATALYST for knowing that my son will not be one you catch on the news for violence?

Are you seeing it?

It's me.


Dads, it is beyond time to STEP UP.

The common denominator of all these kids that are shooting up schools?

It's all over their facebooks. Weird stuff: clothing, guns, warnings....

Their classmates know they had issues. Heck, some even told their parents. Some call the school. Nothing is done.

And the common denominator?

The parents had "no idea."

The fathers are typically absent.

Here is my promise to you, Stetson.

I will not be up your arse.

You are going to live your life, make your mistakes, take your lumps, and become an AMAZING MAN OF INTEGRITY.

But listen... While I won't be up your arse,

You better believe I'm gonna be knee deep in your (business).

I'm committed to being your FATHER.

That's not your friend.

That's not your punching bag.

That's not a provider that you never see.....

I am going to be PRESENT, ALWAYS.

I am going to PRESIDE over you and teach you how to become the MAN you're called to be.

I am not going to leave you to yourself to "find your own version of yourself and what being a 'man' means to you..."

You deserve BETTER... every boy does.

I will TEACH you how to lose and learn.

I will TEACH you how to dream and work.

I will TEACH you how to add value and make money.

I will TEACH you how to treat a woman.

I will TEACH you what a gun is and what it's for.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a PRESENT FATHER.

I will TEACH you what it is to be a MAN.

And you, son, will be the PROTECTOR of yourself, your family, and your community....

Because you will know that is who we, as MEN, are called to be.

Basically, we are letting culture raise our children.

Obviously there are good solutions to start in this post, but in my opinion, the root of this is due to greed. Let me explain.

When I was young, my father worked and my mother stayed home. She did not work. We had stability in the household because of that. At some point in the early 80's, greed overtook the country and all of the sudden both parents had to work to survive. Gone were the days of the "bread winner". Both parents worked because inflation set in. The cost of food, clothing, vehicles, gas, housing and taxes to name a few were overwhelming to a 1 working person household.

Then came the age of technology, and now social media. Two parents still have to work to have "the American dream", but no one is there for their kids.

I can rant on about this forever but to me, that is what started this whole thing. Sure these things took place when I was young, but not as frequent.

You can disagree all you want, but this is my opinion. That is why I also say that this isn't going away any time soon. Not until this country puts family values first instead of money first.
Obviously there are good solutions to start in this post, but in my opinion, the root of this is due to greed. Let me explain.

When I was young, my father worked and my mother stayed home. She did not work. We had stability in the household because of that. At some point in the early 80's, greed overtook the country and all of the sudden both parents had to work to survive. Gone were the days of the "bread winner". Both parents worked because inflation set in. The cost of food, clothing, vehicles, gas, housing and taxes to name a few were overwhelming to a 1 working person household.

Then came the age of technology, and now social media. Two parents still have to work to have "the American dream", but no one is there for their kids.

I can rant on about this forever but to me, that is what started this whole thing. Sure these things took place when I was young, but not as frequent.

You can disagree all you want, but this is my opinion. That is why I also say that this isn't going away any time soon. Not until this country puts family values first instead of money first.

Part of it as well. Not sure about the root part but valid reasoning. Not having that authority figure around is bad, worse not having both.
Part of it as well. Not sure about the root part but valid reasoning. Not having that authority figure around is bad, worse not having both.
Thank you. Yea, root is kind of the wrong word in hindsight. But family values went bye bye when both parents were forced to work to survive. Everyone wants nice things but costs for many things went up faster than wages. Hell, it's still like that. Gas has gone up 28 cents since last month. My wages haven't. Nothing is proportional anymore.
Hey Chris,

Nothing too cool. I live in Albuquerque, travel a lot. The call sign for Albuquerque International Airport is ABQ.
Hey,that was a highly frequented town by Bugs Bunny. Was always getting lost taking a left at Albuquerque. I like the look of AZ and New Mexico. Kinda takes you back in time to the old west. Think I’ll watch a little doc on NM now that I think about it. Been dying for years to take a big ole “one man and a rented car” vacation around those two states. At some point...I’m making that happen.
Ya know, if you read what the minister said at the Pakistani girl's funeral pretty well sums it up. This is the world we have built. These things don't just happen, we create the environment that allows them to happen.

The fact is we have created a violent world, both in reality and fantasy, and then bemoan violence when it takes place. We have allowed what once was the safest environment, the family, and allowed that to splinter and we have allowed technology to replace the most necessary and life sustaining form of communication, human interaction. Social media isn't a connection; just the opposite, it is a disconnect at the most base level.

I like the forum and hanging here but could you imagine this as the main form of communication with everyone you know? We are becoming too detached a society. Even when we are in the company of our fellow human beings, we prefer the cold connection of a phone or pad. We are slowly becoming more like the machines we've created and machines don't have consciences.
Hey,that was a highly frequented town by Bugs Bunny. Was always getting lost taking a left at Albuquerque. I like the look of AZ and New Mexico. Kinda takes you back in time to the old west. Think I’ll watch a little doc on NM now that I think about it. Been dying for years to take a big ole “one man and a rented car” vacation around those two states. At some point...I’m making that happen.
I always thought Acme, the preferred supplier of Wile E. Coyote, was in Albuquerque
Man, most of my HS crowd were packing heat either under the seat or locked in their cars trunk,I toted a shotgun in the trunk of my NOVA when I was 16 going to school,,, er,,,I never once entertained the thought of using it in an evil manner,even while catching 3 licks from the asswhacking paddle board or being expelled ,,,there is a chemical imbalance in the brain waves of today's functionally Disturbed,,,or,,,the grand plan will be continuously implemented& repeated as necessary in order to achieve the results that they desireo_O
man very well said, almost every home in my neighborhood had firearms.Granted I grew up in a very rural setting. To see a .22 rifle or a old 12ga leaning in some obscure spot in a home was the norm. not to mention a gun cabinate was a select piece of furniture in plain sight.
After getting a 8 track installed,(stop laughing) a gun rack for the rear window for my Silverado was the next must have as a teen. indeed seeing PU Trucks with guns in plain sight was very normal it was odd not to see one or two hanging.
something has indeed changed or slowly eroded the minds of our youth, Some where some how they\some have become soft and pussified. we Americans should be much tougher and thick skinned. This hippie az nonsense with safe places, emotional support animals,liberal indocternation teaching in our schools and legal left handed cigarettes Has got to stop.
man very well said, almost every home in my neighborhood had firearms.Granted I grew up in a very rural setting. To see a .22 rifle or a old 12ga leaning in some obscure spot in a home was the norm. not to mention a gun cabinate was a select piece of furniture in plain sight.
After getting a 8 track installed,(stop laughing) a gun rack for the rear window for my Silverado was the next must have as a teen. indeed seeing PU Trucks with guns in plain sight was very normal it was odd not to see one or two hanging.
something has indeed changed or slowly eroded the minds of our youth, Some where some how they\some have become soft and pussified. we Americans should be much tougher and thick skinned. This hippie az nonsense with safe places, emotional support animals,liberal indocternayion teaching in our schools and legal left handed cigarettes Has got to stop.
I can COPY THAT ! my ol' galvanized ash can tackle/ killer HERO #40,,,:thumbup:
Hey Chris,

Nothing too cool. I live in Albuquerque, travel a lot. The call sign for Albuquerque International Airport is ABQ.
You have nooooooo idea how disappointing this is as I've been filling out that ABQ with all kinds of delectable words, all of which would have gotten me benched.

But, in my defense, let me just say this. As young children, we all went through that naughty little boy stage. Just consider me the Peter Pan of Naughtiness.

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