Anthony Brown on new staff: “It’s a totally different environment. like a breath of fresh air”


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You guys who think Garrett was the entirety of the problem must think Jerry's a hell of a GM when it comes to talent acquisition and evaluation.

I tend to lean that that there was some good and some bad and it simply wasn't good enough. Which is fine without having to throw dirt on the grave of the dude's tenure.


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You guys who think Garrett was the entirety of the problem must think Jerry's a hell of a GM when it comes to talent acquisition and evaluation.

I tend to lean that that there was some good and some bad and it simply wasn't good enough. Which is fine without having to throw dirt on the grave of the dude's tenure.



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Can’t wait to see all of the reactions if we only win 7 games this year. This place would almost be worth paying for!
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We saw these exact same types of comments *every* season under the last coach, too. The only difference then was the responses were “stop talking and just do it” or “then what took them so long to hire the new position coach” instead of the “thank god” responses were getting here.

Don’t make me find an old Kris Richard thread to prove I’m right. That’ll just embarrass a whole lot of posters who thought that guy was a god just because he talked a good game and got in fights in pregame warmups.
Change, no matter how seemingly minor, will bring some level of hope to a fanbase. It's normal that die hards like posters around here will take a small tinkering like a secondary's coach and build it up as a game changer. This is no different than any other fanbase.

When you have a franchise as dormant as this has been for over a generation now, and especially with the winning tradition this one has, the desire for change will be overwhelming. So when a fanbase is stuck with the same HC for a decade with the franchise going nowhere, the desire for change must be expected.

If the results from MM is no better than Garrett, I'm sure you will enjoy bringing back threads of this fanbase and their excitment for change. But that doesn't make the firing of Garrett and the hiring of McCarthy the wrong move.

The Cowboys can finish 2-14, and getting rid of Garrett would still be the right move


Fattening up
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Change, no matter how seemingly minor, will bring some level of hope to a fanbase. It's normal that die hards like posters around here will take a small tinkering like a secondary's coach and build it up as a game changer. This is no different than any other fanbase.

When you have a franchise as dormant as this has been for over a generation now, and especially with the winning tradition this one has, the desire for change will be overwhelming. So when a fanbase is stuck with the same HC for a decade with the franchise going nowhere, the desire for change must be expected.

If the results from MM is no better than Garrett, I'm sure you will enjoy bringing back threads of this fanbase and their excitment for change. But that doesn't make the firing of Garrett and the hiring of McCarthy the wrong move.

The Cowboys can finish 2-14, and getting rid of Garrett would still be the right move

I won’t enjoy it. I just expect it.

You’ll notice I don’t start the smack talk about the issues in Dallas. I’m glad most fans are excited again about the direction of the team. That’s sort of the point of being a fan. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to pretend we don’t go through the exact same motions every offseason when it comes to the players saying things to get fans excited and how fans react to those platitudes depending on whether or not they like the HC or the QB.

Changing coaches wasn’t really the right move at all. I agree that we couldn’t extend Garrett after failing to qualify a good team for the post season last season, but I’m only interested in removing the obstacles to a championship in Dallas. And those obstacles have t been coaching. You think they have been, and that’s your prerogative. But I think you’re fooling yourself. We’re dead in the water and people are clapping about rearranging the deck chairs and calling it progress. It’s not.


It's all in the reflexes
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Garrett and Co. gave them no advantage EVER scheme wise.

When its failure after failure while hearing the same robotic lines over and over, its easy to tune out the voice.

Jerry just wasnt ready to part with his dream scenario until he could no longer sell it to the fanbase.


The Natural

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You guys who think Garrett was the entirety of the problem must think Jerry's a hell of a GM when it comes to talent acquisition and evaluation.

I tend to lean that that there was some good and some bad and it simply wasn't good enough. Which is fine without having to throw dirt on the grave of the dude's tenure.
He had atleast two rosters that were Super Bowl caliber and the best that charlatan could muster up was a trip to the divisional round. He’s a certified PoS who wasted the best years of some of this franchise’s best players. **** Garrett


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He had atleast two rosters that were Super Bowl caliber and the best that charlatan could muster up was a trip to the divisional round. He’s a certified PoS who wasted the best years of some of this franchise’s best players. **** Garrett

He was here 13 years too long!


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There's a difference in complaining and being able to inform your coach about how you think you can best do your job. Marinelli was very particular about his technique and scheme. Richard also seemed to be. I think Nolan wants to utilize what each player brings to his position. Obviously, you have to have a scheme, but if a certain technique works better for you within that scheme, then it's to the team's benefit to let you do it.

Yea, the old staff wanted to fit square players into a round hole. Or I guess mold the player to the shape of the hole. The new staff wants to mold the holes to the shape of the players.
As they did say this.
Old staff drafted for scheme. New staff said they will make the scheme fit the players skills.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Can’t wait to see all of the reactions if we only win 7 games this year. This place would almost be worth paying for!

Make sure you're around when they win 11 or more as well.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Yea, the old staff wanted to fit square players into a round hole. Or I guess mold the player to the shape of the hole. The new staff wants to mold the holes to the shape of the players.
As they did say this.
Old staff drafted for scheme. New staff said they will make the scheme fit the players skills.

That's what they said and quotes that this seem to confirm it.

I can't wait to see what they do with Smith, Lawrence and Griffen. If the idea is to mold what they are doing to fit their players, then Nolan has to figure out how to get all three of these players on the field a lot.


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We don't know that yet, but I'm talking about them having more leeway to express themselves. It was like the inmates running the asylum already... unless he just means the players tell them where they're best, and the try to work with them.

BTW everyone, I was mostly joking with my original post..... mostly.
Can’t have it both ways my friend. Man up and take a stance and live with it.


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My guess is the new staff is actually letting them do things that professional football teams do and we're evolving from the Middle School gameplan that we had for a decade.
Damn. I agree with you.:omg:


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I won’t enjoy it. I just expect it.

You’ll notice I don’t start the smack talk about the issues in Dallas. I’m glad most fans are excited again about the direction of the team. That’s sort of the point of being a fan. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to pretend we don’t go through the exact same motions every offseason when it comes to the players saying things to get fans excited and how fans react to those platitudes depending on whether or not they like the HC or the QB.

Changing coaches wasn’t really the right move at all. I agree that we couldn’t extend Garrett after failing to qualify a good team for the post season last season, but I’m only interested in removing the obstacles to a championship in Dallas. And those obstacles have t been coaching. You think they have been, and that’s your prerogative. But I think you’re fooling yourself. We’re dead in the water and people are clapping about rearranging the deck chairs and calling it progress. It’s not.
I agree with you Idgit to a point. It takes a really strong coach, one who’s confident in what he wants to do and how he wants to do it. Unfortunately, Garrett wasn’t that guy. He seemed to pay more attention to what Jerry wanted and his opinion was 2nd. Many folks said that Parcells had his way but Jerry stuck him with TO who he despised. And rightfully so. Jerry has been a thorn in the side of this organization for many years. many CZ posters think its because all he wants to do is make money. That’s BS. He wants to win more than any of us. But he lets his ego get in the way of making sound decisions. That’s not going to change until he’s gone. I don’t think MM is going to change that. The only one who can is Stephen. We’ve seen some signs of that, but I’m still not convinced. And currently the way the Jones are handling the current environment really has me worried. The players are not going to be happy about the current direction and the performance on the field will reflect. The Jones need to change their views and quickly.