Anti-soccer blog post


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You will love soccer.
You will vote for Slate as worst poster.


Slanje Va
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the highest profile incident of racism in recent years was the spain v england game when the spannish fans were making monkey noises at england black players. its inexcusable but its hardly a problem with football fans worldwide. a year or so after this some locals decided to "black up" at the spannish grand prix to mock lewis hamilton. using the same logic that makes formula 1 racist. maybe, just maybe its more likely to suggest that as spain has not seen the same influx of black or coloured immigrants their society is experiancing the same problems with racism that other western societies with higher levels of immigration have suffered in the past - and to some extent still suffer today. or maybe it does just show that soccer and formula 1 are racist
also how many millions of people worldwide go to a football match every weekend during the season? i would suggest enough to make the deplorable racism you see maybe once every couple of years not a large percentage of fans.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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You can't trust the information on Wikipedia, for instance.

Coy;3446777 said:
9) Gridiron (American football): 390-410 million fans (US mainly)
There are only about 310 million people in the US, how is it 390-410 million mainly in the US?
Coy;3446777 said:
10) Basketball: Not more than 400 million fans (US, Canada mainly)
This is not correct. Basketball is actually become a pretty big sport in China and it has a good following in Europe too. (which is why you are starting to see so many European players in the NBA)


Well-Known Member
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bbgun;3447076 said:

You will love soccer.
You will vote for Slate as worst poster.



Well-Known Member
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nyc;3447152 said:
You can't trust the information on Wikipedia, for instance.

There are only about 310 million people in the US, how is it 390-410 million mainly in the US?

This is not correct. Basketball is actually become a pretty big sport in China and it has a good following in Europe too. (which is why you are starting to see so many European players in the NBA)

Don`t know that for sure, but it should be around there, I got the info from wikipedia, either way the point I was making is that there are around 3 Billion soccer fans and MOST of them are as common as any NFL, NBA, MLB or NHL fan, unfortunately and understandably so the ones standing out in this thread are a few crazy and disgusting ones that do not make soccer proud.


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£40k fine over fans' gay jibes

The Sun

A RUGBY club was yesterday fined £40,000 after fans taunted a gay opposition star and sang obscene chants.

A Rugby Football League tribunal blasted Castleford Tigers for failing to stop home supporters abusing Crusaders' Gareth Thomas.

His agent Emanuele Palladino said: "I am delighted.

"Behaviour like this is not and should not be acceptable."

But Castleford said they were shocked and disappointed by the ruling. Chief executive Richard Wright said: "The evidence does not support the scale of the penalty.

"We totally refute the outcome of the hearing."

The West Yorkshire club plans an appeal.

Thomas, 35, who has captained the Wales and Lions rugby union teams, announced he was gay in December. The taunts came during only his second game after switching to rugby league.

He said at the time: "It wasn't very nice and I was pretty hurt by what I could hear.

"I'm only human and I can't deny I was hurt."

Read more:


Well-Known Member
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bbgun;3447325 said:
£40k fine over fans' gay jibes

The Sun

A RUGBY club was yesterday fined £40,000 after fans taunted a gay opposition star and sang obscene chants.

A Rugby Football League tribunal blasted Castleford Tigers for failing to stop home supporters abusing Crusaders' Gareth Thomas.

His agent Emanuele Palladino said: "I am delighted.

"Behaviour like this is not and should not be acceptable."

But Castleford said they were shocked and disappointed by the ruling. Chief executive Richard Wright said: "The evidence does not support the scale of the penalty.

"We totally refute the outcome of the hearing."

The West Yorkshire club plans an appeal.

Thomas, 35, who has captained the Wales and Lions rugby union teams, announced he was gay in December. The taunts came during only his second game after switching to rugby league.

He said at the time: "It wasn't very nice and I was pretty hurt by what I could hear.

"I'm only human and I can't deny I was hurt."

Read more:

Not trying to excuse anyone because that is obviously racist, but trying to make an example of it, please tell me this ¿How would SOME eagle fans react if Tony Romo, Miles Austin or Jason Witten announce that they are Gay, how do you think they would be treated in their first game at Philly???


The Duke
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daschoo;3447092 said:
the highest profile incident of racism in recent years was the spain v england game when the spannish fans were making monkey noises at england black players. its inexcusable but its hardly a problem with football fans worldwide. a year or so after this some locals decided to "black up" at the spannish grand prix to mock lewis hamilton. using the same logic that makes formula 1 racist. maybe, just maybe its more likely to suggest that as spain has not seen the same influx of black or coloured immigrants their society is experiancing the same problems with racism that other western societies with higher levels of immigration have suffered in the past - and to some extent still suffer today. or maybe it does just show that soccer and formula 1 are racist
also how many millions of people worldwide go to a football match every weekend during the season? i would suggest enough to make the deplorable racism you see maybe once every couple of years not a large percentage of fans.
I have no idea what formula 1 has to do with racism in the same way that soccer obviously is. Then again I don't follow formula 1, and am not interested in it. Maybe this is a European thing.


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As a person who has experienced racism first hand on several occasions, I will say that it is not limited only to soccer fans, haha.

I also think that the disdain for Donovan McNabb in Philadelphia was racially charged.

I also submit to the conversation, Warren Moon.


That Guy
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Hostile;3447006 said:
I don't know that I feel the need to quantify it. I detest it because it exists and is an abhorrent practice. I don't place a % on it. Why would I?
Well you said a large percentage. I'm not sure where that came from is all.

You're putting me with those fans though. Read it again. I understand some people who say they hate the Eagles more because of how their fans are. I understand it. That does not mean I am that way. I hate the Commanders more.
I'm not putting you with any fans. I'm simply saying that racism exists in many different areas of life... it only stands to reason that there will be racist fans. It doesn't mean the SPORT is racist.

I hate soccer period. Their fans just amplify the hate for me.
Understood. The only issue I have is with you calling soccer a racist sport. I don't care if you hate the sport and hate it on its merits. Just like you don't care that I watch the World Cup every four years and the occasional non-world cup game.

I simply don't think that calling soccer a racist sport is apropos. You're levying a label on a sport for the actions of fans. If you wanted to stick to that and say the sport is racist because some of its fans are, then it would only stand to reason that every sport is racist.

I don't even understand how a sport can be racist.

I don't disagree. I am not trying to be flippant here, but I mean it when I say I would not have played for the Commanders. If they changed the mascot name to a non racist name it would change the parameters. I would think they were progressing and my desire to play would have overridden my distaste for their past History. Right now I see the team as clinging to its racist roots by keeping that mascot name.

Thus, I hate them more than any other NFL team, and that will never change.
I'm with you, except that I don't consider football a racist sport.


The Duke
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peplaw06;3447745 said:
Well you said a large percentage. I'm not sure where that came from is all.
The video I saw it was a huge % of fans engaging in the racist crap against Black players.

I'm not putting you with any fans. I'm simply saying that racism exists in many different areas of life... it only stands to reason that there will be racist fans. It doesn't mean the SPORT is racist.
I'm not calling the sport racist, I'm calling the fans racist and a reason why I hate the sport.

Understood. The only issue I have is with you calling soccer a racist sport. I don't care if you hate the sport and hate it on its merits. Just like you don't care that I watch the World Cup every four years and the occasional non-world cup game.

I simply don't think that calling soccer a racist sport is apropos. You're levying a label on a sport for the actions of fans. If you wanted to stick to that and say the sport is racist because some of its fans are, then it would only stand to reason that every sport is racist.

I don't even understand how a sport can be racist.

I'm with you, except that I don't consider football a racist sport.
I still don't see where I am calling the sport racist if I say I don't like the racist fans of the sport. I clearly differentiate between the two.


That Guy
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Hostile;3447793 said:
The video I saw it was a huge % of fans engaging in the racist crap against Black players.
Like I said, I've personally seen racist fans in other sports. It disgusted me, just like the video likely disgusted you. But that's the fans. It literally has nothing to do with the sport, it's the ignorance of fans. All sports have ignorant fans, so my question is where do you draw the line?

I'm not calling the sport racist, I'm calling the fans racist and a reason why I hate the sport.

I still don't see where I am calling the sport racist if I say I don't like the racist fans of the sport. I clearly differentiate between the two.

Hostile;3446590 said:
It is without a doubt, the most racist sport in the world because of the fans.

Hostile;3446643 said:
The next paragraph explains it further. Clearly I am talking about the fans. I hate the sport because of the fans of the sport.
I get that you hate the racist fans. But my only issue is that I don't think it's an intellectually honest reason to hate the sport. You also hate the actual sport, and apparently you have meritorious reasons to hate the sport. It just seems like you're piling on.

Your feelings of a portion of the fans of the sport is not a legitimate reason to hate a sport IMO, because all sports have their issues with fans.

It almost feels like you're trying to lay a guilt trip on actual soccer fans... as if they're supporting the racist fans. It feels like a camouflaged race card being played.

You like football, as do I. But if I weren't a fan of football, and I went around saying I hated football because it supports racial stereotypes with the Commanders moniker, wouldn't you feel a little as if I was accusing you of supporting the racism?

You would probably feel like I was unfairly attacking football, when in reality, the racism existent had little to do with the sport. And if you love that sport, then you're probably going to feel like I'm accusing you of supporting racism.

Racism is a very touchy issue. I think many people don't understand when they play the "race card" on others, because it's done so often they're desensitized to it, and it's oftentimes done without merit. I don't think attaching that label to something should be done lightly for the same reason.


Mick Green 58
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Wow, this thread went down hill pretty fast.

Bottom line, there are racists in every country on earth and that means that there will be racists in every sport.

I don't even want to repeat the things I have heard personally at Cowboys games, you know, when I could afford to go :D .

Heck, me and my brother were playing SOCOM online a few years ago on the Crossroads Map and that got racists lol.


The Duke
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peplaw06;3447833 said:
Like I said, I've personally seen racist fans in other sports. It disgusted me, just like the video likely disgusted you. But that's the fans. It literally has nothing to do with the sport, it's the ignorance of fans. All sports have ignorant fans, so my question is where do you draw the line?
I don't. I do not like idiot fans. Not even idiot Cowboys fans. When have you ever seen me slap someone on the back for trolling at ES? I don't do it, I won't do it, and I will never condone it.

I don't know why that is so hard to grasp.

I get that you hate the racist fans. But my only issue is that I don't think it's an intellectually honest reason to hate the sport. You also hate the actual sport, and apparently you have meritorious reasons to hate the sport. It just seems like you're piling on.
No offense, but why should I care that you think it is "intellectually honest" of me to hate that about soccer? I can't stand the sport. There are a lot of aspects of it that just disgust me and that is one. Either you can accept that I have my own opinions or you can't.

Your feelings of a portion of the fans of the sport is not a legitimate reason to hate a sport IMO, because all sports have their issues with fans.
And I have repeatedly said that is the MAIN reason why I hate the sport. You see, where I come from if there is a main reason, there are probably other more minor reasons as well. I have repeatedly mentioned the flopping. It galls me. You are perfectly right to consider that a reason why I hate the sport. I have mentioned the arrogance of their fans in not being satisfied that some people do not love their sport. You may consider that a reason why I hate the sport.

I was an unworthy all star goalie in the 5th grade. You may consider that a reason why I hate the sport. I threw my trophy away. It never graced a shelf in my house. It disgusted me that they felt I was worthy of that honor when I knew better.

It almost feels like you're trying to lay a guilt trip on actual soccer fans... as if they're supporting the racist fans. It feels like a camouflaged race card being played
Whatever. If that's how you need to see it, see it that way. I would like to point out that I am voicing my opinions in a thread dedicated to soccer hatred. In other words I would expect it to be for fellow soccer haters, not nosy soccer fans. I am not voicing my opinions in the World Cup thread. I do not consider soccer fans denizens of this thread. They are interlopers who are once again butt hurt that someone hates their "beautiful game."

You like football, as do I. But if I weren't a fan of football, and I went around saying I hated football because it supports racial stereotypes with the Commanders moniker, wouldn't you feel a little as if I was accusing you of supporting the racism?

You would probably feel like I was unfairly attacking football, when in reality, the racism existent had little to do with the sport. And if you love that sport, then you're probably going to feel like I'm accusing you of supporting racism.
No, I wouldn't. I'm not a Commanders fan and I have never defended nor condoned their mascot name. My wife graduated from a High School that had Commanders as the mascot. 3 of my nephews were 2 time State football champs in recent years at that High School. I won't wear their gear when I watch them play. I won't yell, "go Commanders" at the games. I will never support that mascot name because it is racist. So I would likely agree with you. I think the NFL is negligent in not forcing them to change their mascot name.

Racism is a very touchy issue. I think many people don't understand when they play the "race card" on others, because it's done so often they're desensitized to it, and it's oftentimes done without merit. I don't think attaching that label to something should be done lightly for the same reason.
Neither do I and I didn't.

Soccer fans in Europe make monkey sounds at Black players. Soccer fans in Europe make hissing sounds at Israeli soccer players to imitate the gas chambers of the concentration camps and wave **** flags.

Spin it however you want, that is racist.


That Guy
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Hostile;3448005 said:
I don't. I do not like idiot fans. Not even idiot Cowboys fans. When have you ever seen me slap someone on the back for trolling at ES? I don't do it, I won't do it, and I will never condone it.

I don't know why that is so hard to grasp....

And I have repeatedly said that is the MAIN reason why I hate the sport. You see, where I come from if there is a main reason, there are probably other more minor reasons as well. I have repeatedly mentioned the flopping. It galls me. You are perfectly right to consider that a reason why I hate the sport. I have mentioned the arrogance of their fans in not being satisfied that some people do not love their sport. You may consider that a reason why I hate the sport.
I get that. It's NOT hard to grasp.

You're the one with the disconnect here. You've repeatedly avoided my main point in this back and forth.

If the "racism" present in soccer is the MAIN reason for you to hate the sport, then why do you not hate other sports for the same reason (racism and the "idiot fans" as you call them)?? There is racism in other sports and there are idiot fans in other sports. Yet you give them a pass because you like the actual sport being played. I'm just trying to get you to realize that your feelings on a particular group of fans should not be the main reason you hate a sport, simply because you apparently don't hold other sports to the same standard. That's where the intellectual dishonesty comes into play.

I was an unworthy all star goalie in the 5th grade. You may consider that a reason why I hate the sport. I threw my trophy away. It never graced a shelf in my house. It disgusted me that they felt I was worthy of that honor when I knew better.
I have no beef with you hating the sport. I literally could not care less than I do about your hatred of the sport.

It's the levying of unfair labels on a sport because of the actions of a portion of the fans. And make no mistake, that's exactly what you're doing.

Whatever. If that's how you need to see it, see it that way. I would like to point out that I am voicing my opinions in a thread dedicated to soccer hatred. In other words I would expect it to be for fellow soccer haters, not nosy soccer fans. I am not voicing my opinions in the World Cup thread. I do not consider soccer fans denizens of this thread. They are interlopers who are once again butt hurt that someone hates their "beautiful game."
Not once have I voiced any objection to you hating the sport.... when you actually do that, hate the sport. You've said yourself, your main reason for hating soccer is your hatred of the fans, which is tangential to the actual sport.

And I'm sorry if you think me nosy, or as an interloper because I sidetracked your hate thread. Then again, I doubt that you believed that this thread would be completely free of soccer fans just because it's an anti-soccer thread. I wouldn't think an Anti-Cowboys thread on this board would be free of Cowboys fans. The very thread title invites debate.

No, I wouldn't. I'm not a Commanders fan and I have never defended nor condoned their mascot name. My wife graduated from a High School that had Commanders as the mascot. 3 of my nephews were 2 time State football champs in recent years at that High School. I won't wear their gear when I watch them play. I won't yell, "go Commanders" at the games. I will never support that mascot name because it is racist. So I would likely agree with you. I think the NFL is negligent in not forcing them to change their mascot name.
I'm not saying you're a Commander fan... I'm saying you're a fan of the sport of football despite the actions of one of the teams in the NFL. The analogous situation would be if you hated a soccer team for the actions of its fans or it's team moniker. That's not what you're doing though. You're labeling a SPORT as racist because of the fans.

Would it be fair of me to call Jerry Jones a racist because he hasn't spoken out against the Commanders name? Of course not.

You are drawing lines here, whether you want to admit it or not. Tell me why the actions of idiot soccer fans are inexcusable, when the actions of the Commanders franchise, the Eagles fans, or the two guys who went onto the baseball field and pummeled the first base coach, etc. are excusable?

Soccer fans in Europe make monkey sounds at Black players. Soccer fans in Europe make hissing sounds at Israeli soccer players to imitate the gas chambers of the concentration camps and wave **** flags.

Spin it however you want, that is racist.
Kindly direct me to one post where I stated that the fans you're talking about were not racists... If I did not, then how am I "spinning?"


The Duke
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peplaw06;3448030 said:
I get that. It's NOT hard to grasp.

You're the one with the disconnect here. You've repeatedly avoided my main point in this back and forth.
There's a point? I'm not avoiding it. I flat out don't see it.

If the "racism" present in soccer is the MAIN reason for you to hate the sport, then why do you not hate other sports for the same reason (racism and the "idiot fans" as you call them)?? There is racism in other sports and there are idiot fans in other sports. Yet you give them a pass because you like the actual sport being played. I'm just trying to get you to realize that your feelings on a particular group of fans should not be the main reason you hate a sport, simply because you apparently don't hold other sports to the same standard. That's where the intellectual dishonesty comes into play.
No, the racism present in the soccer FANS. As in the idiots in the seats with the stupid horns, singing their little songs, and treating players horribly.

I don't give anyone a pass on racism.

I have no beef with you hating the sport. I literally could not care less than I do about your hatred of the sport.

It's the levying of unfair labels on a sport because of the actions of a portion of the fans. And make no mistake, that's exactly what you're doing.
No, I am levying that label on the FANS of that sport who are doing those things. Not the sport.

Not once have I voiced any objection to you hating the sport.... when you actually do that, hate the sport. You've said yourself, your main reason for hating soccer is your hatred of the fans, which is tangential to the actual sport.
My main reason, not my only reason. I detest racism. How hard is that to grasp I ask again?

And I'm sorry if you think me nosy, or as an interloper because I sidetracked your hate thread. Then again, I doubt that you believed that this thread would be completely free of soccer fans just because it's an anti-soccer thread. I wouldn't think an Anti-Cowboys thread on this board would be free of Cowboys fans. The very thread title invites debate.
Where did I point a finger at you personally? Oh right, I didn't. If the label fits you that is not my fault.

No, I didn't think the thread would be completely free of soccer fans, but damn it would have been heavenly. Shooting the hell out of the "beautiful game" without having my intelligence, honesty, and integrity questioned would have been a blessing.

An anti-Cowboys thread on this forum would probably get 86ed. This is a Cowboys forum, not a soccer forum. If it were up to me I wouldn't allow soccer threads or posts on this forum. No, I am not kidding. But that isn't up to me. We do allow them and that will not change.

I'm not saying you're a Commander fan... I'm saying you're a fan of the sport of football despite the actions of one of the teams in the NFL. The analogous situation would be if you hated a soccer team for the actions of its fans or it's team moniker. That's not what you're doing though. You're labeling a SPORT as racist because of the fans.
I can't seem to get you to realize it is the fans I am labeling as racist, not the sport. I have no idea where the disconnect is.

Would it be fair of me to call Jerry Jones a racist because he hasn't spoken out against the Commanders name? Of course not.
No, and I think it's a ridiculous question. It is completely irrelevant.

You are drawing lines here, whether you want to admit it or not. Tell me why the actions of idiot soccer fans are inexcusable, when the actions of the Commanders franchise, the Eagles fans, or the two guys who went onto the baseball field and pummeled the first base coach, etc. are excusable?
I have excused those things in football? Uh, no I haven't.

Kindly direct me to one post where I stated that the fans you're talking about were not racists... If I did not, then how am I "spinning?"
You're spinning because you can't see the forest for the trees. I am talking about those fans as a reason why I hate soccer. They disgust me. I have plenty of other reasons for disliking soccer and I have shared those reasons.

Nothing is going to change my opinion of the soccer fans who are racist being a reason for me to hate the sport I already hate anyway. Get it? NOTHING.

I cannot stomach racism. It disgusts me when someone calls someone else a ****. For instance, I have been called that here by jerks who think they are above the rules. I consider that an insult, but not to me. I consider that an insult to the Jews who literally felt the hate of the *****. Do you understand what I am saying? It is insulting to the Jews to have rules of a fan forum compared to the horrors of **** Germany just because some moron can't understand this forum has Guidelines.

If a jerk calling me that name doesn't understand the horror the Jews went through, and that minimizing that horror is disgusting, then frankly he is not worth the powder to blow his *** to hell. I feel the exact same disgust when I see Italian soccer fans waving a **** flag in a match against Israel and the bile it raises in me is not going to be pushed down simply because other soccer fans do not condone it.

Regardless of how distasteful I find the racism of those fans, it does not blunt nor amplify in any way the fact that I already hate the stupid sport. It is merely some icing on a cake I already think sucks.


Lightning Rod
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you must hate football because fans in Philadelphia didn't like McNumbnuts because he is black, that for years the NFL didn't want black QBs etc


Lightning Rod
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Have to ask, you are pretty strong in all your opinions but has anyone ever been able to convince you that you are wrong on anything or are you the type that once you take a side you never change?


The Duke
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CanadianCowboysFan;3448064 said:
Have to ask, you are pretty strong in all your opinions but has anyone ever been able to convince you that you are wrong on anything or are you the type that once you take a side you never change?
Yes, many times.