Anyone else having trouble finding any enthusiasm about the Cowboys right now?


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jerry knows if you are looking at the draft he still has you, so quit blaming him if you're still following. him.

Get your gear crap and tickets and enjoy the ride, quit crying about jerry wanting to do this or that.


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Anyone else having trouble finding any enthusiasm about the Cowboys right now?
To the contrary, the team has more of my interest now as they are demonstrating that they may not be content to stroll down their typical path. I can’t wait to turn the page to see where this heads next. Lots of intriguing questions are ahead for this organization and it kicks into another gear with the draft. Right off the bat, BPA vs. Need, and does the pick @ 24 in any way tip their hand regarding thoughts of extending your current QB? Sounds innocuous, but for example, if they draft a traitsy, inexperienced Tackle (we’ll call him Mims) with a high ceiling, accompanied with low to moderate expectations in year one, does that suggest in the slightest that 2025 is the true target date for a team turn-around?

I’m also very curious to see the development of last year’s rookies entering year two as opportunities will abound for these guys to step up and make idiots like me who thought the draft stunk last year (right after it took place BTW), to eat hefty portions of crow. I hope I do.

I can’t remember when I’ve been as enthused to see/hear the progress made by a current 3rd string QB. I’m hoping it gets extremely entertaining in that QB room.

So, I have a lot of enthusiasm. Granted my excitement level isn’t tied to a team record as it may be for many others. I’m just encouraged that rinse/repeat may not be the current du jour. Oddly, the one thing that would squash my hopes would be the announcement of an extension for #4 as to me this would signify the welcoming of post season failures.

I think only those who are willing to take a backslide in order to take a leap forward would view things as I do. To those that don’t, that’s cool too. Either way, Jerry gets his way - I’m watching.


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What about Gilmore and mention Pollard, Gallup and Tyler B. But Star, replacing is kinda easy, isn't it? To have a chance, do we not need to upgrade rather than replace?

We can probably count the draft for at least two, maybe three. After that......I don't know
Diggs is returning and it will be he and bland probably Lewis in slot . As far as upgrading the positions Barton and JPJ for example are an upgrade day 1 of Tyler . Gallup = Tolbert he’s still here and pollard I’m not sure bout.

I’m not gonna blame our running game woes on him as I’m not certain our scheme and run blocking were the best especially early on. If your blocking is good Dowdle or draft pick can probably get pollard numbers

I want to see Eric scott and what he can do. I feel like Armstrong is a good player nothing superstar or anything I want to see what Williams can do minus the bonehead plays

We got fehoko still let’s see what he’s about. Our defense needed some new blood it’s a large reason why we went home

If our draft fell to us like this
JPJ or Barton in 2
Best LB in round 2
Running back round 3 we’d be just fine. 10 wins at least heck if we found trade partner to drop down and get another pick we’d be good also

Lots can happen. I don’t think they can screw it up like I feel they did last year. Our needs fall in deep draft positions


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For me, it is not apathy. It is skepticism. I am not buying any of the bovine manure Jerry and Stephen will toss at us this off season. As far as I am concerned this is a 5-12 team until they prove otherwise. The over/under for games the Cowboys get blown out is 4.5.

At this point I think we are in for many more years of mediocrity in Dallas.


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Nothing to get excited about with this team. Jerry and his kid sucked the joy right out of it. This disaster of an offseason takes the cake on just how bad this front office actually is. They took what was a successful team back in the day and turned it into one with no hope at all. Complete turds run the show here!


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I’m certainly hoping for a great draft. But pinning the success of our entire season on the backs of a rookie class is not a great plan. I’m guessing Lady Luck is our best hope.
I'm holding out hope that this will be the most team changing draft we've seen since 1989/90.

It would have to entail trading 1-2 core players in exchange for massive 2025 draft Capitol that a new HC can utilize.

If one is gonna dream....dream big.


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Yea , I hate to take away a glimmer of hope but it’s certainly not a good plan.

It continues to baffle me how so many fans can be so easily sold or buy into the hype each year.

I guess they just want to believe or struggle supporting a less successful organization.

Apathy is the only answer !!
Which is Jethro’s biggest concern.
It’s just beginning to get there for me.

I’ve been disgusted with Jerry and his act for a long while, and understood the disadvantage the Cowboys were faced with, but I always would manage to hope for the blind squirrel thing.

I just didn’t want to accept that one stubborn man’s ego could take away what was so important to me.

I also always held out hope that once Jerry was gone things would get better, and now that’s gone too.

It’s beyond disheartening to know that even if they get this thing rebuilt back to the roster it was after the reasonably successful drafts of 18-20, and getting lucky with Lamb and Parsons on rookie deals….that they will still refuse to supplement the rest of the team as needed to get over the top.

It’s constant misevaluation of many situations, not just selecting players, with no end in sight.

One of the usual suspects is bound to ask why I’m still here so I’ll answer now…..I don’t know! I don’t know how to handle being so disheartened over this organization and how it’s run that I hate it more than love it. Maybe I’m here to vent, or seek a support group type thing since I’m clearly not alone.

Ultimately I will have a tough time giving up hope that eventually Jerry will be gone and a few 4 win Stephen seasons will bring on another Parcells situation. I suppose it’s possible. If they don’t luck into a third straight QB out of nowhere there’s probably some down years in the near future.


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I looked up when we were able to draft "some" starters. I dont even care about key positions.

2023 0 (our first round pick Mazi wasnt even able to beat out medicore competition)
2022 1 Smith (but only at Guard and not at Tackle what he was actually drafted for)
2021 1 Parsons
2020 2 Lamb, Diggs
2019 0 (you could give us a 1/2 starter because Connor was starting at the end of the year)
2018 2 x 1/2 because all 2 (LVE, Gallup) werent first day starter but became starters during the midth/end of the seaons
2017 0
2016 3 (Prescott, Elliot and A.Brown) --> this was by far our best draft in years. A lucky hit considering we werent even thinking about Prescott being a starter. Brown was a gem in the rough we found in round 6.

Point is: we are not a good drafting team. If we find one starter from that draft we all should consider this a very good draft for us. Two would be great but not to be expected. Finding "some" wont happen. But we want to replace 5-6 starters.
We continuously lose in the playoffs due to gaping holes of inadequacy. Good drafting teams don't do that.


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You do know a drafted player can be a KEY contributor w/o being a starter, right ????
And drafted players are used to shore up weaknesses to remedy what was wrong in previous seasons. Unless you're the Cowboys, then you draft in areas of strength.


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Anyone else having trouble finding any enthusiasm about the Cowboys right now? After the Packer collapse, confirmed lamb duck coach status and lack of meaningful FA activity there’s not cause for hope, much less optimism. The window is shut with CD and Micah due big extensions. The front office isn’t going to mortgage the future to build around its stars. Meanwhile the Commanders might be formidable pretty soon and the Giants probably tic up as well.

I don’t believe Dak is good enough to win with in the playoffs at his price tag given the organization’s philosophy. A full rebuild or retool would be more interesting. If Dak gets extended at 55 million+ it just extends the purgatory.

Even the draft, which I always look forward to, is just kinda meh. So many holes on this roster and let’s face it McClay and the boys whiffed big last April.
Heck no, I love the draft so much. It's my favorite time of the year.


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It’s just beginning to get there for me.

I’ve been disgusted with Jerry and his act for a long while, and understood the disadvantage the Cowboys were faced with, but I always would manage to hope for the blind squirrel thing.

I just didn’t want to accept that one stubborn man’s ego could take away what was so important to me.

I also always held out hope that once Jerry was gone things would get better, and now that’s gone too.

It’s beyond disheartening to know that even if they get this thing rebuilt back to the roster it was after the reasonably successful drafts of 18-20, and getting lucky with Lamb and Parsons on rookie deals….that they will still refuse to supplement the rest of the team as needed to get over the top.

It’s constant misevaluation of many situations, not just selecting players, with no end in sight.

One of the usual suspects is bound to ask why I’m still here so I’ll answer now…..I don’t know! I don’t know how to handle being so disheartened over this organization and how it’s run that I hate it more than love it. Maybe I’m here to vent, or seek a support group type thing since I’m clearly not alone.

Ultimately I will have a tough time giving up hope that eventually Jerry will be gone and a few 4 win Stephen seasons will bring on another Parcells situation. I suppose it’s possible. If they don’t luck into a third straight QB out of nowhere there’s probably some down years in the near future.
You're still here for the same reason I am. Loyalty. I wouldn't even consider leaving.


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Anyone else having trouble finding any enthusiasm about the Cowboys right now? After the Packer collapse, confirmed lamb duck coach status and lack of meaningful FA activity there’s not cause for hope, much less optimism. The window is shut with CD and Micah due big extensions. The front office isn’t going to mortgage the future to build around its stars. Meanwhile the Commanders might be formidable pretty soon and the Giants probably tic up as well.

I don’t believe Dak is good enough to win with in the playoffs at his price tag given the organization’s philosophy. A full rebuild or retool would be more interesting. If Dak gets extended at 55 million+ it just extends the purgatory.

Even the draft, which I always look forward to, is just kinda meh. So many holes on this roster and let’s face it McClay and the boys whiffed big last April.
so ?!​
and NO..​
You realize the last three offseason most of the same people have said the same things about the offseason about they don't spend enough money in free agency, how the rest of the division is catching up and then we're going to be left in last place... historically bad off season they said, and somehow the last three years we've been top six in the league, we've won 36 games two division titles by the way I've been to the playoffs three straight years actually been to the playoffs 5 out of the eight years that Prescott's been healthy and standing..​

So, if you're not excited I frankly don't care matter of fact 75% of the posts are all apathetic ,everybody's negative, nobody has anything good to say, everybody thinks that offseason it's over and that our rosters set and it's all doomed!!

yet we haven't even got to the draft yet, that's the only thing different about this year than any other year is literally the angry negative doom and gloomers, Debbie Downers, apathetic fans like you have come out earlier and earlier... you're dooming the season when there's lots of free agents to be picked up after the draft and some trades, FYI they made good enough trades the last few seasons to get us to what I already described above and we may not be slotted to have the best success and win a Super Bowl this year but to act like it's all over before it starts when the games are the only way to prove how the offseason went..

Let me give you a big tip here literally nobody wins when there aren't any games played paper champions are only that lots of teams who win the offseason like by the way go back and look at the last three years in this division the spending on free agents and how the divisions have weight or completely upside down literally the giants in Washington have spent more money than the Eagles and the Cowboys and yet somehow the Cowboys are in last place and big names brought in and yet we won the division twice in the last three years...​
Getting the big name free agents in the first few weeks of the season that starts technically March 14 so we're one month into this process with five months left to go and already everybody's off the bandwagon predicting terrible things that happen just because you didn't get your way with your list of free agents and you don't think they have some plan...​
They in fact do have a plan I'm sure and no they're not one of the most aggressive teams in the league and neither is Kansas City and neither was New England and I'm not trying to compare them I'm just saying there are a lot of teams out there that spend a lot of money and get some of the biggest names and they do not end up with the trophy..​
I get it it looks like they're not going to do anything but with five months left before game one and lots of options for them to go and build this roster up... I have not made-up my mind I'm what they call a person who likes to see results so we need to see the games but at least we need to see the final roster before we make all these bold claims and it's just all over before it starts....

I will judge this year like any other year I take it one game at a time every year is a one off it's a week to week league and have an expectations are the biggest problem fans have.. We have no control sitting behind our desk or wherever you're sitting while you're writing all this nonsense it's a sports team that we are passionate about our team but to call it a disappointing season before it even starts is the most ridiculous thing I ever saw this is a weird league...

All the predictions and the rankings and the ratings and all that nonsense that happens along sports it's ridiculous you just gotta play each week the teams in front of you and lots of things can change with injuries the expectations for the other teams players that they picked up they didn't fit in right they don't actually produce... There are a lot of factors that go into winning in football and that's why it's week to week and there's just no way to look at a schedule and look at a roster 5 months before game on and say it's all over..

And why does a lame duck coach any different than a player who's in a contract here you know that term contract year where players usually have one of their better years because they trying to get paid well don't you think coaches are trying to keep their job they're gonna coach just as hard I mean the last time we had that with Garrett they went to the playoffs they had a winning record..


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
jerry knows if you are looking at the draft he still has you, so quit blaming him if you're still following. him.

Get your gear crap and tickets and enjoy the ride, quit crying about jerry wanting to do this or that.
Quit crying about Dak, while he's still our QB....crap on him when he's gone......and don't forget to order a few Dak jerseys that you can burn after a bad game.