Anyone Else Not Watching Sunday's Game Because of Christmas Eve?


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Church in the morning, will go home probably for a few hours and then around 5pm leave to the in laws for the Christmas Eve gathering.
I'll watch the beginning of the game on TV and then the rest i'll watch on my phone.

If i see the game great, but if I miss a big chunk due to family activities, no biggie. I just hope they can win. And i'll catch highlights later.

The playoff games are the ones I will make sure I am able to watch the entire thing.


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How many of you are not watching the game this Sunday at 4est due to xmas eve plans? I know with my family, we will go to early mass and then out to dinner so I will absolutely miss all of it. I have spectrum streaming so can't even record to watch and when we get home from dinner have magic family time with the 3,7,9 year olds....needless to say, I am going to have to bypass this week due to scheduling.

Hopefully they get the win but curious how many of you are in the same predicament I am in and what you are doing to be able to watch later without knowing how it unfolded?

(PS this thread is not about not watching bc I don't want to or bc trying to make some dumb statement, so lets not make it about that please)
You are either a Cowboy fan or not. Cowboys first. Family second.


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Hosting dinner at my house on Xmas eve so will be able to enjoy it...well as much as you can enjoy with in-laws


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yes exactly - just curious how others were approaching as well. Faith and family, the magic of the day are things that I can't get back with a 3,7,9 year old....there are always more games but I wanted to see how others were approaching.
I envy you. I wish we had some little ones to enjoy the day with. They really make everything more magical as you said.

Have a Merry Christmas with your family my Cowboy family friend!!!


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How many of you are not watching the game this Sunday at 4est due to xmas eve plans? I know with my family, we will go to early mass and then out to dinner so I will absolutely miss all of it. I have spectrum streaming so can't even record to watch and when we get home from dinner have magic family time with the 3,7,9 year olds....needless to say, I am going to have to bypass this week due to scheduling.

Hopefully they get the win but curious how many of you are in the same predicament I am in and what you are doing to be able to watch later without knowing how it unfolded?

(PS this thread is not about not watching bc I don't want to or bc trying to make some dumb statement, so lets not make it about that please)
Being a Cowboys \ sports fan in general --- is an indulgence many people around the world make part of their lives.
However: a person's upbringing - which has foundation(s) of tradition, reliance, optimism, faith, credence, and beliefs during holiday seasons- are generationally revered and honored.
Viewing (and attending) athletic competition - along with other pursuits, activities, etc. - is far outweighed by events and gatherings that mean more year to year to the well-being of families and communities.

CZers: yearn, wish, root for, expect and anticipate a Cowboys win on Sunday-- but don't let watching the game live supercede your longstanding Christmas Celebrations.
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Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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How many of you are not watching the game this Sunday at 4est due to xmas eve plans? I know with my family, we will go to early mass and then out to dinner so I will absolutely miss all of it. I have spectrum streaming so can't even record to watch and when we get home from dinner have magic family time with the 3,7,9 year olds....needless to say, I am going to have to bypass this week due to scheduling.

Hopefully they get the win but curious how many of you are in the same predicament I am in and what you are doing to be able to watch later without knowing how it unfolded?

(PS this thread is not about not watching bc I don't want to or bc trying to make some dumb statement, so lets not make it about that please)
I haven’t missed the game in 40 years. I’m not going to miss one now. Well that’s not true. I actually did miss one my daughter‘s wedding. It was a Monday night game against the Saints and we kicked their ***.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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I’m probably not going to watch either. At least not live. Faith and family are higher on my list of priorities.
I agree, but family understands. I don’t have much more time left lol actually I’m a healthy 70.


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It will be on at my house in background. I cook so will miss most of it.


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I missed last week's game to watch my daughter star in "The Nutcracker" for the Oakland Ballet Company. Christmas comes every year, the Cowboys play 20 times a year.. my daughter's first principal role as a professional will only happen once. I would have skipped the Super Bowl for that. In terms of recording though.. I strongly suggest you get yourself an Amazon Firestick and an HDMI capture stick, plug them both into your computer and record the game there. Then at least you can go watch it a little later. Oh and my daughter was absolutely amazing in her performance by the way.. I damn near cried!!
Congrats on your daughters performance. Agreed, it's just a game. I'd miss the super bowl for any thing (even small) for my children.


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The only advantage to being divorced and outliving my entire immediate and vast majority of my extended family before 45 is no issues with football on the holidays.

Game on!


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I will be at a Christmas Eve service with my daughter and her fiancé.


Well-Known Member
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How many of you are not watching the game this Sunday at 4est due to xmas eve plans? I know with my family, we will go to early mass and then out to dinner so I will absolutely miss all of it. I have spectrum streaming so can't even record to watch and when we get home from dinner have magic family time with the 3,7,9 year olds....needless to say, I am going to have to bypass this week due to scheduling.

Hopefully they get the win but curious how many of you are in the same predicament I am in and what you are doing to be able to watch later without knowing how it unfolded?

(PS this thread is not about not watching bc I don't want to or bc trying to make some dumb statement, so lets not make it about that please)
I asked for vacation last weeks game and was declined.

I got to watch a good bit of the first half and pieces of the second. Wasn't sure if I should blame the loss on my Chief for not letting me off, or thank him for not wasting a vacation day on trash.

I'll be watching the rest of the season and playoffs AT HOME.


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The Lord wants me to watch football on his son's birthday.
I mean, c'mon folks, God's a dude. You really think he wants you
to miss the game. He'll be watching

Merry Christmas, everyone!


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I will be recording it and hopefully no one will tell me the score while we are doing the Christmas eve stuff with the family. Will be right on the couch after everyone heads home though!