Anyone miss Roy Williams? *Merge*


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lane;2294265 said:
oh yea i did...roy can't even tackle anymore....

putting a weak shoulder and crumbling to the ground as the rb rumbles for 15.

Kind of like Hamlin did as Portis just ran right by him?


The Chairman
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TEK2000;2294519 said:
Kind of like Hamlin did as Portis just ran right by him?

i've always liked you man...but you know as well as i do....roy is not the player he once was.

one of my first threads when i joined this joint was titled "fave roy williams hit".

i would kill to see that player ain't going to happen though.


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lane;2294565 said:

i've always liked you man...but you know as well as i do....roy is not the player he once was.

one of my first threads when i joined this joint was titled "fave roy williams hit".

i would kill to see that player ain't going to happen though.

I'm not saying he is lane. I know he's fallen way off from what he was in his first few seasons.

But one thing that irritates me more than anything is how so many people can complain about Roy Williams' missed tackles yet are completely blind to the seemingly numerous missed tackles Ken Hamlin has in EVERY GAME.

It is absolutely infuriating to me to see Ken Hamlin missing so many tackles.

Roy may miss a few tackles in a season... Ken Hamlin often misses more than one tackle per game. But Roy is the one that everyone screams about not being able to tackle.

Just watch for it and you'll see it. I promise. :)

Today, Ken Hamlin did EXACTLY what you described of Roy Williams. Portis comes through a hole in the middle of the line and Hamlin tries to throw a shoulder into him... didn't grab with his hands or even make an attempt to wrap up... Portis ran right through him without even slowing down at all. That's what I'm arguing against... an unfair criticism of Roy Williams and a free pass for Ken Hamlin for doing exactly what Roy is ripped for.


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TEK2000;2294573 said:
I'm not saying he is lane. I know he's fallen way off from what he was in his first few seasons.

But one thing that irritates me more than anything is how so many people can complain about Roy Williams' missed tackles yet are completely blind to the seemingly numerous missed tackles Ken Hamlin has in EVERY GAME.

It is absolutely infuriating to me to see Ken Hamlin missing so many tackles.

Roy may miss a few tackles in a season... Ken Hamlin often misses more than one tackle per game. But Roy is the one that everyone screams about not being able to tackle.

Just watch for it and you'll see it. I promise. :)

Hamlin is 5 times the football player Roy is. Having said that...Ken isnt truly a "pro-bowl" i wouldnt be comparing the two to make points that one is good or bad b/c of the play of the other. I like Ken's "QB of the defense" mentalitiy and intelligence, but he isnt THAT good. We will have to spend some first day draft picks on safetys at some point in the near future.


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lane;2294565 said:

i've always liked you man...but you know as well as i do....roy is not the player he once was.

one of my first threads when i joined this joint was titled "fave roy williams hit".

i would kill to see that player ain't going to happen though.
Say what you want about Roy but Portis average 40 yards a game against us in the run game, now he has 121 yds and guess who isn't out there?


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TEUFELI;2294581 said:
Hamlin is 5 times the football player Roy is. Having said that...Ken isnt truly a "pro-bowl" i wouldnt be comparing the two to make points that one is good or bad b/c of the play of the other. I like Ken's "QB of the defense" mentalitiy and intelligence, but he isnt THAT good. We will have to spend some first day draft picks on safetys at some point in the near future.

I'm not comparing the 2 players' entire game.... I'm only making a point about 1 of them getting a free pass in one aspect of the game for being worse than the one that gets ripped on.


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TEK2000;2294589 said:
I'm not comparing the 2 players' entire game.... I'm only making a point about 1 of them getting a free pass in one aspect of the game for being worse than the one that gets ripped on.

I think the reason is tek,

Hamlin doesnt insult the fans repeatedly.

Coaches dont have to baby hamlin.

and Hamlin doesnt allow as many passes to go over his head.

thats it.


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The only thing that would have happened had Roy been out there would have been Santana Moss running all over the field on us like he has done the last several years. Roy would not have saved this game. We got our ***** kicked and he wouldn't have changed that. Also you people who think that just because Portis has averaged 40 yards a game on us until today is because Roy was gone is stupid. Did you ever stop to think that the reason why he got over a hundred today was because Campbell was picking our ***** apart with the pass? They did to us today what we usually do to teams. The pass opens up the running lanes and the back runs wild. The question we should ask is where the hell was the inside linebackers? They should be making plays but they didn't today. I heard Bradie James name called twice and that was after Portis got 5 or 6 yards on the play. Of course he jumped up both times acting like he won the super bowl. I didn't notice him doing that **** when he let Cooley catch that critical third down shot put pass for a first down.


Semper Fidelis
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rangers71;2294623 said:
The only thing that would have happened had Roy been out there would have been Santana Moss running all over the field on us like he has done the last several years. Roy would not have saved this game. We got our ***** kicked and he wouldn't have changed that. Also you people who think that just because Portis has averaged 40 yards a game on us until today is because Roy was gone is stupid. Did you ever stop to think that the reason why he got over a hundred today was because Campbell was picking our ***** apart with the pass? They did to us today what we usually do to teams. The pass opens up the running lanes and the back runs wild. The question we should ask is where the hell was the inside linebackers? They should be making plays but they didn't today. I heard Bradie James name called twice and that was after Portis got 5 or 6 yards on the play. Of course he jumped up both times acting like he won the super bowl. I didn't notice him doing that **** when he let Cooley catch that critical third down shot put pass for a first down.

Is that necessary, seriously?

To claim that you know for a fact that Roy wasn't the reason and that it was just the passing game is what's really odd. How do you know that and why aren't you working for an NFL team in some capacity?


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I am doing the same thing every other person on this board is doing. I am giving my opinion on the game. Sorry if you don't agree.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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RE:Anyone miss Roy Williams

...............I thought he was out there for a while...........wearing #41 lol...


Federal Agent
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I was never a roy hater and can't wait for him to get back.

But let's be honest here... our front 7 got dominated at the point of attack and THAT is why we got killed in the running game, not because of Pat Watkins being there instead of Roy Williams.


Semper Fidelis
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rangers71;2294635 said:
I am doing the same thing every other person on this board is doing. I am giving my opinion on the game. Sorry if you don't agree.

There is a distinct difference in sharing your opinion and calling everybody stupid who doesn't share your opinion. Whether or not I agree with you is irrelevant.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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lane;2294565 said:

i've always liked you man...but you know as well as i do....roy is not the player he once was.

one of my first threads when i joined this joint was titled "fave roy williams hit".

i would kill to see that player ain't going to happen though.

Come on now your first thread was to say how good Lynn Scott was and you thought he deserved to start at FS :)


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Yeah sure, Roy "I had 12 tackles for 3 yard gains or less in 15 games (0.8 per game) last year" Williams would've made a huge difference in run support.

It had nothing to do with DeMarcus Ware getting blown off the line and pancaked all game long or anything.


Federal Agent
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JordanTaber;2295121 said:
Yeah sure, Roy "I had 12 tackles for 3 yard gains or less in 15 games (0.8 per game) last year" Williams would've made a huge difference in run support.

It had nothing to do with DeMarcus Ware getting blown off the line and pancaked all game long or anything.

Wow. Making moronic statements to exhaggerate your point is one thing, but making moronic FALSE statements?


I don't even know who you are, but welcome to my ignore list.


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Rack;2295131 said:
Wow. Making moronic statements to exhaggerate your point is one thing, but making moronic FALSE statements?


I don't even know who you are, but welcome to my ignore list.
