Here is the an excerpt from I found on a Bills forum. Does this fan sound familiar?
He's doing his best to be 'good' but we need him to be TO and speak his mind. It's obvious to him (repeatedly says 'just going with the plays that are called') as it is to us that the gameplan and/or Trent need to improve. How we can't get him and Lee involved in this offense is beyond me. You almost have to go out of your way to exclude guys of this talent level. Throw some slants, jump balls, to these guys early and get them in the game for god's sake. Makes no sense.
Q: What did you think of the offense overall?
Terrell Owens: Didnt execute.
Q: Why do you think the offense didnt execute?
T.O.: We lost the game, what do you think?
Q: On the deep ball at the tunnel end did you pull up on that?
T.O.: No.
Q: Trent couldnt get the ball downfield and it seemed like everything was short and check downs.
T.O.: I was just going with the plays that were called.
Q: Was it something their defense was doing out there?
T.O.: What do you think?
Q: You tell me, youre out there
T.O.: Im just going with the plays that are called.
Q: Your frustration level right now?
T.O.: Im good. Just got to get ready for next week.
Q: Do you feel you and Lee (Evans) are being wasted in this offens?
T.O.: Were just going with the plays that are called.
Q: You could say no right there.
T.O.: Im just going with the plays that are called.
Q: Do you like the plays that are called?
T.O.: Whether I like them or dont, Im just going with the plays that are called.
Q: How about the decisiosn that are made after the plays are called? The quarterbacks decisions after the play is called?
T.O.: Youd have to ask him
Q: Im asking what you think.
T.O.: I dont want to answer that because whatever I say you guys are turn it into however you want to say it.
Q: Well print whatever you say word for word.
T.O.: I just answered you sir.
Q: Any thoughts on the end of your catch streak (185 straight games)?
T.O.: Its over.
Q: Did it have any meaning to you at all?
T.O.: We didnt win the game.
Q: Do you feel bad for the defense?
T.O.: Weve just got to regroup and get ready for next week.