Are we as blind and homerish as these Pats fans?


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I know all the years I have followed the Cowboys they are always right and everyone else is wrong, for the most part. Kind of a love and hate thing. I love anything the Cowboys do, and hate anything the steelers do....

If you love anything the Cowboys do, then you are the true definition of a biased fan. Your opinion would therefore be rendered useless as everyone knows you would simply love it because the Cowboys did it. If the Cowboys cut Romo tomorrow would you claim we are better off?


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If you love anything the Cowboys do, then you are the true definition of a biased fan. Your opinion would therefore be rendered useless as everyone knows you would simply love it because the Cowboys did it. If the Cowboys cut Romo tomorrow would you claim we are better off?

Look at my quote, I said for the most part. I was very mad at the Cowboys when Jimmy Johnson left.


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Many fans are absolute homers. All of us are at least biased to a degree. I pride myself on being a realist, as my former self was a staunch curmudgeon for many years, and my new self is a huge proponent of what's been going on with the Cowboys since Garrett took over.

Still, I readily admit I see things through the eyes of a Cowboys fan. How can you not?

But northeasterners are the worst. They grow up in this socialistic, I'm-a-victim, overpopulated sardine box, and it just twists their minds into non-thinking oblivion.

After Spygate and Deflate-gate, not to mention the last years plays they ran that have since been outlawed, Patriots fans are kidding themselves. It's a great team and a great organization, but certainly not principled as much as they should be.

This was like corking a bat in baseball.

LOL...........on the football side I completely agree with you. As far as the Northeasterner thing, I found that funny. What are you prejudice or something? I grew up in Mass and I have no idea what you are talking about. However, Pats fans are spoiled rotten. Pretty much the EXACT same way Cowboys fans were until they have been beaten down the last 18 years until last year. Personally, I would be pissed off if I was a Pats fan. And I would definitely think the league was against them.

As far as the way Pats run their franchise, I applaud it. They will do anything and everything to win. Im sure other teams do all kinds of things and dont get caught. Nothing they have dont to date is anything to make a big stink about.


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I know that every team's legions of fans are homers to a degree and that we are all kinda blind to a certain extent, but I'm reading through Pats' message boards and it's unreal. All of them think that the NFL/Goodell is out to screw them, they hate Kraft now for just taking it, and a lot of them say they are done with the NFL. Even a thread started where people have canceled their cable NFL packages.

I went there expecting to see a lot of good conversation amongst them-- some back and forth where other members said that they did indeed cheat and that they should be punished. But no. I've read for close to an hour and every single Pats fan think this is a conspiracy against them and that they were wronged and Brady did nothing wrong. I am blown away.

Check it out for yourself--

This forum is just as bad if not worse. Blind and ugly at defending a lot of ugliness.


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There is without a doubt, a load of homers on this site. In fact, the reputation on the net is that this is a homer site. Heck, you say one bad thing about anyone Cowboy and people get all tied up in a wad. Some people just dont have the ability to be non biased and think about things in a rational way. They talk themselves into anything and everything.

Like some people thinking that Green was some great pick of ours. It was scrutinized and highly regarded as a head scratcher.

Personally, I think its all ridiculous this whole deflategate nonsense. its a cant be serious. This is EXACTLY what I am talking about with people talking themselves into anything. HARDY WAS CONVICTED BY A COURT OF LAW.................then they appealed. When the appeal came around, he got let off because he paid off the girl to not show up.

Hardy is a women beater, end of story. And his situation is NOT EVEN CLOSE to anything Tom Brady did. To try to lobby otherwise is a total and complete joke.

All that aside, I am happy they signed the guy. Great move.

There are homers on every fan site, and that's a good thing. I'd be careful where I'm getting my information on internet reputations though, if I were you. CZ gets just as much criticism for tolerating haters. And a lot of the people who complain about CZ, from my experience, are fans who've been asked to leave here for any number of very good reasons. It's a tough line to walk, but then again, it's opinions on the Internet, so I'm not sure how much it matters.

The Hardy situation is a poor example of a bias argument, either way. He can be both involved in a domestic abuse case *and* a great football player. Understanding both and still wanting his talents in Dallas might be a sign of misplaced priorities (it's not, but that argument could be made), but it's not exactly an argument for bias or homerism.


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Guys, as interesting as the Hardy topic is, let's try to keep the conversation more on point to the thread topic here, please. This is a thread about how nasty Pats fans are compared to Cowboys fans, and I think we're in the process of concluding that Pats fans are, in fact, really really annoying.


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Are we as blind and homerish as these Pats fans?

Absolutely. Without a doubt. I wish I had a nickel every time somebody here was crying about how "BSPN" hates us. Or how the "mediots" have it out for us. Or my personal favorite... How the league themselves are against us and trying to hold us down. Yeah, like they'd want to see their biggest draw/cash cow fade away into nothing.


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Pats fans are annoying but they get embolden by far too many folks on TV. I almost expect the NFL to reply to Brady's appeal the same way it did Suh's... "suspending him would hurt his team too much so we won't do it." ESPN is notorious for the Pats worship. :espn:


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Are we as blind and homerish as these Pats fans?

Absolutely. Without a doubt. I wish I had a nickel every time somebody here was crying about how "BSPN" hates us. Or how the "mediots" have it out for us. Or my personal favorite... How the league themselves are against us and trying to hold us down. Yeah, like they'd want to see their biggest draw/cash cow fade away into nothing.

The league obviously doesn't have it out for it's flagship franchise. But there's no doubt that ESPN and the national media make hay out of sensationalizing the Dallas Cowboys--both the good things and the bad things. Recognizing that doesn't exactly make a fan base into biased homers. We're a circus, and the show is always in town. That's how the ownership wants things, and he makes sure he gets it that way. But the coverage and the overblowing of stories to keep the Cowboys talked about is very real.


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until proven otherwise....I am complete homer after this offseason.


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Insert 2010 "cap" penalties, the Dez Bryant catch/no catch, and the Greg Hardy suspension, and it would be hard to tell this site from the Patriots site.

Add to that the PI in the Lion game, drafting Gregory, the Party Bus with the refs, etc... We can go on and on. It's a self righteousness that most fans have. Here in Washington, the Seattle fans think Pere Caroll and the Hawks as are as squeaky clean as 20 year old nuns. If you say anything about it they get red faced and fighting mad. If they had won the SB you would not hear them talking about this. But now it's been on the radio shows for 24 hours.

Fans love and will die defending their teams. I was a kid defending the actions of our 90's teams and the White House. It's just what we do. Last analogy :). I can beat up my brother, but if you talk about him, I will fight with you. That's exactly how this thing works.

On the other side of this. It's being blown way out of proportion. I heard Joe Montana say yesterday that every successful QB in the NFL makes the ball exactly like they want it. It's like pine tar on a bat, or like a WR wearing these new gloves. Who cares!!!!!

Yakuza Rich

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As Rick Reilly and Peter King have stated, when in doubt...write about the Cowboys.

I'm a Yankees fan (born and bred in NY, son of a diehard Yankees fan). I think it's easy to run parallels between the Cowboys and the Yankees. And you could easily run the same 'circus atmosphere' parallels as well. Steinbrenner went thru managers like most people go thru toilet paper and every single game the Yankees manager goes thru a length *pre-game* press conference with the press. And even in the Yankees dynasty in the 90's and 2000's...Steinbrenner would chirp up a few times a year, questioning Jeter, Torre, Rivera, etc.

However, there are very distinct differences as to how outlets like ESPN treat the Yankees versus how they treat the Cowboys.

There's a clear sense of respect for the Yankees and Steinbrenner, but a clear sense of disrespect for the Cowboys and Jerry Jones. The more unusual thing is how the press, like BSPN, will go above an beyond to the point of being completely unprofessional towards the Cowboys. I'm certain that there are media outlets that do not respect the Yankees or Duke basketball or the Lakers, but they don't lose control to the point where they come off like a child. And there is a sense that the media would love nothing more than to stir up Cowboys controversy, even if it's not true, just for the hopes of disturbing a Cowboys season or at the very least, drawing in listeners, Web site clicks, etc.

Case in point, Dez Bryant and the 'video.' We were told up and down that it was out there and was 10x worse than Ray Rice. Even had media people say that they would apologize if it didn't come out...and it never did...and they never apologized for it. Or how we were told that Jason Garrett was going to leave the team after his contract ran out (never happened) or Rod Marinelli was going to Tampa (never happened). Of course, those are more minor than an alleged tape of domestic assault, but it's just more examples of the media trying to get to the Cowboys in their headlines to draw people to their TV show, YouTube channel, Web site, etc.



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bottom line with the hardy case is that when it came to a full bore real court, the prosecution folded their tent and slunk away.