CZ POLL Are you happy with Dak Prescott as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys this season?

Are you happy with Dak Prescott as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys this season?

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Dak’s fine for 2023.

It’s how the FO has handled the situation that annoys me.

I either wanted to see more aggressiveness in talent acquisition for a final push in the Dak window.

Or I wanted to see them start looking for other options.

But neither happened, and it feels like the same ol’ same ol’.
DAL definitely made the talent push. There's no denying that. Now, if they bring in the MIN RB, we'd be unstoppable.


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There's another option besides replacing Dak now with a QB that is possibly/probably not as good: Devote meaningful draft resources, say middle rounds, in search of a developmental QB with legitimate credentials or traits. This does not even have to been done every year. Maybe every 2 or 3 years depending on progress. Invest, develop, evaluate. Rinse & repeat.

For decades now, management has failed to allocated any significant draft capital to the position, and the results speak for themselves.


Safety third
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You just admitted there isn’t a legitimate option to replace him with. Some think great QBs grow on trees. You can’t move on from your starting QB regardless how dissatisfied you are with them until you have a better option. Without a viable QB, the Cowboys would be battling Washington for the basement in the NFC East.
You seem to have completely missed my point.

How to replace him is irrelevant to the simple question asked in the poll.


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I don't feel like Dak is a transcendent QB like Mahomes or Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady, where you don't necessarily need a super stacked team, but he's good enough if you stack the deck to win one.

The problem is that the front office refuses to go 'all-in' and we keep getting dusted by the same teams in the playoffs over and over.

The front office keeps wasting careers by being frugal and building the team to be 'just good enough' to give you hope every year, but not good enough to beat the teams that go all in like Philly or the Rams.

The rams will probably rebuild in a couple of years while we have perpetual 2nd round exits if something doesn't change.


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The guy will be 30 next month so what you see is what you get. If you are waiting for Dak to finally be able to see the light and read defenses, have pocket presence, accurate arm and killer mentality in big games......that ship has sailed. He shouldn't even have been given a big money contract just because he "is the best option available.". You don't pay bus drivers like franchise quarterbacks. Jerry and son are now not only handcuffed already to a QB that will not win the big one or even getting close to the big one....., but are fixing to snap on matching ankle bracelets as well. oh boy, the agony just don't stop.

oh yeah, my answer was NO.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The fact this poll exists shows how overrun with trolls and haters this place is.
Actually, it shows that people here have their own opinions rather than blindly following the team on every decision, and after 28 years of failures, it is hard to blame them.

If you are a looking for an echo chamber, you should probably avoid the internet as its filled with people with minds of their own.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
If Dak had thrown no interceptions last year, I still would have voted no. I like him and he has a good career going, but he seems to lack championship mettle. He is the type of player that will not luck upon a championship; he would have to earn the ring.


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yeah, who are we going to get to win nothing for us like dak has, Oh I would hate to win nothing with another guy, but at least we would be trying. wipes tears from his eyes. "I'm still on the fence about dak, I love him. I wish we could get more pictures of him shirt less for us Unhollywood guys"


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He’s a lot better than the options that are out there right now. Who’s better wiseguy? Who would you stick the team with this season that has a chance to build off of what we’ve done the past two seasons and lead us to 12 wins and the playoffs? You’ve been on this board less than 2 1/2 years and already have over 22,000 messages. Day after day you come here building your post count hating on Dak. It’s obvious you don’t have much going on. Lol
I don't have much going?

You should be a huge fan of mine then!


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Going into this season, yes. As what other realistic options are there.
eager to see the difference in the offense and play calling. To see if Dak cuts down in the picks.

After the season, need another poll though.

You can't really judge a QB until they are on their 2nd HC, 3rd OC, and in their 8th year.

The poll next year will be the real one.


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There’s options including Carson Wentz and Cooper Rush. I’m convinced there’s dopes that would rather go 3-14 than have Dak as our QB. They figure we can draft a better QB with a top 10 pick. They think the draft is a sure thing, you just draft a QB and problem solved. Lol The Cowboys are coming off back to back playoff seasons first time since 06 and 07. They’ve won 24 games the past two seasons. They won their first road playoff game in 30 years against Tom Brady of all QBs who they’ve never beaten. We just made an OC change and traded for a solid receiver and you have more than 50% of the fans that don’t want to give Dak one more chance to try and get the team over the hump. They would rather move on to a castoff or Cooper Rush for this season. There was a thread that was started at the beginning of the offseason claiming that had the Cowboys stayed with Cooper Rush they would’ve won the Super Bowl. :laugh: There’s no dumber fan base than this one.
I think every fan base has individuals missing a few screws you just see it more as a fan of your team. This roster would probably be a 8-9 team without a competent QB. Like many fans we all would love to have Mahomes or a perennial all-pro QB. However, many don't realize how rare those are and you're right there's no guarantee if we drafted someone to replace Dak he would even be a better QB.


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I think every fan base has individuals missing a few screws you just see it more as a fan of your team. This roster would probably be a 8-9 team without a competent QB. Like many fans we all would love to have Mahomes or a perennial all-pro QB. However, many don't realize how rare those are and you're right there's no guarantee if we drafted someone to replace Dak he would even be a better QB.
This team is 5-1 without Dak the past two seasons. McCarthy has a winning record with the Cowboys when Dak isn't playing.

Where you are getting this 8-9 if Dak can't do it nobody can idea?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I don't have much going?

You should be a huge fan of mine then!
You created your membership in February 2021 and have 22,202 messages and counting. :omg: Go do the math on that. Lol That’s over 850 messages a month, which comes out to more than 200 a week and most of them are hating on Dak. :laugh: It’s safe to say all you have is this board and are consumed by your hatred for Dak Prescott. Do you consider the amount of time you spend bashing Dak normal fan behavior?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I think every fan base has individuals missing a few screws you just see it more as a fan of your team. This roster would probably be a 8-9 team without a competent QB. Like many fans we all would love to have Mahomes or a perennial all-pro QB. However, many don't realize how rare those are and you're right there's no guarantee if we drafted someone to replace Dak he would even be a better QB.
I think this fanbase has a few more fans with missing screws than most. You have fans that would move on from Dak this very moment and take their chances with anyone else at QB even if it means ending up with a top 10 pick. They would rather lose with another QB than have another 12 win season with Dak with a shot at advancing in the playoffs. The Cowboys are probably a 7-8 win team without a viable QB, especially with the schedule they have coming up this season. Put a lesser QB than Dak behind center and we’re Washington.


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I voted yes because I think he is the best option available and I think the Cowboys have a good roster. Couple those things with a still relatively weak NFC and the team must go with Dak. The roster is good enough; the coaching is capable and experienced. So this is the season for Dak Prescott to do or die as Cowboys QB. This is the year to finally get it done. No excuses for failure including injury. If the team fails to make a good playoff run then I will be ready for a change. The team cannot continue to improve the roster year after year and struggle at the most important position.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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You seem to have completely missed my point.

How to replace him is irrelevant to the simple question asked in the poll.
Try learning how to make a point. You claim he’s simply not the guy but we don’t know that yet. We’re coming off back to back playoff seasons for the first time in over 15 years. We’re finally building on something in consecutive years for the first time in more than a decade and you have fans that want to move on from our QB. That’s a good way to go from 12 wins to 6 wins and a top 12 pick. I can promise you some of the fans that aren’t happy with Dak as the QB for this season would replace him now if they could. They would go with either Cooper Rush or pick up Carson Wentz and let them compete in camp. That’s how ridiculous this fan base is.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
lol...where have you been? You mean you have not been reading the forum for the past months that you needed a poll to guage the crowd? lol

No, I am not happy with the Dakster, but I have no other option but give him his chance again...and again.
Yes, because more people like to complain. The people I don’t complain let you Rable . it’s not about hating or being a homer. It’s about showing restraint lol no wonder the majority is angry . Everybody wants something they don’t deserve,
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