CZ POLL Are you happy with Dak Prescott as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys this season?

Are you happy with Dak Prescott as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys this season?

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Cowboys 24/7/365
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'Happy' is an emotional state of mind. Only a simple question like 'Are you happy with Dak Prescott as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys this season?' can invoke about 15 different other emotions.

CowboysZone. :laugh:

big dog cowboy

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How do you know you won’t be happy with him at the end of the season? He was that bad last season in your eyes that you’ve already given up on him? You don’t think the OC change and the addition of Cooks will make any difference? I still saw enough good in Dak last season to believe he has a chance to bounce back. We were 8-4 with him last season with a playoff win on the road.
It's got nothing to do with last year. It has nothing to do with Kellen leaving. It has nothing to do with Cooks.

The body of work since he was drafted is all I need to know. It takes several wins in a row in January to win the super bowl.

At this point, I have seen nothing to suggest he could win 2 in a row in the playoffs.

I'd love to be surprised. I'll never stop rooting for my team. I just don't see it with #4. So I won't be happy with him at the end of the season.



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The rest of the years he played well except for the playoffs in 2021. The problem the rest of the years was the defense. It’s unfortunate we didn’t have a good defense in 2016 because Dak was terrific that season. He went toe to toe with Aaron Rodgers in the playoffs, but our defense choked.
No, the defense didn't choke vs Green Bay.
They were wore out from trying to dig out of the hole Prescott dug when he choked in the first half.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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You just mad that I have double the amount of likes than you and I'm still fairly new.

Make better points, kid. Get that score up.
Every time someone says something negative about Dak they get likes. It’s just a way to kill time for those who have nothing else better to do all day. Trolling for likes makes them feel like they’re actually accomplishing something in life. :laugh:Every time they’re feeling a little down, they just click on their username and admire their reaction score. Lol Now we know why you spend 24/7 on this board bashing Dak. Thanks for exposing yourself. Now get back to posting to keep up your blistering pace. :thumbup:


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Every time someone says something negative about Dak they get likes. It’s just a way to kill time for those who have nothing else better to do all day. Trolling for likes makes them feel like they’re actually accomplishing something in life. :laugh:Every time they’re feeling a little down, they just click on their username and admire their reaction score. Lol Now we know why you spend 24/7 on this board bashing Dak. Thanks for exposing yourself. Now get back to posting to keep up your blistering pace. :thumbup:
You’re so mad lolololol

Emotional rant.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I only voted yes because there was no good alternative.
I could have voted yes with that scenario but that wasn't the question. It was if I'm happy with Dak. Going from last year I'm not. I understand we're stuck with him for now but if he plays like he did last year I'm moving further into the column that I'm done with him. Hope he has an MVP type year. Hope he shows up in the playoffs.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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It's got nothing to do with last year. It has nothing to do with Kellen leaving. It has nothing to do with Cooks.

The body of work since he was drafted is all I need to know. It takes several wins in a row in January to win the super bowl.

At this point, I have seen nothing to suggest he could win 2 in a row in the playoffs.

I'd love to be surprised. I'll never stop rooting for my team. I just don't see it with #4. So I won't be happy with him at the end of the season.

Dak is 25 games above 500 as a starting QB. Go compare that to some of the other starters in the league. He’s won a lot of games and is on pace to become the Cowboys all time leading passer. His body of work has been better than most QBs and he already has as many playoff wins as Romo in less time. I saw enough against Tampa in the playoffs last season to suggest he could win two or more in a row in the playoffs. The only two bad playoff games he’s had were against San Francisco. He’s struggled against their defense. We haven’t been able to run the ball efficiently against them and it’s put the game on him. I’m not ruling anything out with Dak until I see him perform this season. I have my doubts about him just like most fans, but with some of the changes we’ve made I’m willing to give him one more season before I throw in the towel on him.


Cowboys Diehard
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I'm glad that Dak's as good as he is, although, I'd like to see another Super Bowl with the Cowboys in it at some point before I die. As the same token, I realize that it's not something that can be blamed on any one man on the field that we're not getting there. Our front office lags behind the better teams in the league when it comes to handling the cap and talent acquisition as well as they should. That's a crucial factor in being a SB contender. While they're improving lately, it's still not quite enough to get there. They still must become more pro-active in in that regard. Hopefully, other aspects of the team and its leadership must improve accordingly. I do believe we're improving enough to win our division but it's just not what the Cowboys should be all about. Their legacy in years past would have been far better if this team had maintained that stature.
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Case in point.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Actually, it shows that people here have their own opinions rather than blindly following the team on every decision, and after 28 years of failures, it is hard to blame them.

If you are a looking for an echo chamber, you should probably avoid the internet as its filled with people with minds of their own.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that as I know it makes you sleep better.


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I don’t hate Dak, but he has had 7 years to prove himself and show the ability to take the team deep into the playoffs. Dak is a system QB and needs all facets of the game to be on-point to be at his best. I think he lacks some key attributes to be considered a top QB in the NFL.

With that being said, there is no other alternative at this point. I liked Rush’s ability to read defenses and route anticipation; I thought the offense was more balanced with him vs Dak, but Dak has the bigger arm with more physical talent.

I’m hoping we can get a quality QB via the draft in the next year or two, but Jerry is married to Dak and gave him the monster contract and will no doubt extend him, so I see him as the starter for the foreseeable future.


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Yeah, keep telling yourself that as I know it makes you sleep better.
None of this has any impact on my sleep because I do not get worked up over someone criticizing a player I like even if I debate with them over it.

You can hate Dak or love Dak. You can hate any player I like or love any player I do not like. I really do not care. Nor do the Cowboys, and that is the real reason why it is shocking how upset people get over other fans having different opinions.

If everyone on this site hated Dak or everyone on this site loved Dak, it would have zero impact on what the Cowboys do with Dak.

To the Cowboys and all professional sports teams the fans are just revenue dispensers and what we like or do not like matters very little to them unless it significantly impacts their revenue.

Allowing Cowboys fans to vent their frustrations on here is just as important as allowing fans to celebrate the team.

I wish there was less negativity about the Cowboys .. I really do .. but again, after 28 years of failed season after failed season, it has gotten really hard to blame fans for being frustrated and upset.

The fact they are still coming here and posting about their frustrations proves how much they still care about the Cowboys.

The real solution to all of this is for the Cowboys to win a Super Bowl. Winning cures a lot of problems with fan opinions.

Until that happens, you can blame the fans all you want, but its the Cowboys who own that blame.


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None of this has any impact on my sleep because I do not get worked up someone criticizing a player I like even if I debate with them over it.

You can hate Dak or love Dak. You can hate any player I like or love any player I do not like. I really do not care. Nor do the Cowboys, and that is the real reason why it is shocking how upset people get over other fans having different opinions.

If everyone on this site hated Dak or everyone on this site loved Dak, it would have zero impact on what the Cowboys do with Dak.

To the Cowboys and all professional sports teams the fans are just revenue dispensers and what we like or do not like matters very little to them unless it significantly impacts their revenue.

Allowing Cowboys fans to vent their frustrations on here is just as important as allowing fans to celebrate the team.

I wish there was less negativity about the Cowboys .. I really do .. but again, after 28 years of failed season after failed season, it has gotten really hard to blame fans for being frustrated and upset.

The fact they are still coming here and posting about their frustrations proves how much they still care about the Cowboys.

The real solution to all of this is for the Cowboys to win a Super Bowl. Winning cures a lot of problems with fan opinions.

Until that happens, you can blame the fans all you want, but its the Cowboys who own that blame.
Most beautiful post of your career!!!


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What do you expect from the brainiacs here? The great thing about these polls is they expose the knuckleheads. There’s a large number of fans here that would move on from Dak right this moment, a month before training camp and go with another QB, regardless who it is. That’s the mindset you’re dealing with on this board.
The knuckle heads that like average Dak, yes you’re right. I see you’re pulling for another go nowhere year as Dak chokes again in the critical games. Line up the inferior teams and the homers dream SB play the good teams and Dak just wilts away. There are options but Jerry isn’t interested, he will stay with Dak and that’s the end of the story. Great QB’s don’t grow on trees but 8 year average ones don’t become great, Dak talks the talk but can’t walk the walk.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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The knuckle heads that like average Dak, yes you’re right. I see you’re pulling for another go nowhere year as Dak chokes again in the critical games. Line up the inferior teams and the homers dream SB play the good teams and Dak just wilts away. There are options but Jerry isn’t interested, he will stay with Dak and that’s the end of the story. Great QB’s don’t grow on trees but 8 year average ones don’t become great, Dak talks the talk but can’t walk the walk.
The knuckleheads would rather have an average QB. Go look at the names of QBs that are mentioned that fans would rather have than Dak. Lol You’re one of those who needs to open their eyes and recognize that he’s one of the better QBs in the league despite his flaws. Who are these options you’re talking about that Jerry isn’t interested in? Some of you may be interested in a lesser QB but he’s not, nor do the fans that care about the team.
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