Area 51 scientist's deathbed video: UFOs are real, aliens have federal jobs

That breakdown using 1% is rather arbitrary. One percent really isn't that small of a number especially on a galactic scale. If someone gave you a glass a water with only 1% of radioactive material in it you wouldn't drink it. If 1% of the people in your community were to all pass away today the odds are you would know one of them. Now the galaxy is large enough that even using a much smaller increment in the breakdowns will still net a large result of systems capable of supporting intelligent life. The galaxy is also large and vast enough that the odds are still small that any of those advanced life forms having visited Earth or at least visited the Earth at a time where humans were around.

At the risk of being annoying I'll post this link once again, a comprehensive discussion of this subject.

I read that a couple of weeks ago. I think it had some very interesting points and information and I recommended the article to all my friends. I think they were also arbitrary in their use of breaking things down in 1% increments.[/quote]

interesting stuff. Sad that m ost of what they have come up with are not exactly happy for us.

I have always figured myself that we are the locals idea of a circus side show with lots of freaks running around to make others laugh. and just as important and relevent.

we are out in what might be considered the sticks; towards the rim. Country bumpkins maybe?
Wonder why we are still using jet propulsion on planes, when anti gravity is fairly simple and on youtube.

In case i was unclear.
His anti gravity claims are are easily tested and disproven, lots of YouTube users already have with simple home experiments
While I certainly believe there is life outside of earth and am almost as sure that there is intelligent life outside of earth, I really don't believe there has been any contact what so ever.
anyone thinking that somehow we are the only intelligent (?) life in this galaxy are the most egomaniacal morons possible.

Something like 700 BILLION systems in this galaxy. If only 1% of those can support any kind of life that is 7 BILLION

if only 1% of those can support some kind of more intelligent life that is 70 MILLION

If only 1% of those can support more advanced life that is 700 THOUSAND.

AND There are many systems older then earth's.

This is how I look at it, there is literally no way we are alone in the universe, however, I don't think it's possible to keep something like this quiet for so long. Some piece of evidence would have surfaced by some Edward Snowden like whistle blower
In case i was unclear.
His anti gravity claims are are easily tested and disproven, lots of YouTube users already have with simple home experiments

And how far off the ground, a few inches? Or up In the sky?
Aliens have the ability to travel across the galaxy, but need jobs once they get here. Makes sense.

Our technology has really excelled once they came here... We can travel to the Andromeda galaxy now... Oh wait...
This is how I look at it, there is literally no way we are alone in the universe, however, I don't think it's possible to keep something like this quiet for so long. Some piece of evidence would have surfaced by some Edward Snowden like whistle blower

Governments have threatened to kill anyone who speaks out. People who have spoken out have died under suspicious reasons.

Other world governments have publicly stated that there are UFO's.

You can choose not to believe, but that doesn't mean it's not true.
Well, there was this guy around 2000 years ago. Convinced some people I'd say.

I said "proof". A story referencing someone is hardly proof. Scientifically prove to me that there is a God. Or give me some sort of tangible evidence. Not just the fact that a bunch of people decided, or were forced to believe a book. Any book for that matter.

And I do believe in God, for the record, I just happen to believe in UFO's too. But I could certainly see why some people choose not to believe in either.
I said "proof". A story referencing someone is hardly proof. Scientifically prove to me that there is a God. Or give me some sort of tangible evidence. Not just the fact that a bunch of people decided, or were forced to believe a book. Any book for that matter.

And I do believe in God, for the record, I just happen to believe in UFO's too. But I could certainly see why some people choose not to believe in either.

Forced to believe a book?
Aliens have the ability to travel across the galaxy, but need jobs once they get here. Makes sense.
Some politicians are pushing to put up a big fence just outside our ozone layer, last I heard.
There is more evidence for the existence of aliens than there is for the existence of a God. Just sayin.

Maybe that is why Scientology does so well?:D That's what Chariots of Gods basically tries to correlate. Well, not just scripture solely but the art/literature that stemmed from the eras that 'support' e.t. presence. Fun for fun's sake I say. The mathematics mentioned earlier in the thread regarding the likelihood of intelligent life are interesting arguments but have been schooled too many times by their like to get too deep into trying to form some kind of stance in that regard. (sneaky sneaky)
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I've waffled on the whole alien thing since I was a kid.

My own opinion is that you can believe some of it as being factual (I think there are UFO sitings that could very well be under the control of a animal or species that isn't of this planet) but I certainly do not buy all UFO-related propaganda. I'm more apt to believe stories that can be corroborated. I don't pay much attention to UFO pictures and images any more because of how easy it is to fake them. I'm much more interested in the older images and movies that were out there from say 1947 to 1980.

And I'm not at all interested in stories that can't be substantiated somehow.

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