Area 51 scientist's deathbed video: UFOs are real, aliens have federal jobs

I've waffled on the whole alien thing since I was a kid.

My own opinion is that you can believe some of it as being factual (I think there are UFO sitings that could very well be under the control of a animal or species that isn't of this planet) but I certainly do not buy all UFO-related propaganda. I'm more apt to believe stories that can be corroborated. I don't pay much attention to UFO pictures and images any more because of how easy it is to fake them. I'm much more interested in the older images and movies that were out there from say 1947 to 1980.

And I'm not at all interested in stories that can't be substantiated somehow.

Problem Solved brotha
Problem Solved brotha

One of my favorite shows.

But I'm more apt to believe a "Roswell" where there are many witnesses as opposed to guys like this.
One of my favorite shows.

But I'm more apt to believe a "Roswell" where there are many witnesses as opposed to guys like this.

Really to me it's this blue book they kept speaking of that is given to Air Force pilots (evidently) during their training initiations, etc. and the first hand accounts of accredited Astronauts who have little to no incentive to lie. These guys aren't giving their accounts in front of TMZ, they are proven to be released in coinciding government documents that detail these same encounters or testimonies (again evidently). Those dudes are so straight edge it is hard to deem them as wackos with agendas as the "loonies" are generally pegged. I'm too young to be "that" guy yet. I just won't!:D Damn interesting shows/articles tbh but have to take a step back and look at it for what it is. In that I mean, "who or what institution" has something to benefit from keeping this hysteria maintained among the general public...:D

Loved X Files too growing up. Well, before Duchovny left and the liquid steel cop from Terminator 2 took over.
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Governments have threatened to kill anyone who speaks out. People who have spoken out have died under suspicious reasons.

Other world governments have publicly stated that there are UFO's.

You can choose not to believe, but that doesn't mean it's not true.

In this day and age, it's too easy to pass information on. If it were at all possible to make someone disappear without it raising concerns, Edward Smowden would be dead. His plane to China would've crashed or there would've been a "terrorist attack" at the airport he called home for several months.

And the truth is, technologically speaking, we would be so far behind any civilization that could reach us, there would be no point in coming here, unless they wanted to colonize on Earth (and exterminate us). We have only managed to get a man on the moon, which is such a small difference between us and the closest planet that can support life. The energy needed to travel here or even past here, would make Earth completely irrelevant to them and the speed of such a ship would be so fast, that they could fly past us, as if on a highway and we would never know.
Our technology has really excelled once they came here... We can travel to the Andromeda galaxy now... Oh wait...

Very true, but according to "their" theory, the technology only pertains to advanced weaponry and the like to continue a "fabricated economy". One show I watched said it was in order to prepare for their invasion...yeahhhhh. Don't hang out with people who did one too many lids as a kid. :D
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I believe. Everyone should read Chariots of the Gods. Too much evidence to ignor it.

As for the government. The realization that alien life far advanced than us would render them useless to the people they govern.

Just look at the advancements in technology over the last 10 or 20 years. It's incomprehensible.

I would be hesitant to place very much credibility in Chariots of the Gods as the author, Erick von Donikin (sp?) acknowlegded in a discussion with Carl Sagan I saw on the late show a long time ago that a lot of that stuff was just made up to sell books. It crushed me as I was a fan up until then. Not everything was faked but he saw aliens in everything he could to rev up interest in the books. Some of the "ancient" potteries showiing aliens he had made up especially for him in a small Peruvian village.

I would like to believe but have seen no credible evidence

I have met and attended a lecture by the former head of the USAF's Project Bluebird, Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Project Bluebird was a search into UFOs and and the USAF finally dissolved the group because of many years of detailed investigations but no credible results and he, too, would like to believe but has seen no credible evidence. He coined the phrase close encounters of the third kind.
In this day and age, it's too easy to pass information on. If it were at all possible to make someone disappear without it raising concerns, Edward Smowden would be dead. His plane to China would've crashed or there would've been a "terrorist attack" at the airport he called home for several months.

And the truth is, technologically speaking, we would be so far behind any civilization that could reach us, there would be no point in coming here, unless they wanted to colonize on Earth (and exterminate us). We have only managed to get a man on the moon, which is such a small difference between us and the closest planet that can support life. The energy needed to travel here or even past here, would make Earth completely irrelevant to them and the speed of such a ship would be so fast, that they could fly past us, as if on a highway and we would never know.

I just have to shake my head a little when we try to rationalize something that quite possibly we cant comprehend.

How much of the physical universe do you think we understand? Hell, we dont even know how gravity works. How objects decide to form matter. Black holes.

Not to mention metaphysical mysteries. Ghosts, angels, clairvoyance. God.

We like to sometimes pretend that if its not explainable or it doesnt fit into our testable and reproducible understandings of everything, then it cant be.

Physicists predict that quite possibly in other parts of the universe the laws of physics and our understanding of currently observed laws of nature could be radically different.

Point is, there is most likely a lot that we simply arent capable of understanding and at the very best we are lucky to even stumble upon the questions.
I would be hesitant to place very much credibility in Chariots of the Gods as the author, Erick von Donikin (sp?) acknowlegded in a discussion with Carl Sagan I saw on the late show a long time ago that a lot of that stuff was just made up to sell books. It crushed me as I was a fan up until then. Not everything was faked but he saw aliens in everything he could to rev up interest in the books. Some of the "ancient" potteries showiing aliens he had made up especially for him in a small Peruvian village.

I would like to believe but have seen no credible evidence

I have met and attended a lecture by the former head of the USAF's Project Bluebird, Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Project Bluebird was a search into UFOs and and the USAF finally dissolved the group because of many years of detailed investigations but no credible results and he, too, would like to believe but has seen no credible evidence. He coined the phrase close encounters of the third kind.

Someone should tell the governments of the world that UFOs dont exist because they seem to think that they do.

Oh, and tell the millions of people that have encountered them that its all just mass hysteria.

Tell the people that have been abducted and have been left scarred and have had implants put into them that it was just a dream.
I just have to shake my head a little when we try to rationalize something that quite possibly we cant comprehend.

How much of the physical universe do you think we understand? Hell, we dont even know how gravity works. How objects decide to form matter. Black holes.

Not to mention metaphysical mysteries. Ghosts, angels, clairvoyance. God.

We like to sometimes pretend that if its not explainable or it doesnt fit into our testable and reproducible understandings of everything, then it cant be.

Physicists predict that quite possibly in other parts of the universe the laws of physics and our understanding of currently observed laws of nature could be radically different.

Point is, there is most likely a lot that we simply arent capable of understanding and at the very best we are lucky to even stumble upon the questions.

So basically your answer to my questions is, anything can happen?

Again, I'd point out that while laws of physics in another part of the universe may be different, once they reached our solar system, they would be bound by the laws that effect us, therefore, the fact still remains that anyone that can reach us, is capable of far more than us, so what possible reason would there be to live among us? We aren't that interesting, especially if you believe the phenomenon of life exists outside of Earth.
Someone should tell the governments of the world that UFOs dont exist because they seem to think that they do.

Oh, and tell the millions of people that have encountered them that its all just mass hysteria.

Tell the people that have been abducted and have been left scarred and have had implants put into them that it was just a dream.

Where are these implants?
Someone should tell the governments of the world that UFOs dont exist because they seem to think that they do.

Oh, and tell the millions of people that have encountered them that its all just mass hysteria.

Tell the people that have been abducted and have been left scarred and have had implants put into them that it was just a dream.

let me guess, you know a guy, that knows a guy.........
Roswell was 1947. If indeed they have parts of a ship capable of FTL, our ability to figure it out would be about the same as a caveman given a personal computer.

When you are looking at technology that is at the very least hundreds of years beyond your own, the odds that you can figure it out are pretty small.
I saw a UFO with my brothers and a bunch of was so close that I could see the bottom of it. It made no noise that I could hear....It hovered above a corner store........slowing it moved away.....and then in a flash it was gone.....

To this day I mention this to others.......and of course they are like " Damn Mash...were you stoned" ....I was 12 or 13 at that time so
no I wasnt :).........I get a kick still seeing my childhood friends now.......and everytime I see them......Its the first thing we talk about.

It wasnt a plane....or anything like that.....It was a flying saucer.....with lights...........they are out there my friends....
I have met and attended a lecture by the former head of the USAF's Project Bluebird, Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Project Bluebird was a search into UFOs and and the USAF finally dissolved the group because of many years of detailed investigations but no credible results and he, too, would like to believe but has seen no credible evidence. He coined the phrase close encounters of the third kind.

Um, no it wasn't. Project Blue Book was though.

And the no credible evidence? mmmmmm conspiracy mmmmmmm :D
Um, no it wasn't. Project Blue Book was though.

And the no credible evidence? mmmmmm conspiracy mmmmmmm :D

Thanks for the correction, yes it was Project Blue Book. He said all he got was a llot of interesting questions but no real answers. I would like to believe, if the aliens are friendly but don't want to believe if they are here on a meat hunting trip.

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