Article about Extreme Skins (funny)


The Duke
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AsthmaField said:
I don't know the tale... care to share?
You'll have to wait until I get home and can provide you with some links. Unless another conspirator wants to provide them.

Guaranteed you will laugh your backside off. Best practical joke of all time and it got played on the entire ES forum.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Anybody find it extremely amusing that Art who loves talking about Bandwagon fans From the Cowboys is not even a resident of DC or surrounding area? I mean he is from Minnesota right? Then again Minnesota wasn't a very good team when he started watching were they. He clims to have been a Commander fan since 1978 by chance that happens to be when the Viking started sucking and the Skins were a few years away from a few superbowls how very lucky :lmao2:

Art vbmenu_register("postmenu_615129", true);

The Coach (as it ever was)

Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Frozen Tundra
Age: 35
Posts: 21,801


Who'd have thought there'd be a bandwagon Cowboy fan out there? Wow. This is seriously new information
Doom is in the box
Member: 9

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Burk54: has anyone heard of this rumor? this is the first I have heard of it, but if this is true it just shows how little of a man snyder is....what a putz...

ChocolateLab: I just heard that today when Rome was interviewing John Feinstein. I can't believe I didn't hear it before, but my God, what an incredible jerk Snyder is. I guess I didn't know he was THAT big an a-hole.

Edit, wait a minute, that link has the tame version. I have to tell what I heard today.

First, before the ice cream story, when Nolan was defensive coordinator, Snyder wanted to give Nolan some more incentive. So he asked him if he would coach harder if he got a $50,000 bonus tied to something like leading the league in defense, or a certain number of his players making the Pro Bowl, or something like that. Nolan told him that no, he didn't want any bonus, because he was already coaching as hard as he could and extra money wouldn't give him any more motivation than he already had. Sounds like the kind of employee you want, right? But instead, Snyder makes a comment that "I can tell you're one of those guys who lets his wife make all his decisions for him." ***?

Then later, Snyder told Nolan that his defense was too vanila and he needed to make more different calls. Nolan brushed it off as a guy who wasn't serious, but when they lost, Snyder had a gallon of 31-flavor ice cream put on Nolan's desk. Nolan -- who you can tell is a total class act -- laughed it off and wrote Snyder a note saying how much his kids enjoyed the ice cream. So they lose again, and this time Snyder leaves like eight gallons of the stuff on Nolan's desk, and it's melted and run all over his desk to make a horrible mess. This time Nolan didn't think it was so funny.

The kicker is that this was discovered and was going to be written about by Leonard Shapiro, a long time Washinton Post writer. This is when Snyder got wind of it and had his minions call the paper and pressure them into not writing it, with Snyder going so far as to claim it was a lie. But the writer called around and everyone, even Norv Turner, said it was no lie and happened just like he'd heard it.

Oh, and one more: When the organization was confronted with the facts and finally had to fess up, Snyder had his paid lapdog Vinny Cerrato claim that he was the one who was responsible, not Snyder.

What a pathetic, petty, sad little man Danny Snyder is.


Calico25: You left out the part where Turner claimed that Snyder told him "do I have to leave ice cream on your desk too?" After they lost to the Cowboys.

(Calico's right, I had forgotten that.)


What's it going to be then, eh?
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LaTunaNostra said:
But unless you were getting paid a king's ransom, my guess is you'd soon chafe at seconding Synder's self-interested vendettas, Alex. I really can't see you sucking up to Ramsey one day, Brunnell the next, either. Or making winning comparisons with the 85 Bears.

I said I would be a homer, not a hypocrite or an imbecile.


I've got moxie
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Chocolate Lab said:
Burk54: has anyone heard of this rumor? this is the first I have heard of it, but if this is true it just shows how little of a man snyder is....what a putz...

ChocolateLab: I just heard that today when Rome was interviewing John Feinstein. I can't believe I didn't hear it before, but my God, what an incredible jerk Snyder is. I guess I didn't know he was THAT big an a-hole.

Edit, wait a minute, that link has the tame version. I have to tell what I heard today.

First, before the ice cream story, when Nolan was defensive coordinator, Snyder wanted to give Nolan some more incentive. So he asked him if he would coach harder if he got a $50,000 bonus tied to something like leading the league in defense, or a certain number of his players making the Pro Bowl, or something like that. Nolan told him that no, he didn't want any bonus, because he was already coaching as hard as he could and extra money wouldn't give him any more motivation than he already had. Sounds like the kind of employee you want, right? But instead, Snyder makes a comment that "I can tell you're one of those guys who lets his wife make all his decisions for him." ***?

Then later, Snyder told Nolan that his defense was too vanila and he needed to make more different calls. Nolan brushed it off as a guy who wasn't serious, but when they lost, Snyder had a gallon of 31-flavor ice cream put on Nolan's desk. Nolan -- who you can tell is a total class act -- laughed it off and wrote Snyder a note saying how much his kids enjoyed the ice cream. So they lose again, and this time Snyder leaves like eight gallons of the stuff on Nolan's desk, and it's melted and run all over his desk to make a horrible mess. This time Nolan didn't think it was so funny.

The kicker is that this was discovered and was going to be written about by Leonard Shapiro, a long time Washinton Post writer. This is when Snyder got wind of it and had his minions call the paper and pressure them into not writing it, with Snyder going so far as to claim it was a lie. But the writer called around and everyone, even Norv Turner, said it was no lie and happened just like he'd heard it.

Oh, and one more: When the organization was confronted with the facts and finally had to fess up, Snyder had his paid lapdog Vinny Cerrato claim that he was the one who was responsible, not Snyder.

What a pathetic, petty, sad little man Danny Snyder is.


Calico25: You left out the part where Turner claimed that Snyder told him "do I have to leave ice cream on your desk too?" After they lost to the Cowboys.

(Calico's right, I had forgotten that.)

I also remember he was reportedly out trying to kick field goals with Vinny Cerrato after buying the team because he thought it should be easy.


New Member
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Just curious ... is there anyone here who does NOT simply believe anything they read as long as it slams something they don't like?

McKenna's piece was agenda-driven, yellow journalism in its purest form. The kind of snow your momma said don't eat.

The City Paper is a free rag. McKenna's a frustrated long-time sports "journalist" currying favor with some more succesfull friends in the business by talking cheap shots at something he simply knows nothing about, and misrepresenting what little he thinks he does.

Perhaps here he's finally found an audience.


The Duke
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Om said:
Just curious ... is there anyone here who does NOT simply believe anything they read as long as it slams something they don't like?

McKenna's piece was agenda-driven, yellow journalism in its purest form. The kind of snow your momma said don't eat.

The City Paper is a free rag. McKenna's a frustrated long-time sports "journalist" currying favor with some more succesfull friends in the business by talking cheap shots at something he simply knows nothing about, and misrepresenting what little he thinks he does.

Perhaps here he's finally found an audience.
How is it agenda driven? What's the story behind him having this agenda? Not saying you aren't right, but when a journalist has a vendetta I am always curious.

He makes it seem like the Nunya files are an agenda as well. Haven't seen them so I don't know.

Of course there's an audience here. There is no loyalty to the Skins here. There's an audience with any team's fans who dislike the Skins. Works that way for every team.

We've enjoyed laughing at the Vikings, Rickey Williams, and Onterrio Smith too.

Just how it works.


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Yet another example of why pulling for the Commanders is like pulling for the *****. They have the propaganda machine and everything. Little Danny just needs to grow a little stache. Everything is a takeover with this little man. Oh, and I guess that makes Art the Josef Goebbels of the Skins. Of course, I don't think they are committing genocide.


New Member
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Dang Hos. You have almost as many posts as Wilt(ed). Does that make you Magic Johnson? :D


Outta bounds
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Om said:
Just curious ... is there anyone here who does NOT simply believe anything they read as long as it slams something they don't like?

McKenna's piece was agenda-driven, yellow journalism in its purest form. The kind of snow your momma said don't eat.

The City Paper is a free rag. McKenna's a frustrated long-time sports "journalist" currying favor with some more succesfull friends in the business by talking cheap shots at something he simply knows nothing about, and misrepresenting what little he thinks he does.

Perhaps here he's finally found an audience.

Are you saying it isn't true?

You also say he knows nothing about it. What doesn't he know?

And I betcha he's got an audience that's a lot larger than just here.


New Member
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Hostile said:
Which poster?

Well, Adam, but as I read the article I also thought of both you and Reality.

I am not a big fan of most Dallas Cowboys fans to be honest, I think there are a lot of bandwagon jumping rednecks. But most of the regular posters here are pretty classy.

BTW WG and LTN both get big props in the world of fandom too. Really improved the standing of Cowboys fans in the eyes of someone who wasn't born that way.


The Duke
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zagnut said:
Dang Hos. You have almost as many posts as Wilt(ed). Does that make you Magic Johnson? :D
Post counts are over rated. He's not the best poster on their site by any wild stretch. I'm not the best poster here by any wild stretch either. That and high post counts are the only similarity between me and Art.

I just like football talk. The difference between me and Art is real simple, I don't hate the fans of another team just for the sake of hating them. If they can talk good football I'll respect it. He won't.

Magic was my all time favorite player so I'll take it.


The Duke
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baj1dallas said:
Well, Adam, but as I read the article I also thought of both you and Reality.

I am not a big fan of most Dallas Cowboys fans to be honest, I think there are a lot of bandwagon jumping rednecks. But most of the regular posters here are pretty classy.

BTW WG and LTN both get big props in the world of fandom too. Really improved the standing of Cowboys fans in the eyes of someone who wasn't born that way.
I figured you might have meant Dale because of his association with the team and quiet, simple class when he does post. Just curious. Appreciate the kind words and I agree about Adam. We have a lot of good posters here.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Chocolate Lab said:
Rarely does something on the internet truly make me laugh out loud, but that one did... I think it was more the association of Art with Wilt, and what Wilt's number was known for.

Somehow I don't think that Wilt figure is in danger. :laugh2:

But hey, 21,000 posts would be a good couple of weeks for some posters I can think of. ;)

I'm over 30,000 posts on the Cowboys newsgroup, 10k on another board, and y'all can see my post count in here...


Inventor of the Whizzinator
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Hostile said:
I figured you might have meant Dale because of his association with the team and quiet, simple class when he does post. Just curious. Appreciate the kind words and I agree about Adam. We have a lot of good posters here.

I know you mean me of course!!! Gee, thanks!! :cool: