Article about Extreme Skins (funny)


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Om said:
Just curious ... is there anyone here who does NOT simply believe anything they read as long as it slams something they don't like?

McKenna's piece was agenda-driven, yellow journalism in its purest form. The kind of snow your momma said don't eat.

Oh, there's little doubt it was a hatchet job... however, I don't see what there is to dispute in the FACTS he offered...

Do you guys have a thread going listing all of Nunyo's mistakes, in an attempt to dismiss his opinions?? And yet, this guy left the Post for a gig at probably the most prestigious sports magazine in America... I read his posts on a near-daily basis, and found him to be reasonably accurate...

But he didn't drink the burgundy kool-aid, so you guys were on him like ugly on an ape... clearly, he has a MUCH higher reputation in most of the rest of the nation...

Did your guys not make ***** of themselves by acting like cheerleaders in the press box?? I don't know, I wasn't there, so I have to ask you if there's any truth to that report??

Did Art REALLY brag about how he was gettin' laid right and left as a result of his new connections to the Skins?? Having seen a picture of the guy, I'd wager he could pull out a hundred dollar bill, lick it and stick it to his forehead, and STILL not get laid-- in a cat house...

I happened to read the "chat" with Danny Boy, and it did indeed go pretty much as the author of the article suggested-- at every opportunity, the Mad Midget whined about how the media was treating him and his team... it became REAL clear that Danny Boy wanted fawning adulation from the press, and anything else was unacceptable...

The City Paper is a free rag. McKenna's a frustrated long-time sports "journalist" currying favor with some more succesfull friends in the business by talking cheap shots at something he simply knows nothing about, and misrepresenting what little he thinks he does.

You're real long on criticisms, Om (and I understand that article must have been quite disappointing to you, even infuriating), but you don't seem to address any specific claims made in it...

Perhaps here he's finally found an audience.

Well, what he said IS remarkably similar to what we've been saying in here for quite some time now... again, though, you don't seem to have anything resembling a factual rebuttal... simply dismissing the newspaper as a "free rag" doesn't quite cut it...

If you can't admit that Art is a freakin' joke and an embarrassment to your board, that's your problem... if all of your management was like you, I have no doubt that your board would be considerably better... but it sure does look to most of us like Danny Boy bought extremeskins precisely because he counted on guys like Art relentlessly stamping out anything resembling a discouraging word... IOW, he saw your board as a propaganda organ which could be used for his own purposes... and all he had to do was put your leaders in his hip pocket by giving them press box access...

But hey, if you guys want a board for Skins fans ONLY, a board where a fan of another team simply doesn't feel welcome (unless he's willing to never, ever say anything even remotely negative about the Skins), they it would appear that you've gotten exactly what you wanted... and you've even gotten semi-famous for it...

But exuse me if I express the opinion that that doesn't make for a GOOD board... you'll never stand a snowball's chance of being a GOOD board until you get rid of that moron Art, and deal with responsible opposing viewpoints in a considerably less heavy-handed manner...

I can go over to the Skins' newsgroup and have a discussion, and have never annoyed anybody, even as I expressed my honest opinions, good and bad... ditto the Big Blue Wrecking Crew board, where I had a VERY pleasant visit to discuss Eli Manning back in preseason... I even have any number of Iggles fans who think quite highly of me...

But I won't even TRY to post over at extremeskins, because I know that the powers that be would play their juvenile little games (insulting avatars and sigs, dishonestly editing posts, deleting posts, etc.), and that I'd wind up banned inside of a week...

IOW, Om, the dynamics of your board discourages the participation of everybody except Skins fans, and even some of them risk banning if they're not "optimistic" enough for the likes of Homer Art...

I'm sorry, man, I like you off of the posts I've seen from you in here, but extremeskins sucks... and it has apparently gotten worse since it became the official house propaganda organ for Danny Boy...

Now, all that said, it's clearly VERY popular among a large segment of Skins fans, so why would you worry about what any of us thinks?? You'll never earn our respect unless you change, the kinds of change it would take to earn our respect would likely alienate a large percentage of your base... not to mention causing Danny Boy to sever his relationship with you...

So if I were you, I'd just ignore us, and enjoy all the perks that go along with your new affiliation with the Commanders...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Hostile said:
He makes it seem like the Nunya files are an agenda as well. Haven't seen them so I don't know.

For some reason, Nunya Demasio was DESPISED by Skins fans everywhere... I have no idea why that should be, I read the Washington Post daily and followed his columns, and he seemed to be on the money with the vast majority of his reporting...

And of course, none of them can explain why, if he was as incompetent and/or biased as they'd have us believe, he wound up leaving to pursue a job opportunity with one of this nation's leading sports magazines...

It's my honest belief that anybody who dares express criticism of the Skins with any regularity will find himself highly unpopular with the Skins fans who haunt their assorted message boards... and of course, anybody who WASN'T criitical of the Skins on a semi-regular basis over these last few years would clearly be ignoring REALITY...


Outta bounds
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Art just reminds me of a 30 year old who hangs around in circles of high school kids and is their hero. All those 30,000 or so teenagers who frequent ES just adore Art and his oh, so kewl ability to shut up opposing fans by hitting the ban button.

I've seen Art be so wrong on an issue that anyone at nearly any age could've seen where he should just shut up. But ol' Art just keeps going as if he's right until cornered. Of course that's when he breaks out the "ban stick", lol.

If it weren't so sad, it'd be funny. Well, actually it is funny... just sad too.


Outta bounds
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Here's Art's take on the Commander defense:

This is something we have commented on here and there, but no thread has been devoted to it. People think the issue is our defense not being as aggressive, but, the real issue is the opposition making a great commitment toward safety when playing us. Williams mentioned this in his chat after the Dallas game where he said it was quickly apparent that they were going to go max protect, so, instead of blitzing into that, he kept more people in coverage as an adjustment. This after blitzing 7 of the first 10 plays.

We saw Denver admit to doing things they normally don't do because of fear of our defensive system. This, really, is the great advantage to having the reputation we have on defense. We force teams to do things differently simply because they are playing us. And, if our offense can have a break through where they stop turning it over and start really scoring, teams will have to come out of that shell and our defense will destroy them.

He's really out of touch. Somehow I don't think Denver said they changed things because they feared the Washington defense. :lmao2:


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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AsthmaField said:
Here's Art's take on the Commander defense:

He's really out of touch. Somehow I don't think Denver said they changed things because they feared the Washington defense. :lmao2:

What's particularly comical about this take is the Skins' defense has given up
59 points in the last 3 games... so whatever adjustments opposing offenses are making is clearly WORKING...

And over that span, their much-vaunted RUN defense has been gashed for 4.6 yards per carry (83 carries, 380 yards) and 4 TDs...

Combine that with ranking dead LAST in the NFL with 5 sacks (one quarter of the Cowboys' total, though in fairness the Boys have played one more game), and next to last with TWO turnovers forced (the Boys have 11), and it's pretty clear that this defense isn't "dominating" anybody...

In fact, their run defense is now mediocre, and the only thing they really do well is cover guys with their secondary... which is fairly impressive, given their lack of a pass rush, and the assorted minor injuries slowing down a number of their DBs...

But that's Art for you, if you listened to him over these last few years you'd wonder how in God's name the Skins were as comically feeble as they were... to listen to him, they are one of the elite teams in the NFL, and have been for several years now...

Art is a homer, and utterly clueless... he's also a braying jackass with a streak of **** in him...and he's the closest thing I've seen to a real-life Pillsbury Doughboy...


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I've been a fan of bunches of different teams in bunches of different situations that behoove opposing fans to absolutely rheem me because of my loud mouth and gaudy betting style, but no fan even comes close to being as obnoxious as the Extreme Skins poster. It's unbelievable to me that a decade of being in the gutter of the NFL wouldn't humble a fan base, but from the top down, there are some ridiculous people over there.

jay cee

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31smackdown said:
I think it's funny how the media is whining about it. While I see the point that they are trying to make, it just comes across the wrong way.

Those who run fansites, may not be journalists, but that doesn't make their contributions any less interesting to read. In most cases, outside the elite few who have daily access to the team, some message board members are more informed than the "journalist" .

Maybe some of them fear losing their jobs, in the next generation of reporting.. And while I do understand the importance of journalistic integrity... I don't think that this is about that. Sounds more like when someone feels threatened or jealous.

I think having the "pulse" of the fans is a very important commodity and one that shoulf not be dictated by select individuals in the media, but by the masses. This gives you that.

You are going to have your share of homers and your share of people who thing the sky is falling, but just like this board you can sort all of that out yourself.

The concern I would have though, as Snyder, is one of liability. I'm hoping that they added a disclaimer of some sort to protect them from any BS litigation because of some stupid posting.
I disagree, I didn't see it as whining, or jealousy. And there is no way you can have "pulse" of the fans, if the fans or only allowed to say good things about the team.


Federal Agent
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Hostile said:
Post counts are over rated. He's not the best poster on their site by any wild stretch. I'm not the best poster here by any wild stretch either. That and high post counts are the only similarity between me and Art.

I just like football talk. The difference between me and Art is real simple, I don't hate the fans of another team just for the sake of hating them. If they can talk good football I'll respect it. He won't.

Magic was my all time favorite player so I'll take it.

Magic Johnson is the greatest basketball player of all time, IMO.


The Duke
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Rack said:
Magic Johnson is the greatest basketball player of all time, IMO.
I'm not about to disagree with that. He made every player on his team better.


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You folks are trashing the Commanders for bashing journalists but all I ever read here are Cowboys fans bashing "mediots" 24/7. Folks hate a lot of the local journalists who aren't trying to push an agenda, they're just doing their job. I know that the Extremeskins website is hard to tolerate sometimes, but playing devil's advocate, I'm sure fans of other teams view us the same way sometimes.... we have our own blind homers, overly obsessive fans, and mods who anger posters just as much as the next fan site. My feeling is if the Dallas Cowboys offered this site some money to become the "official" mesage board of the Dallas Cowboys and get exclusive interviews with Jones, Parcells, Bledsoe and others, Reality and any other admin wouldn't have to think twice about the answer. I sense website envy. Of course, the good book on "Cowboys Fandom 101" says that all Skins bashing is happily encouraged and admired, so carry on. :D

Hey, speaking of "official" message boards... why is it that the Cowboys seems to be one of the few teams without one? The Skins bought the largest website for its fans. I've been to several official team websites that have their own message boards. What's up with Jerry Jones? Not into that whole internet thing, huh? Kind of surprised considering the Cowboys probably have some of the best website beat writers out there. Spags, Eatman, and the crew are much better than what most teams budget for.


The Duke
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TruBlueCowboy said:
You folks are trashing the Commanders for bashing journalists but all I ever read here are Cowboys fans bashing "mediots" 24/7. Folks hate a lot of the local journalists who aren't trying to push an agenda, they're just doing their job. I know that the Extremeskins website is hard to tolerate sometimes, but playing devil's advocate, I'm sure fans of other teams view us the same way sometimes.... we have our own blind homers, overly obsessive fans, and mods who anger posters just as much as the next fan site. My feeling is if the Dallas Cowboys offered this site some money to become the "official" mesage board of the Dallas Cowboys and get exclusive interviews with Jones, Parcells, Bledsoe and others, Reality and any other admin wouldn't have to think twice about the answer. I sense website envy. Of course, the good book on "Cowboys Fandom 101" says that all Skins bashing is happily encouraged and admired, so carry on. :D

Right on the friggin :money:

It is the nature of fandom to hate negative slants about their team and players while exulting in it for hated rivals.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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TruBlueCowboy said:
You folks are trashing the Commanders for bashing journalists but all I ever read here are Cowboys fans bashing "mediots" 24/7. Folks hate a lot of the local journalists who aren't trying to push an agenda, they're just doing their job. I know that the Extremeskins website is hard to tolerate sometimes, but playing devil's advocate, I'm sure fans of other teams view us the same way sometimes.... we have our own blind homers, overly obsessive fans, and mods who anger posters just as much as the next fan site. My feeling is if the Dallas Cowboys offered this site some money to become the "official" mesage board of the Dallas Cowboys and get exclusive interviews with Jones, Parcells, Bledsoe and others, Reality and any other admin wouldn't have to think twice about the answer. I sense website envy. Of course, the good book on "Cowboys Fandom 101" says that all Skins bashing is happily encouraged and admired, so carry on. :D

Hey, speaking of "official" message boards... why is it that the Cowboys seems to be one of the few teams without one? The Skins bought the largest website for its fans. I've been to several official team websites that have their own message boards. What's up with Jerry Jones? Not into that whole internet thing, huh? Kind of surprised considering the Cowboys probably have some of the best website beat writers out there. Spags, Eatman, and the crew are much better than what most teams budget for. does have a forum but nobody goes there


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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LaTunaNostra said:
SilverBear, thanks for starting my day with so many laughs!!


I tend to get wound up when the subject is Art... :D


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silverbear said:
Oh, there's little doubt it was a hatchet job... however, I don't see what there is to dispute in the FACTS he offered...

Do you guys have a thread going listing all of Nunyo's mistakes, in an attempt to dismiss his opinions?? And yet, this guy left the Post for a gig at probably the most prestigious sports magazine in America... I read his posts on a near-daily basis, and found him to be reasonably accurate...

But he didn't drink the burgundy kool-aid, so you guys were on him like ugly on an ape... clearly, he has a MUCH higher reputation in most of the rest of the nation...

Did your guys not make ***** of themselves by acting like cheerleaders in the press box?? I don't know, I wasn't there, so I have to ask you if there's any truth to that report??

Did Art REALLY brag about how he was gettin' laid right and left as a result of his new connections to the Skins?? Having seen a picture of the guy, I'd wager he could pull out a hundred dollar bill, lick it and stick it to his forehead, and STILL not get laid-- in a cat house...

I happened to read the "chat" with Danny Boy, and it did indeed go pretty much as the author of the article suggested-- at every opportunity, the Mad Midget whined about how the media was treating him and his team... it became REAL clear that Danny Boy wanted fawning adulation from the press, and anything else was unacceptable...

You're real long on criticisms, Om (and I understand that article must have been quite disappointing to you, even infuriating), but you don't seem to address any specific claims made in it...

Well, what he said IS remarkably similar to what we've been saying in here for quite some time now... again, though, you don't seem to have anything resembling a factual rebuttal... simply dismissing the newspaper as a "free rag" doesn't quite cut it...

If you can't admit that Art is a freakin' joke and an embarrassment to your board, that's your problem... if all of your management was like you, I have no doubt that your board would be considerably better... but it sure does look to most of us like Danny Boy bought extremeskins precisely because he counted on guys like Art relentlessly stamping out anything resembling a discouraging word... IOW, he saw your board as a propaganda organ which could be used for his own purposes... and all he had to do was put your leaders in his hip pocket by giving them press box access...

But hey, if you guys want a board for Skins fans ONLY, a board where a fan of another team simply doesn't feel welcome (unless he's willing to never, ever say anything even remotely negative about the Skins), they it would appear that you've gotten exactly what you wanted... and you've even gotten semi-famous for it...

But exuse me if I express the opinion that that doesn't make for a GOOD board... you'll never stand a snowball's chance of being a GOOD board until you get rid of that moron Art, and deal with responsible opposing viewpoints in a considerably less heavy-handed manner...

I can go over to the Skins' newsgroup and have a discussion, and have never annoyed anybody, even as I expressed my honest opinions, good and bad... ditto the Big Blue Wrecking Crew board, where I had a VERY pleasant visit to discuss Eli Manning back in preseason... I even have any number of Iggles fans who think quite highly of me...

But I won't even TRY to post over at extremeskins, because I know that the powers that be would play their juvenile little games (insulting avatars and sigs, dishonestly editing posts, deleting posts, etc.), and that I'd wind up banned inside of a week...

IOW, Om, the dynamics of your board discourages the participation of everybody except Skins fans, and even some of them risk banning if they're not "optimistic" enough for the likes of Homer Art...

I'm sorry, man, I like you off of the posts I've seen from you in here, but extremeskins sucks... and it has apparently gotten worse since it became the official house propaganda organ for Danny Boy...

Now, all that said, it's clearly VERY popular among a large segment of Skins fans, so why would you worry about what any of us thinks?? You'll never earn our respect unless you change, the kinds of change it would take to earn our respect would likely alienate a large percentage of your base... not to mention causing Danny Boy to sever his relationship with you...

So if I were you, I'd just ignore us, and enjoy all the perks that go along with your new affiliation with the Commanders...

Lots of words, much opinion ... not much substance.

You're real long on criticisms, Om (and I understand that article must have been quite disappointing to you, even infuriating), but you don't seem to address any specific claims made in it...

Fair enough.

Do you guys have a thread going listing all of Nunyo's mistakes, in an attempt to dismiss his opinions??

Yes and no. We had a thread. Its function was to track factual errors, not opinions. If you had read it, rather than simply making easy assumptions, you would have known that.

Did your guys not make ***** of themselves by acting like cheerleaders in the press box?? I don't know, I wasn't there, so I have to ask you if there's any truth to that report??

Of the 5 games the Skins have played, we have had reps in the press box in four. In three of them, none of our guys made a peep. In the Dallas game, after 55 minutes of not making a peep, Art and Eric reacted to the two miracle TD’s near the end of the game, for a grand total of about 15 seconds combined.

Most of the other people in the press box, who were also reacting at least as loudly, if not with actual “cheers,” didn’t even notice Eric & Art, much less complain. McKenna, interestingly, wasn’t there either. He merely passed along his friend Dave Elfin’s concerns. Elfin did not and does not speak for everyone in the press box. That is not opinion, that is fact.

Want to know what actually happened? Read here:

Just for grins, check out the view and perspective of all this from the journalist’s side. Perhaps it will shed some new light on who are actually the grownups in all of this.,18306.0.html,16875.0.html

But hey, if you guys want a board for Skins fans ONLY, a board where a fan of another team simply doesn't feel welcome (unless he's willing to never, ever say anything even remotely negative about the Skins), they it would appear that you've gotten exactly what you wanted... and you've even gotten semi-famous for it...

We have many long-time fans of other teams on our board, who manage just fine. All we ask of them is the same thing we ask of Commanders fans. Follow the Rules. If you spent any time reading our board, rather than simply accepting what you hear, you would know that as well. But since I know you won’t do that with an open mind—or at least admit as much in this forum, where you seem to have made quite a name for yourself—I won’t waste my time trying to prove it. Does me no good.

So if I were you, I'd just ignore us, and enjoy all the perks that go along with your new affiliation with the Commanders...

Fair enough.


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Stated Factually By SilverBear:

But I won't even TRY to post over at extremeskins, because I know that the powers that be would play their juvenile little games (insulting avatars and sigs, dishonestly editing posts, deleting posts, etc.), and that I'd wind up banned inside of a week...

I see you ignored this part. Which is why you don't get many fans from other boards.

Especially the underlined part. Where Art makes stupid comments then comes back and changes them when confronted by his own words. Then bans the person for having the gumption to call him out.

I see little, if anything, in Bear's comments which are untrue.

I'd love to say I am surprised at your denial, but truly, I am not.


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I like how he didn't deny the fact that the mods erase worthy posts, delete peoples' avatars and junk Cowboys-related sigs.


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We do not "delete worthy posts." Period.

Sadly, I cannot prove a negative, so I won't waste my time there, either.


Outta bounds
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We have many long-time fans of other teams on our board, who manage just fine. All we ask of them is the same thing we ask of Commanders fans. Follow the Rules. If you spent any time reading our board, rather than simply accepting what you hear, you would know that as well. But since I know you won’t do that with an open mind—or at least admit as much in this forum, where you seem to have made quite a name for yourself—I won’t waste my time trying to prove it. Does me no good.

I know you were talking to SilverBear, but if I may...

I've seen those fans over on ES. There are some Cowboy fans, Eagle fans and others, I'm sure. Each and every one of them walk on eggshells. I've also seen a rival fan banned for doing some of the same things that Commander fans do and get away with. When mentioned, the answer was that "this is a Commanders message board for Commander fans. What do you expect?" Those fans of other teams have to suck up to the admin and mods over there, or they wouldn't be "long-time" as you call it. I've read their posts, and they're toeing the line. Surely you can't be proud of them.

You act like we treat ES this way simply because it's a Commanders message board. Not true at all. I go to CPND a lot and really enjoy posting there. Rival fans can state their opinion without getting kicked off for how they think. The Commander fans there can also say negative things about their team and not get run off either. It's a very good message board that's well moderated. I have nothing bad to say about those guys.

ES is completely different though and out of touch with reality. I wouldn't feel the way I do about ES if the people there, like Art, didn't act the way they do.

Honestly, last night I went there and got a list of all Art's posts. I just randomly clicked on a few to read them. The first three posts that I clicked on were him either banning someone or putting them on read only. The first three. What he was banning them for was quite silly, and the other members were just loving it. The most used emoticon over there must the the smiley who is waving goodbye. All the members just love to post it whenever negative things are said... until Art or someone else comes along and ban's the guy.

I saw another guy question why a rival fan was banned. Of course, I'm sure the rules state that you shouldn't question the decisions of the mods, but this was a little silly. Die Hard, the old owner I suppose, banned him and some redkin fan with like 40 posts said he didn't understand why the rival fan was banned. Good Lord, Die Hard was on him like white on rice. Die hard mentioned that with a low post count, he didn't have any right to say anything, and went on to give him the history of ES and how Die hard had done so much work... blah, blah, blah. It was embarassing. Talking about post count, threatening to kick him off and just berating the guy all because he said he didn't think the rival fan deserved to be banned. The tone was WAY too harsh and the new poster in no way deserved that. Had I been a Commander fan, I would've quit posting there.

If this board was moderated like that one, I wouldn't post here either. And if they tried to shape the way we post over here, I wouldn't stay either.

And, I did go to ES with an open mind. I had been to CPND and expected more of the same. I didn't hate anyone because of the team they followed and I like most of the people at CPND. ES ain't CPND though, and I was appalled at what I saw there. Art changing the words in old posts and other people's posts. People getting banned for simply thinking differently than the people that run the place. A membership that completely mirrors the thinking of the mods... either because they know thinking differently will get you kicked off or because the people with unique thoughts have already been banned. There are a few exceptions, of course... but those are few and far between.

They have made their own little bubble over there where the content is so controlled and the members (especially the long time members) are so out of touch with reality that listening to them, you'd be surprised the Skins will ever lose a game. They really were perplexed that a team so clearly superior to the Cowboys could ever lose to them, much less be on the wrong side of any losing streak.

I'm sure that everyone at ES, including you Om (who happens to be one of the few long timers over there that I have respect for), couldn't care less what I or any other Cowboy fan thinks... and that's fine. That's the beauty of the Internet. But I did go to ES with an open mind and it wasn't team affiliation that made me so dislike the place... it was how it was run and the people there that did it.

And rival fans post there? Please. We can see what they're free and not free to do... that's their choice to go suck up to Art and the rest of you.