Article blasts Stephen Jones on missing Derrick Henry


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I don’t think Henry signing with Dallas was ever in play…the FO is going to do their own thing all the while feeding the fan base their canned rhetoric ad nauseum: “we like our guys”; “we’re close, we’re hanging around the rim”; “we’re all-in”…
Over the past several years I think the desire to play in Dallas has waned; I think good players want to play in an organization with a winning culture that has a legitimate shot at playing in the post-season; and no players’ or coaches’ star can shine brighter than the owner’s star. It seems Jerry treasures sound bytes more than post-season wins.


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...Bullet, I dont feel Henry ever wanted to come hear. So its kinda mute.
It's moot to bring this up because that isn't the excuse Stephen made. His stupid "we couldn't afford him" talk is the issue. Whether he wanted to come here or not is a completely different topic. You have to, you know, actually go for the player before you find out if they want to come here or not.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Not sure how much actual damage the article does Stephen Jones. Perhaps someone should throw an oblong ball upside his head. Really hard. From only four feet away. After a running head start.

That might make a dent in his titanium skull.


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Well said, Henry lives in Dallas and said that he was shocked that the Cowboys didn't even give him a call. Sounds like he was interested.
yeah, he obviously would have been interested to at least listen. But i think he made a wise choice with Baltimore instead of Dallas. They have a better shot at the SB even with KC in front of them, than Dallas has just getting past the WC game. Too bad because a back like Henry behind this young and budding OL would be something to watch. At least get me interested.


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It's moot to bring this up because that isn't the excuse Stephen made. His stupid "we couldn't afford him" talk is the issue. Whether he wanted to come here or not is a completely different topic. You have to, you know, actually go for the player before you find out if they want to come here or not.
They are still waiting for Henry to call them. Remember. Jerry doesnt call anyone.


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Little Enos’ incompetence aside, I’m good with not signing Henry. Putting $ or draft capital into the RB position is foolish.
Are you saying having a highly productive running game for THIS QB is not needed? Because a really good defense and a top10 running game is absolutely what you need to maximize your winning potential with Dak as your QB. This team needs to become the Russell Wilson, Marshawn Lynch, Legion of Boom Seahawks for us to make a Super Bow run with Dak as our QB.