ARTICLE: The NFL Loses a Cable (Comcast) Ruling

WoodysGirl;1494519 said:
Who needs a DVR. I'm old school. VCR all the way... :bow:
Negative. I can't imagine life right now without it. Way simpler to use than a VCR
Yeagermeister;1494428 said:
I don't have a land line and I see no sense in paying $20 or $30 extra a month just to have a dish that loses reception whenever a bird flies near it.

I don't get this.

Are there things around you like Large Trees or Buildings or such?

Was you dish aligned correctly?

I've had DirecTV for 10 years. I had it installed Professionally at my first house...Because I didn't know how to do it(But I watched him).

At the House I live in now I installed it and I've NEVER had any trouble with reception EVER.

It really has to come almost a Hurricane to lose the signal and even then it's only been at the longest 5 Minutes.
nyc;1494597 said:
Weather doesn't effect cable tv. A tree down might though. Of course if a tree comes down and knocks out your cable, it's probably going to knock out your power also since they tend to run on the same power poles. I pay $29/month for my cable tv with 17 HD channels and I get all the channels that I want. (except the NFLN which Cablevision doesn't even offer) DirecTV can't come anywhere close to that. Believe me, I've looked into getting the NFL Sunday Ticket. It would have cost much much more per month even without the Sunday Ticket.

The only time my cable has been out, is when I completely redid the exterior of my house and upgraded my electrical which was cause to redo all the wires as they entered the house.
Technically, weather doesn't affect cable reception, but weather can knock a tree onto a cable line or snap the cable line from its pole, etc. In this instance, weather is still the culprit.

Loss of service can be judged on a case-by-case basis. Over the years, I've loss both cable and electrical service at the same time. Yet, the number of times I've lost cable, but the lights stayed on are much higher. When I think about it, whenever both services have been down, Entergy has restored power well in advance of Cox Cable/SuddenLink reconnecting my cable service.

My problem with any interruption of any type of service is having to stomach the downtime knowing that I will still normally have to pay full price for the service even though I'm not getting it! Losing programming over the satellite for a few minutes, which I still have to pay for, is much palpable to me than waiting hours (or sometimes days) for programming to be reestablished over cable.

Sounds like you got a great deal for your cable service. These are the packages I could get for the same price through SuddenLink in my area:

Full Basic Cable $29.95
  • Lots of great channels on every TV in your home
  • All your local channels are included FREE
  • Enjoy local customer service you can depend on

2 Months

Limited time offer. :) That would get me the basic and extended basic channels here: LINK. That price would be great for me if I were willing to settle for only those channels. Directv's Choice package is higher ($49/month), but offers the same or comparable channels as Suddenlink plus more about 30 additional channels and a few dozen music channels--many of which I enjoy. I can't get that same or similar package from Suddenlink for that price or lower.

The things we do for television, huh? :eek::
nyc;1494586 said:
Nope, but 14 of the Cowboys 16 games last season came on TV here in the NYC area. I didn't get to see the Falcon game as I was working and the other one I just dropped into a local sports bar. Now, if I were a fan of the Rams, Browns, Falcons, or some team like that I might actually require NFL Sunday Ticket. :rolleyes:
I am with you, most Cowboys games are nationally televised, or seem to be a a part of the FOX's "A" slot. I live in the Charlotte area, and the few times it may be a problem is when FOX carries a Dallas and Carolina early games. I just go to sports bar once or twice a season.
ConcordCowboy;1494678 said:
I don't get this.

Are there things around you like Large Trees or Buildings or such?

Was you dish aligned correctly?

I've had DirecTV for 10 years. I had it installed Professionally at my first house...Because I didn't know how to do it(But I watched him).

At the House I live in now I installed it and I've NEVER had any trouble with reception EVER.

It really has to come almost a Hurricane to lose the signal and even then it's only been at the longest 5 Minutes.

It was professionally installed and the nearest tree is at least 75 feet away.
Yeagermeister;1494790 said:
It was professionally installed and the nearest tree is at least 75 feet away.

And birds blocked the sattelite? Damn, are they terradactyls! I would be moving somewhere else if the birds are that big!!

5Stars;1494798 said:

And birds blocked the sattelite? Damn, are they terradactyls! I would be moving somewhere else if the birds are that big!!


But they taste good when BBQ'd :D
Yeagermeister;1494790 said:
It was professionally installed and the nearest tree is at least 75 feet away.

Having the wife stand on the roof with the dish in hand is not considered professionally installed. :lmao2:
nyc;1494597 said:
Weather doesn't effect cable tv. A tree down might though. Of course if a tree comes down and knocks out your cable, it's probably going to knock out your power also since they tend to run on the same power poles. I pay $29/month for my cable tv with 17 HD channels and I get all the channels that I want. (except the NFLN which Cablevision doesn't even offer) DirecTV can't come anywhere close to that. Believe me, I've looked into getting the NFL Sunday Ticket. It would have cost much much more per month even without the Sunday Ticket.

The only time my cable has been out, is when I completely redid the exterior of my house and upgraded my electrical which was cause to redo all the wires as they entered the house.

Oh, if only that were true. Cable TV is transmitted to various communities via SATELLITE and distributed on the local level over cable (hence the name). Therefore, if satellite service (DISH or DirecTV) is affected by weather, then cable television will be affected for the very same reason.
Yeagermeister;1494790 said:
It was professionally installed and the nearest tree is at least 75 feet away.

Well then it wasn't installed correctly.

Professionally...Doesn't really mean anything.

Some people know what they are doing and some people don' in any job.

Just like IT jobs.

Some people can help you and some people don't know their *** from a hole in the ground...but they are both professionals.

It just matters who you get.
Yeagermeister;1494428 said:
I don't have a land line and I see no sense in paying $20 or $30 extra a month just to have a dish that loses reception whenever a bird flies near it.

LMAO...You can't be serious Yeagermeister. I believe I lost my dish reception twice last year and not once yet this year. Twice in 365 days. God bless the dish.

Both times were VERY bad storms in which the TV should have been on anyway. Then again, I live in Florida. YMMV
WoodysGirl;1494488 said:
I keep trying to tell you, you don't need a land line. The land line is simply for order pay-per-view stuff through the receiver. Other than that, you don't need it.

As for reception, it's all about where the dish is pointed and how well it's mounted. I had my neighbor adjust mine and I got great reception. When I upgraded to HD and DTV changed out the dishes, I only lose reception when there's a major storm going thru. And it has to be major-major, like hail or something.

Yup. I don't have a land line either. I've been straight DirecTV for 5 years strong. Giving up my lame *** cable company (mediocrecom) 5 years ago was one of the best decisions I have made.

With regards to land lines and PPV ordering... I'm at the computer often enough. If I want to order a PPV movie I do it right from my PC thanks to
5Stars;1494491 said:
I want to upgrade to HD TV so bad, but, the little lady says, "Why? What's wrong with the big screen TV we have now"?

:bang2: It's not like we cannot afford it!

Do it dude. HDTV on DTV rocks. They're going to soon expand the amount of channels they offer too. Not to mention, with the Superfan addon, all NFL games can be viewed in wondrous HD. Heaven I tell ya...
Verdict;1494534 said:
No offense, but do you have to have her "permission" to do it? I realize marriage is a team effort, but maybe you should negotiate it in there the next time she wants something. Then again, if it doesn't work out, and you need a good divorce lawyer ..... :laugh2:

Me = master negotiator. :D
Yeagermeister;1494545 said:
The DTV customer service said you have to have a land line to use a DVR......lying bastids :mad:

Wow. You must have accidentally gotten the 10 cent head. You know there's one or two in every group that answers phones. I usually get a feeling for what level of individual I am talking to right off and if it's not good I just hang up and call back. I'm usually pretty good about finding a better experience on the second callback. I'm waaay over laboring through someone that just doesn't have the sharp hat on.

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