ARTICLE: The NFL Loses a Cable (Comcast) Ruling

5Stars;1494569 said:
You know? Your right! I'm going to tell her to "just shut up, and leave me alone"!

If I want a toy, then damnit, I'm going to buy it! That will teach her to mess with daddy!


You showed me the light, verdict!

On the real.. When it comes to ordering Season Ticket and Superfan my wife stays completely out of it. We've been married for 16 yrs so I must be doing something right.

That's kinda like when she used to go get her hair done early in our marriage and I would always say "why can't you do your own hair???" We would occasionally argue... After awhile I realized, hey, she comes home with a smile on her face. Just leave the whole hair thing alone. :D (I also matured a bit) I think she's the same way with my love of the premium NFL package.
5Stars;1494609 said:
Wait until some drunk driver takes out a cable pole of yours...see how long that takes to get fixed! :rolleyes:

:lmao: :lmao2: So true. This has happened to me when I had mediocrecom. It took a week to get my stuff back right. :rolleyes:
nyc;1494616 said:
Wait till a storm comes and takes out your satellite and you take your drunk self outside to try and fix it! :p: :D

My dish has been through two hurricanes (one direct hit - Ivan) and one tropical storm (also a direct hit - Dennis). I have never had to go up on my roof and adjust it or call someone to "fix" it. (lucky) :)
5Stars;1494798 said:

And birds blocked the sattelite? Damn, are they terradactyls! I would be moving somewhere else if the birds are that big!!


:lmao: :lmao2:
Bleu Star;1494969 said:
Wow. You must have accidentally gotten the 10 cent head. You know there's one or two in every group that answers phones. I usually get a feeling for what level of individual I am talking to right off and if it's not good I just hang up and call back. I'm usually pretty good about finding a better experience on the second callback. I'm waaay over laboring through someone that just doesn't have the sharp hat on.

You could not be more right.

I've called about activating a Access card and been told some BS stuff that I knew wasn't true and I just hung up on them...Called back and the next guy took care of my problem right then.

Just because people work for DirecTV doesn't mean that they know everything.

A lot of times they are wrong. You just need to get that right person.

And that has happened to me with DirecTV AND Cable personnel
Bleu Star;1494961 said:
LMAO...You can't be serious Yeagermeister. I believe I lost my dish reception twice last year and not once yet this year. Twice in 365 days. God bless the dish.

Both times were VERY bad storms in which the TV should have been on anyway. Then again, I live in Florida. YMMV

I'm dead serious. Every time it stormed or just rained I lost reception.
The ONLY gripe I have had about cable is the lack of NFLN. Other than that, I think cable beats a dish hands down.
dogunwo;1495018 said:
The ONLY gripe I have had about cable is the lack of NFLN. Other than that, I think cable beats a dish hands down.

That totally depends on the cable company you're dealing with. The same can be said for dish but, with regards to NFL programming we're basically talking DirecTV versus whatever cable company you toss out there. Mediocrecom doesn't even come close.
I had NFL Sunday ticket for several years then I dropped the whole DTV thing for a few years.
In the meantime I dropped my land line.
When I inquired about restarting my DTV service to get NFL Ticket they informed me I needed a land line to get that package.
Thought I read somewhere that was in order to keep updating the scripts on the cards so they can't be hacked.
But some here are stating they have no land line phone service and are still able to get the NFL Ticket? Is that correct?
Yeagermeister;1494516 said:
You do if you want a dvr.

Nope not true. I have had DVR for over a yr and only recently got a land line phone.
2much2soon;1495047 said:
I had NFL Sunday ticket for several years then I dropped the whole DTV thing for a few years.
In the meantime I dropped my land line.
When I inquired about restarting my DTV service to get NFL Ticket they informed me I needed a land line to get that package.
Thought I read somewhere that was in order to keep updating the scripts on the cards so they can't be hacked.
But some here are stating they have no land line phone service and are still able to get the NFL Ticket? Is that correct?

I DO have a land line in my house, but I've had DirecTV for 9 years and haven't had it hooked up to a phone the entire time. I've had DVR upgrades, service calls, yadda, yadda, yadda for years and never had it hooked to a land line.


2much2soon;1495047 said:
But some here are stating they have no land line phone service and are still able to get the NFL Ticket? Is that correct?

I have enjoyed it every single year for the last 5 years with zero land lines running to my boxes.
Bleu Star;1495078 said:
I have enjoyed it every single year for the last 5 years with zero land lines running to my boxes.

so I got one of the dummies when I called customer service, apparently.
I am PO'ed because I just found out that the developement where I am moving into this month does not allow dish services...

What am I gonna do?
smarta5150;1495101 said:
I am PO'ed because I just found out that the developement where I am moving into this month does not allow dish services...

What am I gonna do?

OMG.. That is a travesty!
Bleu Star;1495107 said:
OMG.. That is a travesty!

Here's what he needs to do:

1. Purchase a dish system

2. Install it in the middle of the night

3. Hide the dish with one of the camouflage units or satellite 'rocks' on this page-->

4. Choose the online bill pay method and eliminate any type of paper trail (i.e. no paper bills)

5. Shoot any potential squealers. :D

6. Enjoy great satellite tv!
You guys need Verizon Fios, they offer NFL Network in HD, it's awesome when watching the games! Best HD games on TV!
DallasEast;1495116 said:
Here's what he needs to do:

1. Purchase a dish system

2. Install it in the middle of the night

3. Hide the dish with one of the camouflage units or satellite 'rocks' on this page-->

4. Choose the online bill pay method and eliminate any type of paper trail (i.e. no paper bills)

5. Shoot any potential squealers. :D

6. Enjoy great satellite tv!

:lmao: That's great!
dogunwo;1495018 said:
The ONLY gripe I have had about cable is the lack of NFLN. Other than that, I think cable beats a dish hands down.

You probably dont even know the difference.

Take this from someone who has had cable his entire life and recently switched to Directv... THERE IS NO COMPARISON. I never, ever want to go back to crappy comcast or anything like it. I get better channels, better picture quality, and an overall better experience than I ever got from cable. Its time for some of you to join 2007 with the rest of us. Get a friggin land line (is this really an 2007?!?!) and enjoy the best television available.
It's about time the NFL lost something... Sometimes the NFL really gets on my nerves.

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