AUDIO: Irvin on Mike and Mike - DB disses Big Bill

I've been saying on this board since Monday night that Bledsoe's INSUBORDINATION was just as much a factor in Parcells' decision to PUBLICLY HUMILIATE Bledsoe and pull him at halftime of a huge Monday Night game as throwing an INT at the goalline. That was when Parcells decided enough is enough!!

My question has been...How many more times this year has this happened that we don't know about?

I've thought Glenn being featured was a result of just Drew's comfort with him and of course that's a big factor, but what if Drew wasn't going with the primary reads and instead going directly to Glenn? That would be a big liabilty to our offense.

I'm so glad we are past the Bledsoe era!
mickgreen58;1119361 said:
Come to think about it, who was the guy Jimmy Johnson cut for sleeping during a meeting?

Those were the good old days :p: .

John Roper I think or was it Swervin Curvin Richards. Maybe both for the same reason.
CaptainAmerica;1119396 said:
I've been saying on this board since Monday night that Bledsoe's INSUBORDINATION was just as much a factor in Parcells' decision to PUBLICLY HUMILIATE Bledsoe and pull him at halftime of a huge Monday Night game as throwing an INT at the goalline. That was when Parcells decided enough is enough!!

I don't know if it was insubordination as much as it was just bad decision making.

Bledsoe has a history of being a bit 'liberal' shall we say with plays, and honestly since he took that whack to the head in preseason he has been much, much worse this year than even last year.

But yeah, I'm glad its done. Despite putting up some big points on bad teams, this offense hasn't really looked in synch all year, and Bledsoe re-writing the playbook mid game may be a big reason why.
wileedog;1119404 said:
I don't know if it was insubordination as much as it was just bad decision making.

Bledsoe has a history of being a bit 'liberal' shall we say with plays, and honestly since he took that whack to the head in preseason he has been much, much worse this year than even last year.

But yeah, I'm glad its done. Despite putting up some big points on bad teams, this offense hasn't really looked in synch all year, and Bledsoe re-writing the playbook mid game may be a big reason why.

"Too much improvasation, too many mistakes..."
wileedog;1119404 said:
I don't know if it was insubordination as much as it was just bad decision making.

Bledsoe has a history of being a bit 'liberal' shall we say with plays, and honestly since he took that whack to the head in preseason he has been much, much worse this year than even last year.

But yeah, I'm glad its done. Despite putting up some big points on bad teams, this offense hasn't really looked in synch all year, and Bledsoe re-writing the playbook mid game may be a big reason why.

Look, when you, as the QB, talk on the sidelines with the HC and the other coaches and they decide the play is to go one way and before you even look in the direction of the play that the HC called you instantaneously throw it to the other side of the field and the player YOU WERE TELLING THE COACH YOU WANTED to throw it to, I call that INSUBORDINATION.

But that's jmo. :)
I believe this if you add up the clues.

Parcells mentioned Bledsoe and improvising - That's not usually a word associated with Bledsoe.

Parcells said the play was designed to go to the other side.

No QB in the world would look at that defense and decide an out to Glenn was the best option. Quick outs won't work with press coverage on the goal line. There was no reading of that defense, Bledsoe knew where he was going before he left the huddle.

It would be ironic if it's true though. You have a cancer (Owens) but treatment for that cancer finally shows you an even more lethal brain tumor.
StanleySpadowski;1119640 said:
No QB in the world would look at that defense and decide an out to Glenn was the best option. Quick outs won't work with press coverage on the goal line. There was no reading of that defense, Bledsoe knew where he was going before he left the huddle.

I tend to agree. If he was 'reading' anything he would have been looking where 3 receivers were going into the pattern, not one. There was no pressure on him whatsoever, and Glenn was never close to being anything resembling open.

Drew just lined up and threw it where he thought Glenn was going. Period. I don't recall him looking to the right at all, and if he did it was for a split second at most - certainly not enough time to check down on 3 recievers (two of whom were open).

Again, i don't know if it was insubordination per se, but there is no doubt in my mind Drew had decided where he was going to throw the ball before he even went under center.
As I've said before, Glenn will not want this qb change. See he won't beable to say crap like he's the #1 go to guy in dallas when he doesn't have clear favortism in his way. If Romo is going to favor anyone it's going to be TO, he's the one who can make him look the best and splash him across NFLN and ESPN every week in a positive manor (best friend of a rookie). Next in line will be the younger guys whom Romo is very familar with having worked so much with them these past few years on 2nd team.

Going back to Glenn's comments last week; I wouldn't be surprised if they might have helped Bill see more clearly what was really going on, and then like the reports say, in a live game situation Drew went right ahead and showed him. Bill isn't stupid and it doesn't matter how much longer he's known TG or even if he likes him best of all players he's ever coached, Bill clearly knows Terry is not in the same league as TO talentwise and there is a serious problem if his starting qb is trying to sway things the errant way.
goshan;1119078 said:
Did you guys just hear?

Irvin says that on the sideline before the Glenn redzone Int, Bledsoe and the coaches were discussing the play call. The coaches wanted to throw the fade to TO but Bledsoe said he wanted to throw the Quick Out (Oscar) to Glenn. TO was standing right there.

The coaches then decide to overrule DB and go with the fade to TO but when the play is run, Drew improvises and goes ahead and throws the out to Glenn (the play he wanted to run).

If this is true, no wonder Parcells was so POed and pulled him out of the game.

Audio Link provided by dcfanatic
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LOL! Bye Bye Terry Glenn Man Lover.
I heard that Bledsoe actually wanted to run the old STATUE of Liberty Play :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1:
CA said:
My question has been...How many more times this year has this happened that we don't know about?

I've thought Glenn being featured was a result of just Drew's comfort with him and of course that's a big factor, but what if Drew wasn't going with the primary reads and instead going directly to Glenn? That would be a big liabilty to our offense.
I agree, and I think it's been happening a LOT. That's why Bledsoe would wait and wait and wait for Terry to come open... Problem is, if he got enough time, it would often work, because Terry is so good. But that probably just encouraged Drew to keep doing it.

That goalline INT, though, was absolutely horrible and was either insubordination or outright stupidity. If a QB can't or won't even run the play the way it's drawn up, what good is he?
GlitzCowboy;1120485 said:
As I've said before, Glenn will not want this qb change. See he won't beable to say crap like he's the #1 go to guy in dallas when he doesn't have clear favortism in his way.

TG has already gone on record saying he was disappointed Bledsoe lost his job, but with his typical grace and maturity concluded that 'the coaches get paid to coach', and he 'to play'. And yes, Terry was ASKED who the go-to guy was last week, and as Clarence Hill put it, "quietly" responded he was. Of course, any receiver worth his salt is going to have to believe he is the 'man'. I'd be disappointed if even a receiver as inexperienced as Crayton said otherwise.

The dif between TG and the resident loudmouth is Glenn doesn't boast, strut, or 'declare' himself God on a daily basis, unelicited. Only when ASKED, does he ever talk about himself. Then he calmly and confidently just makes sense.

As for 'clear favoritism', that is a crock. Naturally Bledsoe had more trust in TG, for the simple reason he is reliable and trustworthy. But Owens had more passes thrown his way this year than TG. If "clear favoritism" can't even get you equal share, it's something less than 'clear'. And of course, altho Owens was thrown to more, he caught fewer. Dropped more. That pattern will of course impress itself on Romo, and more importantly, continue to impress Bill.

If Romo is going to favor anyone it's going to be TO, he's the one who can make him look the best and splash him across NFLN and ESPN every week in a positive manor (best friend of a rookie). Next in line will be the younger guys whom Romo is very familar with having worked so much with them these past few years on 2nd team.

LAUGH! I thought "clear favoritism" was somehow not kosher. But obviously you delight in the prospect of TG not getting the on! :lmao2: Btw, that's "manner".

But seriously, we shall see... and what we shall see is Romo follow the path of the subsequent qbs TG has played with here. Funny thing happened when TG came to Dallas. Strong chemistry developed between him and Carter, altho both Galloway and Bryant had already played with Q. Then both Vinny and Key came in, and just as TG was accused of being Bledsoe's boy, Key was accused of being VT's. The haters predicted TG would be the odd man out. But very quickly TG developed chemisty with Vinnie, who remarked often how intelligent TG's game is. Had it not been for the 04 injury, this team would have gone somewhere with Vinny and TG and Key that season.

Going back to Glenn's comments last week; I wouldn't be surprised if they might have helped Bill see more clearly what was really going on, and then like the reports say, in a live game situation Drew went right ahead and showed him. Bill isn't stupid and it doesn't matter how much longer he's known TG or even if he likes him best of all players he's ever coached, Bill clearly knows Terry is not in the same league as TO talentwise and there is a serious problem if his starting qb is trying to sway things the errant way.

This is egregious reaching, but still hilarious. No Bill isn't stupid, and neither is anyone here. You've got the oddest hate thing for TG, but it is amusing.

You did hit on a very likely truth tho, that Terry Glenn is very probably the player Parcells has loved best of any he has ever, ever coached. I have never heard Bill speak as positively and fondly of any player as he does of T. There are over a half dozen pcs over the last few years that are literally love songs to Terry. Of course, they're always music to my ears. "no one here can cover him, the thoroughbred, the porsche, lightening fast, amazing quickness, a player, mature, a professional". And Bill's always heartfelt appreciation of how Terry overcame a childhood that most folks might not even have survived. The day Parcells throws just ONE heartfelt prop Owens' way I will be surprised. It will take far more than Bledsoe's benching to replace Terry Glenn in Bill's world.

Since arriving in 03, TG has already outlasted Bryant, the so-called heir apparent, Joey Galloway, so-called go-to, the beloved Keyshawn, and lesser lights like Price and Morgan. Still standing. The others, long gone.;)

TG'll outlast Owens as well. Owens IS a greater talent, but he is mentally unstable, disruptive, selfish, and as likely to turn on Romo as help him. He'll blow long before TG's sweet feet slow down.

I suspect in the end, Glenn's reliability, maturity, and selflessness will prove more valuable to Romo, and to the team. Certainly there is no question what he already means to Bill.

But do carry on, I always relish the ops to counter the incessant TG hate. I mean, I just couldn't go on like this without 'provocation', so it is appreciated. :)

I wonder tho, why it's so personal. And so extreme...but the hate for Terry seem to be in direct proportion to the worship of Owens.
Wow, LTN, a lot of words for something that is so obvious:

All you need to say was TG is a fantastic wide receiver. ;) 99.99% on this board will agree with you.
SultanOfSix;1121423 said:
Wow, LTN, a lot of words for something that is so obvious:

All you need to say was TG is a fantastic wide receiver. ;) 99.99% on this board will agree with you.

:laugh2: I warned ya... I enjoy it too much!!!
That would explain Bill saying "too much improvisation" or something like that after the game explaining the decision.

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